Tag: International Museum Day
On Archival Access in a Pandemic
Catherine A. Nichols
Exchanging Objects and my broader research agenda considers how and why certain objects left museums, institutions so often associated with preservation, archiving, and keeping. It can be an odd thing, to go to a museum to intentionally study things that aren’t there. When the idea for this research was suggested to me by anthropologist Nancy Parezo, I admit I was first puzzled, then intrigued.
Continue reading “On Archival Access in a Pandemic”Celebrating International Museum Day
On May 18th the worldwide community of museums celebrates International Museum Day. This day is an occasion to raise awareness on how important museums are in the enrichment of cultures, development of society, and cooperation and peace among people. For more information on the theme and calendar of events for this year’s observance, visit the International Council of Museums webpage.
This year Berghahn Books turns 25! To mark this important milestone, we are offering 25% off all books. For print titles, please add the coupon code BB25. For eBooks, the discount is automatic.
Berghahn Journals is offering FREE access to Museum Worlds until May 25. Use code MuseumDay19. View redemption details.
Celebrating International Museum Day
The worldwide community of museums celebrates International Museum Day on and around 18 May each year. This day is an occasion to raise awareness on how important museums are in the enrichment of cultures, development of society, and cooperation and peace among people. For more information on the theme and calendar of events for this year’s observance, visit the International Council of Museums webpage.
To join the celebration, we’re offering a 25% discount on all Museum Studies titles for a limited time. Just visit our webpage and enter code IMD18 at checkout.
Celebrating International Museum Day
Today is International Museum Day!
Every year since 1977, International Museum Day is coordinated by the International Council of Museums (ICOM) and organised worldwide around May 18. This day is an occasion to raise awareness on how important museums are in the development of society.
The event highlights a specific theme each year that is at the heart of the international museum community’s preoccupations. The theme this year is Museums for a Sustainable Society. In honor of this event, we’d like to offer FREE ACCESS to the article “Assessing Museums Online: The Digital Heritage Sustainability (DHS) Framework” by Ana Luisa Sánchez Laws (from the second volume of the new journal Museum Worlds).
Connect with us on Facebook to access the article.