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The Rich and the Poor in Modern Europe, 1890-2020: A Historian’s Response to Recent Debates among Economists

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The Rich and the Poor in Modern Europe, 1890-2020

A Historian’s Response to Recent Debates among Economists

Hartmut Kaelble

Translated by Volker Berghahn

168 pages, 6 tables, bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-80073-962-8 $120.00/£92.00 / Hb / Published (April 2023)

eISBN 978-1-80073-963-5 eBook

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“Kaelble offers a historiography of economists' views of modern social inequality, which helps to put the topic in context. His succinct writing yields well-organized chapters in which he discusses many aspects of social inequality.” • Choice


As social inequality grows, historical analysis on wealth and income distribution across the 20th century often does not take into account inequality of education, health, housing and chances of social mobility, nor does it differentiate statistical inequality from the realities of peoples’ actual experience. With this broad understanding in mind, in a long look back on the history of social inequality in Europe, The Rich and the Poor in Modern Europe addresses these neglected subjects. It also tackles the commonplace notion that modern capitalism inevitably produces wealth gaps and asks whether the facts and figures we possess also lead to alternate interpretations of examples of mitigated inequality. Covering the 20th century and the beginnings of the 21st century in Europe through wars, and economic crises, through periods of unprecedented economic prosperity and staggering economies, both exacerbating and dampening the problem, acclaimed historian Hartmut Kaelble offers a rigorous response to understanding our present-day challenge of social inequality.

Hartmut Kaelble has been Professor Emeritus at Humboldt University in Berlin since 2009. From 1971–1991, he was Professor of Social History at Free University Berlin and from 1991–2008 at Humboldt University.

Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
Area: EuropeGermany


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