Hot Off the Presses – New Journal Issues for December

ECAReligion & SocietySSI

The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology
Volume 32, Issue 2
This issue features a Special Section, guest edited by Kirsten Endres and Maria Six-Hohenbalken, titled: ‘Risks, Ruptures and Uncertainties: Dealing with Crisis in Asia’s Emerging Economies.’


European Comic Art
Volume 7, Issue 2
This issue explores several topics, including how comics express a range of emotions, transfer from different media, play into national concerns and traditions, and more. The issue concludes with a reviews section.


Historical Reflections/Reflexions Historiques
Volume 40, Issue 3
This issue comprises articles in both French and English covering a range of topics such as: the political pedagogy of the French Revolution, the trajectory of the writer and critic Camille Mauclair, and important political figure Gaston Bergery.


Learning and Teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences
Volume 7, Issue 3
This special issue is titled Shaping Student Futures and explores from various perspectives the way student futures at different levels of university education are affected by policy changes.


Religion and Society: Advances in Research
Volume 5
The special section in this volume is titled: Pilgrimage to the Holy Lands and is guest edited by Jackie Feldman and Donna Young.


Sartre Studies International: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Existentialism and Contemporary Culture
Volume 20, Issue 2
This issue explores a wide range in topics such as: Sartre’s reading of Harald Höffding’s works, Sartre’s notion of human subjectivity, Sartrean collectivism, and more. The issue concludes with a review essay and a book reviews section.


Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies
Volume 4, Issue 3
This issue includes a special section on Rethinking Mobility History in Asia, and the articles represent a move to evade the constraints of Western academic ethnocentrism and place agency in Asian hands.