Berghahn Series
Social Identities
General Editors:
Shirley Ardener, Founding Director, International Gender Studies Center, University of Oxford
Tamara Dragadze
Jonathan Webber
Based on a prominent Oxford University seminar founded over two decades ago by the social anthropologist Edwin Ardener, this series focuses on the ethnic, historical, religious, and other elements of culture that give rise to a social sense of belonging, enabling individuals and groups to find meaning both in their own social identities and in what differentiates them from others. Each volume is based on one specific theme that brings together contemporary material from a variety of cultures.
Formal submissions should be sent directly to Berghahn Books. For more information on Berghahn's manuscript submission procedure, please look at the Info for Authors section on this web site. All submissions to this series, as well as any queries about the formal procedure, should be sent to Berghahn.
Volume 8
Humour, Comedy and Laughter
Obscenities, Paradoxes, Insights and the Renewal of Life
Edited by Lidia Dina Sciama
Published: 2016 -
Volume 7
Youth Gangs and Street Children
Culture, Nurture and Masculinity in Ethiopia
Paula Heinonen
Published: 2011 -
Volume 6
Out of Place
Madness in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea
Michael Goddard
Published: 2011 -
Volume 5
Where Humans and Spirits Meet
The Politics of Rituals and Identified Spirits in Zanzibar
Kjersti Larsen
Published: 2008 -
Volume 4
The Discipline of Leisure
Embodying Cultures of 'Recreation'
Edited by Simon Coleman and Tamara Kohn
Published: 2008 -
Volume 3
Professional Identities
Policy and Practice in Business and Bureaucracy
Edited by Shirley Ardener and Fiona Moore
Published: 2007 -
Volume 2
Medical Identities
Healing, Well Being and Personhood
Edited by Kent Maynard
Published: 2007 -
Volume 1
Changing Sex and Bending Gender
Edited by Alison Shaw and Shirley Ardener
Published: 2005