International Migrants Day

On December 18, the international community recognizes the rights of migrants around the world. Each year the UN invites governments, organizations, and individuals to distribute information on the human rights and migrants’ fundamental freedoms.This is the day to express our support and solidarity with all immigrants. For more information please visit

With this in mind, we present below a selection of related titles, and a 25% discount on all of our Refugee and Migration Studies books for the next 30 days. At checkout, simply enter the code IMG17. For a full range of our titles, please visit our website.

Also, please scroll down to view and access a list of Related Articles from Berghahn Journals, until Dec 31!

The Lives of Somali Youth Raised in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya
Catherine-Lune Grayson


Chronic violence has characterized Somalia for over two decades, forcing nearly two million people to flee. A significant number have settled in camps in neighboring countries, where children were born and raised. Based on in-depth fieldwork, this book explores the experience of Somalis who grew up in Kakuma refugee camp, in Kenya, and are now young adults. This original study carefully considers how young people perceive their living environment and how growing up in exile structures their view of the past and their country of origin, and the future and its possibilities.

Read Introduction


Cambodians in the United States
Carol A. Mortland


Grace after Genocide is the first comprehensive ethnography of Cambodian refugees, charting their struggle to transition from life in agrarian Cambodia to survival in post-industrial America, while maintaining their identities as Cambodians. The ethnography contrasts the lives of refugees who arrived in America after 1975, with their focus on Khmer traditions, values, and relations, with those of their children who, as descendants of the Khmer Rouge catastrophe, have struggled to become Americans in a society that defines them as different. The ethnography explores America’s mid-twentieth century involvement in Southeast Asia and its enormous consequences on multiple generations of Khmer refugees.

Read Introduction: From Cambodians to Refugees


Forced Migration Series

This series, published in association with the Refugees Studies Centre, University of Oxford, reflects the multidisciplinary nature of the field and includes within its scope international law, anthropology, sociology, politics, international relations, geopolitics, social psychology and economics.


Volume 37

Edited by Susanne Buckley-Zistel and Ulrike Krause


Providing nuanced accounts of how the social identities of men and women, the context of displacement and the experience or manifestation of violence interact, this collection offers conceptual analyses and in-depth case studies to illustrate how gender relations are affected by displacement, encampment and return. The essays show how these factors lead to various forms of direct, indirect and structural violence. This ranges from discussions of norms reflected in policy documents and practise, the relationship between relief structures and living conditions in camps, to forced military recruitment and forced return, and covers countries in Africa, Asia and Europe.


Volume 36

Economic Lives Inside a Liberian Refugee Camp
Naohiko Omata


For many refugees, economic survival in refugee camps is extraordinarily difficult. Drawing on both qualitative and quantitative research , this volume challenges the reputation of a ‘self-reliant’ model given to Buduburam refugee camp in Ghana and sheds light on considerable economic inequality between refugee households.By following the same refugee households over several years, The Myth of Self-Reliance also provides valuable insights into refugees’ experiences of repatriation to Liberia after protracted exile and their responses to the ending of refugee status for remaining refugees in Ghana.

Read Introduction: Buduburam: An Exemplary Refugee Camp?


Volume 35,  Forthcoming in Paperback

Discourses of Trauma, Exclusion and Survival
Edited by Lynda Mannik


At a time when thousands of refugees risk their lives undertaking perilous journeys by boat across the Mediterranean, this multidisciplinary volume could not be more pertinent. It offers various contemporary case studies of boat migrations undertaken by asylum seekers and refugees around the globe and shows that boats not only move people and cultural capital between places, but also fuel cultural fantasies, dreams of adventure and hope, along with fears of invasion and terrorism. The ambiguous nature of memories, media representations and popular culture productions are highlighted throughout in order to address negative stereotypes and conversely, humanize the individuals involved.

Read Introduction

Germany from 1945 to the Present
Edited by Cornelia Wilhelm
Preface by Konrad Jarausch

Volume 21, Contemporary European History


Within Germany, policies and cultural attitudes toward migrants have been profoundly shaped by the difficult legacies of the Second World War and its aftermath. This wide-ranging volume explores the complex history of migration and diversity in Germany from 1945 to today, showing how conceptions of “otherness” developed while memories of the Nazi era were still fresh, and identifying the continuities and transformations they exhibited through the Cold War and reunification. It provides invaluable context for understanding contemporary Germany’s unique role within regional politics at a time when an unprecedented influx of immigrants and refugees present the European community with a significant challenge.

Read Introduction


Relations, Return and Belonging
Edited by Nataša Gregorič Bon and Jaka Repič

Volume 29, EASA Series

Moving Places draws together contributions from Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Africa, exploring practices and experiences of movement, non-movement, and place-making. The book centers on “moving places”: places with locations that are not fixed but relative. Locations appearing to be reasonably stable, such as home and homeland, are in fact always subject to practices, imaginaries, and politics of movement. Bringing together original ethnographic contributions with a clear theoretical focus, this volume spans the fields of anthropology, human geography, migration, and border studies, and serves as teaching material in related programs.

Read Introduction


In Paperback

Senses of Self and Well-Being
Edited by Anne Sigfrid Grønseth
Epilogue by Nigel Rapport

Volume 23, EASA Series


“The authors of this volume remind us how important it is to see migrants as humans, because human nature within them is not lost despite the economic, cultural or social limitations that they are experiencing. It is a book for scholars who are dealing with various migration issues either in quantitative or qualitative manner, which emphasises that behind numbers or labels there are individual stories, experiences and hopes.” · Anthropological Notebooks

Migrant experiences accentuate general aspects of the human condition. Therefore, this volume explores migrant’s movements not only as geographical movements from here to there but also as movements that constitute an embodied, cognitive, and existential experience of living “in between” or on the “borderlands” between differently figured life-worlds. Focusing on memories, nostalgia, the here-and-now social experiences of daily living, and the hopes and dreams for the future, the volume demonstrates how all interact in migrants’ and refugees’ experience of identity and quest for well-being.

Read Introduction: Being Human, Being Migrant: Senses of Self and Well-Being


Edited by Jason Coy, Jared Poley, and Alexander Schunka

Volume 13, Spektrum: Publications of the German Studies Association


Migration to, from, and within German-speaking lands has been a dynamic force in Central European history for centuries. Exemplifying some of the most exciting recent research on historical mobility, the essays collected here reconstruct the experiences of vagrants, laborers, religious exiles, refugees, and other migrants during the last five hundred years of German history. With diverse contributions ranging from early modern martyrdom to post–Cold War commemoration efforts, this volume identifies revealing commonalities shared by different eras while also placing the German case within the broader contexts of European and global migration.

Read Introduction: Migration in the German Lands: An Introduction



Deportation, Punishment and Everyday Life
Ines Hasselberg

Volume 17, Dislocations

“[Hasselberg’s] findings are rooted in complex theory, but the lengthy quotations, short sentence structures, and logical chapter sequence make the book accessible beyond academic audiences. It is recommended reading for anyone wanting to better understand what life is like at the extreme end of exclusionary citizenship practices…a deeply moving account about bodies caught in limbo by bureaucratic border policies.” · International Migration Review

Focusing on the lived experience of immigration policy and processes, this volume provides fascinating insights into the deportation process as it is felt and understood by those subjected to it. The author presents a rich and innovative ethnography of deportation and deportability experienced by migrants convicted of criminal offenses in England and Wales. The unique perspectives developed here – on due process in immigration appeals, migrant surveillance and control, social relations and sense of self, and compliance and resistance – are important for broader understandings of border control policy and human rights.

Enduring Uncertainty: Deportation, Punishment and Everyday Life by Ines Hasselberg is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

This edition is supported by Knowledge UnlatchedFull Text.


In Paperback

Comparative Perspectives
Edited by Steven King and Anne Winter

Volume 23, International Studies in Social History


The issues around settlement, belonging, and poor relief have for too long been understood largely from the perspective of England and Wales. This volume offers a pan-European survey that encompasses Switzerland, Prussia, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Britain. It explores how the conception of belonging changed over time and space from the 1500s onwards, how communities dealt with the welfare expectations of an increasingly mobile population that migrated both within and between states, the welfare rights that were attached to those who “belonged,” and how ordinary people secured access to welfare resources. What emerged was a sophisticated European settlement system, which on the one hand structured itself to limit the claims of the poor, and yet on the other was peculiarly sensitive to their demands and negotiations.

Read Introduction: Settlement and Belonging in Europe, 1600-1950: Structures, Negotiations and Experiences


In Paperback

Immigrant Transnational Organizations in Four Continents
Edited by Alejandro Portes and Patricia Fernández-Kelly


The State and the Grassroots makes an important contribution. It will be of interest to all scholars and students with of all levels concerned with international migration. Select chapters would be appropriate for undergraduate course adoption.” · Contemporary Sociology

Whereas most of the literature on migration focuses on individuals and their families, this book studies the organizations created by immigrants to protect themselves in their receiving states. Comparing eighteen of these grassroots organizations formed across the world, from India to Colombia to Vietnam to the Congo, researchers from the United States, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, and Spain focus their studies on the internal structure and activities of these organizations as they relate to developmental initiatives. The book outlines the principal positions in the migration and development debate and discusses the concept of transnationalism as a means of resolving these controversies.

Read Introduction: Immigration, Transnationalism, and Development: The State of the Question


Forthcoming in Paperback

Resource Politics, Migration, and Climate Change
Edited by Robert Orttung

NEW SERIES: Volume 2, Studies in the Circumpolar North


Urban areas in Arctic Russia are experiencing unprecedented social and ecological change. This collection outlines the key challenges that city managers will face in navigating this shifting political, economic, social, and environmental terrain. In particular, the volume examines how energy production drives a boom-bust cycle in the Arctic economy, explores how migrants from Muslim cultures are reshaping the social fabric of northern cities, and provides a detailed analysis of climate change and its impact on urban and industrial infrastructure.

Read Chapter 1. Russia’s Arctic Cities: Recent Evolution and Drivers of Change



Berghahn Journals


Migration and SocietyMigration and Society
Advances in Research
Editors: Mette Louise Berg, University College London
Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, University College LondonMigration and Society is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal advancing debate about emergent trends in all types of migration.To view subscription details, please visit our website.


Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology
Managing and Lead Editor: Luisa Steur, University of AmsterdamFocaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology is a peer-reviewed journal advocating an approach that rests in the simultaneity of ethnography, processual analysis, local insights, and global vision.Access this article until Dec 31:
Migration, residential investment, and the experience of “transition”: Tracing transnational practices of Albanian migrants in Athens


Regions and CohesionRegions and Cohesion
Regiones y Cohesión / Régions et Cohésion
Editors: Harlan Koff, Université du Luxembourg
Carmen Maganda, INECOLRegions and Cohesion is a needed platform for academics and practitioners alike to disseminate both empirical research and normative analysis of topics related to human and environmental security, social cohesion, and governance.Access this article until Dec 31:
Policy coherence for development and migration: Analyzing US and EU policies through the lens of normative transformation


Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies
Chief Editor: Dagmar Schäfer, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, BerlinTransfers is a peer-reviewed journal publishing cutting-edge research on the processes, structures, and consequences of the movement of people, resources, and commodities.Access this article until Dec 31:
Migration as a Response to Internal Colonialism in Brazil




Access Related Articles until Dec 31!


Anthropological Journal of European Cultures
Migration Studies in Bulgaria: Scope, Experiences and Developments


Anthropology of the Middle East
Love, Motherhood and Migration: Regulating Migrant Women’s Sexualities in the Persian Gulf


Migration, Empire, and Liminality: Sex Trade in the Borderlands of Europe


Conflict and Society
Between Labor Migration and Forced Displacement: Wartime Mobilities in the Burkina Faso-Côte d’Ivoire Transnational Space


German Politics and Society
“We Must Talk about Cologne”: Race, Gender, and Reconfigurations of “Europe”


Patterns of Evenki Mobility in Eastern Siberia