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Berghahn Series

Digital Archaeology: Documenting the Anthropocene

Series Editor:
Andrew Reinhard, Cultural Resource Management (CRM) Project Director for Metcalf Archaeological Consultants and Research Affiliate at the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW), New York University

The archaeology of the late 20th and 21st centuries supplements traditional landscapes, sites, and artifacts with those that are digital. People increasingly inhabit digital places, investing time and money into spaces accessed only through screens. People and corporations continue to create these digital built environments and their supporting, physical architecture at an astonishing rate for a rich diversity of purposes. This series aims to answer the questions of what the heritage of digital things and places looks like and how it can be understood archaeologically.

Formal submissions should be sent directly to Berghahn Books, however initial enquiries are encouraged and should be sent to Andrew Reinhard who will be able to advise and help you through the formal procedure. For more information on Berghahn's manuscript submission procedure, please look at the Info for Authors section on this web site. If you have any queries about the formal procedure, please contact Berghahn.

Library Recommendation Form

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BENEFIT FOR THE LIBRARY: This series will be a valuable addition to the library's collection.

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OWN AFFILIATION: I am an editor/contributor to a book in the Series and/or on the Editorial Board of the Series.