Anthropology in Action
Journal for Applied Anthropology in Policy and Practice
Volume 23, Issue 1: Towards Communities of Practice in Global Sustainability
This special issue focuses on eight case-based articles and one theoretical article on communities of practice, within and beyond anthropological frameworks, to illustrate how participatory researchers, students, policy and community leaders, and the broader public, come to engage in community-based transformational sustainability research and practice. The first set of articles focus on the Global North, and the second set of articles, which will appear in a subsequent issue, focus on the Global South.
The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology
Volume 34, Issue 1: Time-Tricking: Reconsidering Temporal Agency in Troubled Times
This issue features a special section titled Time-Tricking: Reconsidering Temporal Agency in Troubled Times. The articles in the special section, guest edited by Felix Ringel and Roxanne Moroşanu, draw ethnographic attention to ways in which people attempt to modify, manage, bend, speed up, slow down or otherwise structure or restructure the times they are living in.
Durkheimian Studies
Volume 21, Issue 1
This issue features articles covering a range of topics including the intellectual link between Mauss and Durkheim, Durkheim’s theories of sacrifice, dynamogenics, and more.
Critical Survey
Volume 28, Issue 1: British Gothic – Penny Dreadful
This special issue reflect the growing interest in Gothic Studies, featuring a group of essays on the innovative and influential TV series Penny Dreadful.
Anthropological Journal of European Cultures
Volume 25, Issue 1: Literature and Anthropology
This special issue on anthropology and literature invited proposals for original contributions focusing on relationships between anthropology and literature.
Boyhood Studies
An Interdisciplinary Journal
Volume 9, Issue 1: Cinemas of Boyhood – Part II
We are proud to present a second set of essays on the topic of boyhood in cinema, adding to those that appeared in issue 8.2 of this journal. The range of interests reflected in these essays is eclectic, illustrating the diverse concerns that boyhood’s representation evinces in movies and all media.
Israel Studies Review
Volume 31, Issue 1: Resisting Liberalism in Israel
Over the last two decades, the liberal democratic form of governance has been facing a major challenge—which is manifested in varying ways around the globe. In this special issue, we delve into the Israeli case in order to take a glimpse into the crisis of liberalism in a particular setting, without losing sight of the global context and its deep historiosophical roots.
The International Yearbook of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European Women’s and Gender History
Volume 10, Issue 1
This is the tenth volume of the journal, and this issue features a special theme section titled Finding Women in the Archives: Experiences and Stories from CESEE.
Democratic Theory
An Interdisciplinary Journal
Volume 3, Issue 1
This issue presents a take on the opportunities that lie in the crisis of democracy.