The Science of State Power in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1790-1880 | BERGHAHN BOOKS
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The Science of State Power in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1790-1880

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Volume 5

New Perspectives on Central and Eastern European Studies

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The Science of State Power in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1790-1880

Borbála Zsuzsanna Török

298 pages, 6 figs., 5 tables, bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-80539-554-6 $135.00/£99.00 / Hb / Not Yet Published (June 2024)

eISBN 978-1-80539-555-3 eBook Not Yet Published

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The formation of modern European states during the long 19th century was complicated and challenged by the integration of completely different territories and populations. The Science of State Power in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1790-1880 builds on recent research to investigate the means of administrative, legal, and educational structures overlooked as part of the German sciences of the state. Integral to shaping imperial power for the process of Habsburg state-building, the science of Statistik (statistics) dissected and translated the states disparate territories it into empirically perceptible components.

Borbala Zsuzsanna Török is senior research fellow at the Institute of Austrian Historical Studies, University of Vienna. She is the author of Exploring Transylvania: Geographies of Knowledge and Entangled Histories of a Multiethnic Province, 1790 – 1914 (Brill Publishers, 2015). She co-edited Berechnen/Beschreiben. Praktiken statistischen (Nicht-)Wissens 1750-1850 (Duncker & Humblot, 2015) with Gunhild Berg and Marcus Twellmann, as well as Negotiating Knowledge in Early-Modern Empires: a Decentered View (Palgrave, 2014) with László Kontler, Antonella Romano, and Silvia Sebastiani.

Subject: History: 18th/19th Century
Area: Central/Eastern EuropeGermany


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