Today is International Museum Day!
Every year since 1977, International Museum Day is coordinated by the International Council of Museums (ICOM) and organised worldwide around May 18. This day is an occasion to raise awareness on how important museums are in the development of society.
The event highlights a specific theme each year that is at the heart of the international museum community’s preoccupations. The theme this year is Museums for a Sustainable Society. In honor of this event, we’d like to offer FREE ACCESS to the article “Assessing Museums Online: The Digital Heritage Sustainability (DHS) Framework” by Ana Luisa Sánchez Laws (from the second volume of the new journal Museum Worlds).
Connect with us on Facebook to access the article.
Museum Websites and Social Media: Issues of Participation, Sustainability, Trust and Diversity
by Ana Luisa Sánchez Laws
“This book is a timely offer that will provide both museum workers and audiences with some resolutions in dealing with new challenges emerging from the social media age….this book takes a step further, driving readers to think about questions from a different perspective, such as how museums can help shape the future of the web while being shaped by the web.” · Heng Wu, Nanjing Museum
The Enemy on Display: The Second World War in Eastern European Museums
by Zuzanna Bogumił, Joanna Wawrzyniak, Tim Buchen, Christian Ganzer and Maria Senina
“Certain key passages make very important and significant points about the depiction of the past in the recently ‘museified’ Eastern European countries. The focus on Dresden, Warsaw, and Leningrad/St. Petersburg works very well as each thematically driven case study complements each other and offers new ways of understanding images of the enemy in historicized museum depictions.” · Keir Reeves, Monash University
European Products: Making and Unmaking Heritage in Cyprus
by Gisela Welz
“The book is very well written, the ethnography superb, the topic of great contemporary relevance . . . It makes a substantial contribution to our understanding of Cypriot society as well as to the creation of heritage.” · Vassos Argyrou, University of Hull
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