By Title
Published October 2004
The 'Conservative Revolutionaries'
The Protestant and Catholic Churches in Germany after Radical Political Change in the 1990s
Thériault, B.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published November 2009
The 'Final Solution' in Riga
Exploitation and Annihilation, 1941-1944
Angrick, A., Klein, P. & Brandon R.
Subjects: History: World War II Genocide History Jewish Studies
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eBook available
Published October 2024
The 1840 Rhodes Blood Libel
Ottoman Jews at the Dawn of the Tanzimat Era
Borovaya, O.
Based on newly discovered Ottoman and Jewish sources and using a legal lens on Levantine practices, The 1840 Rhodes Blood Libel argues that the acquittal of Rhodian Jews following a ritual murder charge is only adequately understood in the context of the Tanzimat and the Sublime Porte’s foreign relations, and in the context of a shared Ottoman and Jewish history.
Subjects: History: 18th/19th Century Jewish Studies
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eBook available
Published May 2011
The 1926/27 Soviet Polar Census Expeditions
Anderson, D. G. (ed)
Subjects: Anthropology (General) History (General)
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Published October 2003
The Abolitions of Slavery
From the L. F. Sonthonax to Victor Schoelcher, 1793, 1794, 1848
Dorigny, M. (ed)
Subjects: Colonial History History: 18th/19th Century
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eBook available
Published May 2017
The Absent Jews
Kurt Forstreuter and the Historiography of Medieval Prussia
Hess, C.
For nearly a century, it has been a commonplace of Central European history that there were no Jews in medieval Prussia. This groundbreaking historical investigation demonstrates the very weak foundations upon which that assumption rests, tracing it to the ideologically compromised work of a single Nazi-era historian who badly mishandled evidence.
Subjects: Jewish Studies History: Medieval/Early Modern
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eBook available
Published March 2022
The Aesthetics of Rule and Resistance
Analyzing Political Street Art in Latin America
Bogerts, L.
Through illuminating case studies of street art in Buenos Aires, Bogotá, Caracas, and Mexico City, The Aesthetics of Rule and Resistance explores the visual strategies of persuasion and meaning-making employed by both rulers and resisters to foster self-legitimization, identification, and mobilization.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Urban Studies Cultural Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published June 2021
The Age of Capitalism and Bureaucracy
Perspectives on the Political Sociology of Max Weber
Mommsen, W. J.
In this new edition of Wolfgang Mommsen’s illuminating study, Max Weber is presented in terms of the major questions that preoccupied him as one of the towering social scientists of his time, with insights that are persistently relevant as we deal with the structures and dynamics of modern industrial societies.
Subjects: Sociology History: 20th Century to Present
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Published September 2015
The Agendas of Tibetan Refugees
Survival Strategies of a Government-in-Exile in a World of International Organizations
Kauffmann, T.
Since the arrival of the first Tibetans in exile in 1959, a vast and continuous wave of international support has permitted these refugees to survive and even to flourish in temporary residences. This book shows how Tibetan refugees continue to attract resources, while other refugee populations are largely forgotten.
Subject: Refugee and Migration Studies
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eBook available
Published September 2011
The Allure of Capitalism
An Ethnography of Management and the Global Economy in Crisis
Røyrvik, E. A.
Subjects: Applied Anthropology Political and Economic Anthropology
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eBook available
Published October 2023
The Amazonian Puzzle
Ethnic Positionings and Social Mobilizations
Boyer, V.
By examining the multiple cultural and ethnic threads that traverse this landscape, The Amazonian Puzzle sets out to show how the category of caboclo (a powerful spiritual entity to some, and to others a despised peasant of mixed ancestry) reveals deep currents of ethnic recompositions, religious interpenetration, and social hierarchy.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology
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Published January 2003
The Ambivalent Alliance
Konrad Adenauer, the CDU/CSU, and the West, 1949-1966
Granieri, R.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published January 1995
The American Impact on Postwar Germany
Pommerin, R. (ed)
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Cultural Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published December 2005
The Americanization of Europe
Culture, Diplomacy, and Anti-Americanism after 1945
Stephan, A (ed)
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Cultural Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published January 2016
The Anatomy of Murder
Ethical Transgressions and Anatomical Science during the Third Reich
Hildebrandt, S.
Of the many medical specializations to have been transformed by the rise of National Socialism, anatomy has received little attention. As historian and physician Sabine Hildebrandt reveals, anatomists progressed through gradual stages of ethical transgression; in some cases, the traditional model of working with deceased bodies gave way to experimentation with the “future dead.”
Subjects: History: World War II Genocide History
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eBook available
Published November 2019
The Anatomy of the Holocaust
Selected Works from a Life of Scholarship
Hilberg, R.
Pehle, W. H. & Schlott, R. (eds)Historian Raul Hilberg produced a variety of archival research, personal essays, and other works over a career that spanned half a century. The Anatomy of the Holocaust collects some of Hilberg’s most essential and groundbreaking writings—many of them published in obscure journals or otherwise inaccessible to nonspecialists—in a single volume.
Subjects: Genocide History Jewish Studies
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eBook available
Published July 2011
The Annoying Difference
The Emergence of Danish Neonationalism, Neoracism, and Populism in the Post-1989 World
Hervik, P.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Refugee and Migration Studies Peace and Conflict Studies
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eBook available
Published March 2016
The Anthropologist as Writer
Genres and Contexts in the Twenty-First Century
Wullf, H. (ed)
Writing is crucial to anthropology, but which genres are anthropologists expected to master in the 21st century? Although academic writing is an anthropologist’s primary genre, they also write in many others, from drafting administrative texts and filing reports to composing ethnographically inspired journalism and fiction. This book explores how writing shapes anthropologists and their discipline.
Subject: Theory and Methodology
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eBook available
Published March 2016
The Anthropology of Corporate Social Responsibility
Dolan, C. & Rajak, D. (eds)
The collection traces the connections and conflicts between the local politics of corporate engagement and the global movements of CSR, revealing the ways in which social and environmental relations are transformed through the regimes of ethical capitalism.
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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Published August 2011
The Anthropology of Empathy
Experiencing the Lives of Others in Pacific Societies
Hollan, D. W. & Throop, C. J. (eds)
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology
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eBook available
Published August 2009
The Anthropology of Moralities
Heintz, M. (Ed.)
Subject: Theory and Methodology
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Forthcoming July 2025
The Anthropology of Retirement
Life Beyond Work
Miller, D. & Garvey, P. (eds)
Experience of retirement varies considerably across the globe, from areas where most people cannot afford to retire to places where a multitude of new possibilities are being developed for retirees. This book is an anthropological approach to consider the range of contexts and consequences that impact life beyond work.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Sociology
eBook available
Published October 2017
The Anthropology of the Fetus
Biology, Culture, and Society
Han, S., Betsinger, T. K., & Scott, A. B. (eds)
As a biological, cultural, and social entity, the human fetus is a multifaceted subject which calls for equally diverse perspectives to fully understand. Anthropology of the Fetus seeks to achieve this by bringing together specialists in biological anthropology, archaeology, and cultural anthropology, all with the ultimate goal of developing a holistic anthropology of the fetus.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Gender Studies and Sexuality Cultural Studies (General)
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Published October 2021
The Anthroposcene of Weather and Climate
Ethnographic Contributions to the Climate Change Debate
Sillitoe, P. (ed)
While it is widely acknowledged that climate change is among the greatest global challenges of our times, it has local implications too. This volume forefronts these, giving anthropology a voice in this great debate, which natural scientists and policy makers have dominated thus far.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Political and Economic Anthropology Urban Studies Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published July 2019
The Anti-Social Contract
Injurious Talk and Dangerous Exchanges in Northern Mongolia
Højer, L.
Set in a remote district of villagers and nomadic pastoralists in the northernmost part of Mongolia, this ethnography reveals an everyday universe where uncertain relations are as much internally cultivated in indigenous Mongolian perceptions of social relatedness, as it is externally confronted in postsocialist surroundings of unemployment and diminished social security.
Subjects: Sociology Anthropology (General)
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Published March 2002
The Archaeology of Tribal Societies
Parkinson, W. A. (ed)
Anthropological archaeologists have long attempted to develop models that will let them better understand the evolution of human social organization. This volume explores social organization in tribal - or 'autonomous village' - societies from several different ethnographic, ethnohistoric, and archaeological contexts - from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic Period in the Near East to the contemporary Jivaro of Amazonia.
Subjects: Archaeology Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published January 2019
The Arkansas Regulators
Gerstäcker, F.
Adams, C. & Irmscher, C. (eds)Friedrich Gerstäcker’s The Arkansas Regulators is a rousing tale of frontier adventure, first published in German in 1846, but virtually lost to English readers for well over a century. This long-awaited translation and scholarly edition of the novel offers a startling rewriting of the frontier myth from a European perspective.
Subjects: History: 18th/19th Century Cultural Studies (General) Literary Studies
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Published December 2013
The Armenian Genocide
Evidence from the German Foreign Office Archives, 1915-1916
Gust, W. (ed)
The 1915-1916 annihilation of the Armenians was the archetype of modern genocide, in which a state adopts a specific scheme geared to the destruction of an identifiable group of its own citizens. Official German diplomatic documents are of great importance in understanding the genocide, as only Germany had the right to report day-by-day in secret code about the ongoing genocide. The motives, methods, and after-effects of the Armenian Genocide echoed strongly in subsequent cases of state-sponsored genocide. Studying the factors that went into the Armenian Genocide not only gives us an understanding of historical genocide, but also provides us with crucial information for the anticipation and possible prevention of future genocides.
Subjects: Genocide History History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published January 2023
The Art of Fate Calculation
Practicing Divination in Taipei, Beijing, and Kaifeng
Homola, S.
The Art of Fate Calculationexplores how conceptions of fate circulate in Chinese and Taiwanese societies while resisting uniformization and institutionalization. This is not only due to the stigma of “superstition” but also to the internal dynamic of fate calculation practice and learning.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Anthropology of Religion Sociology
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eBook available
Published October 2018
The Art of Resistance
Cultural Protest against the Austrian Far Right in the Early Twenty-First Century
Fiddler, A.
The 1999 Austrian election results produced an uprising against a turn to the political right. The Art of Resistance examines artworks created in responses to the Freedom Party of Austria and analyses the styles and strategies deployed by a large range of artists who clashed against increased normalization of far-right thinking.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Cultural Studies (General)
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Published October 2005
The Art of the Project
Projects and Experiments in Modern French Culture
Gratton, J. & Sheringham, M. (eds)
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) Literary Studies
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eBook available
Published November 2006
The Arts in Nazi Germany
Continuity, Conformity, Change
Huener, J. & Nicosia, F. (eds)
Subjects: History: World War II Cultural Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published August 2024
The Attempt to Stay
Dam Building, Displacement, and Resistance in the Nile Valley, Sudan
Hänsch, V.
The construction of the Merowe Dam along the Nile in northern Sudan flooded local villages and forced thousands of inhabitants to flee to higher ground. This book follows the Manasir people’s attempts to resist state-run resettlement schemes, preserve their homeland, and try out meaningful ways of life along the emerging reservoir.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Development Studies Environmental Studies (General) Sustainable Development Goals
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Published April 2012
The Benefit of the Gift
Social Organization and Expanding Networks of Interaction in the Western Great Lakes Archaic
Hill, M. A.
Archaeological data from the Late Archaic (4000-2000 years ago) in the Western Great Lakes are analyzed to understand the production and movement of copper and lithic exchange materials. Also considered in this volume are access to and benefits from exchange networks, as well as social changes accompanying the development of extensive, continental scale, exchange systems of interaction in this period.
Subjects: Archaeology Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published March 2021
The Best We Share
Nation, Culture and World-Making in the UNESCO World Heritage Arena
Brumann, C.
As the most ambitious study of the World Heritage arena so far, this volume dissects the inner workings of a prominent global body, demonstrating the power of ethnography in the highly formalised and diplomatic context of a multilateral organisation.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Museum Studies Cultural Studies (General)
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Published November 2009
The Body in Asia
Turner, B. & Yangwen, Z. (Eds.)
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology Political and Economic Anthropology Anthropology of Religion
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eBook available
Published August 2013
The Body in Balance
Humoral Medicines in Practice
Horden, P. & Hsu, E. (eds)
Subject: Medical Anthropology
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Published April 2006
The Body of the Queen
Gender and Rule in the Courtly World, 1500-2000
Schulte R. (ed)
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality History (General) Cultural Studies (General)
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Published November 2003
The Bounded Field
Localism and Local Identity in an Italian Alpine Valley
Stacul, J.
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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Published May 2006
The Bourgeois Revolution in France 1789-1815
Heller, H.
Subjects: History (General) History: 18th/19th Century
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Published September 1999
The Brave New World of European Labor
European Trade Unions at the Millennium
Martin, A. & Ross, G. (eds)
Subject: History (General)
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eBook available
Published May 2019
The Brazilian Truth Commission
Local, National and Global Perspectives
Schneider, N. (ed)
Bringing together leading scholars, practitioners, and human rights activists, this groundbreaking volume provides the first systematic analysis of the 2012–2014 Brazilian National Truth Commission. It explores the emergence, functioning, and outcome of the Commission, and offers a more general and critical reassessment of truth commissions from a variety of perspectives.
Subject: Peace and Conflict Studies
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eBook available
Published July 2017
The Bressonians
French Cinema and the Culture of Authorship
Morari, C.
With his meticulous approach to craft, formal innovations, and intensely personal style, Robert Bresson was in many ways the prototypical auteur. This strikingly original study of Bresson and his cinematic afterlives his influence in the work of French filmmakers such as Pialat, Eustache, and Rohmer—directors united by the “problem” of authorial style they inherited from Bresson.
Subject: Film and Television Studies
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eBook available
Published April 2023
The Burden of German History
A Transatlantic Life
Jarausch, K. H.
The Burden of Germany History is Konrad H Jarausch’s much anticipated transatlantic autobiography set against the development and transformation of German studies over the past half-century. Using his life story, Jarausch’s concurrent life in the US and Germany brings us a self-critical historiography of a twentieth-century Germany that was wrestling with the responsibility for war and genocide.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Genocide History History: World War II
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eBook available
Published September 2021
The Camino de Santiago
Curating the Pilgrimage as Heritage and Tourism
Murray, M.
Pilgrimage, as a global activity linked to the sacred, speaks to the special significance of persons, places and events. This book relates these sentiments to the curatorship of the Camino de Santiago that comprises a lattice of European pilgrimage itineraries converging at Santiago de Compostela in northwest Spain.
Subjects: Heritage Studies Anthropology of Religion Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published May 2020
The Candle and the Guillotine
Revolution and Justice in Lyon, 1789–93
Johnson, J. P.
Using Lyon as a lens for understanding the politics of revolutionary France, this book reveals the widespread enthusiasm for judicial change in Lyon at the time of the Revolution, as well as the conflicts that ensued between elected magistrates in the face of radical democratization.
Subject: History: 18th/19th Century
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Published December 2005
The Categorical Impulse
Essays on the Anthropology of Classifying Behavior
Ellen, R.
Subject: Theory and Methodology
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Published May 2008
The Center-Left's Poisoned Victory
Briquet, J.-L., & Mastropaolo, A. (eds)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published October 2011
The Challenge of Epistemology
Anthropological Perspectives
Toren, C. & Pina-Cabral, J. de (eds)
Subject: Theory and Methodology
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Published December 1998
The Challenge of Globalization for Germany's Social Democracy
A Policy Agenda for the 21st Century
Dettke, D. (ed)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published September 2014
The Challenges of Globalization
Economy and Politics in Germany, 1860-1914
Torp, C.
In the mid nineteenth century a process began that appears, from a present-day perspective, to have been the first wave of economic globalization. Within a few decades global economic integration reached a level that equaled, and in some respects surpassed, that of the present day. This book describes the interpenetration of the German economy with an emerging global economy before the First World War, while also demonstrating the huge challenge posed by globalization to the society and politics of the German Empire.
Subject: History: 18th/19th Century
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Published March 1999
The Chameleon State
Global Culture and Policy Shifts in Britain and Germany, 1914-1933
Liu, T-L.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published October 2008
The Changing Faces of Citizenship
Integration and Mobilization among Ethnic Minorities in Germany
Mushaben, J. M.
Subject: Refugee and Migration Studies
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eBook available
Published January 2019
The Changing Meanings of the Welfare State
Histories of a Key Concept in the Nordic Countries
Edling, N. (ed)
The Nordic concept of “the welfare state” is a well-worn analytical idea that has yet to receive much exploration beyond its postwar emergence. This volume chronicles “the welfare state” from its historical origins to its interpretations, values, and challenges over time in Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Iceland.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Sociology Political and Economic Anthropology
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eBook available
Published September 2022
The Chernobyl Effect
Antinuclear Protests and the Molding of Polish Democracy, 1986–1990
Szulecki, K., Waluszko, J., & Borewicz, T.
Empirically rich, The Chernobyl Effect shows how the Chernobyl catastrophe sparked a new kind of protest against the communist authorities of Poland. Drawing on samizdat, archival sources, and open-ended interviews with participants the authors show how a qualitatively new phenomenon was created on the opposition scene and challenge the dominant narrative of the Cold War’s end.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published March 2020
The Children of Gregoria
Dogme Ethnography of a Mexican Family
Kristensen, R. & Adeath Villamil, C.
The Children of Gregoria portrays a struggling Mexico, told through the story of the Rosales family. This book highlights their voices and allows them to tell their own stories in an accessible, literary manner without prejudice, persecution or judgment.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Theory and Methodology Media Studies
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eBook available
Published September 2021
The Cinematic Language of Theo Angelopoulos
Karalis, V.
The Cinematic Language of Theo Angelopoulos offers a detailed study and critical discussion of the acclaimed filmmaker’s cinematic aesthetics as they developed over his career, exploring different styles through which Greek and European history, identity, and loss have been visually articulated throughout his oeuvre.
Subjects: Film and Television Studies Cultural Studies (General)
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Published February 2013
The Colours of the Empire
Racialized Representations during Portuguese Colonialism
Matos, P. F. de
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Colonial History
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Published September 2009
The Concise Cinegraph
Encyclopaedia of German Cinema
Bock, H.-M. & Bergfelder, T. (eds.)
Subject: Film and Television Studies
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Published June 2019
The Configuration of the Spanish Public Sphere
From the Enlightenment to the Indignados
Jiménez Torres, D. & Villamediana González, L. (eds)
This volume brings together leading scholars in Spanish and Latin American studies to explore the concept of the Spanish “public sphere” and its relation to society and political power over time. It offers a long-term, panoramic view—spanning from the Enlightenment to current developments in the EU—on one of the most urgent issues for contemporary European societies.
Subjects: History: 18th/19th Century History: 20th Century to Present Sociology
Hb -
Published November 1994
The Council on Foreign Relations and American Policy in the Early Cold War
Wala, M
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published June 2022
The Cracked Art World
Conflict, Austerity, and Community Arts in Northern Ireland
Rush, K.
This book presents a nuanced view of Northern Ireland, a place at once deeply mired in its past and seeking to forge a new future for itself as a ‘post-post-conflict’ place within the context of a changing United Kingdom, a disintegrating Europe, and a globalized world.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General) Sociology
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Published November 2004
The Creation of the Modern German Army
General Walther Reinhardt and the Weimar Republic, 1914-1930
Mulligan, W.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published January 2005
The Crisis of the German Left
The PDS, Stalinism and the Global Economy
Thompson, P.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published November 2018
The CSCE and the End of the Cold War
Diplomacy, Societies and Human Rights, 1972-1990
Badalassi, N. & Snyder, S. B. (eds)
Since its inception over forty years ago, the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe has been met with political and historical controversies. While it’s known today as a significant contributor to the end of the Cold War, The CSCE and the End of the Cold War revisits some of the most fascinating questions in Cold War historiography.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Peace and Conflict Studies
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eBook available
Published February 2012
The Cult and Science of Public Health
A Sociological Investigation
Dew, K.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology Medical Anthropology
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Published November 2014
The Cultural Politics of Reproduction
Migration, Health and Family Making
Unnithan-Kumar, M. & Khanna, S. K. (eds)
Charting the experiences of migrant communities, the volume examines the relationship between movement, reproduction, and health. Informed by research in Europe, Britain, South and East Asia, Canada and Northern America, the chapters examine how healthcare experiences of migrants are embedded in their own worldviews and influenced by wider state systems.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Refugee and Migration Studies Gender Studies and Sexuality
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Published December 2002
The Culture of German Environmentalism
Anxieties, Visions, Realities
Goodbody, A.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Cultural Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published June 2017
The Dance of Nurture
Negotiating Infant Feeding
Van Esterik, P. & O'Connor, R. A.
Breastfeeding and child feeding at the center of nurturing practices, yet the work of nurture has escaped the scrutiny of medical and social scientists. The Dance of Nurture integrates ethnography, biology and the political economy of infant feeding to detail the efforts to improve infant feeding practices globally by UN agencies and advocacy groups concerned with solving global nutrition and health problems.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Gender Studies and Sexuality
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eBook available
Published May 2014
The Dark Side of Nation-States
Ethnic Cleansing in Modern Europe
Ther, P.
“Philipp Ther's newest contribution to the burgeoning literature on ethnic cleansing, forced deportation, and population transfer in the Twentieth Century is admirable in a number of ways. [It] is a genuinely comprehensive treatment of one of the most central problems of modern European history.” · Norman Naimark, H-Soz-u-Kult
“A groundbreaking study…based on an impressive amount of facts and balances… This analytically dense, well-written book is highly recommended for a broad audience.” · Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Subjects: Genocide History History (General)
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eBook available
Published September 2024
The Death in their Eyes
What Perpetrator Images Perpetrate
Sánchez-Biosca, V.
Perpetrator images — those that embody the point of view of the perpetrators or their accomplices during acts of violence — from Abu Ghraib, the Auschwitz Album, and of illegal prisoners captured during the fiercest dictatorships, are analyzed under a new methodology in The Death in their Eyes to account not only for the visible aspect of the image but to see what is concealed behind or beyond the frame limits.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Media Studies Sociology
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eBook available
Published March 2013
The Death of the Big Men and the Rise of the Big Shots
Custom and Conflict in East New Britain
Martin, K.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Development Studies
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eBook available
Published October 2018
The Decisionist Imagination
Sovereignty, Social Science and Democracy in the 20th Century
Bessner, D. & Guilhot, N. (eds)
The Decisionist Imagination explores the relationship between the key concept of “decisionism,” as it emerged from 1920s political theory, and the postwar development of formal decision theory when sovereign decision-making became an object of scientific inquiry in a new cultural, institutional, and international landscape.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published March 2016
The Decolonial Mandela
Peace, Justice and the Politics of Life
Ndlovu-Gatsheni, S.
This concise, forcefully argued volume lays out a groundbreaking interpretation of the “Mandela phenomenon.” Contrary to a neoliberal social model that privileges adversarial criminal justice and a rationalistic approach to warmaking, Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni elevates transformative political justice and a pluriversal vision of society as key features of Nelson Mandela’s legacy.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published March 2014
The Demons of Modernity
Ingmar Bergman and European Cinema
Orr, J.
"On the evidence of this brilliantly allusive study of Ingmar Bergman, John Orr, had it not been for his premature passing, would have become one of the world's most influential of film analysts. Even beneath the shadow of the plethora of books on Bergman, Orr's approach is distinctive… He emphasizes the maestro's courageous leap into Modernism in the early 1960's, and the profound influence he exerted on his contemporaries. It is a pleasure to read Orr's elegant prose, which eschews the obtuse terminology of semiotics in favor of a lucid, almost passionate approach to the material. Bergman, one feels, would have enjoyed this book." · Peter Cowie, author of Ingmar Bergman, A Critical Biography.
Subject: Film and Television Studies
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eBook available
Published January 2020
The Devil is Disorder
Bodies, Spirits and Misfortune in a Trinidadian Village
Lynch, R.
What role might the Devil have in health and illness? The Devil is Disorder explores constructions of the body, health, illness and wider misfortune in a Trinidadian village where evangelical Christianity is growing in popularity. Based on long-term ethnography, the book takes a nuanced cosmological approach to situate evangelical Christian understandings.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Anthropology of Religion Sociology
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eBook available
Published May 2011
The Devil's Captain
Ernst Jünger in Nazi Paris, 1941-1944
Mitchell, A.
Subjects: History: World War II Cultural Studies (General) Literary Studies
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eBook available
Published February 2016
The Devil's Riches
A Modern History of Greed
Poley, J.
A seeming constant in the history of capitalism, greed has nonetheless undergone considerable transformations over the last five hundred years. This multilayered account offers a fresh take on an old topic, showing how evolving ideas about greed became formative elements of the modern experience.
Subject: History (General)
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eBook available
Published August 2016
The Devil's Wheels
Men and Motorcycling in the Weimar Republic
Disko, S.
During the unprecedented modernization of Germany’s Weimar Republic, motorcycle culture instantiated the new link between consumption and identity. Motorcycles became symbols of masculinity and freedom that exposed the problems and allures of mass-consumption and modern values. The Devil’s Wheels analyzes motorcycle culture, and reassesses mechanized life in Weimar Germany.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Gender Studies and Sexuality Transport Studies
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eBook available
Published November 2022
The Diary of Lt. Melvin J. Lasky
Into Germany at the End of World War II
Lerg, C. A. (ed.)
The Diary of Lt. Melvin J. Lasky reproduces and critically examines Melvin J. Lasky’s diary, which expounds intense and insightful notes on German realities following the aftermath of World War Two and the ideological conflicts between the East and West.
Subjects: History: World War II History: 20th Century to Present Literary Studies
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eBook available
Published January 2008
The Discipline of Leisure
Embodying Cultures of 'Recreation'
Coleman, S. & Kohn, T. (eds)
Subjects: Travel and Tourism Anthropology (General)
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Published February 2025
The Disputed Austro-Hungarian Border
Agendas, Actors, and Practices in Western Hungary/Burgenland after World War I
Grandits, H., Murber, I., & Tyran, K. (eds)
A refreshing re-examination of the history of Austria and Hungary in the wake of World War I and the collapse of the Habsburg monarchy, The Disputed Austro-Hungarian Border refocuses attention on the contested region of Western Hungary/Burgenland, considering how the process of building state borders shaped the region’s political, cultural, and social dynamics.
Subjects: History: World War I History: 20th Century to Present Peace and Conflict Studies
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Published December 2002
The Domain of Constant Excess
Plural Worship at the Munnesvaram Temples in Sri Lanka
Bastin, R.
Subjects: Anthropology of Religion Anthropology (General)
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Published May 2011
The Dream in Islam
From Qur'anic Tradition to Jihadist Inspiration
Edgar, I. R.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Anthropology of Religion
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Published December 1992
The Dutch Hunebedden
Megalithic Tombs of the Funnel Beaker Culture
Bakker, J. A.
Hunebedden are the megalithic tombs of the Neolithic Funnel Beaker Culture in the Netherlands. Jan Albert Bakker is one of the few archaeologists in Holland to have excavated a Dutch megalithic tomb, and here he not only draws on and presents the knowledge acquired through excavations, but gives also an overview of the history of Dutch megalithic tomb investigations and an abundantly illustrated compendium of data on all the known megalithic tombs in Holland.
Subject: Archaeology
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Published May 2006
The Dutch-Munsee Encounter in America
The Struggle for Sovereignty in the Hudson Valley
Otto, P.
Subjects: History: Medieval/Early Modern Colonial History Refugee and Migration Studies
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Forthcoming July 2025
The Duty of Memory
Changing Language in the Era of Memory, 1970 – 2010
Ledoux, S.
An illuminating investigation into the evolution of the phrase “duty of memory”, this volume spotlights how this theory of memory has been historicized and transmitted throughout French society, highlighting how its trajectory offers a lens for understanding contemporary societies’ relationship with the past on a global scale.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Cultural Studies (General) Heritage Studies
Published October 2005
The Dynamics of German Industry
Germany's Path toward the New Economy and the American Challenge
Abelshauser, W.
Subjects: History (General) History: 20th Century to Present
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Published August 2010
The Early Morning Phonecall
Somali Refugees' Remittances
Lindley, A.
As migration from poverty-stricken and conflict-affected countries continues to hit the headlines, this book focuses on an important counter-flow: the money that people send home. This book explores the dynamics, infrastructure, and far-reaching effects of remittances from the perspectives of people in the Somali regions and the diaspora. By ‘following the money’ the author opens a window on the everyday lives of people caught up in processes of conflict, migration, and development. The book demonstrates how, in the interstices of state disruption and globalisation, and in the shadow of violence and political uncertainty, life in the Somali regions goes on, subject to complex transnational forms of social, economic, and political innovation and change.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Peace and Conflict Studies
Hb -
Published October 2010
The East German State and the Catholic Church, 1945-1989
Schaefer, B.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published December 2010
The Economic Diplomacy of Ostpolitik
Origins of NATO's Energy Dilemma
Lippert, W. D.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published December 2010
The Economy in Jewish History
New Perspectives on the Interrelationship between Ethnicity and Economic Life
Reuveni, G. & Wobick-Segev, S. (eds)
Subjects: History (General) Jewish Studies
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Published June 2006
The Education of Nomadic Peoples
Current Issues, Future Perspectives
Dyer, C.
Subjects: Educational Studies Development Studies Anthropology (General) Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published September 2014
The Emergence of Film Culture
Knowledge Production, Institution Building, and the Fate of the Avant-Garde in Europe, 1919–1945
Hagener, M. (ed)
Between the two world wars, a distinct and vibrant film culture emerged in Europe. Film festivals and schools were established; film theory and history was written that took cinema seriously as an art form; and critical writing that created the film canon flourished. This new European film culture established film as a valid form of social expression, as an art form, and as a political force to be reckoned with.
Subject: Film and Television Studies
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eBook available
Published August 2015
The Emperor's Old Clothes
Constitutional History and the Symbolic Language of the Holy Roman Empire
Stollberg-Rilinger, B.
For many years, scholars struggled to write the history of the constitution and political structure of the Holy Roman Empire. This book argues that this was because the political and social order could not be understood without considering the rituals and symbols that held the Empire together.
Subject: History: Medieval/Early Modern
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Published January 2007
The End of the Berlusconi Era?
Amyot, G., & Verzichelli, L. (eds)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published January 1999
The End of the Refugee Cycle?
Refugee Repatriation and Reconstruction
Black, R. & Koser, K. (eds)
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published June 2015
The Enemy on Display
The Second World War in Eastern European Museums
Bogumił, Z., Wawrzyniak, J., Buchen, T., Ganzer, C. & Senina, M.
Eastern European museums represent the traumatic events of World War II, such as the Siege of Leningrad, the Warsaw Uprisings, and the bombardment of Dresden, in ways that cast the enemy in a specific light. This image results from the interweaving of historical representations, cultural stereotypes and beliefs, political discourses, and the dynamics of exhibition narratives. This book presents a useful methodology for examining museum images and provides a critical analysis of the role historical museums play in the contemporary world. As the catastrophes of World War II still exert an enormous influence over the national identities of Russians, Poles, and Germans, museum exhibits can play an important role in this process.
Subjects: Museum Studies History: World War II Memory Studies
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eBook available
Published April 2019
The Engaged Historian
Perspectives on the Intersections of Politics, Activism and the Historical Profession
Berger, S. (ed)
Political action and historical research have been deeply intertwined for nearly as long as the historical profession has existed. In this insightful collection, practicing historians analyze, reflect on, and share their experiences of this complex relationship.
Subjects: History (General) Peace and Conflict Studies Sociology
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eBook available
Published June 2006
The Environment and Sustainable Development in the New Central Europe
Bochniarz, Z. & Cohen G. (eds)
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) History: 20th Century to Present Sustainable Development Goals
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Published November 2003
The Environment in Jewish Law
Essays and Responsa
Jacob, W. & Zemer, M. (eds)
Subjects: Jewish Studies Environmental Studies (General)
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Published June 2017
The Ethics of Knowledge Creation
Transactions, Relations, and Persons
Josephides, L. & Grønseth, A. S. (eds)
This volume focuses on how knowledge is relationally created, how local knowledge can be transmuted into ‘universal knowledge’, and how transactions and consumption of knowledge monitors knowledge. The Ethics of Knowledge Creation examines how these transactions are then situated according to broader contradictions or synergies between ethical, epistemological, and political concerns.
Subjects: Applied Anthropology Theory and Methodology
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Published May 2003
The Ethics of New Reproductive Technologies
Cases and Questions
Dooley, D., Dalla-Vorgia, P., Garanis-Papdatos, T., & McCarthy, J.
Subject: Medical Anthropology
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Published January 2018
The Ethics of Seeing
Photography and Twentieth-Century German History
Evans, J., Betts P., & Hoffmann, S.-L. (eds)
The Ethics of Seeing brings together an international group of scholars to explore the complex relationship between the visual and the historic in German history. These revealing case studies illustrate photography’s multilayered role as a new form of representation, a means to subjective experience, and a fresh mode of narrating the past.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Media Studies
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eBook available
Published March 2014
The Ethics of the New Eugenics
MacKellar, C. & Bechtel, C. (eds)
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Sociology
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eBook available
Published June 2014
The Ethnographic Experiment
A.M. Hocart and W.H.R. Rivers in Island Melanesia, 1908
Hviding, E. & Berg, C. (eds)
In 1908 Arthur Maurice Hocart and William Halse Rivers Rivers brought about a turning point in modern anthropology. The two pioneers’ fieldwork in Island Melanesia brought about the development of participant observation as a methodological hallmark of social anthropology. Contributors to this volume—who have all carried out fieldwork in Melanesian locations—situate the scholars’ efforts in the contexts of colonial history, imperialism, the history of ideas and scholarly practice within and beyond anthropology.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Colonial History
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eBook available
Published May 2010
The Ethnographic Self as Resource
Writing Memory and Experience into Ethnography
Collins, P. & Gallinat, A. (eds)
Subject: Theory and Methodology
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eBook available
Published June 2018
The Ethos of History
Time and Responsibility
Helgesson, S. & Svenungsson, J. (eds)
This illuminating collective meditation on historical practice show how “ethos”— evoking a society’s “fundamental character” as well as knowledge and commitment—can serve as a conceptual lodestar for understanding as a narrative, a form of consciousness, and an ethical-political orientation.
Subject: History (General)
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Published August 2007
The European Puzzle
The Political Structuring of Cultural Identities at a Time of Transition
Demossier, M. (ed)
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published May 2004
The European Way
European Societies in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Kaelble, H. (ed)
Subjects: History: 18th/19th Century History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published September 2015
The Event of Charlie Hebdo
Imaginaries of Freedom and Control
Zagato, A. (ed)
The January 2015 shooting at satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris sparked an enormous discussion among citizens and intellectuals worldwide. By analyzing the effects the attacks have had in various spheres of social life including the political, ideology, collective imaginaries, the media, and education, this collection aims to serve as a contribution and a critical response to that discussion.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General) Media Studies Political and Economic Anthropology
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Forthcoming May 2025
The Everyday Politics of Food Co-ops
Care, Aid and Community in Austerity Britain
Plender, C.
This book analyses how changing national politics impacted the practices of care, aid and community organizing within two London-based food co-ops at a time of rapid welfare withdrawal. It highlights the tensions between more radical and neoliberal imaginaries that played out within them.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Sociology
eBook available
Published May 2018
The Experience of Neoliberal Education
Urciuoli, B. (ed)
The college experience is increasingly positioned to demonstrate its value as a worthwhile return on investment. Specific, definable activities, such as research experience, first-year experience, and experiential learning, are marketed as delivering precise skill sets in the form of an individual educational package.
Subjects: Educational Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published January 2001
The Faltering Transition
Gilbert, M. & Pasquino, G. (eds)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published November 2023
The Familial Occult
Explorations at the Margins of Critical Autoethnography
Coțofană, A. (ed)
The Familial Occult addresses the presence of occult experiences in some scholars' families and how that has affected their epistemological and ontological worlds, as well as their identities as scholars. While much has been written on encountering the occult in fieldwork or becoming an apprentice in an occult practice, little yet has been published in the academic literature about growing up with the occult.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology Anthropology of Religion
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Published April 2008
The Fateful Alliance
German Conservatives and Nazis in 1933: The Machtergreifung in a New Light
Beck, H.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published August 2023
The Feeling of the Fall
An Ethnographic Writing Experiment between the Belize Barrier Reef and the Edges of Toronto, Ontario
Taccone, I.
As an inquiry into engagements with forces of loss and threat, this work explores experimental ways to write about climate crisis in anthropology. From Belize to Ontario and back, this ambitious piece of ethnographic writing set during a time “beyond ruin” in a fictional, ecotourist community in the year 2040.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Environmental Studies (General) Urban Studies
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Published September 2019
The Force of Comparison
A New Perspective on Modern European History and the Contemporary World
Steinmetz, W. (ed)
Drawing on a range of multidisciplinary perspectives, this volume investigates the concepts and practices of comparison from the early modern period to the present. Each contribution demonstrates how comparison has helped to drive the seemingly irresistible dynamism of the modern world, with a particular focus on what comparison looks like “in action.”
Subject: History (General)
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Published December 2016
The Forest People without a Forest
Development Paradoxes, Belonging and Participation of the Baka in East Cameroon
Lueong, G. M.
The Forest People without a Forest explores how the Baka, who live in Eastern Cameroon, assert forms of belonging in order to participate in development interventions, and how community life is shaped and reshaped through these interventions. These interventions raise paradoxes of belonging for the Baka, and are often targeted toward competing and contradictory goals.
Subjects: Development Studies Anthropology (General) Environmental Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published October 2014
The Forgotten Majority
German Merchants in London, Naturalization, and Global Trade 1660-1815
Schulte Beerbühl, M.
The “forgotten majority” of German merchants in London between the end of the Hanseatic League and the end of the Napoleonic Wars became the largest mercantile Christian immigrant group in the eighteenth century. Using previously neglected and little used evidence, this book assesses the causes of their migration, the establishment of their businesses in the capital, and the global reach of the enterprises.
Subjects: History (General) History: 18th/19th Century
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Published August 2016
The France of the Little-Middles
A Suburban Housing Development in Greater Paris
Cartier, M., Coutant, I., Masclet, O., & Siblot, Y.
The France of the Little-Middles explores the strained reception of the migrants in The Poplars, a housing development in suburban Paris that dates back to the mid-20th centrury. The authors examine tensions within the complex less as a product of racism and xenophobia than of anxiety about social class and the loss of a sense of community that reigned before.
Subjects: Sociology Anthropology (General) Urban Studies
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Published April 2015
The Franco-Mauritian Elite
Power and Anxiety in the Face of Change
Salverda, T.
Mauritian Independence in 1968 marked the end of the heyday of the island’s Franco-Mauritian elite, who are now is faced with a more diverse power constellation. This book focuses on the power of these white elites still lingering on in postcolonial realities, and addresses how this group aims to prolong its position over time.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Development Studies
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Published August 1997
The French Defeat of 1940
Blatt, J. (ed)
Subject: History: World War II
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Published December 2004
The French Exception
Godin, E. & Chafer, T. (eds)
Subject: History (General)
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Published January 2014
The French Right Between the Wars
Political and Intellectual Movements from Conservatism to Fascism
Kalman, S. & Kennedy, S. (eds)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published November 2012
The French Road Movie
Space, Mobility, Identity
Archer, N.
Subjects: Film and Television Studies Transport Studies
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Published March 2009
The Frightful Stage
Political Censorship of the Theater in Nineteenth-Century Europe
Goldstein, R. J. (ed)
Subjects: History: 18th/19th Century Performance Studies Cultural Studies (General) Literary Studies
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eBook available
Published June 2007
The Future of Indigenous Museums
Perspectives from the Southwest Pacific
Stanley, N. (ed)
Subjects: Museum Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published November 2010
The Future of Memory
Crownshaw, R., Kilby, J. & Rowland, A. (eds)
Subjects: History (General) Cultural Studies (General) Memory Studies
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Published September 2004
The Future of Values
21st-Century Talks
Bindé, J.
Subject: Heritage Studies
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Published June 2013
The Gaddi Beyond Pastoralism
Making Place in the Indian Himalayas
Wagner, A.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Anthropology (General)
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Published October 1994
The Gate to Perfection
The Idea of Peace in Jewish Thought
Homolka, W. & Friedlander, A.
Subjects: Jewish Studies Cultural Studies (General)
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Published February 2004
The German Economy During the Nineteenth Century
Pierenkemper, T. & Tilly, R.
Subjects: History (General) History: 18th/19th Century
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eBook available
Published July 2014
The German Right in the Weimar Republic
Studies in the History of German Conservatism, Nationalism, and Antisemitism
Jones, L. E. (ed)
“The individual chapters range in quality from good to excellent....[and offer] a judicious mix of work from prominent academics and younger scholars. The weighing up of continuities and discontinuities between the Right and Nazism is well considered and offers refreshingly new insights into the history of inter-war Germany.” · Conan Fischer, University of St. Andrews
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published October 1999
The German Skills Machine
Sustaining Comparative Advantage in a Global Economy
Culpepper, P. & Finegold, D. (eds)
Subject: History (General)
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Published February 2013
The German Student Movement and the Literary Imagination
Transnational Memories of Protest and Dissent
Rinner, S.
Subjects: Literary Studies History: 20th Century to Present Sociology
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Published January 2001
The German-American Encounter
Conflict and Cooperation between Two Cultures, 1800-2000
Trommler, F. & Shore, E. (eds)
Subject: History (General)
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Published November 2015
The Germans and the Holocaust
Popular Responses to the Persecution and Murder of the Jews
Schrafstetter, S. & Steinweis, A. E. (eds)
For decades, historians have debated how and to what extent the Holocaust penetrated the German national consciousness between 1933 and 1945. This compact volume brings together six historical investigations into the subject from leading scholars, employing newly accessible and previously underexploited evidence.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Jewish Studies Genocide History
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eBook available
Published September 2013
The Gift of European Thought and the Cost of Living
Argyrou, V.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published April 2023
The Girl in the Pandemic
Transnational Perspectives
Mitchell, C. & Smith, A. (eds)
The early and critical stages of the pandemic presented exacerbated risks to the lives of girls and young women. The Girl in the Pandemic takes a diverse range of scholars across the world, particularly from the Global South, to document and contribute to a large narrative of what a post-pandemic future may bring for girls and young women.
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality Development Studies Sociology Sustainable Development Goals
eBook available
Published July 2019
The Girl in the Text
Smith, A. (ed)
How are girls represented in written and graphic texts, and how do these representations inform our understanding of girlhood? In this volume, contributors examine the girl in the text in order to explore a range of perspectives on girlhood across borders and in relation to their positionality.
Subjects: Literary Studies Sociology Media Studies Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published October 2018
The Global Age-Friendly Community Movement
A Critical Appraisal
Stafford, P. B. (ed)
This book provides an introduction to the global phenomenon of the age-friendly community movement, through an extensive collection of international case studies by researchers and practitioners. It explores current tensions in the movement and offers a wide-ranging set of recommendations for advancing age-friendly community development.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Sociology
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Published September 2007
The Global Idea of ‘The Commons’
Nonini, D. M. (eds)
Subject: Theory and Methodology
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Published June 2018
The Global Life of Austerity
Comparing Beyond Europe
Rakopoulos, T. (ed)
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published July 2024
The Global Life of Mines
Mining and Post-Mining in Comparative Perspective
Pusceddu, A. M. & Zerilli, F. M. (eds)
The Global Life of Mines provides a comprehensive framework examining the spatial and temporal relationships between mining and postmining as interrelated and coexisting features within the global minescape.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Sociology Development Studies
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Published August 2024
The Global Pontificate of Pius XII
War and Genocide, Reconstruction and Change, 1939-1958
Unger-Alvi, S. & Valbousquet, N. (eds)
Following Vatican archives opening up access to materials on the pontificate of Pius XII (1939-1958), the contributors to this volume were amongst the first to access these long-awaited records. They have analyzed them here to present a nuanced and revitalized approach to religious, modern post-war historiography.
Subjects: Genocide History History: 20th Century to Present Anthropology of Religion
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Published March 2013
The Golden Chain
Family, Civil Society and the State
Nautz, J., Ginsborg, P., & Nijhuis, T. (eds)
Subjects: History (General) Sociology
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Published May 2017
The Good Holiday
Development, Tourism and the Politics of Benevolence in Mozambique
Baptista, J. A.
Drawing on ethnographic research in the village of Canhane, host to the first community tourism project in Mozambique, this volume explores the influence of development and tourism in relation to ethics, and non-state governance in contemporary life.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Development Studies Travel and Tourism
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Published November 1998
The Great Immigration
Russian Jews in Israel
Siegel, D.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Jewish Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published December 2017
The Great Reform That Never Was
Chiaramonte, A. & Wilson, A. (eds)
In Italy, 2016 was meant to be the year of the “great reform,” a constitutional revision that would have concluded the never-ending transition from “First” to “Second” Republic, a long process involving several transformations in the electoral system and party system since the 1990s. It did not turn out this way.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published February 2015
The Great Reimagining
Public Art, Urban Space, and the Symbolic Landscapes of a 'New' Northern Ireland
Hocking, B. T.
Offering a detailed ethnographic account of Northern Ireland’s post-conflict visual transformation, this book examines the official effort to produce new civic images against a backdrop of ongoing political and social struggle.
Subjects: Urban Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published October 2003
The Great Tradition and Its Legacy
The Evolution of Dramatic and Musical Theater in Austria and Central Europe
Cherlin, M., Filipowicz, H. & Rudolph, R. L. (eds)
Subjects: History: 18th/19th Century Performance Studies Literary Studies
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Published September 2000
The Great Train Race
Railways and the Franco-German Rivalry, 1815-1914
Mitchell, A.
Subjects: History: 18th/19th Century History: 20th Century to Present Transport Studies
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Published January 2015
The Greater German Reich and the Jews
Nazi Persecution Policies in the Annexed Territories 1935-1945
Gruner, W. & Osterloh, J. (eds)
Between 1935 and 1940, the Nazis incorporated large portions of Europe into the German Reich. The contributors to this volume analyze the evolving anti-Jewish policies in the annexed territories and their impact on the Jewish population, as well as the attitudes and actions of non-Jews, Germans, and indigenous populations.
Subjects: History: World War II Genocide History
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eBook available
Published April 2017
The Greek Exodus from Egypt
Diaspora Politics and Emigration, 1937-1962
Dalachanis, A.
This painstakingly researched book explains how Egypt’s once-robust Greek population dwindled to virtually nothing, beginning with the abolition of foreigners’ privileges in 1937 and culminating in the nationalist revolution of 1952. It reconstructs the delicate sociopolitical circumstances that Greeks had to navigate during this period, tracing the complex causes of demographic decline.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Refugee and Migration Studies
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eBook available
Published September 2021
The Greek Military Dictatorship
Revisiting a Troubled Past, 1967–1974
Anastasakis, O. & Lagos, K. (eds)
From 1967 to 1974, the military junta ruling Greece attempted a dramatic reshaping of the nation, implementing ideas and policies that, for better or for worse, left an indelible mark on both domestic affairs and international relations. Bringing together leading scholars from a range of disciplines, The Greek Military Dictatorship provides a fresh and nuanced reassessment of this era.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published January 2023
The Guardians of Concepts
Political Languages of Conservatism in Britain and West Germany, 1945-1980
Steber, M.
Since 1945, German and British intellectuals and politicians have struggled to define the term “conservative” throughout its complicated history. The Guardians of Concepts rigorously uncovers the changes in the idea of conservatism and its national and transnational political language history.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published September 2010
The Hadrami Diaspora
Community-Building on the Indian Ocean Rim
Manger, L.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published July 1996
The Hegemonic Male
Masculinity in a Portuguese Town
Vale de Almeida, M.
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published November 2020
The Helmand Baluch
A Native Ethnography of the People of Southwest Afghanistan
Amiri, G. R.
The late Ghulam Rahman Amiri accompanied a joint Aghan-US archaeological mission to the Sistan region of southwest Afghanistan in the 1970s and published the ethnography in Farsi in Kabul in 1987. This volume, the first English translation, describes the cultural, political, and economic systems of the Baluch people living in the lower Helmand River Valley of Afghanistan.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Archaeology
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eBook available
Published April 2021
The Herero Genocide
War, Emotion, and Extreme Violence in Colonial Namibia
Häussler, M.
Drawing on previously inaccessible and overlooked archival sources, The Herero Genocide undertakes a groundbreaking investigation into the war between colonizer and colonized in what was formerly German South West Africa and is today the nation of Namibia. The result is an indispensable account of a genocide that has been neglected for too long.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Genocide History
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Published October 2016
The Heritage Arena
Reinventing Cheese in the Italian Alps
Grasseni, C.
The Heritage Arena describes the ways in which cheese has been reinvented as a form of cultural heritage through the negotiation and competition of many actors, including cheese-makers, merchants, and Slow Food activists.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Food & Nutrition
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Published November 2013
The Hidden History of Crime, Corruption, and States
Bridenthal, R. (ed)
Subject: History (General)
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eBook available
Published November 2024
The Hidden Minority
Perceptions of Belonging and Otherness in the Finnish – Russian Borderland
Jerman, H.
The Russian minority in Finland is imbued with ’being hidden‘ or ’hiding oneself‘. The book explores informants’ reflections, together with the author, on the mental and physical crossing of national borders. Perceptions of belonging and/or Otherness and lived experience reveal a complex relationship of embodied memory, history, time and a multi-national social space.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Political and Economic Anthropology Sociology
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Published September 2003
The Historical Practice of Diversity
Transcultural Interactions from the Early Modern Mediterranean to the Postcolonial World
Hoerder, D., Harzig, C. & Shubert, A. (eds)
Subjects: History: Medieval/Early Modern Cultural Studies (General) Colonial History
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Published April 2015
The History of Labour Intermediation
Institutions and Finding Employment in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
Wadauer, S., Buchner, T., & Mejstrik, A. (eds)
Searching for a job has been an everyday affair in both modern and past societies, and employment a concern for both individuals and institutions. The case studies in this volume investigate job search and placement practices in European countries, Australia, and India in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Subjects: History: 18th/19th Century History: 20th Century to Present Sociology Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published December 2003
The History of the Armenian Genocide
Ethnic Conflict from the Balkans to Anatolia to the Caucasus
Dadrian, V. N.
Subject: Genocide History
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Published January 2014
The History of the Stasi
East Germany's Secret Police, 1945-1990
Gieseke, J.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published March 2023
The History of Thyssen
Family, Industry and Culture in the 20th Century
Schulz, G. & Szöllösi-Janze, M.
The History of Thyssenprovides a summary of a research project funded by the Thyssen Foundations. It is both an explanation of how the project was conceptualized and executed and a detailed case study of a family and business during the late-nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present History: 18th/19th Century
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eBook available
Published August 2012
The Holocaust and Historical Methodology
Stone, D. (ed)
Subjects: Genocide History History: World War II
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eBook available
Published September 2019
The Holocaust in Bohemia and Moravia
Czech Initiatives, German Policies, Jewish Responses
Gruner, W.
After the establishment of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, Czech and German authorities adopted radicalized anti-Jewish policies, including depriving Jews of their property, hauling them into forced labor, and deporting them to concentration camps. In this pioneering study, Wolf Gruner demonstrates that these proceedings were not only controlled by Berlin, but also driven forward by the Czech government and local authorities.
Subjects: Jewish Studies Genocide History
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eBook available
Published October 2010
The Holy Roman Empire, Reconsidered
Coy, J.P., Marschke, B., & Sabean, D.W. (eds)
Subject: History: Medieval/Early Modern
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eBook available
Published March 2024
The Horse in My Blood
Multispecies Kinship in the Altai and Saian Mountains
Peemot, V. S.
Building upon Indigenous research epistemologies, Victoria Peemot engages with the study of how the human-horse relationships interact with each other, experience injustices and develop resilience strategies as multispecies unions.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Environmental Studies (General) Sociology
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Published July 2004
The Imaginary Revolution
Parisian Students and Workers in 1968
Seidman, M.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published December 2016
The Imbalance of Power
Leadership, Masculinity and Wealth in the Amazon
Brightman, M
The Imbalance of Power demonstrates that the indigenous societies of the Guiana region of Amazonia do not fit conventional characterizations of ‘simple’ political units with ‘egalitarian’ political ideologies and ‘harmonious’ relationships with nature.
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published September 2008
The Impact of Electricity
Development, Desires and Dilemmas
Winther, T.
Subjects: Development Studies Anthropology (General) Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published March 2019
The Indoctrination of the Wehrmacht
Nazi Ideology and the War Crimes of the German Military
Sait, B.
Far from the image of an apolitical, “clean” Wehrmacht that persists in popular memory, German soldiers regularly cooperated with organizations like the SS in the abuse and murder of countless individuals. This in-depth study reveals that military indoctrination was but one piece of the larger effort at the socialization of young men during the Nazi era.
Subjects: History: World War II Genocide History History: 20th Century to Present
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Published November 2004
The Inverted Mirror
Mythologizing the Enemy in France and Germany, 1898-1914
Nolan, M. E.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published December 1996
The Iron Gates Mesolithic
Radovanovic, I.
The Mesolithic sites in the Iron Gates Gorge of the Danube River, between Yugoslavia and Romania are reviewed in this volume. The author offers fundamental re-analyses and interpretations of stratigraphies, relative and absolute chronologies, architecture and settlement organization, the placement and styles of altars and sculptural elements, the chipped and polished stone industries, the bone and antler artifacts, the mortuary practices, ecology, and social organization of this remarkable archaeological culture.
Subject: Archaeology
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eBook available
Published February 2025
The Island of the Pope
Catholics in the Aegean Archipelago between Empire and Nation-State, 1770-1830
Kousouris, D.
This illuminating re-examination of Syros’s transition into a major commercial hub following the Greek War of Independence revises the conventional understanding of the island’s demographic history, highlighting how, rather than withdraw, the native Catholic community adjusted and integrated into the new Greek nation-state.
Subjects: History: 18th/19th Century Colonial History Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published May 2000
The Jacobin Clubs in the French Revolution, 1793-1795
Kennedy, M. L.
Subject: History: 18th/19th Century
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Published March 2001
The Jews and the Expansion of Europe to the West, 1450-1800
Bernardini, P. & Fiering, N. (eds)
Subjects: Jewish Studies History: Medieval/Early Modern Colonial History Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published February 2003
The Journalism of Milena Jesenská
A Critical Voice in Interwar Central Europe
Hayes, K. (ed)
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality Literary Studies Jewish Studies History: 20th Century to Present
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Published August 2013
The Journey of G. Mastorna
The Film Fellini Didn't Make
Fellini, F.
Subject: Film and Television Studies
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eBook available
Published November 2010
The Ju/’hoan San of Nyae Nyae and Namibian Independence
Development, Democracy, and Indigenous Voices in Southern Africa
Biesele, M. & Hitchcock, R. K.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology
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Published March 2011
The Kings and the Pawns
Collaboration in Byelorussia during World War II
Rein, L.
Subject: History: World War II
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Published August 2006
The Kinning of Foreigners
Transnational Adoption in a Global Perspective
Howell, S.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Educational Studies Sociology
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eBook available
Published June 2010
The Land Is Dying
Contingency, Creativity and Conflict in Western Kenya
Geissler, P. W. & Prince, R. J.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Anthropology of Religion
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Published April 2000
The Language Encounter in the Americas, 1492-1800
Gray, E. & Fiering, N. (eds)
Subjects: History: Medieval/Early Modern Colonial History Cultural Studies (General) Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published March 1997
The Last Shaman
Change in an Amazonian Community
Gray, A.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Anthropology of Religion Development Studies Literary Studies
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Published March 2013
The Law in Nazi Germany
Ideology, Opportunism, and the Perversion of Justice
Steinweis, A. E. & Rachlin, R. D. (eds)
Subjects: History: World War II History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published September 2013
The Legacies of a Hawaiian Generation
From Territorial Subject to American Citizen
Schachter, J.
“Schachter has produced a powerful and moving account of Native Hawaiian elders who have now passed physically but continue to live on in spirit in the prose that she has assembled from the writings gifted to her. This work represents the best that anthropology has to offer Indigenous peoples seeking to remain Native in a decidedly anti-Native world—a document that gives voice to the truths they know and which connects generations in a lineage of discourse.” · Ty Tengan, University of Hawaii
Subjects: Anthropology (General) History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published August 2011
The Legacies of Two World Wars
European Societies in the Twentieth Century
Kettenacker, L. & Riotte, T. (eds)
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present History: World War I History: World War II
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eBook available
Published October 2013
The Legacy of Liberal Judaism
Ernst Cassirer and Hannah Arendt's Hidden Conversation
Curthoys, N.
“This is an important fresh look at modern intellectual history at the interface of philosophy and Jewish thought. It has a persuasive line of argument and illuminating discussions of the subject. It adds a crucial strand to the weave of modern intellectual history and argues that, unless close attention is paid to the dimension of Jewish thought in this project, this history remains misunderstood.” · Willi Goetschel, University of Toronto
Subjects: Jewish Studies History (General)
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eBook available
Published January 2024
The Legacy of Serbia's Great War
Politics and Remembrance
Tomić, A.
In an expertly researched, original case study on the memory of the traumatic retreat of the Serbian army in 1915, The Legacy of Serbia’s Great War cuts past contemporary canonization of the retreat and links narratives of the past to political choices in the present.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Memory Studies
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Published April 2010
The Life of Property
House, Family and Inheritance in Béarn, South-West France
Jenkins, T.
Subjects: Theory and Methodology History (General) Sociology
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Published November 2007
The Limits of Loyalty
Imperial Symbolism, Popular Allegiances, and State Patriotism in the Late Habsburg Monarchy
Cole, L. & Unowsky, D. (eds)
Subjects: History: 18th/19th Century History: 20th Century to Present Cultural Studies (General)
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Published August 2006
The Limits of Meaning
Case Studies in the Anthropology of Christianity
Engelke, M. & Tomlinson, M. (eds)
Subjects: Anthropology of Religion Anthropology (General)
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Published November 1996
The Link with Nature and Divine Meditations in Asia
Formoso, B. (ed)
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Anthropology of Religion
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Published December 1999
The Lion and the Eagle
German-Spanish Relations Over the Centuries: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Kent, C., Wolber, T. & Hewitt, C. (eds)
Subjects: History (General) Cultural Studies (General)
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Published June 2011
The Lives of Chinese Objects
Buddhism, Imperialism and Display
Tythacott, L.
Subjects: Museum Studies History (General) Archaeology
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Published September 2015
The Living Ancestors
Shamanism, Cosmos and Cultural Change among the Yanomami of the Upper Orinoco
Jokic, Z.
This ethnography focuses on Yanomami shamanism, especially in the context of cultural change. The author interweaves ethnographic material with theoretical components of a holographic principle, or the “part is equal to the whole.” This book fills a gap in the study of Yanomami people and enriches understanding of this ancient phenomenon.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Anthropology of Religion
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Published September 2005
The Logic of Environmentalism
Anthropology, Ecology and Postcoloniality
Argyrou, V.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Anthropology (General)
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Published December 2015
The Long Aftermath
Cultural Legacies of Europe at War, 1936-2016
Bragança, M. & Tame, P. (eds)
The hostilities in Europe from 1936 to 1945 have exerted enormous influence over the cultural life of Europe. Bringing together over twenty leading scholars across disciplines, this interdisciplinary volume investigates the intertwining dynamics of Europeans’ individual and collective memories and the ways in which they have shaped cultural forms.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Cultural Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published November 2020
The Long Journey
Exploring Travel and Travel Writing
Di Bella, M. P. & Yothers, B. (eds)
Travel writing has, for centuries, comprised an essential historical record and wide-ranging literary form, reflecting the rich diversity of travel as a social and cultural practice, metaphorical process, and driver of globalization.
Subjects: Literary Studies Mobility Studies Cultural Studies (General) Travel and Tourism
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eBook available
Published February 2023
The Long Shore
Archaeologies and Social Histories of Californias Maritime Cultural Landscapes
Meniketti, M. (ed)
Authors investigate the multifaceted character of maritime landscapes and maritime oriented communities in California’s equally diverse cultural landscape; viewed through an archaeological lens, and emphasizing social behavior and community as material culture in order to reveal intersections and commonalities.
Subjects: Archaeology History (General) Anthropology (General)
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Published November 2010
The Long Way Home
The Meaning and Values of Repatriation
Turnbull, P. & Pickering, M. (eds)
Subjects: Museum Studies Anthropology (General) Heritage Studies
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Published March 2024
The Making and Unmaking of the Ukrainian Working Class
Everyday Politics and Moral Economy in a Post-Soviet City
Gorbach, D.
The industrial workers of Ukraine have a contradictory and complex political lifeworld. Based on three years of fieldwork in the city of Kryvyi Rih, this book focuses on the everyday politics and moral economy that constitute the working-class and structures its relations with other social groups.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Sociology Urban Studies
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Published October 2004
The Making of Anthropology in East and Southeast Asia
Yamashita, S., Bosco, J., & Eades, J.S. (eds)
Subject: Theory and Methodology
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Published November 2016
The Making of the Greek Genocide
Contested Memories of the Ottoman Greek Catastrophe
Sjöberg, E.
After World War I, over one million Ottoman Greeks were expelled from Turkey, resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths. This study analyzes the fight for international recognition of the Greek genocide narrative, showing how its memory developed as a cultural trauma with both nationalist and cosmopolitan dimensions.
Subjects: Genocide History History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published June 2012
The Making of the Pentecostal Melodrama
Religion, Media and Gender in Kinshasa
Pype, K.
Subjects: Anthropology of Religion Media Studies Anthropology (General) Gender Studies and Sexuality
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eBook available
Published October 2016
The Man from the Third Row
Hasse Ekman, Swedish Cinema and the Long Shadow of Ingmar Bergman
Gustafsson, F.
Once one of the leading lights of Swedish cinema, director Hasse Ekman is today virtually unknown outside of Sweden, eclipsed by the iconic Ingmar Bergman. This first-ever English-language book on the subject provides an engaging, comprehensive survey of Ekman’s career, combining explorations of historical context with insightful analyses of styles and themes.
Subject: Film and Television Studies
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eBook available
Published November 2018
The Man Who Invented Aztec Crystal Skulls
The Adventures of Eugène Boban
MacLaren Walsh, J. & Topping, B.
Detailed are the travels, self-education, and archaeological explorations of Eugène Boban, an expert in the field of pre-Columbian studies and explores the circumstances that allowed him to sell fakes to museums that would remain undetected for over a century.
Subjects: Museum Studies Archaeology
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Published September 2006
The Manchester School
Practice and Ethnographic Praxis in Anthropology
Evens, T. M. S. & Handelman, D. (eds)
Subject: Theory and Methodology
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Published November 2007
The Manual of Ethnography
Mauss, M.
Subjects: Sociology Theory and Methodology
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Published December 2006
The Many Faces of Clio
Cross-cultural Approaches to Historiography
Essays in Honor of Georg G. IggersWang, Q. E. & Fillafer, F. (eds)
Subject: History (General)
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Published April 2004
The Many Faces of Germany
McCarthy, J. A., Grûnzweig, W. & Koebner, T. (eds)
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) History: 20th Century to Present
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Published January 2023
The Marseille Mosaic
A Mediterranean City at the Crossroads of Cultures
Ingram, M. & Kleppinger, K. (eds)
Moving across disciplines, The Marseille Mosaic integrates a diverse range of sources and methods to reveal France’s second city in the national imagination as a critical site for postcolonial memory and urban transformation as they crucially interact with debates in contemporary French society.
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) History: 20th Century to Present Sociology Urban Studies
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Published April 2011
The Masculine Woman in Weimar Germany
Sutton, K.
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality History: 20th Century to Present
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Published August 1999
The Massacre in History
Levene, M. & Roberts, P. (eds)
Subject: Genocide History
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Published December 2020
The Meanings of a Disaster
Chernobyl and Its Afterlives in Britain and France
Kalmbach, K.
Focusing on the cases of Great Britain and France, this innovative study explores the discourses and narratives that arose in the wake of the incident among both state and nonstate actors. It gives a thorough account of the strategies that shaped Western European responses to the disaster as well as nuclear policy up to the present day.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Environmental Studies (General) Media Studies
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Published December 2006
The Meanings of Magic
From the Bible to Buffalo Bill
Wygant, A. (ed)
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) Literary Studies
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Published November 2006
The Men We Loved
Male Friendship and Nationalism in Israeli Culture
Kaplan, D.
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality Peace and Conflict Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published December 2013
The Men with the Movie Camera
The Poetics of Visual Style in Soviet Avant-Garde Cinema of the 1920s
Cavendish, P.
Subject: Film and Television Studies
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Published September 2015
The Merkel Republic
An Appraisal
Langenbacher, E. (ed)
Bringing together German politics experts from both sides of the Atlantic, this volume addresses the campaign, results, and consequences of the 2013 Bundestag election. Chapters delve into a diverse array of themes, including immigrant-origin and women candidates, the fate of the small parties, and the prospects for the SPD, as well as more general structural trends like the Europeanization and cosmopolitanization of German politics.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Sociology
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Published November 2023
The Middle-Income Trap in Central and Eastern Europe
Causes, Consequences and Strategies in Post-Communist Countries
Kouli, Y. & Müller, U. (eds)
Reviewing the story of prosperity in Central and Eastern Europe up to current debates, The Middle-Income Trap in Central and Eastern Europe examines the reality of the diminishing marginal utility of further international investments alongside the pitfalls of higher national innovation.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published September 2011
The Migration-Displacement Nexus
Patterns, Processes, and Policies
Koser, K. & Martin, S. (eds)
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Development Studies
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Published August 2013
The Mind of the Nation
Völkerpsychologie in Germany, 1851-1955
Klautke, E.
“This is a very careful and meticulous study of the history of a forgotten science, namely Völkerpsychologie, a scholarly attempt to study the psychological structure of nations. We can now understand not just its complex origins reaching back to the German intellectual history of the early 19th century, but also the intellectual intricacies in the works of its main protagonists.” · Uffa Jensen, Max Planck Institute for Human Development
Subjects: History: 18th/19th Century History: 20th Century to Present Sociology
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eBook available
Published April 2009
The Mirage of China
Anti-Humanism, Narcissism, and Corporeality of the Contemporary World
Liu, X.
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published May 2017
The Mirror of the Medieval
An Anthropology of the Western Historical Imagination
Fazioli, K. P.
The Middle Ages have always held a uniquely important place in the Western imagination. This book gives an eye-opening account of the ways various political and intellectual projects have appropriated the medieval past for their own ends, grounded in an analysis of contemporary struggles over power and identity in the Eastern Alps.
Subjects: History: Medieval/Early Modern Theory and Methodology Archaeology
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eBook available
Published October 2020
The Mobility of Memory
Migrations and Diasporas across European Borders
Passerini, L., Trakilović, M., & Proglio, G. (eds)
During five years of field research in Italy and the Netherlands, the “Bodies Across Borders: Oral and Visual Memory in Europe and Beyond” (BABE) team examined the connection between mobility and memory in Europe. This volume, the outcome of that project, engages with the tensions between roots and routes, history and memory, minds and bodies, macrostructures and micro stories, and control and resistance.
Subjects: Mobility Studies Refugee and Migration Studies Sociology Memory Studies
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eBook available
Published December 2008
The Modernist Imagination
Intellectual History and Critical Theory
Breckman, W., Gordon, P. E., Moses, A. D., Moyn, S. & Neaman, E. (eds)
Subject: History (General)
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eBook available
Published December 2016
The Monumental Nation
Magyar Nationalism and Symbolic Politics in Fin-de-siècle Hungary
Varga, B.
In a quixotic episode in nineteenth-century Hungary’s attempts to spread nationalist sentiments, monuments were erected near small towns commemorating the medieval conquest of the Carpathian Basin—the supposed origin of the Hungarian nation. This study recounts the troubled history of this plan, which provoked resistance and even hostility among provincial Hungarians.
Subject: History: 18th/19th Century
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eBook available
Published June 2021
The Moral Work of Anthropology
Ethnographic Studies of Anthropologists at Work
Mogensen, H. & Hansen, B. G. (eds)
Looking at anthropologists at work, this book investigates what kind of morality they perform in their occupations and the impact of this morality. The book includes ethnographic studies of anthropologists at work in four professional arenas: health care, business, management and interdisciplinary research.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Applied Anthropology
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eBook available
Published August 2019
The Museum of Mankind
Man and Boy in the British Museum Ethnography Department
Burt, B.
The Museum of Mankind was an innovative and popular showcase for minority cultures from around the non-Western world from 1970 to 1997, as the devolved Ethnography Department of the British Museum. This memoir of over forty years’ service with the Department is a critical appreciation of its achievements in the various roles of a national museum, of the personalities of its staff and of the issues raised in the representation of exotic cultures.
Subjects: Museum Studies Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published June 2017
The Myth of Self-Reliance
Economic Lives Inside a Liberian Refugee Camp
Omata, N.
The Myth of Self-Reliance provides valuable insights into refugees’ experiences of repatriation to Liberia after protracted exile and their responses to the ending of refugee status for remaining refugees in Ghana.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published August 2017
The Nanking Atrocity, 1937-1938
Complicating the Picture
Wakabayashi, B. T. (ed)
First published in 2007, The Nanking Atrocity remains an essential resource for understanding the massacre. This second edition includes an extensive new introduction reflecting on the historiographical developments of the last decade, making this even more relevant as we approach the 80th anniversary of the Nanking massacre.
Subjects: Genocide History History: 20th Century to Present
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Published April 2005
The Nation, Europe, and the World
Textbooks and Curricula in Transition
Schissler, H. & Soysal, Y.N. (eds)
Subjects: Educational Studies History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published July 2016
The Nature of German Imperialism
Conservation and the Politics of Wildlife in Colonial East Africa
Gissibl, B.
This is the first book-length study analyzing the origins of Tanzania’s wildlife conservation under German colonial rule. It examines the shift of wildlife policies from exploitation to preservation. By situating East Africa’s conservation in a global context, The Nature of German Imperialism shows how colonial policy helped to shape international conservationist efforts.
Subjects: Colonial History Environmental Studies (General)
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Published April 2005
The Nature of Sociology
Mauss, M.
Subjects: Anthropology of Religion Sociology Theory and Methodology
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Published June 2013
The Nazi Genocide of the Roma
Reassessment and Commemoration
Weiss-Wendt, A. (ed)
Subjects: Genocide History History: World War II
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Published February 2015
The Neoliberal Landscape and the Rise of Islamist Capital in Turkey
Balkan, N., Balkan, E. & Öncü, A. (eds)
By providing a long-term historical perspective on Turkey's economy and its relationship to Islamism, this volume explores how Islamism as a political ideology has been utilized by the conservative bourgeoisie in Turkey, and elsewhere, to establish hegemony over labor.
Subject: Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published January 2001
The New Age in Glastonbury
The Construction of Religious Movements
Prince, R. & Riches, D.
Subjects: Anthropology of Religion Anthropology (General) Sociology
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eBook available
Published August 2024
The New Australian Military Sociology
Antipodean perspectives
West, B. & Carter, C. (eds)
In exploring the insights that the Australian case has for theorising civil-military relations, the book serves as a model for other country case studies. This antipodean contribution to the field includes analysis of the changing demographics, new domestic and international responsibilities, Industry-Defence cooperation, women in the armed forces and contemporary veteran wellbeing.
Subjects: Sociology Peace and Conflict Studies Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published January 2008
The New Face of Political Cinema
Commitment in French Film since 1995
O'Shaughnessy, M.
Subject: Film and Television Studies
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Published January 2010
The New Media Nation
Indigenous Peoples and Global Communication
Alia, V
Subjects: Media Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published April 2008
The Nomads of Mykonos
Performing Liminalities in a 'Queer' Space
Bousiou, P.
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality Travel and Tourism Anthropology (General)
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Forthcoming May 2025
The Northern Ireland Conflict on the Margins of History
Protestant Memory on the Border
Funston, K. & McGrattan, C.
In thisexacting re-examination of paramilitary violence upon border Protestants within Northern Ireland, The Northern Ireland Conflict on the Margins of History illuminates the understudied impact the Troubles had upon the Protestant community’s physical, economic, and cultural presence within the border counties.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Peace and Conflict Studies Heritage Studies
eBook available
Published October 2016
The Nuclear Crisis
The Arms Race, Cold War Anxiety, and the German Peace Movement of the 1980s
Becker-Schaum, C., Gassert, P., Mausbach, W., Klimke, M., and Zepp, M. (eds)
In 1983, more than one million Germans joined to protest NATO’s deployment of nuclear missiles in Europe. This volume survey of the “Euromissiles” crisis as experienced by its various protagonists in Germany, including NATO’s strategic maneuvering and the contours of the German protest movement.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Sociology
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eBook available
Published September 2016
The Online World of Surrogacy
Berend, Z.
Zsuzsa Berend presents a methodologically innovative ethnography of the surrogacy support website in the United States. The Online World of Surrogacy documents collective meaning-making practices that unfold online, and explores their practical, emotional, and moral implications.
Subjects: Sociology Anthropology (General) Medical Anthropology
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Published December 1995
The Origins of Complex Societies in Late Prehistoric Iberia
Lillios, K. T.
A series of papers by a wide range of authors from different countries and backgrounds focuses firmly on the question of the origin and development of social complexity, from the Neolithic through the Bronze Age, in Iberia writ large. A wide range of specific topics is covered with this specific focus, from results of field projects, laboratory analyses, and theoretical overviews.
Subject: Archaeology
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eBook available
Published February 2023
The Origins of German Self-Cultivation
Bildung and the Future of the Humanities
Ham, J., Kinzel, U., & Pan, D. T.-c. (eds)
Informing current debate about the future of the humanities, this volume focuses discussions on the Bildung’s original German context using a multi-disciplinary perspective root out the interesting ways that Bildung continues to shape our understanding of self-formation.
Subjects: History (General) Educational Studies
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Published November 2021
The Paradoxical Republic
Austria 1945–2020
Rathkolb, O.
Written by one of the nation’s leading historians, this account of postwar Austria explores the tensions that have defined it for over seven decades. This newly revised edition also addresses the major developments since 2005, including a resurgent far right, economic instability, and the potential fracturing of the European Union.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published December 2024
The Paris Peace Conference of 1919
The Challenge of a New World Order
Badel, L., Conze, E., & Dröber, A. (eds)
An illuminating and geographically wide-ranging reassessment of the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, this volume reconsiders how this watershed treaty gave rise to new dynamics of global power and politics, reshaping the ideas of imperiality and nationality that have continued to shape the geopolitical landscape.
Subjects: History: World War I Political and Economic Anthropology Peace and Conflict Studies
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eBook available
Published January 2018
The Partial Revolution
Labour, Social Movements and the Invisible Hand of Mao in Western Nepal
Hoffmann, M.
Located in the far-western Tarai region of Nepal, Kailali has been the site of dynamic social and political change in recent history. The Partial Revolution examines Kailali in the aftermath of Nepal’s Maoist insurgency, focusing primarily on the end of Kailali’s feudal system of bonded labor.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Development Studies Peace and Conflict Studies
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Published October 2017
The Participants
The Men of the Wannsee Conference
Jasch, H.-C., & Kreutzmüller, C. (eds)
Although the Wannsee Conference of January 20, 1942 is today understood as a signal episode in the history of the Holocaust, many of its attendees remain relatively unknown to nonspecialists. Combining accessible prose with scholarly rigor, The Participants presents fascinating profiles of the all-too-human men who implemented some of the most inhuman acts in modern history.
Subjects: Genocide History History: World War II
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Published April 2014
The Path to the Berlin Wall
Critical Stages in the History of Divided Germany
WIlke, M.
The long path to the Berlin Wall began in 1945, when Joseph Stalin instructed the Communist Party to take power in the Soviet occupation zone while the three Western Allies secured their areas of influence. When Germany was split into separate states in 1949, Berlin remained divided into four sectors, with West Berlin surrounded by the GDR but lingering as a captivating showcase for Western values and goods. Following a failed Soviet attempt to expel the allies from West Berlin with a blockade in 1948–49, a second crisis ensued from 1958–61, during which the Soviet Union demanded once and for all the withdrawal of the Western powers and the transition of West Berlin to a “Free City.” Ultimately Nikita Khrushchev decided to close the border in hopes of halting the overwhelming exodus of East Germans to the West.
Tracing this path from a German perspective, Manfred Wilke draws on recently published conversations between Khrushchev and Walter Ulbricht, head of the East German state, in order to reconstruct the coordination process between these two leaders and the events that led to building the Berlin Wall.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published January 2017
The Patient Multiple
An Ethnography of Healthcare and Decision-Making in Bhutan
Taee, J.
In Bhutan, medical patients engage a variety of healing practices to seek cures for their ailments. The Patient Multiple delves into the context of patients’ daily lives and decision-making processes, showing how these unique mountain cultures are finding paths to health among a changing and multifaceted medical topography.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Medical Anthropology Anthropology of Religion
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Published December 2002
The Peirce Seminar Papers
Volume V: Essays in Semiotic Analysis
Shapiro, M. (ed)
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) History: 18th/19th Century Literary Studies
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eBook available
Published October 2017
The Persistence of Race
Continuity and Change in Germany from the Wilhelmine Empire to National Socialism
Day, L. & Haag, O. (eds)
In histories of the Third Reich, race is a ubiquitous topic, but German society produced a much more complex variety of racial representations over the first part of the twentieth century. This volume explores the hateful depictions of the Nazi era alongside Wilhelmine images of indigenous peoples, revealing race as on object of fascination for Germans across several eras.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Sociology
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Published September 2010
The Plans That Failed
An Economic History of the GDR
Steiner, A.
Subjects: History (General) History: 20th Century to Present
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Published April 2007
The Pleasure of a Surplus Income
Part-Time Work, Gender Politics, and Social Change in West Germany, 1955-1969
Oertzen, C. von
Subjects: History (General) History: 20th Century to Present Gender Studies and Sexuality
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Published March 1997
The Policing of Politics in the Twentieth Century
Historical Perspectives
Mazower, M. (ed)
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published January 2015
The Political Economy of Border Drawing
Arranging Legality in European Labor Migration Policies
Paul, R.
The conditions for non-EU migrant workers to gain legal entry to Britain, France, and Germany are at the same time similar and quite different. To explain this variation this book compares the fine-grained legal categories for migrant workers in each country, and examines the interaction of economic, social, and cultural rationales in determining migrant legality.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published April 1998
The Political Economy of German Unification
Lange, T. & Shackleton, J. (eds)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published July 2009
The Political Economy of Germany under Chancellors Kohl and Schröder
Decline of the German Model?
Leaman, J.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Media Studies
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Published April 1996
The Political Films of Andrzej Wajda
Dialogism in Man of Marble, Man of Iron, and Danton
Falkowska, J.
Subject: Film and Television Studies
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Published October 2018
The Politics of Authenticity
Countercultures and Radical Movements across the Iron Curtain, 1968-1989
Häberlen, J. C., Keck-Szajbel, M., & Mahoney, K. (eds)
The Politics of Authentic Subjectivity explores how the politics of authenticity manifested itself among Italian leftists, East German lesbian activists, and punks on both sides of the Iron Curtain. This volume shows not only how authenticity came to define a variety of social contexts, but also how it helped to lay the groundwork for the neoliberalism of a subsequent era.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Sociology History: 20th Century to Present
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Published March 1996
The Politics of Cultural Performance
Parkin, D., Caplan, L. & Fisher, H. (eds)
Subjects: Performance Studies Anthropology (General) Anthropology of Religion
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Published July 2002
The Politics of Education
Teachers and School Reform in Weimar Germany
Lamberti, M.
Subjects: Educational Studies History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published June 2012
The Politics of Education Reform in the Middle East
Self and Other in Textbooks and Curricula
Alayan, S., Rohde, A., & Dhouib, S. (eds)
Subjects: Educational Studies Sociology
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Published March 2006
The Politics of Egalitarianism
Theory and Practice
Solway, J. (ed)
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Medical Anthropology
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eBook available
Published July 2010
The Politics of European Citizenship
Deepening Contradictions in Social Rights and Migration Policy
Hansen, P. & Hager, S. B.
Subject: Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published March 2008
The Politics of German Defence and Security
Policy Leadership and Military Reform in the post-Cold War Era
Dyson, T.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published December 2022
The Politics of Making Kinship
Historical and Anthropological Perspectives
Alber, E. (ed)
Leading us beyond current narratives on the decline of kinship which assume kinship’s existence since the dawn of civilization, The Politics of Making Kinship interrogates kinship’s geneses, constructions, elaborations, implementations, and enforcing agents across a long view of European history, and demonstrates how kinship is woven through modern societies.
Subjects: History (General) Political and Economic Anthropology Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published December 2020
The Politics of Personal Information
Surveillance, Privacy, and Power in West Germany
Frohman, L.
This book gives a definitive account of the politics of personal information in West Germany during the 1970s and 1980s, highlighting the growing role of personal information as a tool for social governance.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published June 2024
The Politics of Relations
How Self-Government, Infrastructures, and Care Transform the State in Serbia
Thiemann, A.
Rethinking the contributions of the Manchester School of Social Anthropology for political ethnography, the Politics of Relations elaborates its relational approach to the state along four interlaced axes of research – embeddedness, boundary work, modalities and strategic selectivity – that enable thick comparisons across spatio-temporal scales of power.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Sociology
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Published September 2014
The Polynesian Iconoclasm
Religious Revolution and the Seasonality of Power
Sissons, J.
Seeking an answer to why the event occurred the way that it did,The Polynesian Iconoclasm explores the ten years in the early nineteenth century during which inhabitants of Tahiti, Hawaii and fifteen related societies destroyed or desecrated their temples and god-images. In the aftermath, hundreds of architecturally innovative churches were constructed, and oppressive laws and courts were introduced — and rebelled against.
Subjects: Anthropology of Religion Anthropology (General)
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Published December 2003
The Populist Challenge
Political Protest and Ethno-Nationalist Mobilization in France
Rydgren, J.
Subject: Peace and Conflict Studies
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eBook available
Published July 2024
The Potential for Anthropology and Urban Community Engagement
Lessons Learned from Twenty-Five Years in Milwaukee
Lackey, J. F. & Petrie, R.
Going beyond traditional relationships between practicing anthropologists and urban communities, this develops the foundations to extend the current scope of applied anthropology to grassroots research and lasting community programs using two partnering Milwaukee organizations as examples.
Subjects: Applied Anthropology Urban Studies
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Published October 2014
The Power of Death
Contemporary Reflections on Death in Western Society
Blanco, M.-J. & Vidal, R. (eds)
The social and cultural changes of the last century have transformed death from an everyday fact to something hidden from view. Shifting between the practical and the theoretical, the professional and the intimate, the real and the fictitious, this collection of essays explores the continued power of death over our lives.
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) Sociology Literary Studies
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Published January 2007
The Power of Entrepreneurs
Politics and Economy in Contemporary Spain
Cabrera, M. & del Rey, F.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Sociology
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Published May 2009
The Power of Law in a Transnational World
Anthropological Enquiries
Benda-Beckmann, F. von, Benda-Beckmann, K. von & Griffiths, A. (eds)
Subjects: Development Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published May 2007
The Power of Perspective
Social Ontology and Agency on Ambrym Island, Vanuatu
Rio, K, M.
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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Published December 2021
The Power of Scripture
Political Biblicism in the Early Stuart Monarchy between Representation and Subversion
Pečar, A.
The development of political rhetoric during the Reformation period through to the outbreak of the English Civil War was based on more varied sources than just the political language of civic humanism and republicanism. The Power of Scripture uncovers how biblical scripture directly shaped a national religious politics, forming a lasting impression on the socio-political structural development of Stuart England.
Subject: History: Medieval/Early Modern
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Published December 1994
The Power of the Story
Fiction and Political Change
Hanne, M.
Subjects: Literary Studies History (General) Sociology Political and Economic Anthropology
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eBook available
Published March 2008
The Practice of War
Production, Reproduction and Communication of Armed Violence
Rao, A., Bollig, M. & Böck, M. (eds)
Subjects: Peace and Conflict Studies Theory and Methodology
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Published March 2022
The Precarity of Masculinity
Football, Pentecostalism, and Transnational Aspirations in Cameroon
Kovač, U.
This book follows young Cameroonian men who aspire to migrate abroad and play football for a living while analyzing masculinities in West Africa. The book argues that the athletic aspirations of young Cameroonians and their propensity to consult with Pentecostal Men of God offer new insights about the nature of social mobility in the neoliberal age.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Anthropology of Religion Gender Studies and Sexuality
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Published August 2006
The Price of Exclusion
Ethnicity, National Identity, and the Decline of German Liberalism, 1898-1933
Kurlander, E.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published October 1999
The Problem of Context
Perspectives from Social Anthropology and Elsewhere
Dilley, R. (ed)
Subject: Theory and Methodology
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Published December 2007
The Problem of Money
African Agency & Western Medicine in Northern Ghana
Bierlich, B. M.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Development Studies
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Published April 2000
The Psychosocial Wellness of Refugees
Issues in Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Ahearn, F. (ed)
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Peace and Conflict Studies Sociology
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eBook available
Published November 2021
The Pursuit of Pleasurable Work
Craftwork in Twenty-First Century England
Marchand, T. H. J.
Against the backdrop of an alienating, technologizing and ever-accelerating world of material production, this book tells an intimate story: one about a community of woodworkers training at an historic institution in London’s East End during the present ‘renaissance of craftsmanship’.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology
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Published March 1996
The Quest for Economic Empire
Berghahn, V. R. (ed)
Subjects: History (General) History: 20th Century to Present
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Published September 2009
The Radical Right in Switzerland
Continuity and Change, 1945-2000
Skenderovic, D.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published April 2009
The Reluctant Revolutionary
Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Collision with Prusso-German History
Moses, J. A.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published May 2015
The Respectable Career of Fritz K.
The Making and Remaking of a Provincial Nazi Leader
Berghoff, H. & Rauh, C.
Entrepreneur and Nazi functionary Fritz Kiehn lived through almost 100 years of German history, from the Bismarck era to the late Bonn Republic. Kiehn's biography provides a key to understanding the political upheavals of the 20th century, especially the workings of the corrupt Nazi system as well as the "coming to terms" with National Socialism in the Federal Republic.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published September 2005
The Retreat of the Social
The Rise and Rise of Reductionism
Kapferer, B. (ed)
Subject: Theory and Methodology
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Published January 2003
The Return of Berlusconi
Bellucci, P. & Bull, M. (eds)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published March 2009
The Return of Jazz
Joachim-Ernst Berendt and West German Cultural Change
Wright Hurley, A.
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) Performance Studies History: 20th Century to Present
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Published 1999
The Return of Politics
Hine, D. & Vassallo, S. (eds)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published August 2022
The Return of Polyandry
Kinship and Marriage in Central Tibet
Fjeld, H. E.
This book describes the surprising increase in polyandry in Panam valley during the 1980s. It explores married lives in polyandrous houses and develops a theory of a flexible kinship of potentiality through the lens of a farming village in Tibet Autonomous Region.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Gender Studies and Sexuality
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eBook available
Published June 2018
The Revolt of the Provinces
Anti-Gypsyism and Right-Wing Politics in Hungary
Szombati, K.
The first in-depth ethnographic monograph on the New Right in Central and Eastern Europe, The Revolt of the Provinces explores the making of right-wing hegemony in Hungary over the last decade, focusing on interaction between social antagonisms emerging on the local level and struggles waged within the political public sphere.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Sociology
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Published April 2016
The Revolution before the Revolution
Late Authoritarianism and Student Protest in Portugal
Accornero, G.
Portugal’s 1974 “Carnation Revolution” was in many ways the culmination of a much longer history of resistance originating in universities and other sectors of society. Combining careful research with insights from social movement theory, this book traces these convulsions in Portuguese society over the course of the “long 1960s.”
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Sociology
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Published May 2011
The Rhetorical Emergence of Culture
Meyer, C. & Girke, F. (eds)
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Cultural Studies (General) Sociology
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Published July 2015
The Rhythm of Eternity
The German Youth Movement and the Experience of the Past, 1900-1933
Adriaansen, R.-J.
The Weimar era in Germany is often characterized as a time of significant change. Such periods of rupture transform the way people envision the past, present, and future. This book traces the conceptions of time and history during the German youth movement of the early 20th century.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Sociology
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eBook available
Published April 2023
The Rich and the Poor in Modern Europe, 1890-2020
A Historian’s Response to Recent Debates among Economists
Kaelble, H.
While it is easy to accept that modern capitalism is the perpetrator of sociality inequality’s growth today, The Rich and the Poor reconsiders the constructs and facts that led to dramatic rises and crashes in the twentieth century European economic history.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Forthcoming June 2025
The Riddle of Intelligence
It’s Not What You Think
Terrell, J., Anderson, E., Bandama, F., Ghosh, A., & Leenen-Young, M.
There is little agreement today on what it takes to be intelligent. Yet this word is widely believed to be about something real, mostly biological, and important. Looked at closely, it turns out this word belongs more in the realm of traditional folklore than modern science.
Subjects: Sociology Anthropology (General)
eBook available
Published February 2023
The Right to Memory
History, Media, Law, and Ethics
Tirosh, N. & Reading, A. (eds)
The Right to Memory looks beyond everyday memory and commemoration practices, focusing instead on how memory relates to human rights and socio-legal constructs in order to legitimize and protect groups and individuals.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Memory Studies Media Studies
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Published March 1999
The Rise and Demise of German Statism
Loyalty and Political Membership
Kvistad, G.
Subject: History (General)
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Published December 2013
The Rise of Market Society in England, 1066-1800
Eisenberg, C.
Subjects: History (General) History: Medieval/Early Modern History: 18th/19th Century
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Published November 1996
The Rise of National Socialism and the Working Classes in Weimar Germany
Fischer, C. (ed)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published August 2018
The Rite of Urban Passage
The Spatial Ritualization of Iranian Urban Transformation
Masoudi, R.
Focusing on the spatial dynamics of Muharram processions in the Iranian city, this book offers an alternative approach to understanding the process of urban transformation, and puts forward a spatial genealogy of Muharram rituals that provides a platform for developing a fresh spatial approach to ritual studies.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Urban Studies Anthropology of Religion
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eBook available
Published January 2003
The Road to War
France and Vietnam 1944-1947
Shipway, M.
Subject: Colonial History
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Published February 2020
The Roma and Their Struggle for Identity in Contemporary Europe
Baar, H. van & Kóczé, A. (eds)
Thirty years after the collapse of Communism, and at a time of radically diverse kinds of identity politics, including anti-migrant, anti-Roma, anti-Muslim and anti-establishment movements, this book analyses how Roma identity is expressed in contemporary Europe.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology Political and Economic Anthropology
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eBook available
Published January 2017
The Romance of Crossing Borders
Studying and Volunteering Abroad
Doerr, N. M. & Davis Taïeb, H. (eds)
What draws people to study abroad or volunteer in far-off communities? This volume explores what draws students to study or volunteer abroad. In doing so, the book sheds light on how affect is managed by educators and mobilized by students and volunteers themselves, and how these structures of feeling related to broader social and economic forces.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Travel and Tourism Educational Studies
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eBook available
Published August 2006
The Romani Movement
Minority Politics and Ethnic Mobilization in Contemporary Central Europe
Vermeersch, P.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Refugee and Migration Studies Sociology
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eBook available
Published August 2021
The Russian Cold
Histories of Ice, Frost, and Snow
Herzberg, J., Renner, A., & Schierle, I. (eds)
Cold has long been a fixture of Russian identity both within and beyond the nation, even as the ongoing effects of climate change complicate its meaning and cultural salience. The Russian Cold assembles fascinating new contributions from a variety of scholarly traditions, offering new perspectives on how to understand this mainstay of Russian culture and history.
Subjects: History: 18th/19th Century History: 20th Century to Present Environmental Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published June 2024
The Science of State Power in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1790-1880
Török, B. Z.
The science of Statistik (statistics) by the Habsburg state in the long 19th century was adapted to the political growth of imperial power. The Science of State Power in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1790-1880 connects the disciplinary history of German sciences of the state to the integration of territories into the Habsburg state’s evolution.
Subject: History: 18th/19th Century
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Published April 2012
The Scope of Anthropology
Maurice Godelier’s Work in Context
Dousset, L. & Tcherkézoff, S. (eds)
Subject: Theory and Methodology
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eBook available
Published December 2020
The Sea Commands
Community and Perception of the Environment in a Portuguese Fishing Village
Mendes, P.
Azenha do Mar is a fishing community on the southwest coast of Portugal. It came into existence around forty years ago, as an outcome of the abandonment of work in the fields and of propitious ecological conditions. This book looks at the migration processes since the founding of the community and how they relate to the social inequalities towards property and labour which prevail today.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Environmental Studies (General)
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Published August 1997
The Search for Normality
National Identity and Historical Consciousness in Germany Since 1800
Berger, S.
Subject: History (General)
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Published January 2004
The Second Berlusconi Government
Blondel, J. (ed)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published December 2015
The Second Generation
Émigrés from Nazi Germany as Historians
With a Biobibliographic GuideDaum, A. W., Lehmann, H., & Sheehan, J. J. (eds)
Of the thousands of young people who fled Nazi Germany before World War II, a remarkable number became trained historians. By placing autobiographical testimonies alongside historical and professional analysis, this richly varied collection comprises the first sustained effort to illuminate the role these men and women played in modern historiography.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published December 2022
The Servants of Empire
Sponsored German Women’s Colonization in Southwest Africa, 1896-1945
ODonnell, K. M.
In the late 1890s through the 1940s, Germany enacted race-based population policies in Southwest Africa which instrumentalized German women as colonists. The Servants of Empire engages the history of these colonial operatives, mostly comprised of poor, white women, as they became an unsettling force in colonial settlements and contributed to the rise of the German embrace of genocide, National Socialism, and apartheid.
Subjects: Colonial History History: 20th Century to Present
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Published February 2002
The Shaping of Environmental Policy in France
Szarka, J.
Drawing on an extensive range of political, legal and sociological materials, the author presents and evaluates environmental policy-making in France at a time when environmental problems are growing in complexity and gravity.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Sociology Sustainable Development Goals
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Published July 2000
The Silk Roads
Highways of Culture and Commerce
Elisseeff, V.
Subject: History (General)
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Published November 2003
The Social Construction of Diversity
Recasting the Master Narrative of Industrial Nations
Harzig, C. & Juteau, D. (eds)
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Anthropology (General) Sociology
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eBook available
Published November 2013
The Social Life of Achievement
Long, N. J. & Moore, H. L. (eds)
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology
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Published August 2013
The Social Life of Water
Wagner J. R. (ed)
“This book fills an important niche on water related issues in anthropology by focusing on social and cultural manifestations of water management, use, and conflict… The organization is appropriate and effective.” · Benedict J. Colombi, American Indian Studies Program, University of Arizona
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published March 2022
The Social Origins of Thought
Durkheim, Mauss, and the Category Project
Schick, Johannes F. M.
The Social Origins of Thought explores the Durkheim School’s ambitious critique of philosophical interpretations of the genesis and constitution of the categories of thought. With contributions from philosophy, sociology, anthropology, media studies, and sinology, this volume illustrates the interdisciplinarity and intellectual rigor of the “category project”.
Subjects: Sociology Theory and Methodology Media Studies
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Published February 1995
The Social Responsibility of the Historian
Bédarida, F. (ed)
Subject: History (General)
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Published February 2006
The Society of the Cincinnati
Conspiracy and Distrust in Early America
Hünemörder, M.
Subject: History: 18th/19th Century
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Published July 2024
The Soul of the Nation
Catholicism and Nationalization in Modern Spain
Alonso, G. & Hernández Burgos, C. (eds)
Religion and politics have historically clashed in modern Spain, particularly following the crisis of 1808 when the Catholica Monarchy put the role of the Church at the heart of political cultural Debates. The Soul of the Nation seeks to unravel this complex and oppositional history between Catholic values and modern political regimes.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present History: 18th/19th Century
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Published September 2019
The Sound of Silence
Indigenous Perspectives on the Historical Archaeology of Colonialism
Äikäs, T. & Salmi, A.-K. (eds)
Colonial encounters between indigenous peoples and European state powers are overarching themes in the historical archaeology of the modern era, and postcolonial historical archaeology has repeatedly emphasized the complex two-way nature of colonial encounters. The volume examines common trajectories in indigenous colonial histories, and explores new ways to understand cultural contact, hybridization and power relations between indigenous peoples and colonial powers from the indigenous point of view.
Subjects: Archaeology Colonial History Memory Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published January 2006
The Sounds of Silence
Nineteenth-Century Portugal and the Abolition of the Slave Trade
Marques, J
Subjects: Colonial History Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published March 2018
The Southeast Asia Connection
Trade and Polities in the Eurasian World Economy, 500 BC–AD 500
Chew, S. C.
Over world history, Southeast Asia’s contribution to the world economy (during the late prehistoric and early historic periods) has not been given much attention. This book attempts to recalibrate these interactions of Southeast Asia with other parts of the world economy, and gives the region its due instead of treating it as little more than a region of peripheral entrepôts.
Subjects: Archaeology History (General) Political and Economic Anthropology
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eBook available
Published July 2023
The Spirit of Matter
Modernity, Religion, and the Power of Objects
Pels, P.
A range of meaningful objects—exhibits of human remains or live people, fetishes, objects in a Catholic Museum, exotic photographs, commodities, and computers—demonstrate a subordinate modern consciousness about powerful objects and their “life”. The Spirit of Matter discusses these objects that move people emotionally but whose existence is often denied by modern wishful thinking of “mind over matter”.
Subjects: Anthropology of Religion Archaeology Museum Studies
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Published June 2003
The Spirit of the Berlin Republic
Dettke, D. (ed)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published July 2015
The Spirit of the Laws
The Plunder of Wealth in the Armenian Genocide
Akçam, T. & Kurt, U
Pertinent to contemporary demands for reparations from Turkey is the relationship between law and property in connection with the Armenian Genocide. This book examines the confiscation of Armenian properties during the genocide and subsequent attempts to retain seized Armenian wealth.
Subjects: Genocide History History: World War I
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eBook available
Published August 2008
The State and the Arts
Articulating Power and Subversion
Kapferer, J.
Subjects: Urban Studies Sociology Cultural Studies (General)
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Published July 2015
The State and the Grassroots
Immigrant Transnational Organizations in Four Continents
Portes, A. & Fernández-Kelly, P. (eds)
Whereas most of the literature on migration focuses on individuals and their families, this book studies the organizations created by immigrants to protect themselves in their receiving states. Comparing eighteen of these grassroots organizations formed across the world, researchers focus on the internal structure and activities of these organizations as they relate to developmental initiatives.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Development Studies
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eBook available
Published March 2012
The State and the Social
State Formation in Botswana and its Precolonial and Colonial Genealogies
Gulbrandsen, Ø
Botswana has been portrayed as a major case of exception in Africa—as an oasis of peace and harmony with an enduring parliamentary democracy, blessed with remarkable diamond-driven economic growth. Whereas the “failure” of other states on the continent is often attributed to the prevalence of indigenous political ideas and structures, the author argues that Botswana’s apparent success is not the result of Western ideas and practices of government having replaced indigenous ideas and structures. Rather, the postcolonial state of Botswana is best understood as a unique, complex formation, one that arose dialectically through the meeting of European ideas and practices with the symbolism and hierarchies of authority, rooted in the cosmologies of indigenous polities, and both have become integral to the formation of a strong state with a stable government.
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published August 2024
The State Otherwise
Green Space, Citizenship and Advocating for the Public in Beirut
Stefanelli, A.
The State Otherwise examines the difficult predicament of Beirut’s public green spaces from the vantage point of the civic campaign to reopen Horsh al Sanawbar, the city’s largest public park. It asks questions about the nature of privatisation of public property, civic society’s potential to mobilise individuals and the role of public authorities in promoting the public good.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Environmental Studies (General) Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published July 2016
The State We're In
Reflecting on Democracy's Troubles
Cook, J., Long, N. J., & Moore, H. L. (eds)
What makes people lose faith in democratic statecraft? The question seems an urgent one. In the first decades of the twenty-first century, citizens across the world have grown increasingly disillusioned with what was once a cherished ideal. The State We’re In is a must-read for all political theorists, scholars of democracy, and readers concerned for the future of the democratic ideal.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published June 2008
The Strassmanns
Science, Politics and Migration in Turbulent Times (1793-1993)
Strassmann, W. P.
Subjects: Jewish Studies History (General)
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Published October 2000
The Struggle for a Democratic Austria
Bruno Kreisky on Peace and Social Justice
Berg, M. P. (ed)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published March 2021
The Struggle for the Past
How We Construct Social Memories
Jelin, E.
Organized around Argentine “memory wars” since the 1970s, The Struggle for the Past undertakes an innovative exploration of memory’s dynamic social character. In addition to its analysis of how human rights movements have inflected public memory and democratization in Argentina, it also gives an illuminating account of the emergence and development of Memory Studies as a field.
Subjects: Memory Studies Peace and Conflict Studies
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Published July 2000
The Study of Culture At a Distance
Mead, M. & Métraux, R. (eds)
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Cultural Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published October 2023
The Subject of Sovereignty
Relationality and the Pivot Past Liberalism
Feldman, G.
Exploring the themes of nature, race, and the divine, this book identifies the more realistic alternative in the “relational subject”: a subject that is inseparable from the global field of relations through which it emerges and yet distinct from that field because it lives a life that no one else ever has.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Sociology
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Published October 2009
The Surplus Woman
Unmarried in Imperial Germany, 1871-1918
Dollard, C. L.
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality History (General) Cultural Studies (General)
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Published October 1999
Taboo, Truth and Religion
Adler, J. & Fardon, R. (eds) (Steiner, F.)
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Anthropology of Religion
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Published May 1996
Taboos in German Literature
Jackson, D. (ed)
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) Literary Studies
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eBook available
Published October 2024
Tactical Citizenships
Encounters with Everyday State in the Republic of Cyprus
Kouros, T.
Tactical Citizenships is a testament to the tenacity and resourcefulness of marginalized individuals in directing their relations with the state. It explores the troubled relationship between a state and its citizens across four different kinds of social spaces in Limassol, Cyprus.
Subject: Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published January 2015
Tailoring Truth
Politicizing the Past and Negotiating Memory in East Germany, 1945-1990
Olsen, J. B.
By looking at state-sponsored memory projects, such as memorials, commemorations, and historical museums, this book reveals that the East German communist regime obsessively monitored and attempted to control public representations of the past to legitimize its rule.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published May 2018
Taking on Technocracy
Nuclear Power in Germany, 1945 to the Present
Augustine, D. L.
Taking on Technocracy addresses changing attitudes towards nuclear energy in the age of global warming. The German decision to abandon nuclear power is placed in a historical context, including popularization of science, new social movements, media, policing, gender, and the history of emotions.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Environmental Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published December 2022
Taking Our Water for the City
The Archaeology of New York City’s Watershed Communities
Beisaw, A. M.
Tap water enables the development of cities in locations with insufficient natural resources to support such populations. This archaeological examination of the New York City watershed reveals the cultural costs of urban water systems. Urban water systems do more than reroute water from one place to another. At best, they redefine communities. At worst, they erase them.
Subjects: Archaeology History (General) Political and Economic Anthropology Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published September 2008
Taking Sides
Ethics, Politics, and Fieldwork in Anthropology
Armbruster, H. & Lærke, A. (eds)
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Sociology
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eBook available
Published August 2014
Talking Stones
The Politics of Memorialization in Post-Conflict Northern Ireland
Viggiani, E.
Using the memorialization of the Troubles in contemporary Northern Ireland as a case study, this book investigates how non-state, often proscribed, organizations have filled a societal vacuum in the creation of public memorials. In particular, these groups have sifted through the past to propose “official” collective narratives of national identification, historical legitimation, and moral justifications for violence.
Subjects: Memory Studies Heritage Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published July 2022
Tangled Mobilities
Places, Affects, and Personhood across Social Spheres in Asian Migration
Fresnoza-Flot, A. & Liu-Farrer, G. (eds)
Increasingly, scholarly works are approaching the challenges of peoples’ spatial movements across state frontiers as tied to various forms of mobilities that people experience. Using a plural and comparative lens with case studies, Tangled Mobilities brings fresh insight to the wider social phenomenon of mobility and the way places, affects, and personhood are shaped by and connected to it.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Sociology
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Published August 2006
Tarzan Was an Eco-tourist
...and Other Tales in the Anthropology of Adventure
Vivanco, L. & Gordon, R. (eds)
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Travel and Tourism Anthropology (General) Literary Studies
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Published June 2013
Tax Justice and the Political Economy of Global Capitalism, 1945 to the Present
Leaman, J. & Waris, A. (eds)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published December 2019
Teaching Modernization
Spanish and Latin American Educational Reform in the Cold War
Martín García, Ó. J. & Gómez-Escalonilla, L. D. (eds)
Amid the Cold War and global student protests, transnational forces significantly shaped the modernization of educational systems in Spain and Latin America during the 1960s and 1970s. Each study sheds new light on the transnational circulation of modernization discourses, practices, and ideology within the sphere of education.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Educational Studies
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Published March 2006
Techniques, Technology and Civilization
Mauss, M.
Subjects: Sociology Theory and Methodology
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Published December 2013
Technocrats in Office
Virgilio, A. di & Radaelli, C. M. (eds)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published June 2010
Technologized Images, Technologized Bodies
Edwards, J., Harvey, P. & Wade, P. (eds)
Subject: Medical Anthropology
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Published June 2022
Technology and the Common Good
The Unity and Division of a Democratic Society
Batteau, A. W.
Building on the work of Elinor Ostrom (Governing the Commons) the author examines how the different shared goods of a democratic society are shaped by technology and demonstrates how club goods, common pool resources, and public goods are supported, enhanced, and disrupted by technology.
Subject: Anthropology (General) Sustainable Development Goals
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Published April 1999
Television Broadcasting in Contemporary France and Britain
Scriven, M. & Lecomte, M. (eds)
Subjects: Film and Television Studies Sociology Media Studies
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Published July 2015
Television's Moment
Sitcom Audiences and the Sixties Cultural Revolution
Hodenberg, C. von
Television was one of the forces shaping the cultural revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, when a blockbuster TV series could reach up to a third of a country’s population. This book explores television’s impact on social change by comparing three sitcoms and their audiences.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Media Studies Film and Television Studies
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Published December 2007
Telling Children About the Past
An Interdisciplinary Perspective
Galanidou, N. & Dommasnes, L. H. (eds)
This book brings together archeologists, historians, psychologists, and educators from different countries and academic traditions to address the many ways that we tell children about the (distant) past. The contributors both examine the ways in which children come to grips with the past and critically assess the many ways in which contemporary societies and an increasing number of commercial agents construct and use the past.
Subjects: Archaeology Educational Studies Heritage Studies
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Published August 2023
Temple Tracks
Labour, Piety and Railway Construction in Asia
Sinha, V.
The notions of labour, mobility and piety have a complex and intertwined relationship. Using ethnographic methods and a historical perspective, Temple Tracks critically outlines the interlink of railway construction in colonial and post-colonial Asia, as well as the anthropology of infrastructure and transnational mobilities with religion.
Subjects: Transport Studies Refugee and Migration Studies Anthropology of Religion
eBook available
Published December 2012
Territorial Revisionism and the Allies of Germany in the Second World War
Goals, Expectations, Practices
Cattaruzza, M., Dyroff, S. & Langewiesche, D. (eds)
Subjects: History: World War II History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published August 2021
Territory, State and Nation
The Geopolitics of Rudolf Kjellén
Björk, R. & Lundén, T. (eds)
Rudolf Kjellén, regularly referred to as “the father of geopolitics”, developed in the first decade of the twentieth century an analytical model for calculating the capabilities of great-power states and promoting their interests in the international arena. Territory, State and Nation explores his century-long international scholarly impact, his analytical model, and his analyses of contemporary history.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published June 2010
Terror From the Sky
The Bombing of German Cities in World War II
Primoratz, I. (ed)
Subjects: History: World War II History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published February 2023
Terrorism and the Pandemic
Weaponizing of COVID-19
Gunaratna, R. & Pethö-Kiss, K.
The global pandemic has offered extraordinary opportunities for extremists and terrorists to mobilize themselves and revive as more powerful actors in the security landscape. But could these threat groups actually capitalize on the coronavirus crisis and advance their malevolent agendas? This book provides, for the first time, a true picture of novel trends since the pandemic outbreak.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Peace and Conflict Studies Anthropology of Religion
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eBook available
Published September 2019
Testimonies of Resistance
Representations of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Sonderkommando
Chare, N. & Williams, D. (eds)
As eyewitnesses to and unwilling abettors of the murder of their fellow Jews, the Sonderkommando comprise one of the most fascinating and troubling topics within Holocaust history. This interdisciplinary collection assembles careful investigations into how the Sonderkommando have been represented—both by themselves and by others—during and since the Holocaust.
Subjects: History: World War II Genocide History Jewish Studies
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eBook available
Published July 2021
Textures of Belonging
Senses, Objects and Spaces of Romanian Roma
Racleş, A.
The longstanding European conception that Roma and non-Roma are separated by unambiguous socio-cultural distinctions has led to the construction of Roma as "non-belonging others." Challenging this conception, Textures of Belonging explores how Roma negotiate and feel belonging on the everyday level.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology Cultural Studies (General)
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Published June 2015
Thai in Vitro
Gender, Culture and Assisted Reproduction
Whittaker, A.
In Thailand, infertility remains a source of stigma for couples using assisted reproductive technologies in the quest for a child. This ethnographic account of public and private clinics explores this experience of infertility and the pursuit of assisted reproductive technologies by Thai couples.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Gender Studies and Sexuality
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Published August 2023
That Sinking Feeling
On the Emotional Experience of Inferiority in Germany's Neoliberal Education System
Wellgraf, S.
Focusing on the emotions and affective states of students from poor migrant families, That Sinking Feeling presents a uniquely multi-layered ethnography on this under-represented area in the social and cultural sciences.
Subjects: Educational Studies Sociology Anthropology (General)
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Published October 2004
Theater and Political Process
Staging Identities in Tokelau and New Zealand
Hoëm, I.
Subjects: Performance Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published October 2001
Theatre and War 1933-1945
Performance in Extremis
Balfour, M.
Subjects: Performance Studies History: World War II Literary Studies
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Published April 2012
Theatres Of Violence
Massacre, Mass Killing and Atrocity throughout History
Dwyer, P. & Ryan, L. (eds)
Subject: Genocide History
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Published October 2001
Themes in French Culture
A Preface to a Study of French Community
Mead, M. & Metraux, R.
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Cultural Studies (General)
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Published April 2017
Theoretical Scholarship and Applied Practice
Pink, S., Fors, V., & O'Dell, T. (eds)
Academics across the globe are being urged by universities and research councils to do research that impacts the world beyond academia. The contributions to this collection advance our understanding of the ethics, values, opportunities and challenges that emerge in making of engaged and interdisciplinary scholarship.
Subject: Applied Anthropology
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eBook available
Published April 2020
Theorising Media and Conflict
Budka, P. & Bräuchler, B. (eds)
Theorising Media and Conflict brings together anthropologists as well as media and communication scholars to collectively address the elusive and complex relationship between media and conflict. Practitioners, policymakers, students and scholars who wish to understand the lived realities and dynamics of contemporary conflicts will find this book invaluable.
Subjects: Media Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published November 2010
Theorising Media and Practice
Bräuchler, B. & Postill, J. (eds)
Subjects: Media Studies Theory and Methodology
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Published June 2023
Theorizing Entrepreneurship for the Future
Stories from Global Frontiers
Beuving, J.
Presenting a new interpretation of entrepreneurial behaviour, this book focuses on how entrepreneurs consider the future. The study theorizes entrepreneurial behaviour as ‘future-work’: the social practices, language and rituals through which entrepreneurs neutralize or smoothen future unknowns.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Sociology
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Published May 2022
Theorizing Relations in Indigenous South America
González Gálvez, M., Di Giminiani, P., & Bacchiddu, G. (eds)
Whether invented, discovered, implicit, or directly addressed, relations remain the main focus of most anthropological inquiries. These relations, once conceptualized in ethnographic fieldwork as self-evident connections between discrete social units, have been increasingly explored through local ontological theories. This collected volume explores how ethnographies of indigenous South America have helped to inspire this analytic shift.
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Cultural Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published September 2023
These Were People Once
The Online Trade in Human Remains and Why It Matters
Huffer, D. & Graham, S.
People buy and sell human remains online. Most of this trade these days is over social media. In a study of this ‘bone trade’, how it works, and why it matters, the authors review and use a variety of methods drawn from the digital humanities to analyze the sheer volume of social media posts in search of answers to questions regarding this online bone trade.
Subjects: Archaeology Heritage Studies Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published September 2013
Things Fall Apart?
The Political Ecology of Forest Governance in Southern Nigeria
Hellermann, P. von
Through an in-depth historical and ethnographic study of forestry in Edo State, this book challenges the routine linking of political and ecological crisis narratives. It shows that the roots of many of today’s problems lie in scientific forest management itself, rather than its recent abandonment, and moreover that many “illegal” local practices improve rather than reduce biodiversity and forest cover. The book therefore challenges preconceptions about contemporary Nigeria and highlights the need to re-evaluate current understandings of what constitutes “good governance” in tropical forestry.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published April 2023
Things of the House
Material Culture and Migration from Post-Colonial Mozambique to Portugal
Rosales, M. V.
Focusing on the life stories of a group of European and Catholic Brahmin Goan families of the colonial elite who left Mozambique after their independence in 1975, the book shows how material culture interferes with structuring dimensions of migratory experiences, in the management of family ties and networks of belonging, as well as in the social dynamics of positioning, hierarchy and distinction.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Refugee and Migration Studies Memory Studies
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Published October 2022
Thinking Europe
A History of the European Idea since 1800
Andrén, M.
This title assesses the idea of Europe through its intellectual history. Exploring the concept of integration and the relationship between this and arguments for division and borders it reveals their interplay in the composition of the contemporary European identity.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present History: 18th/19th Century
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eBook available
Published July 2023
Thinking Russia's History Environmentally
Evtuhov, C., Lajus, J., & Moon, D. (eds)
Thinking Russia’s History Environmentallybrings together an international set of scholars to showcase the contribution that the study of Russian environments makes to the global environmental field. It challenges the stereotypes of Russian history, highlighting lesser-known features of the nation’s environments…
Subjects: History (General) Environmental Studies (General)
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Published February 2015
Thinking Through Sociality
An Anthropological Interrogation of Key Concepts
Amit, V. (ed)
Thinking Through Sociality combines a review of older, classical theories of sociality with more recent theoretical innovations across a wide range of topics. Contributors focus on key concepts of sociality — disjuncture, field, social space, sociability, organizations and network — and how these can be used to think through ethnographic situations.
Subject: Theory and Methodology
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Published July 2005
Thinking Utopia
Steps into Other Worlds
Rüsen, J., Fehr, M. & Rieger, T. W. (eds)
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Cultural Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published November 2012
The Third World in the Global 1960s
Christiansen, S. & Scarlett, Z. (eds)
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Sociology History (General)
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eBook available
Published September 2024
This Horrible Uncertainty
A German Woman Writes War, 1939-1948
Quinn, E.
Through her diary and other personal effects, Vera Conrad story contextualizes women’s roles and a story of personal pain shared by millions of German women who grappled with accommodating the political expectations and norms of Nazi society.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published January 2023
This Land Is Not For Sale
Trust and Transitions in Northern Uganda
Meinert, L. & Reynolds Whyte, S. (eds)
As violent conflict has declined in northern Uganda, tensions and mistrust concerning land have increased. Residents try to deal with acquisitions by investors and exclusions from forests and wildlife reserves. Using extended case studies, collaborating researchers analyze the principles and practices that shape access to land. Contributors examine the multiplicity of land claims, the nature of transactions, and the management of conflicts.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Development Studies Sociology
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eBook available
Published April 2022
Thrift and Its Paradoxes
From Domestic to Political Economy
Alexander, C. & Sosna, D. (eds)
Through a wide range of ethnographic contexts this book explores how practices and moralities of thrift are intertwined with austerity, debt, welfare, and patronage across various social and temporal scales and are constantly re-negotiated at the nexus of socio-economic, religious, and kinship ideals and praxis.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Sociology
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eBook available
Published January 2025
Through the Water and the Storm
Maritime Averages and Seaborne Trade in Early Modern Genoa, 1590-1700
Iodice, A.
Drawing on quantitative, socio-economic and legal methodologies, this book examines the features of Mediterranean seaborne trade through the maritime Average procedures drafted or sent to Genoa, a small but wealthy Italian maritime republic, between 1590 and 1700.
Subjects: History: Medieval/Early Modern Travel and Tourism
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Published December 2002
Tibetans in Nepal
The Dynamics of International Assistance among a Community in Exile
Frechette, A.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Development Studies
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eBook available
Published July 2020
Tides of Empire
Religion, Development, and Environment in Cambodia
Work, C.
Set at the forested edge of Cambodia’s frontier, this book shares stories and insights from migrants, loggers, and soldiers carving homesteads into a new village. The stories included in this book show the fluid boundaries of social, economic and political classifications in the area, and that the inhabitants’ poverty or wealth reveal the legacy of imperial power.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Development Studies Anthropology of Religion
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Published June 2020
Timber, Sail, and Rail
An Archaeology of Industry, Immigration, and the Loma Prieta Mill
Meniketti, M.
While taking a critical look at the labor and social issues related to timber, the story of labor, immigration, and development around the San Francisco Bay region is told through the lens of an archaeological case study of a major player of the timber industry between 1885 and 1920. Timber, Sail, and Rail recounts the mill operations and broadly examines its intersections with other industries, such as shipping, brick manufacture, rail companies, lime production, and other lesser enterprises.
Subjects: Archaeology History (General) Transport Studies
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Published January 2008
Time and History
The Variety of Cultures
Rüsen, J. (ed)
Subjects: History (General) Cultural Studies (General) Memory Studies
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Published November 2015
Time and the Field
Dalsgaard, S. & Nielsen, M. (eds)
Despite numerous conceptual facelifts, definitions and demarcations of ‘the field’ have remained fundamentally anchored in tropes of spatiality with the association between field and fieldworker characterized by distances in space. This collection serves a fresh invitation to a temporally oriented ethnography by radically rethinking the notion of the field in terms of time rather than space.
Subjects: Applied Anthropology Theory and Methodology Cultural Studies (General) Sociology
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eBook available
Published June 2020
Time Work
Studies of Temporal Agency
Flaherty, M. G., Meinert, L., & Dalsgård, A. L. (eds)
Examining how people alter or customize various dimensions of their temporal experience, this volume discovers how we resist external sources of temporal constraint or structure. These ethnographic studies are international in scope and look at many different countries and continents.
Subjects: Applied Anthropology Sociology Anthropology (General)
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Published February 2022
Times of History, Times of Nature
Temporalization and the Limits of Modern Knowledge
Ekstrom, A. & Bergwik, S. (eds)
Times of History, Times of Nature engages with this historical shift in temporal sensibilities through a combination of detailed case studies and synthesizing efforts. Focusing on the history of knowledge, media theory, and environmental humanities, this volume explores the rich and nuanced notions of time and temporality that have emerged in response to climate change.
Subjects: History (General) Environmental Studies (General) Media Studies
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eBook available
Published May 2021
To See a Moose
The History of Polish Sex Education
Kościańska, A.
Guiding the reader through the development of sex education in Poland, Agnieszka Kościańska looks at how it has changed from the 19th century to the present day. The book also identifies the women and men who changed the way sex was written about in the country, and how they established the field of Polish sexology.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Gender Studies and Sexuality History (General)
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Published June 2015
To the Bomb and Back
Finnish War Children Tell Their World War II Stories
Saffle, S. (ed)
Between 1939 and 1945 some 80,000 Finnish children were sent to Sweden, Denmark, and elsewhere, ostensibly to protect them from danger while their nation’s soldiers fought superior Soviet and German forces. This is the first English-language account of Finland’s war children and their experiences, told through the survivors’ own words.
Subjects: History: World War II Memory Studies
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Published April 1996
Tolerance Between Intolerance and the Intolerable
Ricoeur, P. (ed)
Subjects: Peace and Conflict Studies Cultural Studies (General)
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Published February 2024
Too Jewish or Not Jewish Enough
Ritual Objects and Avant-Garde Art at the Jewish Museum of New York
Abt, J.
This volume explores the origins of the Jewish Museum of New York and its evolution from collecting and displaying Jewish ritual objects, to Jewish art, to exhibiting avant-garde art devoid of Jewish content, created by non-Jews. Established within a rabbinic seminary, the museum’s formation and development reflect changes in Jewish society over the twentieth century as it grappled with choices between religion and secularism, particularism and universalism, and ethnic pride and assimilation.
Subjects: Museum Studies Jewish Studies Cultural Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published August 2015
Topographies of Suffering
Buchenwald, Babi Yar, Lidice
Rapson, J.
Examining the Holocaust in literature, landscape and memory, this book examines three sites of murder by the Nazis: Buchenwald, Germany; Babi Yar, Ukraine; and Lidice, Czech Republic. Balancing scrutiny with the way their violent histories are remembered globally, these sites emerge as dynamic transcultural landscapes in which difficult pasts can be comprehended in the present.
Subjects: Genocide History Cultural Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published April 2020
Total Atheism
Secular Activism and the Politics of Difference in South India
Binder, S.
Exploring lived atheism in the South Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, this book offers a unique insight into India’s rapidly transforming multi-religious society and develops an alternative to Eurocentric accounts of secularity and critically revisits central themes of South Asianist scholarship from the hitherto marginalized vantage point of radically secular and explicitly irreligious atheists in India.
Subjects: Anthropology of Religion Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published July 2016
The Total Work of Art
Foundations, Articulations, Inspirations
Imhoof, D., Menninger, M. E., & Steinhoff, A. J. (eds)
In this wide-ranging volume’s twelve compact essays, scholars from across the disciplines trace Gesamtkunstwerk—the ideal of the “total work of art”—from its foundations in the early nineteenth century to its manifold articulations and reimaginings in the twentieth century and beyond.
Subjects: History (General) Cultural Studies (General) Performance Studies
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eBook available
Published May 2002
Between Place and Performance
Coleman, S. & Crang, M. (eds)
Subjects: Travel and Tourism Theory and Methodology
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Published January 2016
Tourism and Informal Encounters in Cuba
Simoni, V.
Based on a detailed ethnography, this book explores tourism in Cuba, drawing attention to challenges that tourists and local people face in establishing meaningful connections with each other. Comparing a wide array of these experiences, the author uses tourism to offer a new understanding of how relationships across difference and inequality are imagined and understood.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Travel and Tourism
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eBook available
Published June 2014
Tourism Imaginaries
Anthropological Approaches
Salazar, N. B. & Graburn, N. H. H. (eds)
As a nexus of social practices through which individuals and groups establish places and peoples as credible objects of tourism, “tourism imaginaries” have yet to be fully explored. Presenting innovative conceptual approaches, this volume advances ethnographic research methods and critical scholarship regarding tourism and the imaginaries that drive it.
Subjects: Travel and Tourism Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published September 2011
Tourism, Magic and Modernity
Cultivating the Human Garden
Picard, D.
“ excellent and engaging commentary on the tourism industry, postcolonial societies and environmental governance. Its strength lies in the nuance and intricacy of its portrayals of social life and the way that it opens up a difficult yet much needed theoretical space in which to contemplate issues such as how we should investigate tourist subjectivity, how collective imaginaries are formed and sustained, and how dynamics of affect and desire constitute tourism as a social practice. Its readability and the vividness of characterisations in Picard’s accounts of his ethnographic observations will make the book an accessible and appealing text to students of tourism studies and social anthropology, and to these fields it makes a notable contribution.” · Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change
Subjects: Travel and Tourism Anthropology (General)
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Published January 1995
Toward a Global Civil Society
Walzer, M. (ed)
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published June 2005
Toward a Global Community of Historians
The International Historical Congresses and the International Committee of Historical Sciences, 1898-2000
Erdmann, K.
Subject: History (General)
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Published January 2001
Toward a Social History of Knowledge
Collected Essays
Ringer, F.
Subjects: Educational Studies History (General)
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Published July 2013
Toward Engaged Anthropology
Beck, S. & Maida, C. A. (ed)
Subject: Applied Anthropology
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Published February 2025
Towards a British Natyam
Creating a British Classical Indian Dance Tradition
Gorringe, M.
An illuminating investigation into the ‘professionalization’ of classical Indian dance forms in Britain, Towards a British Natyam critically analyzes the cultural, social, and political frameworks that make a ‘profession’ within the arts possible, highlighting the transformational power of classical Indian dance within society to decenter white supremacy and recenter pluriversality.
Subjects: Performance Studies Heritage Studies Sociology
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eBook available
Published August 2022
Towards a Collaborative Memory
German Memory Work in a Transnational Context
Jones, S.
For the first time, this volume creates a sustained study that positions together transnational memory and relational sociology to consider the memory of the GDR. Towards a Collaborative Memory advances the field of transnational memory studies and develops new theoretical approaches that re-evaluate our understanding of actor-driven European memory.
Subjects: Memory Studies Colonial History History: 20th Century to Present
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Published January 1998
Towards Emancipation
German Women Writers of the Nineteenth Century
Diethe, C.
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality Cultural Studies (General) History: 18th/19th Century
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eBook available
Published August 2021
Tracing Slavery
The Politics of Atlantic Memory in The Netherlands
Balkenhol, M.
Looking at the ways in which the memory of slavery affects present-day relations in Amsterdam, this ethnographic account reveals a paradox: while there is growing official attention to the country’s slavery past (monuments, festivals, ritual occasions), many interlocutors showed little interest in the topic. This book follows the issue of slavery in everyday realities and offers a fine-grained ethnography of how people refer to this past.
Subjects: Memory Studies Anthropology (General) Heritage Studies
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Published January 2001
Trade Unions, Immigration, and Immigrants in Europe, 1960-1993
A Comparative Study of the Actions of Trade Unions in Seven West European Countries
Penninx, R. & Roosblad, J. (eds)
Subject: History (General)
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Published December 2005
Traditions of East Asian Travel
Fogel, J.
Subjects: Travel and Tourism Anthropology (General)
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Published July 2009
The Train Journey
Transit, Captivity, and Witnessing in the Holocaust
Gigliotti, S.
Subjects: History: World War II Genocide History Memory Studies Transport Studies
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Published November 2004
Transactions and Creations
Property Debates and The Stimulus of Melanesia
Hirsch, E. & Strathern, M. (eds)
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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Published February 2016
Transactions with the World
Ecocriticism and the Environmental Sensibility of New Hollywood
O'Brien, A.
One of the less explored dimensions of the “New Hollywood” canon of the 1960s and 1970s has been its profound environmental sensibility. This engaging study examines how a number of factors made the era such a vividly “grounded” cinematic moment.
Subjects: Film and Television Studies Environmental Studies (General)
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Published December 1999
Transactions, Transgressions, Transformation
American Culture in Western Europe and Japan
Fehrenbach, H. & Poiger, U. (eds)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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a April 2012
Transatlantic Echoes
Alexander von Humboldt in World Literature
Clark, R. & Lubrich, O. (eds)
Subjects: History (General) Cultural Studies (General) Literary Studies
Published October 2015
Transatlantic Parallaxes
Toward Reciprocal Anthropology
Raulin, A. & Rogers, S. C. (eds)
Now that we live in a world that seems increasingly familiar, putatively marked by a spreading sameness, anthropology must re-envision itself. This volume, the product of a novel encounter of American anthropologists of France and French anthropologists of the United States, explores the possibilities of that path through an experiment in the reciprocal production of knowledge.
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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Published March 2013
The Transatlantic World of Higher Education
Americans at German Universities, 1776-1914
Werner, A.
Subjects: Educational Studies History: 18th/19th Century History (General)
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Published July 2017
Transborder Media Spaces
Ayuujk Videomaking between Mexico and the US
Kummels, I.
Transborder Media Spaces offers a new perspective on how various media forms have been appropriated by Mexican indigenous people in the light of transnational migration and ethnopolitical movements. Within new media spaces, the Ayuujk people carve out their own visions of development, modernity, gender, and indigeneity in the twenty-first century.
Subjects: Media Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published October 2021
Transcending the Nostalgic
Landscapes of Postindustrial Europe beyond Representation
Jaramillo, G. S. & Tomann, J. (eds)
This collection explores the affective and “more-than-representational” dimensions of post-industrial landscapes, analyzing narratives, practices, social formations, and other phenomena. Focusing on case studies from across Europe, it examines both the objective and the subjective aspects of societies that produce fewer things and employ fewer workers.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Heritage Studies
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eBook available
Published October 2013
Transcultural Montage
Suhr, C. & Willerslev, R. (eds)
“This is an ambitious and ground-breaking volume which takes a thoroughly interdisciplinary perspective on what the editors have branded as ‘transcultural montage.’ ...The total effect is a mesmerising and in many ways insightful comparative endeavour that will do much to consolidate montage as a theme that goes to the heart of contemporary social theory.” · Martin Holbraad, University College London
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General) Film and Television Studies Museum Studies
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Published October 1999
Transformation of the German Political Party System
Institutional Crisis or Democratic Renewal
Allen, C. S. (ed)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published October 2008
Transformations and Crises
The Left and the Nation in Denmark and Sweden, 1956-1980
Jørgensen, T. E.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published October 2021
Transforming Author Museums
From Sites of Pilgrimage to Cultural Hubs
Spring, U., Schimanski, J., & Aarbakke, T. (eds)
Literary museums today must respond to new challenges; the traditional image of the author’s home museum as a sacred place of literary pilgrimage centered around a national hero has been questioned, and literary museums have begun to develop new strategies. The book addresses how literary museums have changed since the form was established, what challenges they face today and how we might imagine them in the future.
Subjects: Museum Studies Cultural Studies (General) Literary Studies
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eBook available
Published December 2018
Transforming Study Abroad
A Handbook
Doerr, N. M.
Written for study abroad practitioners, this book approaches key study abroad concepts – such as “culture”, “native speaker”, and “immersion” – from a number of theoretical perspectives, and considers study abroad not as an encounter with cultural others, but as an occasion to analyze constructions of “differences” in daily life.
Subjects: Travel and Tourism Educational Studies Mobility Studies
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Published February 2009
Transgressive Sex
Subversion and Control in Erotic Encounters
Donnan, H. & Magowan, F. (eds)
Subject: Medical Anthropology
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Published April 2013
Transitions and Transformations
Cultural Perspectives on Aging and the Life Course
Lynch, C. & Danely, J. (eds)
Subject: Medical Anthropology
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Published September 2023
Translocal Care across Kosovo’s Borders
Reconfiguring Kinship along Gender and Generational Lines
Leutloff-Grandits, C.
By tracing long-distant family relations with a special focus on cross-border marriages, this study looks at the reconfiguration of care relations, gender and generational roles among kin-members of Kosovo, who now live in different European states.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Refugee and Migration Studies Gender Studies and Sexuality
Published September 2010
The Transnational Condition
Protest Dynamics in an Entangled Europe
Teune, S. (ed)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published February 2010
Transnational Families, Migration and Gender
Moroccan and Filipino Women in Bologna and Barcelona
Zontini, E.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Gender Studies and Sexuality Anthropology (General)
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Published May 2006
Transnational Nomads
How Somalis Cope with Refugee Life in the Dadaab Camps of Kenya
Horst, C.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published October 2021
Transnational Railway Cultures
Trains in Music, Literature, Film, and Visual Art
Fraser, B. & Spalding, S. (eds)
Spanning five continents and a diverse range of contexts, this collection offers an unprecedentedly broad survey of global representations of trains. From experimental novels to Hollywood blockbusters, the works studied here chart fascinating routes across a remarkably varied cultural landscape.
Subjects: Mobility Studies Cultural Studies (General)
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Published November 2016
Transnational Struggles for Recognition
New Perspectives on Civil Society since the 20th Century
Gosewinkel, D. & Rucht, D. (eds)
“Recognition” is a critical concept for social movements, and while its theoretical and empirical dimensions have usually been studied separately, this collection focuses on both against a transnational backdrop. With special emphasis on the efforts of women’s and Jewish organizations in 20th-century Europe, it demonstrates exemplary historical-analytical approaches to the subject.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Sociology
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Forthcoming April 2025
Transnationalities of Migrant Moral Economies in a Transforming World
Čiubrinskas, V. & Glick Schiller, N. (eds)
An enlightening reassessment of migrant moral economies, Transnationalities of Migrant Moral Economies in a Transforming World examines the transformative potential of transnational mobility to create social networks capable of resisting authoritarianism and of rethinking reciprocity in a rapidly changing world.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Political and Economic Anthropology Sociology
Published August 2011
Transregional and Transnational Families in Europe and Beyond
Experiences Since the Middle Ages
Johnson, C. H., Sabean, D. W., Teuscher, S. & Trivellato, F. (eds)
Subjects: History (General) Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published February 2015
Trapped in the Gap
Doing Good in Indigenous Australia
Kowal, E.
Trapped in the Gap explores what happens when a group of state-supported, intelligent and well-meaning people attempt to help without harming. This group of “white anti-racists” find themselves trapped by endless ambiguities, contradictions, and double binds, a microcosm of the broader dilemmas of postcolonial societies.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Development Studies
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Published September 2021
Traumatic Pasts in Asia
History, Psychiatry, and Trauma from the 1930s to the Present
Micale, M. S. & Pols, H. (eds)
Traumatic Pasts in Asia extends Euro-American paradigms of traumatic experience to new sites of world-historical suffering and, in the process, explores how these new terrains of investigation inform and enrich earlier understandings.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Memory Studies Medical Anthropology
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Published July 2017
Travel and Representation
Lean, G., Staiff, R., & Waterton, E. (eds)
Exploring and re-examining the various convergences between literature, art, photography, television, cinema and travel, this collection offers a careful appreciation of the entanglement of travel and its representations, emphasizing a reconsideration of the intersections between travelers, fields of representation, imagination, emotions and corporeal experiences in the past, the present and future.
Subjects: Heritage Studies Travel and Tourism Cultural Studies (General) Literary Studies
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Published December 2007
Traveling Cultures and Plants
The Ethnobiology and Ethnopharmacy of Human Migrations
Pieroni, A. & Vandebroek, I. (eds)
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Refugee and Migration Studies Development Studies Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published February 2025
Traveling Models and Practical Norms
The Misadventures of Social Engineering in Africa and Beyond
Olivier de Sardan, J.-P.
Traveling Models and Practical Norms examines how different modes of governance that deliver services of general interest experience significant gaps between explicit rules of the game and implicit practices, between planned actions and daily routines.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Development Studies
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Published September 2018
Travelling towards Home
Mobilities and Homemaking
Frost, N. & Selwyn, T. (eds)
This collection brings ethnographic insight into the ever more topical question of homemaking, exploring a diverse range of socio-political contexts worldwide (from Jewish returnees from Israel to Ukraine to young gay South Asians in London) and provoking new understandings of the material and symbolic process of making oneself “at home.”
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Mobility Studies
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eBook available
Published June 2018
Travelling with the Argonauts
Informal Networks Seen without a Vertical Lens
Irek, M.
Travelling with the Argonauts offers a new perspective in the research of the social space, reflecting on how best to investigate amorphous social phenomena, such as informal networks. Breaking with much current theory, it considers informality not as marginal or substandard, but as life itself, as the real experience of ordinary people.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Theory and Methodology Mobility Studies
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Published October 2016
Trees, Knots, and Outriggers
Environmental Knowledge in the Northeast Kula Ring
Damon, F. H.
Trees, Knots and Outriggers (Kaynen Muyuw) is the culmination of twenty-five years of work by Frederick H. Damon and his attention to cultural adaptations to the environment in Melanesia.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Environmental Studies (General)
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Published May 2024
The Trial of a Nazi Doctor
Franz Lucas as Defendant, Opportunist, and Deceiver
Wisely, A.
The Trial of a Nazi Doctor documents the career, crimes, and prosecution of Franz Bernhard Lucas (1911-1994), an SS camp doctor who tried to deflect his participation in the Nazi’s genocidal projects and juxtaposes them with a wide range of testimonials from witnesses including former camp inmates and Holocaust survivors.
Subjects: Genocide History History: 20th Century to Present
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Published September 2013
Balancing Church and Politics in a Pomeranian World, 1807-1948
Thadden, R. von
“The story [the author] tells is rich and fascinating…[He] traces very effectively the economic evolution of Junker agriculture across the generations…I learned a lot from the book.” · Jonathan Steinberg, author of Bismarck. A Life
Subjects: History: 18th/19th Century History: 20th Century to Present
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Published December 1995
The Triumph of Propaganda
Film and National Socialism 1933-1945
Hoffmann, H.
Subjects: History: World War II Film and Television Studies Media Studies
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Forthcoming March 2025
Tropical Nature
Colonial and Post-Colonial Conservation in Africa and Asia
Blanc, G., Guérin, M., & Quenet, G. (eds)
An insightful and wide-ranging study of the colonial history of conservation projects, Tropical Nature seeks to provide a much-needed history of the Global South from its own perspective. In doing so, this volume collection spotlights a “small-scale global history” that deciphers the relations binding human societies to the non-human world.
Subjects: Colonial History Environmental Studies (General) History: 20th Century to Present
eBook available
Published May 2016
Tropics of Vienna
Colonial Utopias of the Habsburg Empire
Bach, U. E.
Though not a conventional colonial power, the Austrian Empire had a metropole-periphery structure that shaped its cultural and intellectual life. This book illuminates colonial utopian writing in the work of Roth, Herzl, and others, revealing a shared longing for alternative social and spatial configurations.
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) History: 18th/19th Century History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published January 2022
Tropological Thought and Action
Essays on the Poetics of Imagination
Živković, M., Pelkey, J. & Fernandez, J. W. (eds)
From twilight in the Himalayas to dream worlds in the Serbian state, this book provides a unique collection of anthropological and cross-cultural inquiry into the power of rhetorical tropes and their relevance to the formation and analysis of social thought and action through a series of ethnographic essays offering in-depth studies of the human imagination at work and play around the world.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology
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Published March 2003
Troubles with Turtles
Cultural Understandings of the Environment on a Greek Island
Theodossopoulos, D.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Anthropology (General) Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published January 2016
Trust Us
Reproducing the Nation and the Scandinavian Nationalist Populist Parties
Hellström, A.
In order to affect domestic politics, Scandinavian populist parties must cross the threshold to the national parliament while earning the nation’s trust. While the Progress Party in Norway and the Danish People’s Party have, the Sweden Democrats has not. The fissures in public opinion lead to a polarized public debate that raises the question of national identity, of what we are.
Subjects: Sociology History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published April 2016
Trusting and its Tribulations
Interdisciplinary Engagements with Intimacy, Sociality and Trust
Broch-Due, V. & Ystanes, M. (eds)
Despite its immense significance and ubiquity in our everyday lives, the complex workings of trust are poorly understood and theorized. This volume explores trust and mistrust amidst locally situated scenes of sociality and intimacy.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology
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eBook available
Published February 2012
Tuff City
Urban Change and Contested Space in Central Naples
Dines, N.
Subjects: Urban Studies Sociology Anthropology (General)
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Published May 1996
Turkish Culture in German Society
Horrocks, D. & Kolinsky, E. (eds)
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) Sociology
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Published October 2012
Turkish German Cinema in the New Millennium
Sites, Sounds, and Screens
Hake, S. & Mennel, B. (eds)
Subject: Film and Television Studies
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Published May 2011
Turks in Europe
From Guest Worker to Transnational Citizen
Abadan-Unat, N.
Subject: Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published May 2006
Turning the Kaleidoscope
Perspectives on European Jewry
Lustig, S. & Leveson, I. (eds)
Subjects: Jewish Studies Cultural Studies (General)
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Published November 2009
Turning the Tune
Traditional Music, Tourism, and Social Change in an Irish Village
Kaul, A.
Subjects: Performance Studies Travel and Tourism Anthropology (General)
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Published July 2019
Twilight of the Merkel Era
Power and Politics in Germany after the 2017 Bundestag Election
Langenbacher, E. (ed)
Elections always have consequences, but the 2017 Bundestag election in Germany proved particularly consequential. With political upheaval across the globe—notably in Britain and the USA—it was vital to European and global order that Germany remain stable.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published July 2024
Two Against the Tide
The shared career and lost legacy of Brenda and Charles Seligman
Lazarsfeld-Jensen, A.
When Charles Seligman invited his wife, Brenda, to share his tent in 1907, he sanctioned a professional place for female fieldworkers in anthropology. Two Against the Tide explores how as wealthy Anglo-Jews, Charles and Brenda Seligman built a shared career through secret benevolence and silent endurance of hardship.
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Anthropology (General)
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Published January 1996
Two Armies and One Fatherland
The End of the Nationale Volksarmee
Schönbohm, J.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published October 2006
Two Lives in Uncertain Times
Facing the Challenges of the 20th Century as Scholars and Citizens
Iggers, W., & Iggers, G.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published January 2013
Two Sides of One River
Nationalism and Ethnography in Galicia and Portugal
Medeiros, A.
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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Published November 2023
The UNHCR and the Afghan Crisis
The Making of the International Refugee Regime
Scalettaris, G.
Today the UNHCR is present in more than 130 countries and takes care of some 90 million people. This book looks at how it is deployed and who its agents are. By taking the reader through the offices in charge of the Afghan refugee crisis during the 2000s, in Geneva and in Kabul, the book shows the internal functioning of this international organization.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Refugee and Migration Studies
Published February 2016
The Upper Guinea Coast in Global Perspective
Knörr, J. & Kohl, C. (eds)
For centuries, Africa’s Upper Guinea Coast region has been the site of regional and global interactions, with societies from different parts of the world engaging in economic trade, cultural exchange, and conflict. This book examines how such encounters have continued into the present day, identifying the disruptions and continuities in social phenomena that have resulted.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Environmental Studies (General) History (General) Colonial History
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Published September 2019
The Vampire
Origins of a European Myth
Bohn, T. M.
Drawing on a wealth of heretofore neglected sources from multiple languages, this book gives a fascinating account of how vampires—whose various incarnations originally developed within the folk traditions of societies throughout the world—came to be inextricably tied to Eastern Europe in the popular imagination.
Subjects: Sociology Literary Studies History (General) Cultural Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published January 2022
The Vienna Gestapo, 1938-1945
Crimes, Perpetrators, Victims
Boeckl-Klamper, E., Mang, T., & Neugebauer, W.
The Vienna Gestapo was the most important instrument of Nazi terror on Austrian soil. Through expert historical analysis of the Vienna Gestapo in the years 1938-1945, this volume provides a comprehensive presentation of not only the victims of persecution but also of the structures, organization and individuals actively involved on the Gestapo side.
Subjects: History: World War II Jewish Studies
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eBook available
Published January 2013
The Viennese Café and Fin-de-Siècle Culture
Ashby, C., Gronberg, T. & Shaw-Miller, S. (eds)
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) History (General) Media Studies Literary Studies
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eBook available
Published April 2018
The Virago Story
Assessing the Impact of a Feminist Publishing Phenomenon
Riley, C.
The Virago Story provides a comprehensive history of classic feminist publisher Virago, along with an up-to-date analysis of the four waves of feminism, new strands of feminist analysis and praxis, and publishing trends.
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality Cultural Studies (General) History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published October 2017
The Voice of Prophecy
And Other Essays
Ardener, E.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Gender Studies and Sexuality
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Published May 2022
The Walls of Santiago
Social Revolution and Political Aesthetics in Contemporary Chile
Gordon-Zolov, T. & Zolov, E.
The response in Chile to Santiago’s metro’s fare hike in October of 2019 has grown into a strong and multi-faceted resistance movement. Through incisive and topical analysis, the authors offer a beautiful catalog of photographs of the murals, graffiti, and other forms of political art, reflecting on these aesthetic traditions and their relationship to the broader context of global protest movements and the long shadow cast by memories of the Pinochet regime.
Subjects: Media Studies History: 20th Century to Present
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Published April 1996
The War for the German Mind
Re-educating Hitler's Soldiers
Smith, A. L.
Subject: History: World War II
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Published January 2018
The Wars of Yesterday
The Balkan Wars and the Emergence of Modern Military Conflict, 1912-13
Boeckh, K. & Rutar, S. (eds)
Together comprising one of the first modern conflicts of the twentieth century, the Balkan Wars (1912–13) served as precursors of the bloody wars to follow. This volume offers a fascinating exploration of the wars’ history, with a central focus on the experiences of both combatants and civilians.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published August 2010
The Ways of Friendship
Anthropological Perspectives
Desai, A. & Killick, E. (eds)
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology Cultural Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published August 2018
The Wheel of Autonomy
Rhetoric and Ethnicity in the Omo Valley
Girke, F.
Through the theoretical lens of rhetoric, this book offers an interactionalist analysis of how the Kara – a small population in southern Ethiopia – negotiate ethnic and non-ethnic differences among themselves, the relations with their various neighbors, and eventually their integration in the Ethiopian state.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General)
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Published January 2018
The Witness as Object
Video Testimony in Memorial Museums
Jong, S. de
Today more than ever before, the historical witness is now a “museum object” in the form of video interviews. With a focus on Holocaust museums, this study scrutinizes this new global phenomenon of the “musealisation” of testimony, exploring the processes, prerequisites, and consequences of video testimonies as exhibits.
Subjects: Museum Studies History: 20th Century to Present Media Studies Memory Studies
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Published January 2006
The Women's Camp in Moringen
A Memoir of Imprisonment in Germany 1936-1937
Herz, G.
Subjects: Jewish Studies Gender Studies and Sexuality
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Published July 2017
The Women's Liberation Movement
Impacts and Outcomes
Schulz, K. (ed)
This collection represents the first systematic reflection on the impact and outcomes of the women’s liberation movement in different areas and topics of Western societies. It systematically investigates movement outcomes in one country in the light of a reflective social movement theory and compares them to developments in other countries.
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality History: 20th Century to Present
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Published July 2005
The World Ahead
An Anthropologist Anticipates the Future
Mead, M.
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Cultural Studies (General)
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Published March 2022
The World beyond the West
Perspectives from Eastern Europe
Kałczewiak, M. & Kozłowska, M. (eds)
Exploring the evolution of Eastern European discourses in Asia, Africa and Latin America in nineteenth and twentieth century, this volume locates the mechanisms and strategies that diverse Eastern European social actors adopted when discussing the non-European world. The Eastern European perspective is not only an important addition to the study of orientalism and post coloniality, but the transnational links in-between Eastern Europe show the region’s importance to a global history.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present History: 18th/19th Century Colonial History
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eBook available
Published October 2019
The World of Children
Foreign Cultures in Nineteenth-Century German Education and Entertainment
Lässig, S. & Weiß, A. (eds)
In an era of technological advances and rapidly increasing international exchange, how did young Germans come to understand the world beyond their doorstep? Bringing together contributions from specialists in historical, literary, and cultural studies, this is a fascinating kaleidoscopic exploration of the ways that children absorbed, combined, and adapted notions of the world in their own ways.
Subjects: History: 18th/19th Century Cultural Studies (General) Educational Studies
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Published October 2004
The World Trade Center and Global Crisis
Some Critical Perspectives
Kapferer, B. (ed)
Subject: Theory and Methodology
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Published November 2015
The Year of the Bulldozer
Hanretty, C. & Profeti, S. (eds)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present