International Men’s Day

19 November 2024

November 19th is International Men’s Day, which recognises “worldwide the positive value men bring to the world, their families and communities […] highlight[ing] positive role models and raise awareness of men’s well-being”. The official theme for 2024 is “Positive Male Role Models”. This information has been taking from the official site. You can read more on International Men’s Day from their website here.

In the spirit of this day, we have compiled some of our titles looking at men’s studies right below, but you can also browse our website by Subject: Gender Studies and Sexuality here for more.

Following that, we have put together a small collection of some of our open access titles looking at men’s studies. You can browse our full collection of Open Access Gender Studies here, all entirely free to read, as well as in other subjects.

Further down, we have also listed some relevant journals.

At the bottom of this blog, we have attached four recent and relevant external author materials, including a BBC article, a Telegraph article, an author podcast interview, and a university interview with editors.

Click here to expand text for the details.

We have also attached six of our previous Berghahn Blog Materials that are tied to Men’s Studies.

Click here to expand text for more details.

Lastly, we want to highlight our ongoing sale, which some of the titles in this blog are included in.

Click here to expand text for more details.

In 2024, Berghahn Books is celebrating 30 years as a family-run press, and we want to thank you for your support! To celebrate, we are offering 30% off our top 30 all-time bestsellers in each of our biggest subjects. As well as 30% off our frontlist titles from January to June of 2024! Use code BERGHAHN30 for 30% off, available in all formats until December 31st, 2024.

Please click here to browse our full selection of titles on sale now!

Featured Books in Gender Studies looking at Men’s Studies

This title is currently on sale! enter code BERGHAHN30 in the cart for 30% off!

Intimate Histories

African Americans and Germany since 1933

Nadja Klopprogge

Intimate Histories focuses on intimate relations as sites of shared pasts connecting African American and German history in the years between 1933 and 1990. By tracing topics that include anti-miscegenation laws, forced sterilization, casual sexual encounters, marriage, and friendships, Intimate Histories broadens our understanding of African American–German relations during the so-called “century of extremes.”

Volume 12, Explorations in Culture and International History

Read freely available introduction here.

Fixing Motorcycles in Post-Repair Societies

Technology, Aesthetics and Gender

Gabriel Jderu

“The book draws attention to an overlooked area of mobility studies—repair and maintenance. It inventively demonstrates the social and political dimensions of technology and is especially attentive to gender distinctions and differences.” • Suzanne Ferriss, Nova Southeastern University

Volume 3, Politics of Repair

Read freely available introduction here.

Ӧmie Sex Affiliation

A Papuan Nature

Marta Rohatynskyj

The practice of affiliating the female child with the mother and the male child with the father was considered a rare and inexplicable practice in Papua New Guinean ethnography at the time the original data was collected some forty years ago. Marta Rohatynskyj undertakes a shift in her analytical concepts of kinship studies to reveal the deep-seated disjuncture between female and male that this practice represents. The author argues that this practice is associated with a totemic/animistic ontology and has currency in a particular type of Melanesian society.

Volume 14, ASAO Studies in Pacific Anthropology

Read freely available introduction here.

Gender, Power, and Non-Governance

Is Female to Male as NGO Is to State?

Edited by Andria D. Timmer and Elizabeth Wirtz

“Focusing on the gendered nature of NGO-state relationships it offers a wide spectrum of case studies covering all regions of the world. Diversity is an important asset of the volume: diversity of countries-from different regions, of different sizes, from different type of states (weak or strong), but also diversity of types of NGOs analyzed, diversity of topics proposed.” • Laura Grünberg, University of Bucharest

Read freely available introduction here.

The Precarity of Masculinity

Football, Pentecostalism, and Transnational Aspirations in Cameroon

Uroš Kovač

“The author has not only written one of the few anthropological accounts exploring the relations between neoliberalism, Pentecostalism, masculinity, and the commercialization of professional sports, but also refutes too easily made assumptions about a crisis of masculinity affecting societies on the African continent and elsewhere.” • Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute

Read freely available introduction here.

Medieval Intersections

Gender and Status in Europe in the Middle Ages

Edited by Katherine Weikert and Elena Woodacre

“This is a stimulating collection overall that contains a number of well-written contributions inviting any reader to ask more questions. The book convincingly shows what paying attention to the construction of gendered identities can bring to our understanding of medieval societies, their texts, and objects.” • H-Soz-Kult

Read freely available introduction here.

How is a Man Supposed to be a Man?

Male Childlessness – a Life Course Disrupted

Robin A. Hadley

“a groundbreaking book shining the light on men and their experiences, how men may feel when they don’t end up having children for one reason or another e.g. not meeting the right person, infertility.” • Guild of Health Writers

Volume 48, Fertility, Reproduction and Sexuality: Social and Cultural Perspectives

Read freely available introduction here.

Cinemas of Boyhood

Masculinity, Sexuality, Nationality

Edited by Timothy Shary

“The organizational scheme is laudable—Shary includes essays on individual films, auteurs, decades, and national cinemas. Future works on boyhood in cinema could build on any of these organizational categories to contribute to this nascent field…Highly Recommended.” • Choice

Read freely available introduction here.

Modernity and the Unmaking of Men

Violeta Schubert

“This book contains a wealth of ethnographic detail on kinship, marriage, and masculinity in rural Macedonia in the post-Socialist period.  With her focus on “the village scape,” Schubert adds fresh insights to understandings of modernity and the state.” • Deborah Reed-Danahay, University of Buffalo

Volume 1, New Anthropologies of Europe: Perspectives and Provocations

Read freely available introduction here.

Men Under Fire

Motivation, Morale, and Masculinity among Czech Soldiers in the Great War, 1914–1918

Jiří Hutečka

“Hutečka accomplished his goal of using gender to illuminate Czech soldiers’ motivation. He deserves praise for writing an effective and useful book that should be read by students and historians of gender and war.” • Journal of Military History

Volume 26, Austrian and Habsburg Studies

Read freely available introduction here.

Being a Sperm Donor

Masculinity, Sexuality, and Biosociality in Denmark

Sebastian Mohr

“An important, original contribution to the anthropology of reproduction. Mohr does an excellent job of presenting multiple, fascinating perspectives on this subject. The ethnographic material is superb and his framing of it is appropriate and convincing.” • Linda Layne, University of Cambridge

Volume 40, Fertility, Reproduction and Sexuality: Social and Cultural Perspectives

Read freely available introduction here.

Reconceiving Muslim Men

Love and Marriage, Family and Care in Precarious Times

Edited by Marcia C. Inhorn and Nefissa Naguib

“This volume is an important correction to various types of literature, from within anthropology as well as from other disciplinary fields… it will become a significant contribution to the field of masculinity in general and to Muslim men in particular.” • Leif Manger, University of Bergen

Volume 38, Fertility, Reproduction and Sexuality: Social and Cultural Perspectives

Read freely available introduction here.

Edited by Marcia C. Inhorn and Nefissa Naguib

Open Access Books in Gender Studies looking at Men’s Studies

Here are some of our relevent open access titles. Browse our full collection of Open Access Gender Studies here, all entirely free to read.

From Our Blog: Author interviews, author articles, excerpts…

Pamela Moss and Michael J. Prince
Open Access

“Gaining insight into the effects of various configurations of power and knowledge, including future analyses of moral injury, toxic masculinity, structural racism, and political extremism, can open up more space to address the restrictions imposed on the burned-out soldiers’ minds, bodies, and souls.”

Theodoros Rakopoulos
Open Access

“The continuity here reflects kinship, clanship, genealogy, and ideologies of masculinity that cannot be underestimated. “

Clothes, Men, Instagram – suits you sir
by Joshua M. Bluteau

“[F]rom the bespoke tailor’s shops of London’s Savile Row through to the social media platform Instagram, and casts an anthropological lens on men, their clothes, social media use, and notions of individuality.”

Myths around Men
by Dr Robin A Hadley

“There are many myths around men, manhood and masculinity when it comes to both age and reproduction.”

Does the Man Make the Motorcycle or the Motorcycle the Man? by Sasha Disko

“[I]n the discourse of motorcycling as a whole, proper masculinity was rhetorically disassociated from conspicuous consumption. The act of masculine consumption was concealed behind the twin pillars of modern manliness: production and possession”

A place for sexually variant and gender non-conforming America

“[F]eaturing titles edited by Katherine Crawford-Lackey and Megan E. Springate that emphasize the history and preservation of two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer settings in the United States.”

Berghahn Journals


Jonathan A. Allan, Brandon University, Canada
Chris Haywood, Newcastle University, UK 
Frank G. Karioris, University of Pittsburgh, USA

JBSM is a new peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal that brings together critical studies of men and masculinities and sexuality studies. Its remit is to bring these two fields together to better understand the complexities of masculinities and sexualities, and especially the way they intersect with one another.

Current Issue: Volume 5, Issue 1: Viral Masculinities. Guest Edited by João Florêncio

An Interdisciplinary Journal

Interim Editors: 
Jonathan A. Allan, Brandon University
Chris Haywood, Newcastle University

Boyhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal is a peer-reviewed journal providing a forum for the discussion of boyhood, young masculinities, and boys’ lives by exploring the full scale of intricacies, challenges, and legacies that inform male and masculine developments. Boyhood Studies is committed to a critical and international scope and solicits both articles and special issue proposals from a variety of research fields including, but not limited to, the social and psychological sciences, historical and cultural studies, philosophy, and social, legal, and health studies.

Current Issue: Volume 17, Issue 1: Global South Perspectives on Youth Masculinities. Guest Edited by Veena Mani and Shannon Philip

You might also be interested in these recent author materials…

BBC article including research from
‘How is a Man Supposed to be a Man?’, Hadley
Author podcast interview from author of
‘Children are Everywhere’, Dr Joshi
Interview with editors of ‘Girls in Global Development’,
Switzer, Bent, and Desai
Telegraph article by author Robin Hadley on
‘The crushing truth about being childless at 64’

In 2024, Berghahn Books is celebrating 30 years as a family-run press, and we want to thank you for your support! To celebrate, we are offering 30% off our top 30 all-time bestsellers in each of our biggest subjects. As well as 30% off our frontlist titles from January to June of 2024! Use code BERGHAHN30 for 30% off, available in all formats until December 31st, 2024.

Please click here to browse our full selection of titles on sale now!

International Day of the Girl Child

Today is the United Nations’ International Day of the Girl Child, and this year’s theme is ‘Girls’ vision for the future’.

Click to expand text: The UN explains more on this year’s International Day of the Girl Child

Today’s generation of girls is disproportionately affected by global crises of climate, conflict, poverty and pushback on hard won gains for human rights and gender equality. Too many girls are still denied their rights, restricting their choices and limiting their futures.

Yet, recent analysis shows that girls are not only courageous in the face of crisis, but hopeful for the future. Every day, they are taking action to realize a vision of a world in which all girls are protected, respected and empowered. But girls cannot realize this vision alone. They need allies who listen to and respond to their needs. 

With the right support, resources and opportunities, the potential of the world’s more than 1.1 billion girls is limitless. And when girls lead, the impact is immediate and wide reaching: families, communities and economies are all stronger, our future brighter. It is time to listen to girls, to invest in proven solutions that will accelerate progress towards a future in which every girl can fulfil her potential.

Read Five game-changing solutions with and for adolescent girls, the background of International Day of the Girl Child, Vanessa Nakate on how the climate crisis impacts girls, and more from the UN page here.

In the spirit of this day, we have compiled a collection of some of our titles looking at girlhood below, with free to read introductions and some open access titles.

For more content, you can browse though our books by subject ‘Gender Studies and Sexuality’ here, or take a look at our book series ‘Transnational Girlhoods’ here.

To be published January 2025

Girls Take Action

Activism Networks by, for, and with Girls and Young Women

Edited by Catherine Vanner

The repression of the rights of girls and women is continuously threatened in a wide range of global cultural contexts. From the rise in laws restricting reproductive freedom to the growth in essentialist ideas about gender and the backlash to the #MeToo movement, the challenges facing girls and young women are as diverse as the activism networks established to address them. Girls Take Action shines light on the myriad ways girls and young women are exercising agency in the face of injustice, considering especially the role of community and collaboration in fostering activism networks and ultimately a more transnational understanding of girlhood.

Volume 8, Transnational Girlhoods

To be published November 2024

Becoming Good Women

Schooling, Aspirations and Imagining the Future Among Female Students in Sri Lanka

Laura Shamali Batatota

For female Sinhalese students attending a national school in the Central Province of Sri Lanka, the school serves as a significant base for cultural production, particularly in reproducing ethno-religious hegemony under the guise of ‘good’ Buddhist girls. It illustrates that tuition space acts as an important site for placemaking, where students play out their cosmopolitan aspirations whilst acquiring educational capital. Drawing on theories of social reproduction, the book examines young people’s aspirations of ‘figuring out’ their identity and visions of the future in the backdrop of nation-building processes within the school.

Volume 7, Lifeworlds: Knowledges, Politics, Histories

Open Access

Black Schoolgirls in Space

Stories of Black Girlhoods Gathered on Educational Terrain

Edited by Esther O. Ohito and Lucía Mock Muñoz de Luna

Locating Black girls’ desires, needs, knowledge bases, and lived experiences in relation to their social identities has become increasingly important in the study of transnational girlhoods. Black Schoolgirls in Space pushes this discourse even further by exploring how Black girls negotiate and navigate borders of blackness, gender, and girlhood in educational spaces. The contributors of this collected volume highlight Black girls as actors and agents of not only girlhood but also the larger, transnational educational worlds in which their girlhoods are contained.

Volume 7, Transnational Girlhoods

Read freely available introduction, and more with Open Access.

Girls in Global Development

Figurations of Gendered Power

Edited by Heather Switzer, Karishma Desai, and Emily Bent

“This collection is a well-imagined, important, incisive contribution to the fields of girlhood studies, development studies, and gender studies that deftly exposes the contradictions, complications, and limits of the “Girls in Development” paradigm and the ways it shapes the current landscape of development and thus the lives of girls around the world.” • Jessica Taft, University of California Santa Cruz

Volume 6, Transnational Girlhoods

Read freely available introduction.

Open Access

The Girl in the Pandemic

Transnational Perspectives

Edited by Claudia Mitchell and Ann Smith

The Girl in the Pandemic makes a unique and much-needed contribution to the scholarship on Girlhood Studies in times of crises in different global contexts and particularly including scholarship from the global south and north.” • Relebohile Moletsane, University of KwaZulu-Natal

Volume 5, Transnational Girlhoods

Read freely available introduction, and more with Open Access.

Punching Back

Gender, Religion and Belonging in Women-Only Kickboxing

Jasmijn Rana

“Jasmijn Rana has written an engaging, well-crafted and long-anticipated ethnography of the intersectionally gendered and racialized experience of Muslim Dutch women, drawn from her own apprenticeship in women-only kickboxing venues in the southern neighbourhoods of The Hague.” • Paul Silverstein, Reed College

Volume 5, New Anthropologies of Europe: Perspectives and Provocations

Read freely available introduction.

Ӧmie Sex Affiliation

A Papuan Nature

Marta Rohatynskyj

“It offers a unique contribution to the literature on Papua New Guinea societies. The ethnography was collected at a time when it was possible to engage with people who had witnessed and participated in complex rites which have lapsed or been replaced by recent introductions.” • James Leach, CNRS

Volume 14, ASAO Studies in Pacific Anthropology

Read freely available introduction.

An American Icon in Puerto Rico

Barbie, Girlhood, and Colonialism at Play

Emily R. Aguiló-Pérez

“The book provides a thought-provoking and insightful exploration of the transnational impact of Barbie as a cultural object, highlighting the importance of critically examining the cultural products that shape our understanding of gender, race, and identity.” • Women’s Studies

Volume 4, Transnational Girlhoods

Read freely available introduction.

Living Like a Girl

Agency, Social Vulnerability and Welfare Measures in Europe and Beyond

Edited by Maria A. Vogel and Linda Arnell

“This collection truly captures what it means to live like a girl in contemporary Europe, and it is sure to be a key resource for scholars working in the area for years to come.” • Fiona Vera-Gray, Durham University

Volume 3, Transnational Girlhoods

Read freely available introduction.

Ethical Practice in Participatory Visual Research with Girls

Transnational Approaches

Edited by Relebohile Moletsane, Lisa Wiebesiek, Astrid Treffry-Goatley, and April Mandrona

“[This] is an outstanding book with highly fascinating chapter contributions theorizing significant issues of co-researchers, and thereby offering a how-to for conducting participatory research in an ethical manner.” • Participatory Research Methods

Volume 2, Transnational Girlhoods

Read freely available introduction.

Deconstructing Dolls

Girlhoods and the Meanings of Play

Edited by Miriam Forman-Brunell

In recent decades, emerging scholarship in the field of girlhood studies has led to a particular interest in dolls as sources of documentary evidence. Deconstructing Dolls pushes the boundaries of doll studies by expanding the definition of dolls, ages of doll players, sites of play, research methods, and application of theory. By utilizing a variety of new approaches, this collected volume seeks to understand the historical and contemporary significance of dolls and girlhood play, particularly as they relate to social meanings in the lives of girls and young women across race, age, time, and culture.

Read freely available introduction.

The Girl in the Text

Edited by Ann Smith

“Ann Smith’s collection provides both inspiration and a challenge to readers, writers, and researchers of girls and girls themselves to transverse physical and conceptual borders critically to write their own transnational girl into lived and textual existence.” • Girlhood Studies

Volume 1, Transnational Girlhoods

Read freely available introduction.

For more content, you can browse though our books by subject ‘Gender Studies and Sexuality’ here, or take a look at our books series ‘Transnational Girlhoods’ here.

Berghahn Journals

Girlhood Studies
An Interdisciplinary Journal

Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal is a peer-reviewed journal providing a forum for the critical discussion of girlhood from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, and for the dissemination of current research and reflections on girls’ lives to a broad, cross-disciplinary audience of scholars, researchers, practitioners in the fields of education, social service and health care and policy makers.

The International Yearbook of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European Women’s and Gender History 

Aspasia is the international peer-reviewed annual of women’s and gender history of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe (CESEE). It aims to transform European women’s and gender history by expanding comparative research on women and gender to all parts of Europe, creating a European history of women and gender that encompasses more than the traditional Western European perspective.

You might also be interested in these blog posts…

Women’s Equality Day

Women’s Equality Day is celebrated each year on August 26th to commemorate the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the right to vote.

Today the observance of Women’s Equality Day has grown to mean much more than just sharing the right to the vote, but also calls attention to women’s continuing efforts toward full equality. Numerous International organisations continue to work to provide women across the globe with equal opportunities to education and employment, pushing against suppression and violence towards women and against the discrimination and stereotyping which still occur in every society. For more information on the history and for further resources please visit

To be published in November 2024


Schooling, Aspirations and Imagining the Future Among Female Students in Sri Lanka

Laura Shamali Batatota

Volume 7, Lifeworlds: Knowledges, Politics, Histories

For female Sinhalese students attending a national school in the Central Province of Sri Lanka, the school serves as a significant base for cultural production, particularly in reproducing ethno-religious hegemony under the guise of ‘good’ Buddhist girls. It illustrates that tuition space acts as an important site for placemaking, where students play out their cosmopolitan aspirations whilst acquiring educational capital. Drawing on theories of social reproduction, the book examines young people’s aspirations of ‘figuring out’ their identity and visions of the future in the backdrop of nation-building processes within the school.

Open Access


Stories of Black Girlhoods Gathered on Educational Terrain

Edited by Esther O. Ohito and Lucía Mock Muñoz de Luna

Volume 7, Transnational Girlhoods

Locating Black girls’ desires, needs, knowledge bases, and lived experiences in relation to their social identities has become increasingly important in the study of transnational girlhoods. Black Schoolgirls in Space pushes this discourse even further by exploring how Black girls negotiate and navigate borders of blackness, gender, and girlhood in educational spaces. The contributors of this collected volume highlight Black girls as actors and agents of not only girlhood but also the larger, transnational educational worlds in which their girlhoods are contained.

Read Introduction


Sterilization, Care and Reproductive Chronicity in Rural North India

Eva Fiks

Volume 4, Lifeworlds: Knowledges, Politics, Histories

“The book draws on detailed ethnographic research and is rich with empirical details that are framed within larger debates on women’s health, care, and state formation. The introduction immediately draws in the reader. It is a well-written and well-researched book.” • Lipika Kamra, Jindal Global University

Read Introduction


Representations of Modern Women in the German Illustrated Press, 1920-1960

Jennifer Lynn

In this comprehensive, long-view study on the concept of the Neue or Moderne Frau (New or Modern Woman) that spans the Weimar Republic, Third Reich, post-war period, and a divided Germany, Contested Femininities explores how different political and social groups constructed images of women to present competing visions of the future. It takes the highly contested representations of women presented in the illustrated press and examines how they emerged as crucial markers of modernity. In doing so it reveals the surprising continuity of these images across political periods and reflects on how debates over paid work, the gender division of labor in the household, the politics of the body, and consumption, played a central role in how different German regimes defined the Modern Woman.

Read Introduction

Open Access


The Reproductive Politics of Second Trimester Pregnancy Loss in England

Aimee Louise Middlemiss

Volume 54, Fertility, Reproduction and Sexuality: Social and Cultural Perspectives

“In this original and conceptually sophisticated project Middlemiss handles incredibly difficult interview material with extraordinary sensitivity and care. She does not shy away from difficult details but makes these often very raw stories more understandable through serious analytic work.” • Linda L. Layne, University of Cambridge

Read Introduction


Figurations of Gendered Power

Edited by Heather Switzer, Karishma Desai, and Emily Bent

Volume 6, Transnational Girlhoods

“This collection is a well-imagined, important, incisive contribution to the fields of girlhood studies, development studies, and gender studies that deftly exposes the contradictions, complications, and limits of the “Girls in Development” paradigm and the ways it shapes the current landscape of development and thus the lives of girls around the world.” • Jessica Taft, University of California Santa Cruz

Read Introduction

Gender in Germany and Beyond

Exploring the Legacy of Jean Quataert
Edited by Jennifer V. Evans and Shelley E. Rose

“This is a collection of excellent scholarly historical essay honoring the late professor Jean H. Quataert. The articles by her colleagues and her former students further explore research themes (labor, law, and human rights) that were especially important features of Quataert’s own scholarly development” • Karen Offen, Stanford University

Read Introduction

Girl in the Pandemic

Open Access

Transnational Perspectives
Edited by Claudia Mitchell and Ann Smith

Volume 5, Transnational Girlhoods

The Girl in the Pandemic makes a unique and much-needed contribution to the scholarship on Girlhood Studies in times of crises in different global contexts and particularly including scholarship from the global south and north.” • Relebohile Moletsane, University of KwaZulu-Natal

Read Introduction

Cosmopolitan Refugees

Somali Migrant Women in Nairobi and Johannesburg
Nereida Ripero-Muñiz

Volume 44, Forced Migration

“This is a fine book that offers fascinating comparative material from two well-chosen locations to discuss the lives and identity of Somali women migrants in Kenya and South Africa. It is theoretically astute and contains much important ethnographic material. I can see it becoming a key reference for the study of Somali diaspora in particular, and diaspora and identity in general.”                 • Neil Carrier, University of Bristol

Read Introduction

Punching Back

Gender, Religion and Belonging in Women-Only Kickboxing
Jasmijn Rana

Volume 5, New Anthropologies of Europe: Perspectives and Provocations

“Jasmijn Rana has written an engaging, well-crafted and long-anticipated ethnography of the intersectionally gendered and racialized experience of Muslim Dutch women, drawn from her own apprenticeship in women-only kickboxing venues in the southern neighbourhoods of The Hague.” • Paul Silverstein, Reed College

Read Introduction

Paperback Available

Gender, Education, and Global Delays in Marriage and Childbearing
Edited by Marcia C. Inhorn and Nancy J. Smith-Hefner

Volume 47, Fertility, Reproduction and Sexuality: Social and Cultural Perspectives

“Using a wide range of qualitative and quantitative methods with participants from multiple countries, contributing authors find that there are multiple ways to understand the liminality implied by “waithood.”…This book could be used in courses on political science, women’s studies, sociology, and ethnic studies…Recommended” • Choice

Read Introduction

To see more of our titles on Gender Studies, follow this link.

Berghahn Journals

Girlhood Studies
An Interdisciplinary Journal

Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal is a peer-reviewed journal providing a forum for the critical discussion of girlhood from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, and for the dissemination of current research and reflections on girls’ lives to a broad, cross-disciplinary audience of scholars, researchers, practitioners in the fields of education, social service and health care and policy makers.

The International Yearbook of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European Women’s and Gender History 

Special Issue: A Hundred Years of International Women’s Day in CESEE

Aspasia is the international peer-reviewed annual of women’s and gender history of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe (CESEE). It aims to transform European women’s and gender history by expanding comparative research on women and gender to all parts of Europe, creating a European history of women and gender that encompasses more than the traditional Western European perspective.


For updates on these and other Berghahn titles as well as all other exciting developments from Berghahn Books, become a Facebook fan, follow us

on  Tumblr or Follow us on Twitter! Twitter.  Related imageSign up for our email newsletters to get customized updates on new Berghahn publications.

Women’s Equality Day

Women’s Equality Day is celebrated each year on August 26th to commemorate the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the right to vote.

Today the observance of Women’s Equality Day has grown to mean much more than just sharing the right to the vote, but also calls attention to women’s continuing efforts toward full equality. Numerous International organisations continue to work to provide women across the globe with equal opportunities to education and employment, pushing against suppression and violence towards women and against the discrimination and stereotyping which still occur in every society. For more information on the history and for further resources please visit

Use code 19TH to explore a special issue of Aspasia devoted to women’s and gender history. Redemption details.

Continue reading “Women’s Equality Day”

Author Article: Servants of Culture: Paternalism, Policing, and Identity Politics in Vienna, 1700-1914

Ambika Natarajan discusses her new book, Servants of Culture: Paternalism, Policing, and Identity Politics in Vienna, 1700-1914, which provides an account of Habsburg servant law since the eighteenth century and uncovers the paternalistic and maternalistic assumptions and anxieties which turned the interest of socio-political players in improving poor living and working conditions into practices that created restrictive gender and class hierarchies.

Continue reading “Author Article: Servants of Culture: Paternalism, Policing, and Identity Politics in Vienna, 1700-1914”

Celebrating Women

Women’s History Month, celebrated during March in the US, and International Women’s day, celebrated March 8th across the world, present an opportunity to honor women’s contributions to history, culture and society while calling for greater equality.

In recognition, Berghahn is delighted to offer discount code IWD2022 for 25% off all Gender Studies print & eBooks throughout March. In addition, Berghahn Journals is offering FREE access to Girlhood Studies until March 15th. Scroll down to view redemption details and read Open Access volumes of the journal Aspasia: The International Yearbook of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European Women’s and Gender History.

Continue reading “Celebrating Women”