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Technocrats in Office

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Volume 28

Italian Politics

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Technocrats in Office

Edited by Aldo di Virgilio and Claudio M. Radaelli

340 pages, 8 ills & 40 tables

ISBN  978-1-78238-429-8 $69.95/£55.95 / Pb / Published (December 2013)

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In 2012, the spotlight was on Prime Minister Monti and his government of non-elected ministers. Early in the year, the new government’s economic policy was effective in stopping the international downgrading of the country’s credit rating. However, in terms of the entire year, the success of the Monti government appears less definitive. There were no clear achievements in terms of growth, and the structural features of the economy remained weak. Monti successfully initiated some reforms and policy changes, but there were failures as well. Furthermore, the “odd majority” (made up of the PdL, PD, and UdC) that supported Monti in Parliament performed more weakly than the government. The parties were to change the electoral law, reform the parliamentary institutions, cut costs, and reduce the privileges of the political class, but failed. Their inaction was accompanied by a series of scandals and crimes, all of which facilitated the emergence of new political forces, such as the Five Star Movement. When Monti eventually resigned in December 2012, President Napolitano called for new elections, and the parties redefined their proposals and lists. At the end of the year, the political and economic conditions of the country remained fragile.

Aldo di Virgilio is at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna

Claudio M. Radaelli is at the Department of Political Science and Director of the Centre for European Governance, University of Exeter

Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
Area: Southern Europe


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