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Archives, Ancestors, Practices: Archaeology in the Light of its History

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Archives, Ancestors, Practices

Archaeology in the Light of its History

Edited by Nathan Schlanger and Jarl Nordbladh

392 pages, 75 ills

ISBN  978-1-84545-066-3 $99.00/£72.00 / Pb / Published (June 2008)

eISBN 978-0-85745-065-4 eBook

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The twenty-five papers from this volume mark an important landmark of the European-funded AREA (Archives of European Archaeology) project…A particularly interesting section is the exploration of the visuality of archaeology, moving between displays, photography, and draughtsmanship and including at least one paper outside the formal section in visualization, on the practice of the use of models.  ·  JRAI

“This tightly organized volume represents a mastery of diverse data…The sheer breadth, depth and richness of the contributions make this reviewer wish that she had attended the conference. It is a model contribution to discussion of the current state of archeology…The work is a classic of its kind.”  ·  American Journal of Archeology

“…this important volume succeeds in getting some key messages across: that the history of archaeology today needs to leave behind paradigms which rely on a unilinear story of progressive development…{there is a] rich body of information and insights to be found in this... worthwhile and multifaceted book.”  ·  Antiquity


In line with the resurgence of interest in the history of archaeology manifested over the past decade, this volume aims to highlight state-of-the art research across several topics and areas, and to stimulate new approaches and studies in the field. With their shared historiographical commitment, the authors, leading scholars and emerging researchers, draw from a wide range of case studies to address major themes such as historical sources and methods; questions of archaeological practices and the practical aspects of knowledge production; ‘visualizing archaeology’ and the multiple roles of iconography and imagery; and ‘questions of identity’ at local, national and international levels.

Nathan Schlanger, now at INRAP, Paris, coordinates the AREA project (Archives of European Archaeology). He has published on prehistoric archaeology, on the technological contributions of Mauss and Leroi-Gourhan, and on the history of archaeology in colonial (African) contexts.

Jarl Nordbladh retired as Emeritus Professor of Archaeology at Göteborg University. His research interests include the history of archaeology, Scandinavian rock art and scientific illustrations. He has taken part in the EU funded AREA project from its beginnings.

Subject: ArchaeologyHistory (General)Heritage Studies


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