Željko Jokić: Researching Assault Sorcery

This post is the transcript of an electronic interview between D. S. Farrer and Željko Jokić. Farrer is the special issue editor for Social Analysis Volume 58, Issue 1, and Jokić is the author of the article Shamanic Battleground: Magic, Sorcery, and Warrior Shamanism in Venezuela” appearing in that issue. Below, Jokić answers a series of questions related to her article in Social Analysis.


This is the eighth in a series of interviews with contributors to this volume. Find the previous contributions on our blog.


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Nationalism, Communal Violence, and Tamil Tiger Devotion

This post is the transcript of an electronic interview between D. S. Farrer and Michael Roberts. Farrer is the special issue editor for Social Analysis Volume 58, Issue 1, and Roberts is the author of the article Encompassing Empowerment in Ritual, War, and Assassination: Tantric Principles in Tamil Tiger Instrumentalities” appearing in that issue. Below, Roberts answers a series of questions related to her article in Social Analysis.

This is the seventh in a series of interviews with contributors to this volume. Find the previous contributions on our blog.


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Supernatural Powers and a “Discourse of Decline”

This post is the transcript of an electronic interview between D. S. Farrer and J. David Neidel. Farrer is the special issue editor for Social Analysis Volume 58, Issue 1, and Neidel is the author of the article “Discourse of Decline: Local Perspectives on Magic in Highland Jambi, Indonesia” appearing in that issue. Below, Neidel answers a series of questions related to her article in Social Analysis.

This is the sixth in a series of interviews with contributors to this volume. Find the previous contributions on our blog.



What drew you to the study of War Magic & Warrior Religion?

I conducted research for my Ph.D. dissertation in the highlands of Sumatra, Indonesia. My research project focused on a national park- community conflict, so I was not intending to study war magic. Supernatural powers, spirit possession, and other related phenomena, however, played such a large role in the local culture (as seen in legends, oral histories, village ceremonies, and actual practice) that I started collecting data on the subject as a side project.

Continue reading “Supernatural Powers and a “Discourse of Decline””

James D. Sellmann: Thoughts on Magic-Religion

This post is the transcript of an electronic interview between D. S. Farrer and James D. Sellmann. Farrer is the special issue editor for Social Analysis Volume 58, Issue 1, and Sellmann is the co-author of the article “Chants of Re-enchantment: Chamorro Spiritual Resistance to Colonial Domination appearing in that issue. Below, Sellmann answers a series of questions related to his article in Social Analysis.


This is the fifth in a series of interviews with contributors to this volume. Find the previous contributions on our blog.


Continue reading “James D. Sellmann: Thoughts on Magic-Religion”

Margaret Chan: Understanding the Chinese Warrior-Defender of Boundaries

This post is the transcript of an electronic interview between D. S. Farrer and Margaret Chan. Farrer is the special issue editor for Social Analysis Volume 58, Issue 1, and Chan is the author of the article “Tangki War Magic The Virtuality of Spirit Warfare and the Actuality of Peace,” appearing in that issue. Below, Chan answers a series of questions related to her article in Social Analysis.


This is the fourth in a series of interviews with contributors to this volume. Find the previous contributions on our blog.

Continue reading “Margaret Chan: Understanding the Chinese Warrior-Defender of Boundaries”

How does violence relate to belief?

This post is the transcript of an electronic interview between D. S. Farrer and Iain Sinclair. Farrer is the special issue editor for Social Analysis Volume 58, Issue 1, and Sinclair is the author of the article War Magic and Just War in Indian Tantric Buddhism appearing in that issue. Below, Sinclair answers a series of questions related to his article in Social Analysis.

This is the third in a series of interviews with contributors to this volume. Read D. S. Farrer’s interview here, and Jean-Marc De Grave’s interview here.




Continue reading “How does violence relate to belief?”

Jean-Marc De Grave: Studying a Secret Initiation Ritual

This post is the transcript of an electronic interview between D. S. Farrer and Jean-Marc De Grave. Farrer is the special issue editor for Social Analysis Volume 58, Issue 1, and De Grave is the author of the article Javanese Kanuragan Ritual initiation: A Means to Socialize by Acquiring Invulnerability, Authority, and Spiritual Improvement appearing in that issue. Below, De Grave answers a series of questions related to his article in Social Analysis.


This is the second in a series of interviews with contributors to this volume. Read D. S. Farrer’s interview here.



Continue reading “Jean-Marc De Grave: Studying a Secret Initiation Ritual”

War Magic & Warrior Religion: Sorcery, Cognition & Embodiment

This post is the transcript of an electronic interview between D. S. Farrer and Berghahn blog editor Lorna Field.

D. S. Farrer is the co-author of the article Chants of Re-enchantment: Chamorro Spiritual Resistance to Colonial Domination and special issue editor of Social Analysis Volume 58, Issue 1: War Magic and Warrior Religion: Sorcery, Cognition, and Embodiment



Continue reading “War Magic & Warrior Religion: Sorcery, Cognition & Embodiment”