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Berghahn Series

Urban Anthropology Unbound

Series Editor:
Aylin Tschoepe, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland

Editorial Board:
Ferne Edwards, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Carolin Genz, Humboldt University of Berlin

Urban spaces are centers for human and non-human activity, as well as agents entangled in networks both material and immaterial, real and imagined. Urban Anthropology Unbound unpacks the usual assumptions of an anthropology of urban life and what this means for understanding past, present, and possible urban futures. It promotes urban ethnography as a grounded, interdisciplinary methodology to study spatial phenomena as they interface with social and cultural ones and offers ways to understand, interpret, make, and practice urban lifeworlds. 

This series seeks ethnographic-based knowledge, with a particular interest in the unconventional, from sensory explorations to virtual spaces, and beyond.

Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. All formal submissions should include an abstract of 300 words, and be sent directly to the series editor ( with Berghahn Books ( cc'd. For more information on Berghahn's manuscript submission procedure, please review the Info for Authors section on this web site. Any queries about the formal procedure should be sent to Berghahn Books.

Library Recommendation Form

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OWN AFFILIATION: I am an editor/contributor to a book in the Series and/or on the Editorial Board of the Series.