by Paperbacks: Sustainable Development Goals
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Forthcoming Pb 2025
Conservation and Mobile Indigenous Peoples
Displacement, Forced Settlement and Sustainable Development
Chatty, D. & Colchester, M. (eds)
The second edition of this remarkable book updates the immense advances in policy and soft international law with regards to the rights of mobile indigenous peoples in conservation.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Environmental Studies (General) Development Studies Sustainable Development Goals
eBook available
Published June 2023
Obstetric Violence and Systemic Disparities
Can Obstetrics Be Humanized and Decolonized?
Davis-Floyd, R. & Premkumar, A. (eds)
The final volume in this landmark 3-volume series on The Anthropology of Obstetrics and Obstetricians looks at the challenges, and even violence, that obstetricians face across the world. This book is a must-read for students, social scientists, and all maternity care practitioners who seek to understand the diverse challenges that obstetricians must overcome.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Gender Studies and Sexuality Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published June 2023
Obstetricians Speak
On Training, Practice, Fear, and Transformation
Floyd-Davis, R. & Premkumar, A. (eds)
For the first time ever in a social science work, obstetricians tell their own stories of training, practice, fear, and transformation. This book is a must-read for students, social scientists, and all maternity care practitioners who seek to understand the ideologies and motives of individual obstetricians.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Gender Studies and Sexuality Sustainable Development Goals
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Forthcoming January 2026
From Village Commons to Public Goods
Graduated Provision in Urbanizing China
Trémon, A.-C.
Illuminating the complex processes of China’s uneven urbanization through the lens of the transition from village commons to public goods, this book is set in three urbanized villages in Shenzhen, Chengdu, and Xi’an, which have experienced similar demographic explosions and dramatic changes to their landscapes, the livelihoods of its inhabitants, and the power structures governing their residents.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Urban Studies Sociology Sustainable Development Goals
Forthcoming February 2026
Corporate Social Responsibility and the Paradoxes of State Capitalism
Ethnographies of Norwegian Energy and Extraction Businesses Abroad
Knudsen, S. (ed)
Through a series of case studies in diverse regions of the world, this book explores how transnational Norwegian energy and extractive industries handle corporate social responsibility (CSR) when operating abroad.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Environmental Studies (General) Applied Anthropology Sustainable Development Goals
eBook available
Published October 2024
Living on a Time Bomb
Local Negotiations of Oil Extraction in a Mexican Community
Schöneich, S.
Providing a holistic understanding of extensive oil extraction in rural Mexico, this book focuses on a campesino community, where oil extraction is deeply inscribed into the daily lives of the community members. The book shows how oil shapes the space where it is extracted in every aspect and produces multiple uncertainties.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Environmental Studies (General) Sustainable Development Goals
Published December 2024
Risky Futures
Climate, Geopolitics and Local Realities in the Uncertain Circumpolar North
Ulturgasheva, O. & Bodenhorn, B. (eds)
Examining the intersections between environmental conditions and geopolitical tensions, this book brings together a unique combination of authors who are local practitioners and international researchers, and considers the situations of environmental calamity and socio-economic risks faced by small populations.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Anthropology (General) Sociology Sustainable Development Goals
eBook available
Published February 2025
Ethnographies of Deservingness
Unpacking Ideologies of Distribution and Inequality
Tošić, J. & Streinzer, A. (eds)
Claims around 'who deserves what and why' moralise inequality in the current global context of unprecedented wealth and its ever more selective distribution. Ethnographies of Deservingness explores this seeming paradox and the role of moralized assessments of distribution by reconnecting disparate discussions in the anthropology of migration, economic anthropology and political anthropology.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Refugee and Migration Studies Sociology Sustainable Development Goals
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Published August 2024
Making Things Happen
Community Participation and Disaster Reconstruction in Pakistan
Murphy Thomas, J.
Making Things Happen is about the sociocultural side of post-disaster infrastructure reconstruction, drawing on one project, the Pakistan Earthquake Reconstruction and Recovery Project (PERRP). As disasters are increasing in number and intensity so too will be the need for reconstruction, for which PERRP has lessons to offer.
Subjects: Applied Anthropology Development Studies Sustainable Development Goals
eBook available
Published January 2024
Making Better Lives
Hope, Freedom and Home-Making among People Sleeping Rough in Paris
Lenhard, J.
In this ethnographic study, Johannes Lenhard observes the daily practices, routines and techniques of people who are sleeping rough on the streets of Paris. The book focusses on their survival practises, their short-term desires and hopes, how they earn money through begging, how they choose the best place to sleep at night and what role drugs and alcohol play in their lives.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology Urban Studies Sustainable Development Goals
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Published July 2024
Grazing Communities
Pastoralism on the Move and Biocultural Heritage Frictions
Bindi, L. (ed)
The present critical discourse on sustainable and responsible development implies a change of practices, a huge socio-economic transformation, and the return of new shepherds and herders in different European regions. This book is an occasion to reconsider grazing communities’ frictions in the new global heritage scenario.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology Development Studies Sustainable Development Goals
eBook available
Published July 2024
Arctic Abstractive Industry
Assembling the Valuable and Vulnerable North
Mason, A. (ed)
Examining the processes at work in sites of industrial extraction and ecological vulnerability in the contemporary Arctic, this book looks at the displacements that conceal exploitation, on the one hand, and appropriations of value on the other.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Environmental Studies (General) Development Studies Sustainable Development Goals
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Published March 2022
Indigenous Resurgence
Decolonialization and Movements for Environmental Justice
Dhillon, J.
Indigenous peoples around the world are standing up and speaking out against global capitalism to protect the land, water, and air. By placing Indigenous politics, histories, and ontologies at the center of our social movements for environmental justice, Indigenous Resurgence positions environmental justice within historical, social, political, and economic contexts.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Applied Anthropology Colonial History Sustainable Development Goals
Published February 2022
Cooling Down
Local Responses to Global Climate Change
Hoffman, S. M., Eriksen, T. H., & Mendes, P. (eds)
Climate change is a slowly advancing crisis sweeping over the planet and affecting different habitats in strikingly diverse ways. While nations have signed treaties and implemented policies, most actual climate change assessments, adaptations, and countermeasures take place at the local level. This book portrays the diversity of explanations and remedies as expressed at the community level.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Political and Economic Anthropology Urban Studies Sustainable Development Goals
eBook available
Published November 2024
Configuring Contagion
Ethnographies of Biosocial Epidemics
Meinert, L. & Seeberg, J. (eds)
Expanding our understanding of contagion further than typical notions of infection and pandemics, this book widens the field to include biosocial epidemics. The chapters propose varied and detailed answers to questions about the epidemic and contagious potential of specific infections and non-infectious conditions.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Sociology Sustainable Development Goals
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Published June 2024
Opening Up the University
Teaching and Learning with Refugees
Cantat, C., Cook, I., & Rajaram, P. K. (eds)
Including contributions from educators, administrators, practitioners, and students, Opening Up the University addresses specific points relating to the access and success of refugees in higher education. This expansive collected volume aims to inspire and question those who are considering creating their own interventions, suggesting concrete avenues for further action within existing academic structures.
Subjects: Educational Studies Refugee and Migration Studies Sociology Sustainable Development Goals
eBook available
Published April 2024
Collaborative Happiness
Building the Good Life in Urban Cohousing Communities
Kingfisher, C.
Collaborative Happiness looks at two urban cohousing communities: Kankanmori, in Tokyo; and Quayside Village, in Vancouver. In expanding beyond mainstream approaches to happiness focused exclusively on the individual, Quayside Village and Kankanmori provide an alternative model for how to understand and practice the good life in an increasingly urbanized world marked by crisis of both social and environmental sustainability.
Subjects: Applied Anthropology Urban Studies Sociology Sustainable Development Goals
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Published February 2024
The Anthroposcene of Weather and Climate
Ethnographic Contributions to the Climate Change Debate
Sillitoe, P. (ed)
While it is widely acknowledged that climate change is among the greatest global challenges of our times, it has local implications too. This volume forefronts these, giving anthropology a voice in this great debate, which natural scientists and policy makers have dominated thus far.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Political and Economic Anthropology Urban Studies Sustainable Development Goals
eBook available
Published May 2024
Latin America and Refugee Protection
Regimes, Logics, and Challenges
Jubilut, L. L., Vera Espinoza, M., & Mezzanotti, G. (eds)
Looking at refugee protection in Latin America, this landmark edited collection assesses what the region has achieved in recent years. The book analyses Latin America’s main documents in refugee protection, evaluates the particular aspects of different regimes, and reviews their emergence, development and effect, to develop understanding of refugee protection in the region.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Political and Economic Anthropology Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published August 2021
Contemporary Megaprojects
Organization, Vision, and Resistance in the 21st Century
Schindler, S., Fadaere, S., Brockington, D. (eds)
Contemporary “megaprojects” have evolved from the centralized, modernist projects undertaken in the past. With case studies ranging from mega-plantations in Southeast Asia to sports events, Contemporary Megaprojects explores the increasing ambition and pervasiveness of these projects, as well as their significant impact on both society and the environment.
Subjects: Development Studies Environmental Studies (General) Cultural Studies (General) Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published March 2024
Constructing Risk
Disaster, Development, and the Built Environment
Bender, S. O.
Reviewing current policies and practices, the book assesses the financial, economic and physical risk of building in hazardous areas, and looks at how societies are trying to create a more resilient built environment in spite of the dangers.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Development Studies Political and Economic Anthropology Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published June 2023
Explorations in Economic Anthropology
Key Issues and Critical Reflections
Kaneff, D. & Endres, K. W. (eds)
At a time of rising global economic precarity and social inequality, the field of economic anthropology offers solutions through the study of local and contextualized economic practices. This book is made up of an exciting collection of succinct essays authored by leading scholars primarily from the field of economic anthropology.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Sociology Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published June 2023
Sovereign Forces
Everyday Challenges to Environmental Governance in Latin America
McNeish, J.-A.
Sovereignty is a significant force regarding the ownership, use, protection and management of natural resources. By placing an emphasis on the complex intertwined relationship between natural resources and diverse claims to resource sovereignty, this book reveals the backstory of contemporary resource contestations in Latin America and their positioning within a more extensive history of extraction in the region.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Political and Economic Anthropology Peace and Conflict Studies Sustainable Development Goals
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Published June 2023
Ethnographies of Power
A Political Anthropology of Energy
Loloum, T., Abram, S., & Ortar, N. (eds)
Energetic infrastructures are crucial to political organization. They shape the contours of states and international bodies, as well as corporations and communities, framing their material existence and their fears and idealisations of the future. Ethnographies of Power brings together ethnographic studies of contemporary entanglements of energy and political power.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Political and Economic Anthropology Environmental Studies (General) Sustainable Development Goals
eBook available
Published November 2024
Risk on the Table
Food Production, Health, and the Environment
Creager, A. N. H. & Gaudilière, J.-P. (eds)
From the proliferation of synthetic additives to the threat posed by antibiotic-resistant bacteria, the chapters in Risk on the Table zero in on key historical cases in North America and Europe that illuminate the history of food safety, highlighting the powerful tension that exists between policymakers’ decisions and cultural notions of “pure” food.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) History: 20th Century to Present Food & Nutrition Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published October 2023
Lands of the Future
Anthropological Perspectives on Pastoralism, Land Deals and Tropes of Modernity in Eastern Africa
Gabbert, E. C., Gebresenbet, F., Galaty, J. G., & Schlee, G. (eds)
Rangeland, forests and riverine landscapes of pastoral communities in Eastern Africa are increasingly under threat. Abetted by states who think that outsiders can better use the lands than the people who have lived there for centuries, outside commercial interests have displaced indigenous dwellers from pastoral territories. This volume presents case studies from Eastern Africa.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Development Studies Mobility Studies Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published March 2023
Going Forward by Looking Back
Archaeological Perspectives on Socio-Ecological Crisis, Response, and Collapse
Riede, F. & Sheets, P. (eds)
Catastrophes are on the rise due to climate change, as is their toll in terms of lives and livelihoods as world populations rise and people locate into hazardous places. This book catalogues a wide and diverse range of case studies of such disasters and human responses. This heritage of past disasters serves as inspiration for building culturally sensitive adaptions to present and future calamities, to mitigate their impacts, and facilitate recoveries.
Subjects: Archaeology Applied Anthropology Environmental Studies (General) Sustainable Development Goals
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Published August 2020
Who’s Cashing In?
Contemporary Perspectives on New Monies and Global Cashlessness
Sen, A., Lindquist, J., & Kolling, M. (eds)
From credit cards to cryptocurrencies, online and mobile money, remittances, and demonetization policies, cashless infrastructures are becoming increasingly common around the world. Who’s Cashing In? explores how different modes of cashlessness impact, transform and challenge the everyday lives and livelihoods of local communities in multiple regional contexts.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Anthropology (General) Sustainable Development Goals
eBook available
Published August 2023
Birds of Passage
Hunting and Conservation in Malta
Falzon, M.-A.
Drawing on years of ethnographic fieldwork in Malta, this book traces the complex interactions between hunters, birds and the landscapes they inhabit, as well as the dynamics and politics of bird conservation. Birds of Passage looks at the practice and meaning of hunting in a specific context, and raises broader questions about human-wildlife interactions and the uncertain outcomes of conservation.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Environmental Studies (General) Sustainable Development Goals
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Published October 2022
Borders across Healthcare
Moral Economies of Healthcare and Migration in Europe
Sahraoui, N. (ed)
Borders across Healthcare explores contemporary moral economies of the healthcare-migration nexus through a scalar and relational perspective. The volume documents the many ways in which borders come to disrupt healthcare settings and illuminates how judgements of a health-related deservingness become increasingly important, producing hierarchies that undermine a universal right to healthcare.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Mobility Studies Sociology Sustainable Development Goals
eBook available
Published January 2023
A U-Turn to the Future
Sustainable Urban Mobility since 1850
Emanuel, M., Schipper. F., & Oldenziel, R. (eds)
Unsustainable practices since the Industrial Revolution still impact our everyday lives. This book looks at how we can achieve sustainable urban mobility now and in the future by tapping into our knowledge of the historical trajectories leading up to the features of modern mobility in cities today.
Subjects: Mobility Studies Transport Studies Urban Studies Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published December 2024
Water, Life, and Profit
Fluid Economies and Cultures of Niamey, Niger
Keough, S. B. & Youngstedt, S. M
Water, Life, and Profit offers a holistic analysis of the people, economies, cultural symbolism, and material culture involved in the management, production, distribution, and consumption of drinking water in the urban context of Niamey, Niger. Keough and Youngstedt offer new insights into the lived experiences of gender, ethnicity, class, and spatial structure in Niamey’s water economies today.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Environmental Studies (General) Political and Economic Anthropology Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published October 2023
Fierce Medicines, Fragile Socialities
Grounding Global HIV Treatment in Tanzania
Mattes, D.
Looking at Tanga, a city on the Tanzanian Swahili coast, Dominik Mattes examines the implementation of antiretroviral HIV-treatment (ART) in the area, exploring the manifold infrastructural and social fragilities of treatment provision in public HIV clinics as well as patients’ multi-layered struggles of coming to terms with ART in their everyday lives.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Development Studies Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published March 2022
Hazardous Chemicals
Agents of Risk and Change, 1800-2000
Homburg, E. & Vaupel, E. (eds)
Covering a host of both notorious and little-known substances, the chapters in this collection investigate the emergence of specific toxic, pathogenic, carcinogenic, and ecologically harmful chemicals as well as the scientific, cultural and legislative responses they have prompted over the past two hundred years.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) History: 18th/19th Century History: 20th Century to Present Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Forthcoming June 2025
Planning for the Planet
Environmental Expertise and the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 1960–1980
Schleper, S.
In the 1960s and 1970s, rapidly growing environmental awareness and concern not only led to widespread calls for new policies, but also created unprecedented demand for ecological expertise by the likes of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. This book explores how conservation experts confronted new challenges tied to rival scientific approaches, Cold War politics, decolonization, and more.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) History: 20th Century to Present Sustainable Development Goals
eBook available
Published March 2023
Food and Sustainability in the Twenty-First Century
Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives
Collinson, P., Young, I., Antal, L., & Macbeth, H. (eds)
Sustainability is one of the great problems facing food production today. Using cross-disciplinary perspectives from international scholars working in social, cultural and biological anthropology, ecology and environmental biology, this volume brings many new perspectives to the problems we face.
Subjects: Food & Nutrition Anthropology (General) Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published May 2019
Management by Seclusion
A Critique of World Bank Promises to End Global Poverty
Cochrane, G.
Assessing the World Bank’s attempts to combat global poverty over the past 50 years, anthropologist and former World Bank Advisor Glynn Cochrane argues that instead of the Bank’s prevailing strategy of “management by seclusion,” poverty alleviation requires personal engagement with the poorest by helpers with hands-on local and cultural skills.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Development Studies Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published February 2023
Rethinking and Unthinking Development
Perspectives on Inequality and Poverty in South Africa and Zimbabwe
Mpofu, B. & Ndlovu-Gatsheni, S. J. (eds)
Through theoretical contributions and case studies focusing on South Africa and Zimbabwe, this volume attempts to rethink (and unthink) development discourses and practices in southern Africa. The authors explore the ways in which legacies of colonialism impact development, as well as other factors such as regional politics, corruption, and socio-economic and cultural barriers.
Subjects: Development Studies Political and Economic Anthropology Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published March 2023
Managing Northern Europe's Forests
Histories from the Age of Improvement to the Age of Ecology
Oosthoek, K. J. & Hölzl, R. (eds)
Eleven chapters, organized regionally, explore the origins of state forestry policy in Northern Europe from the early modern period to the present. Topics include fundamental policy aims, the functioning and organisations of forestry, forest management, wood supply, regulations, forest statistics, wood depletion, growing stock, forest conservation, and landscape protection.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) History: Medieval/Early Modern History: 18th/19th Century Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published March 2019
Gender, Violence, Refugees
Buckley-Zistel, S. & Krause, U. (eds)
Providing nuanced accounts of how the social identities of men and women, the context of displacement and the experience or manifestation of violence interact, this collection offers conceptual analyses and in-depth case studies to illustrate how gender relations are affected by displacement, encampment and return.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Peace and Conflict Studies Gender Studies and Sexuality Sustainable Development Goals
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Published January 2023
Footprints in Paradise
Ecotourism, Local Knowledge, and Nature Therapies in Okinawa
Murray, A. E.
In Okinawa, ecotourism promises to provide employment for a dwindling population of rural youth while preserving the natural environment and bolstering regional pride. Footprints in Paradise explores how sense of place in Okinawa is transformed as language, landscapes, and wildlife are reconstituted as treasured and vulnerable resources.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Travel and Tourism Environmental Studies (General) Sustainable Development Goals
eBook available
Published March 2019
International Organizations and Environmental Protection
Conservation and Globalization in the Twentieth Century
Kaiser, W. & Meyer, J.-H. (eds)
Environmental issues transcend national boundaries, and thus they have been a particular focus for international organizations for over a century. This volume is the first to comprehensively explore the environmental activities of regional bodies, professional communities, the United Nations, NGOs, and other international organizations during the twentieth century.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) History: 20th Century to Present Sustainable Development Goals
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Published March 2018
Sustaining Russia's Arctic Cities
Resource Politics, Migration, and Climate Change
Orttung, R. (ed)
Urban areas in Arctic Russia are experiencing unprecedented social and ecological change. This collection outlines the key challenges that city managers will face in navigating this shifting political, economic, social, and environmental terrain.
Subjects: Urban Studies Political and Economic Anthropology Refugee and Migration Studies Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published March 2019
Cycling and Recycling
Histories of Sustainable Practices
Oldenziel, R. & Trischler, H. (eds)
In recent years, activists and policymakers have increasingly turned to mobilizing older technologies in their pursuit of sustainability, and waste recycling and bicycles both exemplify this development. This series of fascinating case studies traces the twin histories of biking and recycling, providing valuable context for today’s policy challenges.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) History (General) Transport Studies Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published April 2017
Sustainable Development
An Appraisal from the Gulf Region
Sillitoe, P. (ed)
With growing evidence of unsustainable use of the world’s resources, such as hydrocarbon reserves, and related environmental pollution, as in alarming climate change predictions, sustainable development is arguably the prominent issue of the 21st century. Bringing together university faculty and government personnel from the Gulf, Europe, and North America this volume gives a wide ranging introduction focusing on the arid Gulf region and beyond, where the challenges of sustainable development are starkly evident.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Development Studies Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published November 2010
The Impact of Electricity
Development, Desires and Dilemmas
Winther, T.
Subjects: Development Studies Anthropology (General) Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published March 2011
Modern Crises and Traditional Strategies
Local Ecological Knowledge in Island Southeast Asia
Ellen, R. (ed)
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Development Studies Anthropology (General) Sustainable Development Goals
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Published March 2011
Sustainability and Communities of Place
Maida, C. (ed)
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Development Studies Anthropology (General) Sustainable Development Goals
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Published January 2007
Making Peace with the Earth
What Future for the Human Species and the Planet
Bindé, J. (ed)
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Development Studies Sustainable Development Goals
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Published December 2007
Green Encounters
Shaping and Contesting Environmentalism in Rural Costa Rica
Vivanco, L. A.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Anthropology (General) Development Studies Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published December 2007
The Environment and Sustainable Development in the New Central Europe
Bochniarz, Z. & Cohen G. (eds)
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) History: 20th Century to Present Sustainable Development Goals
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Published March 2005
Troubles with Turtles
Cultural Understandings of the Environment on a Greek Island
Theodossopoulos, D.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Anthropology (General) Sustainable Development Goals
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Published October 2002
Conservation and Mobile Indigenous Peoples
Displacement, Forced Settlement and Sustainable Development
Chatty, D. & Colchester, M. (eds)
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Environmental Studies (General) Development Studies Sustainable Development Goals
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Published February 2002
The Shaping of Environmental Policy in France
Szarka, J.
Drawing on an extensive range of political, legal and sociological materials, the author presents and evaluates environmental policy-making in France at a time when environmental problems are growing in complexity and gravity.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Sociology Sustainable Development Goals
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Published December 2001
Women as Sacred Custodians of the Earth?
Women, Spirituality and the Environment
Low, A. & Tremayne, S. (eds)
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality Environmental Studies (General) Anthropology of Religion Sustainable Development Goals