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Water - A Shared Responsibility

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Water - A Shared Responsibility

United Nations/WWAP
Foreword by Kofi Annan
Prologue by Ko'chiro Matsuura
Preface by Gordon Young

600 pages, 300 ils, bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-84545-177-6 $99.00/£72.00 / Pb / Published (January 2006)

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“…an usually readable and well-crafted example [within the genre]. It is truly impressive in its coverage of topics ranging from ecological assessment…to institutional arrangements…to a series of water-plus analyses…Unlike many Large World Reports, it also exhibits a refreshing degree of statistical good sense…The narrative sections are substantive, generally insightful, and richly illustrated with appropriate illustrations, charts, and statistical information.”  ·  Technology and Culture


A joint undertaking of the 24 UN agencies comprising UN-Water, and in partnership with governments and other entities concerned with freshwater issues, this volume, covering as it does all regions and most countries of the world, provides an up-to-date global overview of the state and uses of freshwater, critical water-related problems, and societies’ coping mechanisms. Drawing on an extensive database, expert analysis, case studies, and hundreds of graphic elements, it is the most comprehensive undertaking to date of freshwater assessment, providing a mechanism for monitoring changes in the resource and its management and progress towards achieving development targets, particularly the Millennium Development Goals.

Building on the conclusions of the first United Nations World Water Development Report, Water for People, Water for Life (2003), the 2006 Report confirms the ongoing, serious and growing water crisis–essentially a crisis of governance–and points to a prevalent lack of capacity and knowledge base as today’s primary obstacles to achieving the necessary levels of water governance. This volume proposes a more integrated vision of water resources management to respond to changing environmental and socio-economic conditions.

Includes CD-Rom

United Nations WWAP

Subject: Environmental Studies (General)Development Studies

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