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Montesquieu: His Contribution to the Establishment of Political Science

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A volume in the Publications of the Durkheim Press series

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His Contribution to the Establishment of Political Science

Émile Durkheim
Edited, with a commentary by W. Watts Miller
Translated by W. Watts Miller and Emma Griffiths

136 pages, bibliog.

ISBN  978-0-95299-360-5 $29.95/£23.95 / Pb / Published (October 2002)

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"... a splendid new edition." · Robert Alun Jones

"... almost perfect." · Marcel Fournier


Montesquieu's Spirit of the Laws (1748) is one of the outstanding works of modern social thought. Durkheim's Latin thesis (1892) is not only one of the outstanding interpretations of that work, but also a seminal statement of his own ideas on society and on sociological method. It was the companion thesis to The Division of Labour and a forerunner of The Rules of Sociological Method.

This is the first English translation directly from the original Latin text, and also includes the original text, along with full editorial notes, a related article by Durkheim on Hyppolite Taine and a commentary on Durkheim and Montesquieu by W. Watts Miller.

W. Watts Miller is editor of Durkheimian Studies and author of Durkheim, Morals and Modernity.

Subject: SociologyTheory and Methodology


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