Hot Off the Presses – New Journal Issues Published in April

Journal of Romance Studies
Volume 15, Issue 1
This issue includes articles on a range of topics.

European Judaism
Volume 48, Issue 1
This issue is comprised of articles on a variety of topics and includes a new section titled From the Pulpit.


Historical Reflections
Volume 41, Issue 1
This special issue is titled Radical Book History: E. P. Thompson and The Making of the English Working Class, Fifty Years On and is edited by Antoinette Burton and Stephanie Seawell.


Girlhood Studies
Volume 8, Issue 1
This special issue is titled Girlhood Studies in Post-Socialist Times, and the articles collected in this issue represent a broad range of themes and approaches.


Volume 62, Issue 142
The articles in this issue cover a range of topics including immigration and national identity, concepts of human violence, the role of the Humanities in the university, and Machiavellianism.


Critical Survey
Volume 26, Issue 3
This issue is devoted to the radical and innovative Shakespeare criticism that emerged in Britain in the 1980s; and to the memory of a hugely influential and much-loved leader in the field, Professor Terence Hawkes, who died in 2014.


Volume 9, Issue 1
This issue features a special section titled Rethinking Empire from Eastern Europe.


International Journal of Social Quality
Volume 4, Issue 2
In this issue, the articles consider multiple approaches as they address societal issues such as governance, coping with crises, the rejection of state-proffered entitlements or provisions, the Greek crisis, and innovation. This confrontation with a societal issue can give a better understanding of the approach in question, and contributes to its testing and enrichment. 


Anthropology in Action
Volume 22, Issue 1
This special issue is titled Negotiating Care in Uncertain Settings and Looking Beneath the Surface of Health Governance Projects and the articles encourage us to look at the social relations and biopolitics of encounters between patients, medical professionals, medical institutions and the state and to carefully interrogate shifts in the distribution of responsibility for healthcare and all it entails.