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At Home in a Nursing Home: An Ethnography of Movement and Care in Australia

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Volume 9

Life Course, Culture and Aging: Global Transformations

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At Home in a Nursing Home

An Ethnography of Movement and Care in Australia

Angela Rong Yang Zhang

Foreword by Tim Ingold
Afterword by Philip B. Stafford

218 pages, 14 illus., bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-80073-664-1 $135.00/£104.00 / Hb / Published (January 2023)

eISBN 978-1-80073-665-8 eBook

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“This is a really good, in fact vital, contribution to our understanding of aged care. This is an opinion enhanced in part by the political context, at least in Australia, in which aged care is being discussed. In this country, which has an aging population and inadequate quality and quantity of aged care facilities, an opportunity exists to ask different kinds of questions – one of which might be about being at home in an institutional home”. • Simone Dennis, Università di Bologna


Focusing on contemporary ideas about how aged care is provided, this book poses the question: How can people who are aged and frail live out the final phase of their lives with dignity? In seeking answers, the author examines what it means to be ‘at home’ in residential care in a novel and compassionate way. In an ethnographic study of how elderly residents can be given the right care, this book provides a new route into the bodily realities of ageing. It is a vital contribution to the search for alternative approaches to aged care provision.

Angela Rong Yang Zhang received the Australian Government Postgraduate Award and Emerging Researchers in Ageing Conference Bursary in 2015 and is currently Aged Care Research & Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA) Grant supported researcher at College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Flinders University, Australia. Dr Zhang is also an Adjunct Fellow to the School of Social Sciences at The University of Adelaide

BLOG: Angela Rong Yang Zhang on At Home in a Nursing Home

Subject: Anthropology (General)Sociology
Area: Asia-Pacific


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