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Paperback Original

Reflections on Storytelling and the Art of the Documentary
Stephen Most


Berghahn Books will be attending NECS 2017!

We are delighted to inform you that we will be attending the NECS conference in Paris, France from the 29th June – 1st July 2017. Please stop by to browse our selection of titles on display at discounted prices, and take away some free journal samples.

If you are unable to attend, we would like to provide you with a special discount offer. Valid through August 1st, use discount code NECS17 at checkout and receive a 25% discount on all Film Studies titles found on our website.


Our most recent and forthcoming releases can be found in our Film and Media Catalogue while the titles featured below include a selection of those which will be highlighted at the conference.


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Visit Berghahn Books at ECAS 2017!

African-StudiesWe are delighted to inform you that we will be attending the 7th European Conference on African Studies in Basel, Switzerland from the 29th June – 1st July 2017. Please stop by to browse our selection of titles on display, and take away some free journal samples.


If you are unable to attend, we would like to provide you with a special discount offer. Valid through August 1st, use discount code ECAS17 at checkout and receive a 25% discount on all African Studies titles found on our website.

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European Judaism at 50

This issue marks the beginning of the fifty-first year of publication of the journal, something to be registered with a degree of pride and not a little wonder. We have been served over this time with a remarkable series of editors, beginning with our founding editor Rabbi Dr Ignaz Maybaum z’l (1897-1976). In those early years the direction of the journal was led by Rabbi Michael Goulston z’l (1931-1972) as Managing Editor before his tragic early death. His vision for the journal is well expressed in his words:

Despite numerical depletion, the dangers of destructive assimilation, and the alienation of many in the wake of the European catastrophe, a Jewry with a will to independent existence has a future. We already possess enough intellectual and spiritual strength to achieve a great deal if we can focus it and give it a clear direction. For there can be no successor to the great European heritage except a reborn European Judaism itself.[i]

He was succeeded as Managing Editor by Anthony Rudolf (1972-1975) who shared Michael’s European vision and, as a poet, translator and critic, brought literary and political dimensions to the journal. We open this issue with his memoir of those early days. Rabbi Marcel Marcus (1976-1978) succeeded him and in an early ‘personal view’ noted the journal’s understandable preoccupation with the Holocaust, but that now ‘a new generation has arisen. A generation which does not know the Holocaust, but only knows of the Holocaust.’ He invited authors of the ‘new generation’ – ‘it is time for us, having established, to look into the future’.[ii] Continue reading “European Judaism at 50”