Among the most recent new journal releases, one title stands out as being especially significant- Cambridge Anthropology, Volume 30, Issue 1. This issue marks the relaunch of the journal, which had been an in-house production of the Cambridge University Department of Social Anthropology, as a Berghahn Journal. The relaunch represents both a continuation of and break with the journal’s past. Continue reading “New to Berghahn Journals- Cambridge Anthropology”
Author: Berghahn Books
Hot Off the Presses- New Journal Releases
Recent Journal Releases from Berghahn:
Anthropology in Action, Volume 19, Issue 1– Spring 2012
Asia Pacific World, Volume 3, Issue 1– Spring 2012
Cambridge Anthropology, Volume 30, Issue 1– Spring 2012
French Politics, Culture and Society, Volume 30, Issue 1– Spring 2012
German Politics and Society, Volume 30, Issue 1– Spring 2012
Israel Studies Review, Volume 27, Issue 1– Summer 2012
Projections, Volume 6, Issue 1– Summer 2012
Sibirica, Volume 11, Issue 1– Spring 2012
Theoria, Volume 60, Number 131– June 2012
Transfers, Volume 2, Issue 1– Spring 2012
Moving In
Since 2002, Berghahn Books made its home on Wall Street. Well, not Wall Street exactly, but close enough for Occupy Wall Street, which set up camp across from our offices and close enough that all the good lunch spots were too expensive for anyone not eating on an expense account. As of this March, however, we now work in Dumbo, Brooklyn.
If you’re unfamiliar with the neighborhood, you may be asking yourself, where is Dumbo and why does it have such a horrible name?