Governing Migration Through Paperwork: Legitimation Practices, Exclusive Inclusion and Differentiation | BERGHAHN BOOKS
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Governing Migration Through Paperwork: Legitimation Practices, Exclusive Inclusion and Differentiation

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Volume 6

Lifeworlds: Knowledges, Politics, Histories

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Governing Migration Through Paperwork

Legitimation Practices, Exclusive Inclusion and Differentiation

Edited by Sophie Andreetta and Lisa Marie Borrelli

Made available under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license with support from Berghahn Open Migration and Development Studies initiative.

184 pages, bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-80539-611-6 $120.00/£89.00 / Hb / Not Yet Published (August 2024)

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“Well documented and well argued, with complementary approaches on a topical subject, addressed from an original angle that has recently emerged in the anthropology of the state and bureaucracies.” • Jean-Pierre Olivier De Sardan,École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales


To better understand migration governance and the concrete, daily practices of civil servants tasked with enforcing state laws and policies, it is important to focus on documents, which are core artefacts of bureaucratic work. These can include certificates, letters, reports, case files, decisions, internal guidelines and judgements, in both digital and paper form. Based on ethnographic studies in various geographical and bureaucratic contexts, this collection shows how civil servants produce statehood, restrict migrants’ movements and engage with migrants’ strategies to make themselves legible. It contributes to the study of the state as documentary practice and highlights the role of paperwork as a powerful practice of migration control.

Sophie Andreetta is an FRS-FNRS Research Associate within the University of Liège. At the intersection of social-legal studies and the anthropology of the state, her journal publications delve into (non)citizens’ relationship to law and state institutions and the concrete implementation of public policies using ethnographic methods.

Lisa Marie Borrelli works as Associate Professor at the University of Applied Science – HES-SO Valais, Institute of Social Work, Switzerland. Her research interests circle around the broader concepts of exclusion and banishment, including a focus on how noncitizens’ rights are restricted by states in the fields of migration law, welfare policies and public administration.

Subject: Refugee and Migration StudiesPolitical and Economic Anthropology

Governing Migration Through Paperwork Edited by Sophie Andreetta and Lisa Marie Borrelli is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) with support from Berghahn Open Migration and Development Studies initiative.

OA ISBN: 978-1-80539-613-0


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