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Children are Everywhere: Conspicuous Reproduction and Childlessness in Reunified Berlin

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Volume 53

Fertility, Reproduction and Sexuality: Social and Cultural Perspectives

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Children are Everywhere

Conspicuous Reproduction and Childlessness in Reunified Berlin

Meghana Joshi

177 pages, 11 ills., bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-80539-166-1 $120.00/£92.00 / Hb / Published (November 2023)

eISBN 978-1-80539-393-1 eBook

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“There are some unique and important discussions [in this book] that I have not seen elaborated elsewhere and certainly not brought together in one place.” • Heide Castañeda, University of South Florida


Children are Everywhere engages with how demographic anxieties and reproductive regimes emerge as forms of social inclusion and exclusion in a low fertility Western European context. This book explores everyday experiences of parenting and childlessness of ‘ethnic’ Germans in Berlin, who came of age around the fall of the Berlin Wall, and brings them into conversation with theories on parenting, waithood, non-biological intimacies, and masculinities. This is the first ethnographic work by a South Asian author on demographic anxieties and reproduction in Germany and reverses the anthropological gaze to study Europe as the ‘Other.’

Meghana Joshi has been Clinical Assistant Professor in Cultural Anthropology at the University of Buffalo, New York since 2018. She is an ethnographer of reproduction, childlessness and masculinity. Her research interests include demographic anthropology and parenting.

Subject: Anthropology (General)SociologyGender Studies and Sexuality
Area: Germany


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