International Migrants Day

On December 18, the international community recognizes the rights of migrants around the world. Each year the UN invites governments, organizations, and individuals to distribute information on the human rights and migrants’ fundamental freedoms.This is the day to express our support and solidarity with all immigrants. For more information please visit

With this in mind, we present below a selection of related titles, and a 25% discount on all of our Refugee and Migration Studies books for the next 30 days. At checkout, simply enter the code IMG17. For a full range of our titles, please visit our website.

Also, please scroll down to view and access a list of Related Articles from Berghahn Journals, until Dec 31!

The Lives of Somali Youth Raised in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya
Catherine-Lune Grayson

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International Migrants Day

On December 18, the international community recognizes and celebrates the rights of migrants around the world. Since year 2000, the international community has recognized International Migrants Day to highlight the human rights of migrants and express our support and solidarity.


To honor the day Berghahn is offering a 25% discount on all our Refugee & Migration Studies books for the next 30 days. At checkout, simply enter the code IMD15.


Berghahn Journals is delighted to present a Free Virtual Issue dedicated to migration with hope that this will contribute to the overall discussion of the lives of migrants.

Click Here to Access the Special Virtual Issue! 


Below is a selection of relevant titles on Refugee & Migration StudiesInternational Migrants Day


Young Men and Rural Permanence in Migrant West Africa
Paolo Gaibazzi

Continue reading “International Migrants Day”