New to Berghahn Journals- Cambridge Anthropology

Among the most recent new journal releases, one title stands out as being especially significant- Cambridge Anthropology, Volume 30, Issue 1. This issue marks the relaunch of the journal, which had been an in-house production of the Cambridge University Department of Social Anthropology, as a Berghahn Journal. The relaunch represents both a continuation of and break with the journal’s past.

Cambridge Anthropology began as a forum for work that pushed at the discipline of anthropology’s boundaries, prizing innovation and experimentation. Under current editor Maryon McDonald the journal will continue to be a space “in which to inspire and to praise, to engage in serious debate, to get angry if necessary, to fly kites, to urge new directions, or to take colleagues’ contributions to task.” What’s changing in its newest incarnation is that the journal is now a peer-reviewed journal that is truly international in both input and scope.

We’re all looking forward to watching how the journal grows and develops in the future and look forward to the innovative research and lively debate it is sure to inspire.

Learn more about Cambridge Anthropology at its website.