Reversible America: Cowboys, Clowns, and Bullfighters | BERGHAHN BOOKS
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Reversible America: Cowboys, Clowns, and Bullfighters

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Reversible America

Cowboys, Clowns, and Bullfighters

Frédéric Saumade and Jean-Baptiste Maudet

318 pages, 23 ills., bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-80539-579-9 $135.00/£99.00 / Hb / Not Yet Published (July 2024)

eISBN 978-1-80539-580-5 eBook Not Yet Published

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Rodeo, cattle ranching, and bullfighting converge in the arenas of race, gender, and ethics in Reversible America. In Southwestern California, these sports manifest in spectacular expressions of transcultural interactions that continue to develop through border crossings. Using an interdisciplinary scope, this unique look into the subculture negotiates the paradoxes and connections between the popular American performances, Iberian bullfighting, and Native American hunting methods, along with the relationship between human and non-human beings, and systems of value across borders.

Frédéric Saumade is Professor of Social Anthropology at Aix-Marseille University, France and Member of the Institut d'Ethnologie et d’Anthropologie Sociale (IDEAS), CNRS. Most recently, Saumade published De Walt Disney à la tauromachie. Élégie pour une mythologie animalière (2023, Diable Vauvert). He has also edited. with Patrick Pérez, Tenatsali, ou l’ethnologue qui fut transformé en Indien by Frank Hamilton Cushing (2022, CNRS Editions).

Jean-Baptiste Maudet Professor of Geography at Pau et pays de l’Adour University and Member of TRansitions Energétiques et Environnementales (TREE), CNRS. Maudet is the author of Matador Yankee (2019, Passage), Geografía de la Tauromaquia (2018, Universidad de Sevilla), and Terres de taureaux (2018, Casa de Velazquez).

Subject: Performance StudiesHistory: 18th/19th Century
Area: North America


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