Celebrating ‘Shakeshafte’ by Rowan Williams


ShakespeareBerghahn recently published the play ‘Shakeshafte‘ by Rowan Williams in the journal Critical Survey. Williams, who was the 104th Archbishop of Canterbury, is a highly-regarded poet and theologian whose play has been getting significant attention since its publication. To both honor the author and celebrate the publication of his play, we’ve linked to several articles about his work below. We hope you enjoy.


“Much ado for Rowan Williams, as Magdalene master and former Archbishop pens first short play” by Adam Care in Cambridge News

“What I learned from the word of the Bard” by Rowan Williams in The Guardian

“Rethink retirement to end ‘work-until-you-drop’ culture, says Rowan Williams” By Peter Stanford and John Bingham in The Telegraph

“Rowan Williams: I’m preparing for my final years” By Peter Stanford in The Telegraph

“Ex-Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams turns playwright after writing play about Shakespeare” by Robin Turner in Wales Online



You can read ‘Shakeshafte’ by Rowan Williams here:

For a free sample issue of Critical Survey, click here.

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