World Architecture Day

Happy World Architecture Day!

As described by the International Union of Architects, “World Architecture Day (WAD), created by the International Union of Architects (UIA) in 1985,  is celebrated annually on the first Monday of October. This day coincides with the United Nations World Habitat Day, aligning the architectural community’s efforts with global urban development goals.”. This year’s theme is ‘Empowering the next generation to participate in urban design’. Read more from their page here.

In the spirit of this day, we have compiled some of our Architecture titles below, spanning across subjects, with free to read introductions.

You may also be interested in our series Space and Place:

Bodily, geographic, and architectural sites are embedded with cultural knowledge and social value. This series provides ethnographically rich analyses of the cultural organization and meanings of these sites of space, architecture, landscape, and places of the body. Contributions examine the symbolic meanings of space and place, the cultural and historical processes involved in their construction and contestation, and how they communicate with wider political, religious, social, and economic institutions.

Smoke and Mirrors

The Yenidze Cigarette Factory, Dresden

David Nielsen

The Yenidze Cigarette Factory of 1909 was constructed as an industrial, architectural object that advertised Dresden as a center for the tobacco trade. Born from a unique client-architect relationship between Hugo Zietz and Martin Hammitzsch, the factory’s importance to modernism has been understated. Smoke and Mirrors uncovers the history of the factory’s planning, design, and construction, and for the first time, apart from the building’s historical narrative, positions this addition to Dresden’s skyline within the formative histories of the modern movement.

Volume 22, Space and Place

Read freely available introduction.

Transforming Author Museums

From Sites of Pilgrimage to Cultural Hubs

Edited by Ulrike Spring, Johan Schimanski and Thea Aarbakke

“This is a fine and rich collection of essays on the topic of the literary museum, notably on the writer’s house museum. It offers engaging perspectives and new horizons that in the international scholarship on this topic will be highly appreciated.” • Harald Hendrix, University of Utrecht

Volume 13, Museums and Collections

Read freely available introduction.

Houses Transformed

Anthropological Perspectives on Changing Practices of Dwelling and Building

Edited by Jonathan Alderman and Rosalie Stolz

“An interesting and worthwhile collection, covering a wide range of different themes relating to change and transformation related to the house.” • Monica Janowski, University of London

Read freely available introduction.

Poverty Archaeology

Architecture, Material Culture and the Workhouse under the New Poor Law

Charlotte Newman and Katherine Fennelly

“This is an excellent and fascinating examination of how archaeology can inform the study of poverty in nineteenth century England. The work takes as its focus the exploration of workhouses and how the analysis of the built material culture can aid our understanding of them. It exemplifies the value of using detailed case studies to interrogate and critique national models and understandings of social experience. To tell, what Hicks and Beaudry have called, ‘stories that matter’.” • Matthew Jenkins, University of York

Read freely available introduction.

Structures of Protection?

Rethinking Refugee Shelter

Edited by Tom Scott-Smith and Mark E. Breeze

“While there has been an exponential growth in the literature on refugees and forced migration over the past decade, the issue of shelter has received very little attention. This volume fills that important gap in an admirable manner.” • Jeff Crisp, University of Oxford

Volume 39, Forced Migration

Read freely available introduction.

Pacific Spaces

Translations and Transmutations

Edited by A.-Chr Engels-Schwarzpaul, Lana Lopesi, and Albert L. Refiti

“The authors make an important contribution to understanding spatial relationships within indigenous communities. The book highlights an important, and often overlooked, connection between space, time, and the built environment by breaking the disciplinary bounds that often confine our understandings.” • Jamon Alex Halvaksz, University of Texas at San Antonio

Volume 10, Pacific Perspectives: Studies of the European Society for Oceanists

Read freely available introduction.

Museum, Place, Architecture and Narrative

Nordic Maritime Museums’ Portrayals of Shipping, Seafarers and Maritime Communities

Annika Bünz

A characteristic trait of the maritime museums is that they are often located in a contemporary and/or historical environment from which the collections and narratives originate. The museum can thereby be directly linked to the site and its history. It is therefore vital to investigate the maritime museums in terms of relationships between landscape, architecture, museum and collections. This volume unravels the kinds of worlds and realities the Nordic maritime museums stage, which identities and national myths they depict, and how they make use of both the surrounding maritime environments and the architectural properties of the museum buildings.

Volume 15, Museums and Collections

Read freely available introduction.

Forging Architectural Tradition

National Narratives, Monument Preservation and Architectural Work in the Nineteenth Century

Edited by Dragan Damjanović and Aleksander Łupienko

“The book Forging Architectural Tradition is an excellent contribution for anyone interested in the creation of national narratives around architectural buildings. It is suitable for architects, art historians, historians, sociologists, cultural researchers, and the general cultural public, as well as anyone interested in the national narratives of ‘small’ nations. The topics explored in the book should not be viewed as a part of the distant past but as still current as the historical processes described in the book can help us deal with problems related to the politicization of heritage that is still evident today.” • Prostor

Volume 4, Explorations in Heritage Studies

Read freely available introduction.

Politics of the Dunes

Poetry, Architecture, and Coloniality at the Open City

Maxwell Woods

“At the heart of the project are the politics of avant-gardism and of the brutally repressive dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet. Though not an easy read, this is certainly a volume that specialists in visionary experiments of the 20th century will want to take into account…Recommended.” • Choice

Volume 19, Space and Place

Read freely available introduction.

Power and Architecture

The Construction of Capitals and the Politics of Space

Edited by Michael Minkenberg

“…a volume which, through its innovative approach, provides numerous valuable insights.” · Contemporary European Studies

Volume 12, Space and Place

Women’s Equality Day

Women’s Equality Day is celebrated each year on August 26th to commemorate the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the right to vote.

Today the observance of Women’s Equality Day has grown to mean much more than just sharing the right to the vote, but also calls attention to women’s continuing efforts toward full equality. Numerous International organisations continue to work to provide women across the globe with equal opportunities to education and employment, pushing against suppression and violence towards women and against the discrimination and stereotyping which still occur in every society. For more information on the history and for further resources please visit

Use code 19TH to explore a special issue of Aspasia devoted to women’s and gender history. Redemption details.

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Celebrating International Day for Monuments & Sites, also known as World Heritage Day!

Celebrated yearly on April 18th, the International Day for Monuments and Sites, also known as World Heritage Day, encourages local communities and individuals throughout the world to consider the importance of cultural heritage to their lives and to promote awareness of its diversity and vulnerability and the efforts required to protect and conserve it. For information on this year’s theme please visit ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) webpage

In joining the celebration, Berghahn is excited to present relevant Heritage Studies titles and Journals, as well as highlight our Explorations in Heritage Studies series.

Continue reading “Celebrating International Day for Monuments & Sites, also known as World Heritage Day!”

Neriko Musha Doerr discusses “Fairies, Ghosts, and Santa Claus”

Neriko Musha Doerr is Assistant Professor at Ramapo College. Her publications include Transforming Study Abroad: A Handbook (Berghahn, 2020), The Global Education Effect and Japan: Constructing New Borders and Identification Practices (Routledge, 2020), The Romance of Crossing Borders: Studying and Volunteering Abroad (Berghahn, 2017, with Hannah Taïeb), and Meaningful Inconsistencies (Berghahn 2009).

Continue reading “Neriko Musha Doerr discusses “Fairies, Ghosts, and Santa Claus””

Readings on Ukraine

On the third anniversary of the start of the war in Ukraine, in solidarity and in an effort to deepen knowledge in social and cultural history of Ukraine, we are offering free access to these relevant journal articles and book chapters that focus on social and historical issues in Ukraine.

Carnage and Care on the Eastern Front: The War Diaries of Bernhard Bardach, 1914-1918
Bernhard Bardach
Translated and Edited by Peter C. Appelbaum

[A] significant historical document and much-welcomed source for scholars of the military, social, and material history of World War I. It is also a valuable record for everyone interested in the history of war on the territories of present-day Ukraine and the eastern front in general […] • Harvard Ukrainian Studies

Resettlers and Survivors: Bukovina and the Politics of Belonging in West Germany and Israel, 1945–1989
Gaëlle Fisher

Located on the border of present-day Romania and Ukraine, the historical region of Bukovina was the site of widespread displacement and violence as it passed from Romanian to Soviet hands and back again during World War II. This study focuses on two groups of “Bukovinians”—ethnic Germans and German-speaking Jews—as they navigated dramatically changed political and social circumstances in and after 1945. Through comparisons of the narratives and self-conceptions of these groups, this book gives a nuanced account of how they dealt with the difficult legacies of World War II, while exploring Bukovina’s significance for them as both a geographical location and a “place of memory.”

New Imaginaries: Youthful Reinvention of Ukraine’s Cultural Paradigm
Edited and Translated by Marian J. Rubchak

Having been spared the constraints imposed on intellectual discourse by the totalitarian regime of the past, young Ukrainian scholars now engage with many Western ideological theories and practices in an atmosphere of intellectual freedom and uncensored scholarship. Displacing the Soviet legacy of prescribed thought and practices, this volume’s female contributors have infused their work with Western elements, although vestiges of Soviet-style ideas, research methodology, and writing linger. The result is the articulation of a “New Imaginaries” — neither Soviet nor Western — that offers a unique approach to the study of gender by presenting a portrait of Ukrainian society as seen through the eyes of a new generation of feminist scholars.

De-Commemoration: Removing Statues and Renaming Places
Edited by Sarah Gensburger and Jenny Wüstenberg

“[A]n inspirational collection of diverse approaches, practices, methods, and perspectives of de-commemoration of forgoing heroes and activities, set in various cultural and geographical contexts. This is an exceedingly rare and truly global contribution.” • Mariusz Czepczyński, University of Gdańsk

  • Additional Recommendation: Chapter 7. Contrasting Fates of Lenin Statues in Ukraine and Russia by Dominique Colas

Memory and Change in Europe: Eastern Perspectives
Edited by Małgorzata Pakier and Joanna Wawrzyniak

In studies of a common European past, there is a significant lack of scholarship on the former Eastern Bloc countries. While understanding the importance of shifting the focus of European memory eastward, contributors to this volume avoid the trap of Eastern European exceptionalism, an assumption that this region’s experiences are too unique to render them comparable to the rest of Europe. They offer a reflection on memory from an Eastern European historical perspective, one that can be measured against, or applied to, historical experience in other parts of Europe. In this way, the authors situate studies on memory in Eastern Europe within the broader debate on European memory.

Topographies of Suffering: Buchenwald, Babi Yar, Lidice
Jessica Rapson

Commentary on memorials to the Holocaust has been plagued with a sense of “monument fatigue”, a feeling that landscape settings and national spaces provide little opportunity for meaningful engagement between present visitors and past victims. This book examines the Holocaust via three sites of murder by the Nazis: the former concentration camp at Buchenwald, Germany; the mass grave at Babi Yar, Ukraine; and the razed village of Lidice, Czech Republic. Bringing together recent scholarship from cultural memory and cultural geography, the author focuses on the way these violent histories are remembered, allowing these sites to emerge as dynamic transcultural landscapes of encounter in which difficult pasts can be represented and comprehended in the present. This leads to an examination of the role of the environment, or, more particularly, the ways in which the natural environment, co-opted in the process of killing, becomes a medium for remembrance.

Mapping Difference: The Many Faces of Women in Contemporary Ukraine
Edited by Marian J. Rubchak

Drawn from various disciplines and a broad spectrum of research interests, these essays reflect on the challenging issues confronting women in Ukraine today. The contributors are an interdisciplinary, transnational group of scholars from gender studies, feminist theory, history, anthropology, sociology, women’s studies, and literature. Among the issues they address are: the impact of migration, education, early socialization of gender roles, the role of the media in perpetuating and shaping negative stereotypes, the gendered nature of language, women and the media, literature by women, and local appropriation of gender and feminist theory. Each author offers a fresh and unique perspective on the current process of survival strategies and postcommunist identity reconstruction among Ukrainian women in their current climate of patriarchalism.

Journal Articles

Berghahn Journals is offering free access to the following relevant articles.


Geopolitical Transition of the European Body in Ukraine
Nadzeya Husakouskaya (Vol. 28, Issue 1)
DOI: 10.3167/ajec.2019.280110

Open Access!

Love and Sex in Wartime: Controlling Women’s Sexuality in the Ukrainian Nationalist Underground
Marta Havryshko (Vol. 12)
DOI: 10.3167/asp.2018.120103


Underground waterlines: Explaining political quiescence of Ukrainian labor unions
Denys Gorbach (Vol. 2019, Issue 84)
DOI: 10.3167/fcl.2019.840103


The Ampel Coalition’s Foreign Policy Challenges
Jack Janes (Vol. 40, Issue 4)
DOI: 10.3167/gps.2022.400405

Inertia and Reactiveness in Germany’s Russia Policy: From the 2021 Federal Election to the Invasion of Ukraine in 2022
Jonas J. Driedger (Vol. 40, Issue 4)
DOI: 10.3167/gps.2022.400407


Special Issue: A Thematic Issue about Central and Eastern European Societies (Vol. 10, Issue 2)

Social Quality in a Transitive Society: The Role of the State
Valeriy Heyets (Vol. 9, Issue 1)
DOI: 10.3167/IJSQ.2019.090103

Four Dimensions of Societal Transformation: An Introduction to the Problematique of Ukraine
Zuzana Novakova (Vol. 7, Issue 2)
DOI: 10.3167/IJSQ.2017.070202


Global inequality and policy selectivity in the periphery: The case of Ukrainian reforms in higher education
Viktoriia Muliavka (Vol. 12, Issue 1)
DOI: 10.3167/latiss.2019.120104


The Ukrainian divide: The power of historical narratives, imagined communities, and collective memories
Alina Penkala, Ilse Derluyn, and Ine Lietaert (Vol. 10, Issue 3)
DOI: 10.3167/reco.2020.100311


Liberalism in fragments: Oligarchy and the liberal subject in Ukrainian news journalism
Taras Fedirko (Vol. 29, Issue 2)
DOI: 10.1111/1469-8676.13063

Dance into International Dance Day

International Dance Day (April 29) was introduced in 1982 by the International Dance Council (CID, Conseil International de la Danse), a UNESCO partner NGO. The main purpose of this day is to celebrate dance, revel in the universality of this art form, cross all political, cultural and ethnic barriers, and bring people together with a common language – dance. For more information please visit the official site.

Continue reading “Dance into International Dance Day”

Shakespeare Day

Widely regarded as one of the greatest writers in the English language and the world’s greatest dramatist, William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright and actor. Shakespeare’s plays being translated in over 50 languages and performed across the globe for audiences of all ages. Shakespeare was also an actor and the creator of the Globe Theatre, a historical theatre, and company that is visited by hundreds of thousands of tourists every year.

In recognition of Shakespeare’s birth and death day,  we are delighted to showcase our growing book series, SHAKESPEARE &, exploring Shakespeare and his work outside the lens of traditional literary studies. By intersecting the worlds beyond fiction and poetry with those disciplines outside of literature and drama, this series offers nuanced approaches that reveal a more diverse and complex legacy left by Shakespeare.

Berghahn Journals is also offering FULL ACCESS to Critical Survey* until April 29, 2022! To access, use the code Shakespeare22. View redemption instructions.

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