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France, Germany, and Nuclear Deterrence: Quarrels and Convergences during the Cold War and Beyond

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France, Germany, and Nuclear Deterrence

Quarrels and Convergences during the Cold War and Beyond

Edited by Nicolas Badalassi and Frédéric Gloriant

364 pages, 14 illus., 1 table, bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-80073-325-1 $150.00/£115.00 / Hb / Published (January 2022)

eISBN 978-1-80073-326-8 eBook

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France, Germany, and Nuclear Deterrence offers a much-needed and updated (re-)appraisal of the complex strategic and nuclear relationship between France and Germany.” • Carine Germond, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

“Through an assessment of the current state of research in the field, the editors successfully provide a very differentiated picture of Franco-German security relations with special attention to its nuclear dimension.” • Herman Wentker, Institut für Zeitgeschichte München-Berlin


The legacy of World War II and the division of Eastern and Western Europe produced a radical asymmetry, and a variety of misgivings and misunderstandings, in French and German experiences of the nuclear age. At the same time, however, political actors in both nations continually labored to reconcile their differences and engage in productive strategic dialogue. Grounded in cutting-edge research and freshly discovered archival sources, France, Germany, and Nuclear Deterrence teases out the paradoxical nuclear interactions between France and Germany from 1954 to the present day.

Nicolas Badalassi is Associate Professor of Contemporary History at the Institut d’Etudes politiques of Aix-en-Provence. His book publications include The CSCE and the End of the Cold War: Diplomacy, Societies and Human Rights, 1972-1990 (Berghahn Books, 2019, coedited with Sarah B. Snyder), and Reconstructing Europe 45 Years after Yalta: The Charter of Paris (1990) (CTHS, 2020, coedited with Jean-Philippe Dumas).

Frédéric Gloriant is Associate Professor of Contemporary History at the Centre de recherches en histoire internationale et atlantique of the University of Nantes. He obtained his doctorate in 2014 at Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris III) and worked from 2017 to 2018 as a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Nuclear and Strategic Studies, École Normale Supérieure (Paris-Ulm).

Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
Area: FranceGermany


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