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Berghahn eBooks

Individual eBooks

All new Berghahn titles are available simultaneously in print and online editions and this is where you will find our eBooks and may order them directly from us. The titles currently available do not represent the entirety of our list, but we are in the process of adding more. If you do not find what you are looking for we are happy to have your suggestions, so please send a note to

You can find eBooks using the filter on our Subject and Area browse lists. For example:

Or you can see our latest eBooks published here: New eBooks.

If you find a title that you would like your academic or public library to add, you will find information below to share with your librarian for acquisition.

Your purchases of our eBooks are shelved here in our virtual stacks where you may download them as EPUBs whenever you wish. EPUB files may be read on your smartphone, tablet, e-reader, or computer. This means that they can be opened in a wide range of readers like the B&N Nook, Kobo eReader, and the Apple Books app or Calibre eBook Manager. EPUB files have to be converted before they're usable on the Amazon Kindle. Software such as Calibre eBook Manager can do this for you.

If you are curious about EPUBs generally or want to know how to convert your EPUB to be usable on a Kindle instructions for doing so may be found at technology websites like where you will find not only this guidance, but lots of other useful information.

For full information on purchasing individual eBooks, please see our FAQ page.

Other eBook retailers

You will also find our eBooks at Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble Nook,, Google Play, and KoBo, but we are pleased to offer readers who buy from us directly special offers and information about new titles and authors for supporting our program.

Librarians and Institutions

Libraries have a variety of purchase options - perpetual access, short-term loan or subscription - to a wide range of Berghahn eBooks across all our subjects.

You can order directly from your preferred eBook supplier (see our partners below) or through our global network of agents, resellers, and select vendors, all of whom will continue to carry print editions:

We are pleased to partner with De Gruyter as part of their University Press Library (UPL) program, which brings together prestigious university presses and select mission-driven scholarly publishers, like Berghahn Books, to enable libraries to purchase our complete ebook frontlist each year. More information can be found in this press release.

If an older title is not available from your library supplier, please ask them to request it from us. Our eBooks are available across libraries worldwide through partnerships that include: