Hot Off the Presses – New Journal Releases

Volume 7, Issue 1, 2013
Includes a special theme section on Women’s Autobiographical Writing and Correspondence, as well as the second part of “Clio on the Margins”, continued from last year’s issue.

Contributions to the History of Concepts
Volume 7, Issue 2, Winter 2012
Featuring a Rountable on “Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe Reloaded? Writing the Conceptual History of the Twentieth Century” by guest editors Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann and Kathrin Kollmeier.

Volume 2013, Issue 65, Spring 2013
Including two theme sections: “Toward an anthropology of affirmative action” and “Horizons of choice: An ethnographic approach to decision making”.

French Politics, Culture & Society
Volume 31, Issue 1, Spring 2013
With articles on the cultural history of World War I in France, the “rise of the Anglo-Saxon”, 1920s beauty contests in France and America, German unification, and filmmaking and the invention of the Paris suburbs.

Religion and Society
Volume 3, Issue 1, Spring 2013
Focusing on Jean Comaroff’s work and reflection, and also including a debate section on “Religion and Revolution” and comments on the work of Manuel A. Vásquez.