Celebrating International Museum Day

On May 18th the worldwide museum community celebrates International Museum Day. This day is an occasion to raise public awareness on how important museums are in the enrichment of cultural exchange, development of society, and cooperation among people. For more information on the theme and calendar of events, visit the International Council of Museums webpage.
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Introducing the Berghahn Migration and Development Studies collection

Berghahn Books is proud to be partnering with Knowledge Unlatched to present the Berghahn Migration and Development Studies collection. Every year until 2023 we are adding 20 front-list titles to the collection, covering the topics of international migration and movement as well as the social implications of economic and environmental change for communities. As libraries and institutions sign up for the collection and pledge their financial support, KU is able to fund the ‘unlatching’ of these books, making them available as Open Access.

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Celebrating International Day for Monuments & Sites, also known as World Heritage Day!

Celebrated yearly on April 18th, the International Day for Monuments and Sites, also known as World Heritage Day, encourages local communities and individuals throughout the world to consider the importance of cultural heritage to their lives and to promote awareness of its diversity and vulnerability and the efforts required to protect and conserve it. For information on this year’s theme please visit ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) webpage www.icomos.org.

In joining the celebration, Berghahn is excited to present relevant Heritage Studies titles and Journals, as well as highlight our Explorations in Heritage Studies series.

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The Berghahn Open Anthro Journey: Embarking on a discipline-driven equitable open access initiative, Part III

by Vivian Berghahn, Managing Director and Journals Editorial Director

The impact on authorship and readership that Berghahn Open Anthro – Subscribe-to-Open has had since the launch of the pilot has been substantial. There has been a 700% increase in downloads from 2019 when content was paywalled to 2022. We have seen a 200% increase by the end of 2022 from the end of 2020.

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AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Angela Rong Yang Zhang on At Home in a Nursing Home

ANGELA RONG YANG ZHANG received the Australian Government Postgraduate Award and Emerging Researchers in Ageing Conference Bursary in 2015 and is currently Aged Care Research & Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA) Grant supported researcher at College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Flinders University, Australia. Dr Zhang is also an Adjunct Fellow to School of Social Sciences at The University of Adelaide.

In this exclusive interview, Angela explores the inspiration and issues behind her new book, At Home in a Nursing Home: An Ethnography of Movement and Care in Australia.

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In the concluding part of our discussion of her new book A Magpie’s Tale, Anna tells us about the family she stayed with for the best part of a year – with sometimes as many as ten people in their small, two-room house – and how dramatic economic and political changes drastically changed the lives of many Kazakh families in Mongolia.

Read more: Author interview (PART 2): ANNA ODLAND PORTISCH on A MAGPIE’S TALE Continue reading “Author interview (PART 2): ANNA ODLAND PORTISCH on A MAGPIE’S TALE”