List of Tables
List of Contributors
Introduction: Regionalism as a Response to a Global Challenge
Susan Kneebone and Felicity Rawlings-Sanaei
Old regionalism: development of the international refugee protection system
The 1969 Organisation of African Unity Convention
The Cartagena Declaration
The Comprehensive Plan of Action
New Regionalism: UNHCR’s Convention Plus and Agenda for Protection
Chapter 1. The Migration–Asylum Nexus and Regional Approaches
Stephen Castles
What is the migration–asylum nexus?
Notes for a political economy of forced migration
Regional responses
Chapter 2. Strategies, Stories and Smuggling: Inter-regional Asylum Flows and Their Implications for Regional Responses
Khalid Koser
The impact of asylum and immigration policies and procedures
The role of social networks
The growing significance of smuggling
Implications of regional responses
Chapter 3. Forced Migration, Engineered Regionalism and Justice between States
Matthew J. Gibney
The need for justice amongst states
The commodification objection
Chapter 4. The Europeanization of Refugee Policy
Joanne van Selm
What do we mean by Europe?
How does Europe relate to the Refugees Convention refugee ‘policy regime’?
What distinctions are there in national refugee policies across Europe?
The European level: a Europeanized refugee policy?
The future: a Europeanized refugee policy?
Chapter 5. Europeanization of Citizenship and Asylum Policy: a Case Study of the U.K.
Nazila Ghanea
EU policies on free movement, citizenship and nationality: the 1992 Maastricht Treaty and 1997 Amsterdam Treaty
Free movement, citizenship, nationality and the development of EU asylum policy
EU laws and policies and the impact of such on the situation of asylum in the U.K.
Chapter 6. North American Responses: a Comparative Study of U.S. and Canadian Refugee Policy
François Crepéau and Stephen H. Legomsky
The Canadian refugee process
The United States refugee process
Canada–U.S. cooperation on immigration and border control issues
Chapter 7. Australia, Indonesia and the Pacific Plan
Susan Kneebone and Sharon Pickering
Australia’s refugee policy: from the CPA to Tampa
Indonesia and the Pacific Strategy
Protection under the Pacific Strategy
Chapter 8. New Regionalisms, New Migrations and New Regulations in Africa: Asylum Seekers, Diasporas and Development at the Start of a New Century
Timothy M. Shaw
Migrations and globalizations in Africa
Migrations and the ‘new’ Africas
‘New’ regionalisms and contemporary migration
Towards ‘new’ African regime(s) for migration at the start of the twenty-first century?
New security dilemmas
Implications for analysis and policy
Chapter 9. Regionalism, Human Rights and Forced Migration
Colin Harvey
International refugee law and human rights protection
Global, regional and national interactions
Chapter 10. Conclusion: Challenges Ahead
Susan Kneebone