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Berghahn Series

Rethinking Biosocial Anthropology

Series Editors:
Hayley MacGregor, Professor of Medical Anthropology and Global Health, Institute of Development Studies
Ian Harper, Professor of Anthropology of Health and Development, University of Edinburgh

This series invites submissions (monographs or edited volumes) from scholars engaged in rethinking the ‘biosocial’ and the interconnectedness of biological and social dynamics in shaping human experience.

In recent years, significant changes and new phenomena such as the COVID-19 pandemic, advances in neurosciences and genetics, and concern about the anthropocene and global warming have advanced thinking about complex biosocial relations and the ways in which these come to be mutually constituted. Contemporary phenomena are also redefining the boundaries between the bio- and social sciences and the humanities. This involves a wide range of academic disciplines at the intersections of natural, ecological, medical and social sciences, as linked to social and biological anthropology, sociology, environmental studies, biomedicine, global health and also development studies.

We seek multiple perspectives, inter and cross-disciplinary conversations that value the varied contributions required to address our current global challenges across a diversity of regions. We are also interested in historical accounts and genealogies of the biosocial in different traditions. Thus the aim of this series is to make available to the informed public, undergraduates and postgraduate students the current and cutting edge research and debates that define these emergent parameters.

The series is supported by the RAI Biosocial Committee.


Formal submissions should be sent directly to Berghahn Books. For more information on Berghahn's manuscript submission procedure, please look at the Info for Authors section on this web site. All submissions to this series, as well as any queries about the formal procedure, should be sent to Berghahn.

Library Recommendation Form

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BENEFIT FOR THE LIBRARY: This series will be a valuable addition to the library's collection.

REFERENCE: I will refer to this series for my research/teaching work.

STUDENT REFERRAL: I will regularly refer my students to the series to assist their studies.

OWN AFFILIATION: I am an editor/contributor to a book in the Series and/or on the Editorial Board of the Series.