By Title
Published February 2015
Objects and Imagination
Perspectives on Materialization and Meaning
Fuglerud, Ø. & Wainwright, L. (eds)
Despite the wide interest in material culture, art, and aesthetics, few studies have considered them in light of the importance of the social imagination - the complex ways we conceptualize our social surroundings. This collection engages the “material turn” in the arts, humanities, and social sciences through a range of original contributions on creativity in diverse global and contemporary social settings.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General) Museum Studies
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eBook available
Published June 2023
Obstetric Violence and Systemic Disparities
Can Obstetrics Be Humanized and Decolonized?
Davis-Floyd, R. & Premkumar, A. (eds)
The final volume in this landmark 3-volume series on The Anthropology of Obstetrics and Obstetricians looks at the challenges, and even violence, that obstetricians face across the world. This book is a must-read for students, social scientists, and all maternity care practitioners who seek to understand the diverse challenges that obstetricians must overcome.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Gender Studies and Sexuality Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published June 2023
Obstetricians Speak
On Training, Practice, Fear, and Transformation
Floyd-Davis, R. & Premkumar, A. (eds)
For the first time ever in a social science work, obstetricians tell their own stories of training, practice, fear, and transformation. This book is a must-read for students, social scientists, and all maternity care practitioners who seek to understand the ideologies and motives of individual obstetricians.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Gender Studies and Sexuality Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published November 2016
Occupation in the East
The Daily Lives of German Occupiers in Warsaw and Minsk, 1939-1944
Lehnstaedt, S.
Following their occupation by the Third Reich, Warsaw and Minsk became home to tens of thousands of Germans. This study provides a nuanced portrait of their lives, as they acclimated to the daily routines of life in the East while helping to lay the groundwork for systematic mass murder.
Subject: History: World War II
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Published February 2003
Oceanic Socialities and Cultural Forms
Ethnographies of Experience
Hoëm, I. & Roalkvam, S. (eds)
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published October 2023
Of Hoarding and Housekeeping
Material Kinship and Domestic Space in Anthropological Perspective
Newell, S. (ed)
Of Hoarding and Housekeeping provides an anthropological, global, and comparative angle to the understanding of hoarding and decluttering. Focusing on the house, with careful attention to material flows in and out, this book examines practices of accumulation, storage, decluttering, and waste as practices of kinship and the objects themselves as material kin.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Sociology Cultural Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published April 2023
Of Jaguars and Butterflies
Metalogues on Issues in Anthropology and Philosophy
Lloyd, G. & Vilaça, A.
Jointly authored by an anthropologist and a philosopher, this book investigates some of the most puzzling ideas and practices reported in modern ethnography and ancient philosophy concerning topics such as humans, animals, persons, spirits, agency, selfhood, consciousness, nature, life, death, disease and health.
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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Published December 2018
Of Life and Health
The Language of Art and Religion in an African Medical System
Tengan, A. B.
An anthropological study of the health system of the Dagara people of northern Ghana and southern Burkina Faso, Of Life and Health develops a cultural and epistemological lexicon of Dagara life by examining its religious, ritual, and artistic expressions, and gives a holistic account of the Dagara knowledge system.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Anthropology of Religion Medical Anthropology
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Published September 2012
Sowing Dissent and Reclaiming Identity in a Japanese Farming Village
Wood, D. C.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Anthropology (General)
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Published June 2015
Oikos and Market
Explorations in Self-Sufficiency after Socialism
Gudeman, S. & Hann, C. (eds)
This volume’s six comparative investigations of postsocialist communities illuminate the universal significance of Aristotle’s vision of the oikos, an economy based on the order of the house. These postsocialist configurations show that economies depend on macro institutions of markets and states, and also on the micro institutions of families, communities, and house economies.
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published April 2018
Oil and Sovereignty
Petro-Knowledge and Energy Policy in the United States and Western Europe in the 1970s
Graf, R.
Oil and Sovereignty explores the national and international strategies formulated to deal with the first oil crises in 1973-1974, as steadily increasing prices and reduced production raised the specter of an uncertain future for many.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published August 2005
Oligarchs and Oligopolies
New Formations of Global Power
Kapferer, B. (ed)
Subject: Theory and Methodology
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Published September 1999
Olympic Games as Performance and Public Event
The Case of the XVII Winter Olympic Games in Norway
Klausen, A. (ed)
Subjects: Performance Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published September 2020
On Mediation
Historical, Legal, Anthropological and International Perspectives
Härter, K., Hillemanns, C. & Schlee, G. (eds)
Exploring mediation and related practices of conflict regulation, this book takes an interdisciplinary approach that includes historical, legal, anthropological and international perspectives. The book observes historical and current relations between mediation and the criminal justice system and provides anthropological perspectives and case studies to explore mediation and arbitration in international arenas.
Subjects: Peace and Conflict Studies Applied Anthropology
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Published October 2007
On Perpetual Peace
A Timely Assessment
Senghaas, D.
Subjects: Peace and Conflict Studies Development Studies
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eBook available
Published September 2003
On Prayer
Text and Commentary
Mauss, M.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General) Anthropology of Religion Sociology
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eBook available
Published April 2017
On Retaliation
Towards an Interdisciplinary Understanding of a Basic Human Condition
Turner, B. & Schlee, G. (eds)
Retaliatory logics are associated with all types of social and political organization. Deriving a concept of retaliation from the overall notion of reciprocity, contributors to this volume touch upon the interaction between retaliation and violence, the state’s monopoly on legitimate punishment, socio-political frameworks, religious interpretations, and economic processes.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Peace and Conflict Studies
Paperback available -
eBook available
Published March 2021
On the Death of Jews
Photographs and History
Fresco, N.
In this trenchant meditation on photographs from an atrocity in Latvia during the Holocaust, Nadine Fresco argues for the vital importance of photographs—and nontraditional sources more broadly—for understanding the Holocaust. She confronts charged questions around guilt and testimony while teasing out the subtle implications of camera angles, photo sequencing, and body language, helping us to see anew the perspectives of victims, perpetrators, and others who witnessed the brutality of the Holocaust.
Subjects: Genocide History Media Studies Jewish Studies
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eBook available
Published May 2020
On the Edges of Whiteness
Polish Refugees in British Colonial Africa during and after the Second World War
Lingelbach, J.
From 1942 to 1950, nearly twenty thousand Poles found refuge from the horrors of World War II in camps within Britain’s African colonies, including Uganda, Tanganyika, and Kenya. On the Edges of Whiteness tells their improbable story, tracing the manifold, complex relationships that developed among refugees, their British administrators, and their African neighbors.
Subjects: History: World War II Refugee and Migration Studies Colonial History
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eBook available
Published April 2019
On the Geopragmatics of Anthropological Identification
Chun, A.
An audacious critique of the issues that have plagued culturalization in anthropological thought and writing. Allen Chun argues that disciplinary knowledge has always been embedded in changing contexts of sociopolitical practice and that neglect of its underlying politics gives different meaning to anthropology’s objective fallacy.
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Cultural Studies (General)
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Published March 2008
On the Margins of Religion
Pine, F. & Pina-Cabral, J. de (eds)
Subjects: Anthropology of Religion Theory and Methodology
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eBook available
Published February 2020
On the Nervous Edge of an Impossible Paradise
Affect, Tourism, Belize
Little, K.
On the Nervous Edge of an Impossible Paradise is a collection of seven stories about local lives in the fictional village of Wallaceville. They turn rogue in the face of runaway forces that take the form and figure of a Belize beast-time, which can appear as a comic mishap, social ruin, tragic excess, or wild guesses.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Literary Studies
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Published October 2005
On the Order of Chaos
Social Anthropology and the Science of Chaos
Mosko, M. S. & Damon, F. (eds)
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Sociology
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Published April 2014
On the Path to Genocide
Armenia and Rwanda Reexamined
Mayersen, D.
“This is an excellent book. The combination of theory and context works well…The prose is sharp and the author has set up the problem in a logical way that is easy to follow. It also benefits from an interdisciplinary approach. Her grasp of detail is superior to many theorists…It reads very fluently, the author is clearly a gifted prose writer. The thread of argument runs through the book in a compelling way…The conclusion is full of intriguing ties to other case studies and the author summarizes her argument well.” · Cathie Carmichael, University of East Anglia
Subjects: Genocide History History: 20th Century to Present
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Published January 2020
On Violence in History
Dwyer, P. & Micale, M. S. (eds)
Is global violence on the decline? Steven Pinker’s highly-publicized argument that human violence across the world has been dramatically abating continues to influence discourse among academics and the general public alike.
Subjects: History (General) Sociology
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Published July 2023
Once Upon a Time is Now
A Kalahari Memoir
Biesele, M.
Fifty years after her first fieldwork with Ju/'hoan San hunter-gatherers, anthropologist Megan Biesele has written this exceptional memoir based on personal journals she wrote at the time.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General) Development Studies
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eBook available
Published June 2024
One Hundred Years of Argonauts
Malinowski, Ethnography and Economic Anthropology
Hann, C. & James, D. (eds)
Malinowski’s pioneering work remains critical for anthropology in a postcolonial age. This volume uses ethnographic studies from around the world to contextualize the work politically and intellectually, examining its gestation and influence from multiple perspectives.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Theory and Methodology Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published October 2021
One More for the Road
A Director’s Notes on Exile, Family, and Film
Grlić, R.
One More for the Road recounts the life and career of Croatian filmmaker Rajko Grlić in the form of a film dictionary, tying cinematic terms to anecdotes spanning Grlić’s life. With a scholarly introduction by Aida Vidan, these personal stories combine to provide insight into the socialist film industries and south Slavic film.
Subjects: Film and Television Studies Cultural Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published May 2019
One Sound, Two Worlds
The Blues in a Divided Germany, 1945-1990
Rauhut, M.
Through extensive archival research and conversations with renowned publicists, musicians and insiders, author Michael Rauhut examines more than fifty texts to give an in-depth overview of the historical development of blues music in East and West Germany during the postwar period.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Performance Studies Cultural Studies (General)
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Published February 2022
Opening Up the University
Teaching and Learning with Refugees
Cantat, C., Cook, I., & Rajaram, P. K. (eds)
Including contributions from educators, administrators, practitioners, and students, Opening Up the University addresses specific points relating to the access and success of refugees in higher education. This expansive collected volume aims to inspire and question those who are considering creating their own interventions, suggesting concrete avenues for further action within existing academic structures.
Subjects: Educational Studies Refugee and Migration Studies Sociology Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published November 2024
Operation Barbarossa and its Aftermath
New Approaches to a Complex Campaign
Rossoliński-Liebe, G. (ed)
An illuminating re-examination of the 1941 invasion of the Soviet Union, Operation Barbarossa and its Aftermath refocuses attention on the multiethnic nature of this military campaign, by considering the role played by troops from Slovakia, Romania, Italy, Spain, and others in Hitler’s plans for the Eastern Front and the Holocaust.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present History: World War II Genocide History
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Published April 2010
Optimizing the German Workforce
Labor Administration from Bismarck to the Economic Miracle
Meskill, D.
Subject: History (General)
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Published February 2008
Order and Disorder
Anthropological Perspectives
Benda-Beckmann, K. von & Pirie, F. (eds)
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Anthropology of Religion Peace and Conflict Studies
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eBook available
Published June 2012
Ordinary Lives and Grand Schemes
An Anthropology of Everyday Religion
Schielke, S. & Debevec, L. (eds)
Subjects: Anthropology of Religion Anthropology (General) Sociology
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eBook available
Published June 2017
Organic Cinema
Film, Architecture, and the Work of Béla Tarr
Botz-Bornstein, T.
What might the “organic” mean in the context of film studies? This innovative volume locates one instance of organicity in the work of Béla Tarr, the renowned Hungarian filmmaker “slow cinema” pioneer. It analyzes Tarr’s long take and other signature techniques, establishes links between the seemingly remote spheres of film and architecture.
Subjects: Film and Television Studies Cultural Studies (General)
Paperback available -
Published October 1999
Orientpolitik, Value, and Civilization
Adler, J. & Fardon, R. (eds) (Steiner, F.)
Subjects: Theory and Methodology
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Published August 2024
Oscar Lewis in Cuba
La Partida Final
Rigdon, S. M.
The experience of Oscar Lewis’ Project Cuba offers lessons on the difficulties of doing social science research in any highly surveilled, politically controlled environment however sympathetic the principal investigator.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology History: 20th Century to Present Theory and Methodology
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Published June 1997
Osthandel and Ostpolitik
German Foreign Trade Policies in Eastern Europe from Bismarck to Adenauer
Spaulding, R. M.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published July 2022
Oswald Spengler and the Politics of Decline
Lewis, B.
Re-evaluating the evolution Oswald Spengler’s political activities and his work, Oswald Spengler and the Politics of Decline explains the outcome of Spengler’s meta-historical considerations on world history and the practical demands of Realpolitik. This volume takes a novel approach to one of the most important thinkers of the Weimar Republic and his contributions to the complex discourse of German national renewal.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published November 2023
Other Borders
History, Mobility and Migration of Rudari Families between Romania and Italy
Tosi Cambini, S.
Other Borders is a deeply thorough, multi-site ethnographic research volume that brings forward the rudari lingurari family’s social and economic cultural organization and the mobilities developed in their migratory paths.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Cultural Studies (General) Theory and Methodology
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eBook available
Published March 2008
Other People's Anthropologies
Ethnographic Practice on the Margins
Boškovic, A. (ed)
Subject: Theory and Methodology
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eBook available
Published February 2023
Other Worlds, Other Bodies
Embodied Epistemologies and Ethnographies of Healing
Pierini, E., Groisman, A., & Espírito Santo, D. (eds)
This book proposes a sensory ethnography of healing with a focus on ethnographic knowing as embedded in an embodied epistemology of healing. Epistemological embodiment signals that personal scholarly experience of the “unknown”—be it in the form of trance, or as the embodiment of an “other”—shapes the concepts of healing, body, trance, self, and matter by which ethnographers craft out analysis.
Subjects: Anthropology of Religion Anthropology (General) Medical Anthropology
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eBook available
Published April 2016
Our Common Denominator
Human Universals Revisited
Antweiler, C.
Against the backdrop of a discipline focused on difference, Christoph Antweiler reasserts the importance of cross-cultural commonalities -- phenomena that occur regularly in all known human societies -- for anthropological research and for life and co-existence beyond the academy.
Subject: Theory and Methodology
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eBook available
Published June 2020
Ours Once More
Folklore, Ideology, and the Making of Modern Greece
Herzfeld, M.
When this work – one that contributes to both the history and anthropology fields – first appeared in 1982, it was hailed as a landmark study of the role of folklore in nation-building. In this expanded edition, a new introduction by the author and a foreword by Sharon Macdonald document its importance for current debates about Greece’s often contested place in the complex politics of the European Union.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) History (General)
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eBook available
Published October 2008
Out of Albania
From Crisis Migration to Social Inclusion in Italy
King, R. & Mai, N.
Subject: Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published April 2011
Out of Place
Madness in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea
Goddard, M.
Subject: Medical Anthropology
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Published June 2010
Out of the Study and Into the Field
Ethnographic Theory and Practice in French Anthropology
Parkin, R.& de Sales, A. (eds)
Subjects: Theory and Methodology History (General)
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eBook available
Published October 2021
Memories of Migration to and from North Korea
Bell, M.
In this timely and insightful new book, Markus Bell presents the case study of Korean-Japanese – “Zainichi” – who have escaped North Korea in the years following the end of the Cold War. Through building alliances and long-distance relationships, Zainichi returnees resist forced integration and push back against life-threatening political purges to forge new ways of belonging.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published May 2016
Ownership and Nurture
Studies in Native Amazonian Property Relations
Brightman, M., Fausto, C. & Grotti, V. (eds)
Through ethnography of the Amazonia region, Ownership and Nurture sets new and challenging terms for debates about the classic anthropological theme of property. This volume demonstrates that property relations are of central importance in Amazonia despite portrayals of the region as the antithesis of Western, property-based, civilization.
Subject: Anthropology (General)
Paperback available