By Title
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Published July 2024
Machine-Created Culture
Essays on the Archaeology of Digital Things and Places
Reinhard, A.
Machine-Created Culture offers archaeologists of any level new ways of interpreting electronic and digital artifacts, sites, and landscapes. Playfully told through the misadventures of a reluctant digital archaeologist, this book gently leads readers into emerging topics including quantum archaeology, entropy, psychogeography, complexity science, and more.
Subject: Archaeology
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Published July 2017
Mad Mädchen
Feminism and Generational Conflict in Recent German Literature and Film
McCarthy, M.
The last two decades have been frequently discordant for German feminism, as a new cohort of activists has come of age and challenged many of the movement’s strategic and philosophical orthodoxies. This book offers an incisive cultural analysis of these trans-generational debates, identifying characteristic features of their representation in German literature, film, and media.
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality Media Studies Film and Television Studies Literary Studies
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Published July 2016
Made In Egypt
Gendered Identity and Aspiration on the Globalised Shop Floor
Chakravarti, L. Z.
This ground-breaking ethnography of an export-orientated factory in Egypt examines the dynamic relationships between the emergent Mubarak-bizniz (business) elites, who are caught in an intensely competitive globalized supply chain, and the local realities of the daily lives of their young, educated, and mixed-gender labor force.
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality Anthropology (General) Sociology
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Published March 2009
Made in Sheffield
An Ethnography of Industrial Work and Politics
Mollona, M.
Subjects: Urban Studies Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published September 2023
Madness, Bureaucracy and Gender in Mumbai, India
Narratives from a Psychiatric Hospital
Strauss, A.
Regional mental hospitals in India are perceived as colonial artefacts in need of reformation. In the last two decades, there has been discussion around the maltreatment of patients, corruption and poor quality of mental health treatment in these institutions. This ethnography scrutinizes bureaucracy of these asylum-like institutions in the context of national change and the global mental health movement.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Gender Studies and Sexuality
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Published April 2019
Magical House Protection
The Archaeology of Counter-Witchcraft
Hoggard, B.
Belief in magic and particularly the power of witchcraft was a deep and enduring presence in popular culture; people created and concealed many objects to protect themselves from harmful magic. Detailed are the principal forms of magical house protection in Britain and beyond from the fourteenth century to the present day.
Subjects: Archaeology History (General) Anthropology of Religion
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Published October 2015
Making Ubumwe
Power, State and Camps in Rwanda's Unity-Building Project
Purdeková, A.
Since the end of the Rwandan genocide, the new political elite has been challenged with building a unified nation. The book investigates this project of civic education, the explosion of neo-traditional institutions and activities, and the uses of camps and retreats that come together to shape the “ideal” Rwandan citizen.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Refugee and Migration Studies Development Studies
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Published January 2015
Making a Difference?
Social Assessment Policy and Praxis and its Emergence in China
Price, S. & Robinson, K. (eds)
This collection of essays locates recent Chinese experience with development in a historical and comparative perspective. Contributors − social scientists employed by international development banks, national government agencies, and sub-contracting groups – use real-life experience to examine development policies from a practitioner’s perspective.
Subjects: Development Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published May 2022
Making Better Lives
Hope, Freedom and Home-Making among People Sleeping Rough in Paris
Lenhard, J.
In this ethnographic study, Johannes Lenhard observes the daily practices, routines and techniques of people who are sleeping rough on the streets of Paris. The book focusses on their survival practises, their short-term desires and hopes, how they earn money through begging, how they choose the best place to sleep at night and what role drugs and alcohol play in their lives.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology Urban Studies Sustainable Development Goals
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Published June 2019
Making Bodies Kosher
The Politics of Reproduction among Haredi Jews in England
Kasstan, B.
Analyses the ways in which Haredi Jews negotiate healthcare services using theoretical perspectives in political philosophy. This is the first archival and ethnographic study of Haredi Jews in the UK, and will allow readers to understand how reproductive care issues affect this growing minority population.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Jewish Studies Anthropology of Religion
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Published February 2023
Making Multiple Babies
Anticipatory Regimes of Assisted Reproduction
Wu, C.-L.
Human beings have been producing more twins, triplets, and quadruplets than ever before, due to the expansion of medically assisted conception. This book analyzes the anticipatory regimes of making multiple babies. With archival documents, participant observation, in-depth interviews, and registry data, this book traces the global and local governance of the assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) used to tackle multiple pregnancy since the 1970s.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Sociology
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Published September 2017
Making Nordic Historiography
Connections, Tensions and Methodology, 1850-1970
Haapala, P., Jalava, M., & Larsson, S. (eds)
Is there a “Nordic history”? If so, what are its origins, its scope, and its defining features? In this definitive volume, scholars from all five Nordic nations tackle a notoriously problematic historical concept. Each contribution takes a deliberately transnational approach while grounding itself in careful research, yielding rich, nuanced perspectives on shifting and contested historical terrain.
Subjects: History: 18th/19th Century History: 20th Century to Present
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Published January 2007
Making Peace with the Earth
What Future for the Human Species and the Planet
Bindé, J. (ed)
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Development Studies Sustainable Development Goals
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Published April 2021
Making Scenes
Global Perspectives on Scenes in Rock Art
Davidson, I. & Nowell, A. (eds)
In this unique volume examining the nature of scenes in rock art, researchers examine what defines a scene, what are the necessary elements of a scene, and what can the evolutionary history tell us about storytelling, sequential memory and cognitive evolution among ancient and living cultures?
Subject: Archaeology
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Published July 2022
Making Things Happen
Community Participation and Disaster Reconstruction in Pakistan
Murphy Thomas, J.
Making Things Happen is about the sociocultural side of post-disaster infrastructure reconstruction, drawing on one project, the Pakistan Earthquake Reconstruction and Recovery Project (PERRP). As disasters are increasing in number and intensity so too will be the need for reconstruction, for which PERRP has lessons to offer.
Subjects: Applied Anthropology Development Studies Sustainable Development Goals
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Published January 2020
Management and Morality
An Ethnographic Exploration of Management Consultancy Seminars
Henningsen, E.
Drawing on extended ethnographic studies of management consultancies in the Oslo region of Norway, this book seeks to find a richer understanding of their role in contemporary work life and the attraction their practices exert on people. The author shows that management consultancy is an arena of meaning that should be analysed as a ‘cultural space’.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General) Applied Anthropology
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Published May 2019
Management by Seclusion
A Critique of World Bank Promises to End Global Poverty
Cochrane, G.
Assessing the World Bank’s attempts to combat global poverty over the past 50 years, anthropologist and former World Bank Advisor Glynn Cochrane argues that instead of the Bank’s prevailing strategy of “management by seclusion,” poverty alleviation requires personal engagement with the poorest by helpers with hands-on local and cultural skills.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Development Studies Sustainable Development Goals
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Published July 2017
Managing Ambiguity
How Clientelism, Citizenship, and Power Shape Personhood in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Brković, Č.
Why do people turn to personal connections to get things done? Challenging widespread views of favors as means of survival in transitioning contexts, this volume demonstrates that these contemporary globalized forms of flexible governance are not contradictory to one another, but often mutually constitutive.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Peace and Conflict Studies History: 20th Century to Present
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Published February 2018
Managing Northern Europe's Forests
Histories from the Age of Improvement to the Age of Ecology
Oosthoek, K. J. & Hölzl, R. (eds)
Eleven chapters, organized regionally, explore the origins of state forestry policy in Northern Europe from the early modern period to the present. Topics include fundamental policy aims, the functioning and organisations of forestry, forest management, wood supply, regulations, forest statistics, wood depletion, growing stock, forest conservation, and landscape protection.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) History: Medieval/Early Modern History: 18th/19th Century Sustainable Development Goals
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Published December 2001
Managing Reproductive Life
Cross-Cultural Themes in Fertility and Sexuality
Tremayne, S. (ed)
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Gender Studies and Sexuality
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Published September 2022
Managing Sacralities
Competing and Converging Claims of Religious Heritage
Hemel, E. van den, Salemink, O., & Stengs, I. (eds)
What happens when religious sites, objects and practices become cultural heritage? Case studies from Denmark, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and the United Kingdom present an analysis of the paradoxes and challenges that arise when religious sites are transformed into heritage.
Subjects: Heritage Studies History (General) Anthropology of Religion
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Published March 2014
Managing the Unknown
Essays on Environmental Ignorance
Uekötter, F. & Lübken, U. (eds)
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) History (General)
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Published November 2010
Managing Uncertainty
Giuliani, M. & Jones, E. (eds)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published April 2013
Manufacturing Tibetan Medicine
The Creation of an Industry and the Moral Economy of Tibetanness
Saxer, M.
Subject: Medical Anthropology
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Published April 2011
Mapping Difference
The Many Faces of Women in Contemporary Ukraine
Rubchak, M. J. (ed)
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality Sociology
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Published December 1998
Marcel Mauss
A Centenary Tribute
James, W. & Allen, N. J. (eds)
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Sociology
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Published July 2021
Margaret Mead
Shankman, P.
Tracing Mead’s career as an ethnographer, as the early voice of public anthropology, and as a public figure, this elegantly written biography links the professional and personal sides of her career. This short volume is an ideal starting point for anyone wanting to learn about, arguably, the most famous anthropologist of the twentieth century.
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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Published June 2012
Marginal At the Center
The Life Story of a Public Sociologist
Kimmerling, B.
Subjects: Sociology Jewish Studies
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Published February 2025
Market and Monastery
Capitalism in Manangi Trade Diaspora
Ratanapruck, P.
In this enlightening ethnography of the Manangi, a Buddhist trading community from northern Nepal, Prista Ratanapruck highlights the way social institutions have boosted Manangi trade opportunities. Examining how capital production and accumulation interacts with the Manangi’s pursuit of social and spiritual aspirations, Market and Monastery illuminates an intriguing form of capitalism.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Development Studies Anthropology (General)
eBook available
Published June 2019
Market Frictions
Trade and Urbanization at the Vietnam-China Border
Endres, K. W.
Based on ethnographic research conducted during several years, Market Frictions examines the tensions and frictions that emerge from the interaction of global market forces, urban planning policies, and small-scale trading activities in the Vietnamese border city of Lào Cai.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Anthropology (General) Sociology
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Published May 2019
Marketing Hope
Get-Rich-Quick Schemes in Siberia
Schiffauer, L.
Looks at how get-rich-quick schemes manifest themselves in a Siberian town. By focusing on the social dynamics of these popular economies, Leonie Schiffauer provides insights into how capitalist logic is learned and negotiated, and how it affects local realities in a post-Soviet environment.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Anthropology (General) Sociology
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Published July 2009
Markets and Civil Society
The European Experience in Comparative Perspective
Perez-Diaz, V. (ed)
Subject: Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published May 2015
Marking Evil
Holocaust Memory in the Global Age
Goldberg, A. & Hazan, H. (eds)
Talking about the Holocaust has provided an international language for ethics, victimization, political claims, and constructions of collective identity. This volume addresses manifestations of Holocaust-engendered global discourse by critically examining their function and inherent dilemmas, and the ways in which Holocaust related matters still instigate public debate and academic deliberation.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Genocide History Memory Studies
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Published November 1999
Marriage and Its Obstacles in Jewish Law
Essays and Responsa
Jacob, W. & Zemer, M. (eds)
Subjects: Jewish Studies Gender Studies and Sexuality
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Published July 2015
Marxism and Film Activism
Screening Alternative Worlds
Mazierska, E. & Kristensen, L. (eds)
Subject: Film and Television Studies
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Published June 2017
Mary Douglas
Understanding Social Thought and Conflict
6, P. & Richards, P.
This valuable book introduces Mary Douglas’s theories, and outlines the ways in which her work is of continuing importance for the future of the social sciences. The authors effectively demonstrate how Douglas laid out the agenda for revitalizing social science by reworking Durkheim’s legacy for today, and reviews the growing body of research across the social sciences which has used, tested or developed her approach.
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Sociology
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Published November 2008
Masculinities in Polish, Czech and Slovak Cinema
Black Peters and Men of Marble
Mazierska, E.
Subjects: Film and Television Studies Gender Studies and Sexuality
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Published July 2015
Masks and Staffs
Identity Politics in the Cameroon Grassfields
Pelican, Michaela
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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Published November 2014
Mass Communication In Israel
Nationalism, Globalization, and Segmentation
Soffer, O.
Mass communication has long been recognized as an important contributor to national identity and nation building. This book examines the relationship between media and nationalism in Israel, arguing that, in comparison to other countries, the Israeli case is unique.
Subject: Media Studies
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Published September 1998
Mastering Soldiers
Conflict, Emotions, and the Enemy in an Israeli Army Unit
Ben-Ari, E.
Subjects: Peace and Conflict Studies Anthropology (General) Gender Studies and Sexuality
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Published March 2010
Materialising Exile
Material Culture and Embodied Experience among Karenni Refugees in Thailand
Dudley, S.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Cultural Studies (General)
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Published April 2012
Maternalism Reconsidered
Motherhood, Welfare and Social Policy in the Twentieth Century
Klein, M. van der, Plant, R. J., Sanders, Nichole, & Weintrob L. R. (eds)
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Gender Studies and Sexuality Sociology
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Published July 2021
Matsutake Worlds
Faier, L. & Hathaway, M. J. (eds)
Matsutake Worlds explores matsutake mushrooms through the lens of multispecies encounters, to explore the mushroom’s success on the world stage. This success cannot be accounted for by any one cultural or economic process—rather, the matsutake has flourished due to many different processes, culminating in the culinary institution we know today.
Subjects: Sociology Food & Nutrition
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Published January 2025
Matter Out of Place
Anthropological Explorations of Bodies, Dirt and Morality
Lynch, R., Calabrese, J., & Littlewood, R. (eds)
This collection draws on classic anthropological ideas of pollution to explore bodies, dirt, and place, moral inversion and reinforcement, and disgust and taboo. The book is an invitation to consider the continued relevance of Douglas’ conceptualisation of pollution and dirt as ‘matter out of place’ in relation to contemporary circumstances.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Anthropology of Religion Sociology
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Published May 2021
Mattering the Invisible
Technologies, Bodies, and the Realm of the Spectral
Espírito Santo, D. & Hunter, J. (eds)
Exploring how technological apparatuses “capture” invisible worlds, this book looks at how spirits, UFOs, discarnate entities, spectral energies, atmospheric forces and particles are mattered into existence by human minds. The book uses contemporary case studies where the realm of the invisible arises through technological engagement, and where the paranormal intertwines with modern technology.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Media Studies
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Published December 2015
Matters of Testimony
Interpreting the Scrolls of Auschwitz
Chare, N. & Williams, D.
In 1944, a number of Sonderkommando—“special squads” of Jewish prisoners who kept the gas chambers running smoothly—buried on the grounds of Auschwitz a series of remarkable eyewitness accounts. This study reconstructs their history and textual content, revealing literary works that raise troubling questions about the nature of testimony.
Subjects: Genocide History History: World War II Jewish Studies
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Published March 2024
Max Gluckman
Macmillan, H.
This handy, concise biography describes the life and intellectual contribution of Max Gluckman (1911-75) who was one the most significant social anthropologists of the twentieth century.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Theory and Methodology
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Published May 2011
Max Liebermann and International Modernism
An Artist's Career from Empire to Third Reich
Deshmukh, M., Forster-Hahn, F. & Gaehtgens, B. (eds)
Subjects: History (General) Cultural Studies (General)
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Published August 2006
Meaning and Representation in History
Rüsen, J. (ed)
Subject: History (General)
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Published July 2009
Meaningful Inconsistencies
Bicultural Nationhood, the Free Market, and Schooling in Aotearoa/New Zealand
Doerr, N. M.
Subjects: Educational Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published May 2006
Media and Nation Building
How the Iban became Malaysian
Postill, J.
Subjects: Media Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published February 2014
Media and Revolt
Strategies and Performances from the 1960s to the Present
Fahlenbrach, K., Sivertsen, E. & Werenskjold, R. (eds)
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Media Studies
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Published March 2020
Media Practices and Changing African Socialities
Non-media-centric Perspectives
Helle-Valle, J. & Strom-Mathiesen, A. (eds)
Deriving from innovative new work by six researchers, this book questions what the new media's role is in contemporary Africa. The focus is on media-related practices, which require engagement with different perspectives and concerns while situating these in a wider analytical context.
Subjects: Media Studies Anthropology (General) Development Studies
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Published October 2015
Media, Anthropology and Public Engagement
Pink, S. & Abram, S. (eds)
Contemporary anthropologists’ engagement with social and digital media simultaneously offers opportunities to disseminate work in new ways, while challenging scholars to move into unfamiliar collaborative domains and expose their research to new forms of scrutiny. This volume’s contributors question whether, through these new practices, a fresh public anthropology is emerging.
Subjects: Applied Anthropology Media Studies
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Published January 2022
Mediated Lives
Waiting and Hope among Iraqi Refugees in Jordan
Twigt, M.
Using the example of Iraqi refugees in Jordan's capital of Amman, this book describes how information and communication technologies (ICTs) play out in the everyday experiences of urban refugees, geographically located in the Global South, and shows how interactions between online and offline spaces are key for making sense of the humanitarian regime, for carving out a sense of home and for sustaining hope.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Anthropology (General) Media Studies
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Published July 2009
Mediating Europe
New Media, Mass Communications, and the European Public Sphere
Harrison, J. & Wessels, B. (eds)
Subjects: Media Studies Sociology
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Published May 2007
Medical Identities
Healing, Well Being and Personhood
Maynard, K. (ed)
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Sociology
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Published September 2018
Medicinal Rule
A Historical Anthropology of Kingship in East and Central Africa
Stroeken, K.
Based on ethnography-driven regional comparison and a critical re-examination of classic monographs on some forty cultural groups, this volume makes the arresting claim that across equatorial Africa, the model of rule has been medicine – and not (as Europeans have long assumed) the colonizer’s despotic administrator, the missionary’s divine king, or Vansina’s big man.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Colonial History
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Published May 2002
Medicine and Medical Ethics in Nazi Germany
Origins, Practices, Legacies
Nicosia, F.R. & Huener, J. (eds)
Subjects: History: World War II Genocide History
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Published December 2010
Medicine Between Science and Religion
Explorations on Tibetan Grounds
Adams, V., Schrempf, M. & Craig, S. R. (ed)
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Anthropology of Religion
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Published November 2021
Medieval Intersections
Gender and Status in Europe in the Middle Ages
Weikert, K. & Woodacre, E. (eds)
With contributions on topics ranging from medieval gynecology to clerical masculinity, this interdisciplinary collection highlights the various ways “status” can be interpreted relative to gender, and what these two interlocked concepts can reveal about the construction of gendered identities in the Middle Ages.
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality History: Medieval/Early Modern
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Published January 2024
Melanesian Mainstream
Stringband Music and Identity in Vanuatu
Ellerich, S. T.
Based in extensive ethnographic research, Melanesian Mainstream provides a detailed representation of the roots, context, evolution, and impact of stringband music in the Melanesian Republic of Vanuatu.
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) Anthropology (General) Performance Studies
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Published July 2008
Melanesian Odysseys
Negotiating the Self, Narrative, and Modernity
Josephides, L.
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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Published December 2002
Memoirs of a Mbororo
The Life of Ndudi Umaru: Fulani Nomad of Cameroon
Bocquene, H.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Colonial History Memory Studies Literary Studies
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Published May 2018
Memorializing the GDR
Monuments and Memory after 1989
Saunders, A.
Since unification, eastern Germany has witnessed a rapidly changing memorial landscape. Memorializing the GDR provides the first in-depth study of this key topic, investigating the individuals and groups involved in the creation or destruction of memorials while addressing the subject’s complex aesthetic, political, and historical dimensions.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Urban Studies Heritage Studies
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Published August 2002
Memory and Amnesia
The Role of the Spanish Civil War in the Transition to Democracy
Aguilar, P.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Memory Studies
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Published November 2015
Memory and Change in Europe
Eastern Perspectives
Pakier, M. & Wawrzyniak, J. (eds)
In studies of a common European past, there is a significant lack of scholarship on the former Eastern Bloc countries. This volume offers a reflection on memory in an Eastern European historical context, one that can be measured against and applied to historical experience in other parts of Europe.
Subjects: History (General) Sociology Memory Studies
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Published November 2016
Memory Unbound
Tracing the Dynamics of Memory Studies
Bond, L., Craps, S., & Vermeulen, P. (eds)
Increasingly, scholars understand memory to be a fluid, dynamic process, rather than a reified object. Embodying this elastic approach, this state-of-the-field collection systematically explores the transcultural, transgenerational, transmedial, and transdisciplinary dimensions of memory—four key concepts that have sometimes been studied in isolation but never in such an integrated manner.
Subjects: History (General) Cultural Studies (General) Memory Studies
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Published December 2019
Men Under Fire
Motivation, Morale, and Masculinity among Czech Soldiers in the Great War, 1914–1918
Hutečka, J.
In historical writing on World War I, Czech-speaking soldiers serving in the Austro-Hungarian military are primarily studied as Czechs, rarely as soldiers, and never as men. Men under Fire provides a groundbreaking analysis of this oft-overlooked cohort, drawing on a wealth of soldiers’ private writings to explore experiences of exhaustion, sex, loyalty, authority, and combat itself.
Subjects: History: World War I Gender Studies and Sexuality
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Published April 2021
Merchant Kings
Corporate Governmentality in the Dutch Colonial Empire, 1815–1870
Schrauwers, A.
Merchant Kings offers an interdisciplinary exploration of the rapid industrialization of the Netherlands and its colonial holdings in Java during the nineteenth century. By placing colony and metropole into a single analytical frame, it offers a bracing new approach to understanding the development of modern corporations within the context of empire.
Subjects: Colonial History History: 18th/19th Century Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published February 2018
Messy Europe
Crisis, Race, and Nation-State in a Postcolonial World
Loftsdóttir, K., Smith, A. L., & Hipfl, B. (eds)
Messy Europe links theoretical insights to current discussions of crisis – economic and otherwise – showing how these shape the creation of subjectivities and identities. The chapters theorize “Europe” as a contested and fluid construction, and, by focusing on particular case studies, analyze how specific understandings of self and others occur in the crisis context.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology Refugee and Migration Studies Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published January 2014
Metallic Modern
Everyday Machines in Colonial Sri Lanka
Wickramasinghe, N.
Subjects: Colonial History Cultural Studies (General) Development Studies
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Published February 2017
Metaphors of Spain
Representations of Spanish National Identity in the Twentieth Century
Moreno-Luzón, J. & Núñez Seixas, X. M. (eds)
Despite the undeniably political character of the history of Spanish nationalism, a cultural approach can also provide essential insights into the subject. Metaphors of Spain brings together leading historians to examine Spanish nationalism through its diverse and complementary cultural artifacts, from “formal” representations such as the flag to music, bullfighting, and other more diffuse examples.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published May 2017
Methodologies of Mobility
Ethnography and Experiment
Elliot, A., Norum, R., & Salazar, N. B. (eds)
Research into mobility is an exciting challenge for the social sciences that raises novel socio-cultural, ethical, and methodological questions. Speaking beyond disciplinary boundaries to the challenges of engaging with a world on the move, Methodologies of Mobility traces innovative strategies for designing, applying and reflecting on methodologies of mobility.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Mobility Studies Theory and Methodology
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eBook available
Published January 2009
Michael Haneke's Cinema
The Ethic of the Image
Wheatley, C.
Subject: Film and Television Studies
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Published November 2023
Microhistories of Memory
Remediating the Holocaust by Bullets in Postwar West Germany
Saryusz-Wolska, M.
Microhistories of Memory takes the culturally significant West German novel, radio play, and television series Through the Night (originally Am grünen Strand der Spree, 1955-1960), depicting the mass shootings of Jews in the occupied Soviet Union during World War II, and provides an in-depth look into work’s circulation, reception, production, and popularity in the public sphere.
Subjects: Memory Studies Film and Television Studies Media Studies
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Published December 2016
Microhistories of the Holocaust
Zalc, C. & Bruttmann, T. (eds)
Increasingly, recent historical scholarship has demonstrated a willingness to study the Holocaust at scales as focused as a single neighborhood or family. This volume brings together scholars to reflect on the ongoing microhistorical turn in Holocaust studies, assessing its historiographical pitfalls as well as the distinctive opportunities it affords researchers.
Subjects: Genocide History History: World War II Jewish Studies
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Published August 1997
Migrants, Refugees, and Foreign Policy
U.S. and German Policies Toward Countries of Origin
Münz, R. & Weiner, M. (eds)
Subject: Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published June 2022
Migration and Health
Challenging the Borders of Belonging, Care, and Policy
El-Shaarawi, N. & Larchanché, S. (eds)
Despite the centrality of migration in our contemporary world, scholarship on mobility and health frequently separates migrants according to legal status, country of origin, destination, or health concern. Yet people on the move and health systems face challenges and opportunities that transcend these boundaries, including border fortification, neoliberal agendas, and climate change. This volume challenges these epistemic borders.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Refugee and Migration Studies Sociology Sustainable Development Goals
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Published May 2016
Migration by Boat
Discourses of Trauma, Exclusion and Survival
Mannik, L. (ed)
Exploring various contemporary case studies and historic cultural renditions of boat migrations undertaken by asylum seekers and refugees, this book shows that boats not only move people and cultural capital between places, but also fuel cultural fantasies, dreams of adventure and hope, along with fears of invasion and terrorism.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Anthropology (General) Sociology Transport Studies
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Published January 2003
Migration Control in the North-atlantic World
The Evolution of State Practices in Europe and the United States from the French Revolution to the Inter-War Period
Fahrmeir, A., Faron, O. & Weil, P. (eds)
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Archaeology
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Published January 2022
Migration in the Making of the Gulf Space
Social, Political, and Cultural Dimensions
Bouzas, A. M. & Casini, L. (eds)
Combining visual and literary analyses and original ethnographic studies as part of a more general political reflection, Migration in the Making of Gulf Space examines the role of migrants and non-citizens in the processes of settling in the Arab States of the Gulf region.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Anthropology (General) Sociology
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Published August 1997
Migration Past, Migration Future
Germany and the United States
Bade, K. J. & Weiner, M. (eds)
Subject: Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published November 2007
Migration Without Borders
Essays on the Free Movement of People
Pécoud, A. & Guchteneire, P. de (eds)
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Mobility Studies Development Studies
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Published November 2010
Migration, Development, and Transnationalization
A Critical Stance
Glick Schiller, N. & Faist, T. (eds)
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Theory and Methodology Sociology
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Published July 2024
Migration, Dislocation and Movement on Screen
Trandafoiu, R. (ed)
Examining the way contemporary screen industries capture and reflect migration, movement and displacement, Migration, Dislocation and Movement on Screen offers case studies on screen media representations that engage with important emergences of transnational and cosmopolitan imaginaries.
Subjects: Film and Television Studies Refugee and Migration Studies History: 20th Century to Present
Published November 2016
Migration, Memory, and Diversity
Germany from 1945 to the Present
Wilhelm, C. (ed)
German attitudes toward migrants have been profoundly shaped by the legacies of the Second World War. This volume explores the history of migration and diversity in Germany from 1945 onward, showing how conceptions of “otherness” developed while memories of Nazism were still fresh, and identifying the continuities and transformations they have exhibited up until today.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Refugee and Migration Studies Memory Studies
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eBook available
Published November 2013
Migration, Settlement and Belonging in Europe, 1500–1930s
Comparative Perspectives
King, S. & Winter, A. (eds)
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies History (General)
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eBook available
Published September 2016
Migrations in the German Lands, 1500-2000
Coy, J., Poley, J., & Schunka, A. (eds)
The essays collected here reconstruct the experiences of vagrants, laborers, religious exiles, refugees, and other migrants during the last five hundred years of German history. These diverse contributions identify important commonalities between eras and contextualize Germany within broader migration histories.
Subjects: History (General) Mobility Studies Refugee and Migration Studies
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eBook available
Published May 2015
Militant Around the Clock?
Left-Wing Youth Politics, Leisure, and Sexuality in Post-Dictatorship Greece, 1974-1981
Papadogiannis, N.
During the 1970s left-wing youth militancy in Greece intensified, especially after the collapse of the military dictatorship in 1974. This book is the first study of the impact of that political activism on the leisure pursuits and sexual behavior of Greek youth.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Sociology
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eBook available
Published March 2013
Militant Lactivism?
Attachment Parenting and Intensive Motherhood in the UK and France
Faircloth, C.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Gender Studies and Sexuality
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eBook available
Published July 2023
Military Politics
New Perspectives
Crosbie, T. (ed)
Bringing together new research by leading scholars, this volume rethinks the role played by militaries in politics. The volume introduces new theories of military politics, arguing against the inherited theories and practices of civil-military relations, and presents rich new data on senior officership and on the intersection of military politics and military operations.
Subjects: Sociology Peace and Conflict Studies Political and Economic Anthropology
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eBook available
Published October 2017
Mimesis and Pacific Transcultural Encounters
Making Likenesses in Time, Trade, and Ritual Reconfigurations
Mageo, J. & Hermann, E. (eds)
How do images circulating in Pacific cultures and exchanged between them and their many visitors transform meanings for all involved? This fascinating collection explores how through mimesis, wayfarers and locales alike borrow images from one another to expand their cultural repertoire of meanings or borrow images from their own past to validate their identities.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General)
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Published February 2006
Miners and the State in the Ottoman Empire
The Zonguldak Coalfield, 1822-1920
Quataert, D.
Subjects: History (General) History: 18th/19th Century History: 20th Century to Present Sociology
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eBook available
Published April 2022
Minority Discourses in Germany since 1990
Gezen, E., Layne, P., & Skolnik, J. (eds)
Minorities and Minority Discourse in Germany since 1990 opens the question of why ethnic minorities in Germany are often discussed in isolation. Whereas most studies examine Black Germans, Jews in Germany, or Turkish Germans on their own terms vis-à-vis the majority German society, this volume takes on unique and comparative perspectives on an increasingly complex German society.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Refugee and Migration Studies
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eBook available
Published August 2018
Mirrors of Passing
Unlocking the Mysteries of Death, Materiality, and Time
Seebach, S. & Willerslev, R. (eds)
Mirrors of Passing explores the relationship between death, materiality, and temporality, drawing from the fields of archaeology, cultural anthropology, political science, and media studies to explore fundamental questions about the relationship between death and our perception of time.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General) Anthropology of Religion
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Published January 1998
Between Europe and Germany
Katzenstein, P. (ed)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published October 2009
Mitterrand, the End of the Cold War, and German Unification
Bozo, F.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published December 2019
Mixed Harvest
Stories from the Human Past
Swigart, R.
After millennia of wandering the earth with little impact, a universal, if inadvertent transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture and pastoralism was complete within a period of a few thousand years. Mixed Harvest tells the story of the Sedentary Divide, the most significant event since modern humans emerged.
Subjects: Archaeology Literary Studies Memory Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published August 2014
Mixed Matches
Transgressive Unions in Germany from the Reformation to the Enlightenment
Luebke, D. M. & Lindemann, M. (eds)
Taking as a point of departure Martin Luther’s redefinition of marriage, the contributors to this volume spin out the multiple ways that the Reformers’ attempts to simplify and clarify marriage affected education, philosophy, literature, high politics, diplomacy, and law. Ranging from the Reformation, through the ages of confessionalization, to the Enlightenment, Mixed Matches addresses the historical complexity of the socio-cultural institution of marriage.
Subject: History: Medieval/Early Modern
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Published December 1994
Mobile Farmers
An Ethnoarchaeological Approach to Settlement Organization Among the Raramuri of Northwestern Mexico
Graham, M.
This ethnoarchaeological study of the settlements of the Rarámuri focuses primarily on their mobility strategy. This group presents a case where the common equation of agriculturalists = sedentary, and hunter-gatherers = mobile is broken. The Rarámuri are agriculturalists with a pattern of mobility between two or more settlements during the course of any year.
Subject: Archaeology
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Published October 2024
Mobile Pastoralist Households
Archaeological and Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives
Houle, J.-L. (ed)
Mobile pastoralist activities occur at different scales across the landscape, including local, regional, and supra-regional scales. This research brings together the work of archaeologists currently engaged in mobile pastoralist household research in different regions of the world to highlight the importance of household studies and the utility of both archaeological and ethnoarchaeological approaches in understanding mobile pastoralist household formation, continuity, and adaptation to environmental, social, economic, and political change.
Subjects: Archaeology Cultural Studies (General) Anthropology (General)
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Published July 2019
Mobile Urbanity
Somali Presence in Urban East Africa
Carrier, N. & Scharrer, T. (eds)
Demystifying Somali residence and mobility in urban East Africa, this volume shows its historical depth, and explores the social, cultural and political underpinnings of Somali-led urban transformation. In so doing, it offers a vivid case study of the transformative power of (forced) migration on urban centres, and the intertwining of urbanity and mobility.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Anthropology (General) Urban Studies
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eBook available
Published April 2009
Mobility and Migration in Indigenous Amazonia
Contemporary Ethnoecological Perspectives
Alexiades, M. N. (ed)
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Refugee and Migration Studies Mobility Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published October 2012
Modalities of Change
The Interface of Tradition and Modernity in East Asia
Wilkerson, J. & Parkin, R. (eds)
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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Published March 2023
Modeling the Past
Archaeology, History, and Dynamic Networks
Terrell, J., Golitko, M., Dawson, H., and Kissel, M.
Using this handbook, researchers learn to develop historical and archaeological research questions anchored in dynamic network analysis (DYRA). Undergraduate and graduate students, as well as professional historians and archaeologists can consult on issues that range from hypothesis-driven research to critiquing dominant historical narratives, especially those that have tended ignore the diversity of the archaeological record.
Subjects: Archaeology History (General) Anthropology (General)
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Published October 1998
Models and Mirrors
Towards an Anthropology of Public Events
Handelman, D.
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Cultural Studies (General)
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Published December 2001
Modern Babylon?
Prostituting Children in Thailand
Montgomery, H.
Subject: Medical Anthropology
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eBook available
Published July 2007
Modern Crises and Traditional Strategies
Local Ecological Knowledge in Island Southeast Asia
Ellen, R. (ed)
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Development Studies Anthropology (General) Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published October 2017
Modern Germany in Transatlantic Perspective
Meng, M. & Seipp, A. R. (eds)
Modern Germany in Transatlantic Perspective celebrates the extraordinary life and scholarly career of Konrad H. Jarausch, whose monumental work as a teacher, mentor, and builder of scholarly institutions, helped to inspire conversations about everything from the rise of Nazism to the history of the two Germanys.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present History: World War II
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eBook available
Published July 2020
Modern Lusts
Ernest Borneman: Jazz Critic, Filmmaker, Sexologist
Siegfried, D.
Detlef Siegfried’s long-awaited English translation chronicles Ernest Borneman’s journey from his days as a young Jewish Communist in Berlin to his ventures in England and Canada, and ultimately, to his endeavors as the most prominent sexologist spearheading the sexual revolution in West Germany and Austria in the twentieth century.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Cultural Studies (General) Film and Television Studies Media Studies
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Published August 2006
Modernity and Secession
The Social Sciences and the Political Discourse of the lega nord in Italy
Huysseune, M.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Sociology Peace and Conflict Studies
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Published August 2020
Modernity and the Unmaking of Men
Schubert, V.
Responding to the renewed emphasis on the significance of village studies, this book focuses on aging bachelorhood as a site of intolerable angst when faced with rural depopulation and social precarity. Based on ongoing ethnographic fieldwork in contemporary Macedonian society, the book explores the intersections between modernity, kinship and gender.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology Gender Studies and Sexuality
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Published March 2006
Modernizing Bavaria
The Politics of Franz Josef Strauss and the CSU, 1949-1969
Milosch, M.
Subjects: History (General) History: 20th Century to Present
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Published October 2020
Moebius Anthropology
Essays on the Forming of Form
Handelman, D., Shapiro, M. (ed), & Feldman, J. (ed)
Don Handelman’s groundbreaking work in anthropology is showcased in this collection of his most powerful essays. The book looks at the intellectual and spiritual roots of Handelman’s initiation into anthropology; his work on ritual and on “bureaucratic logic”; analyses of cosmology; and innovative essays on Anthropology and Deleuzian thinking.
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Anthropology of Religion
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eBook available
Published July 2018
Momentous Mobilities
Anthropological Musings on the Meanings of Travel
Salazar, N. B.
Grounded in an eclectic process of data collection, analysis of secondary sources and personal reflection, and drawing on a multi-sited and multi-method research design, Momentous Mobilities disentangles the meanings attached to temporary travels and stays abroad and offers empirical evidence as well as novel theoretical arguments to develop an anthropology of mobility.
Subjects: Mobility Studies Anthropology (General) Travel and Tourism
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eBook available
Published January 2019
Monetising the Dividual Self
The Emergence of the Lifestyle Blog and Influencers in Malaysia
Hopkins, J.
Combining theoretical discussions with shorter case studies, this book offers an anthropological exploration of the emergence in Malaysia of lifestyle bloggers. It tracks the transformation of personal blogs, which attracted readers with spontaneous, authentic accounts of everyday life, into lifestyle blogs that generate income through advertising and foreground consumerist lifestyles.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Media Studies
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eBook available
Published March 2018
Money at the Margins
Global Perspectives on Technology, Financial Inclusion, and Design
Maurer, B., Musaraj, S., & Small, I. V. (eds)
Mobile money, e-commerce, cash cards, retail credit cards, and more — as new monetary technologies become increasingly available, the global South has embraced these mediums as a simple solution to the issue of financial inclusion. Money at the Margins is a groundbreaking exploration of the uses and socio-cultural impact of new forms of money and financial services.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Political and Economic Anthropology Cultural Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published January 2020
Money Counts
Revisiting Economic Calculation
Schmidt, M. & Ross, S. (eds)
Traditionally viewed as an abstraction, the quantative nature of money is essential in evaluating the relationship between monetary systems and society. Money Counts moves beyond abstraction, exploring the conceptual diversity and everyday enactment of money’s quantity.
Subjects: Sociology Political and Economic Anthropology
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eBook available
Published June 2019
Money Games
Gambling in a Papua New Guinea Town
Pickles, A. J.
Since the Colonial era, gambling has come to dominate nighttime activity in Papua New Guinea. This richly detailed ethnography intersects with theories of money, value, play, money, exchange, informal economy, materiality, social change, leadership, and the anthropology of Melanesia.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Political and Economic Anthropology Cultural Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published June 2017
Money in a Human Economy
Hart, K. (eds)
Contributors to this volume attempt to think about money as a category of thought, offer theories on luxury and sex in capitalist development, and follow the evolution of money today from the role of the global South in shaping its future, to cross-border investment in China, to Bitcoin as politics. Money in a Human Economy offers multiple perspectives on capital’s central role in the formation of world society, as well as in the shaping of its current discontents.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Political and Economic Anthropology
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eBook available
Published August 2017
Money in the German-speaking Lands
Lindemann, M. & Poley, J. (eds)
Germany’s leading role in EU economic policy following the 2008 financial crisis is in a sense only the latest step in a long history of attempts at political unification through economic integration. This volume follows this trajectory in German-speaking lands from the late Renaissance until the close of the twentieth century.
Subject: History (General)
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Published December 1994
Montaigne Amongst the Moderns
Receptions of the Essays
Marchi, D.
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) Literary Studies
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Published October 2002
His Contribution to the Establishment of Political Science
Durkheim, E.
Subjects: Sociology Theory and Methodology
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eBook available
Published April 2018
Moral Anthropology
A Critique
Kapferer, B. & Gold, M. (eds)
A development in anthropological theory, characterized as the 'moral turn', is gaining popularity and should be carefully considered. In examining the context, arguments, and discourse that surrounds this trend, this volume aims to reconceptualise the discipline of anthropology in a radically critical way.
Subject: Theory and Methodology
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Published October 2021
Moral Economy at Work
Ethnographic Investigations in Eurasia
Yalçın-Heckmann, L. (ed)
The idea of a moral economy has been explored and assessed in numerous disciplines. The anthropological studies in this volume provide a new perspective to this idea by showing how the relations of workers, employees and employers, and of firms, families and households are interwoven with local notions of moralities.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Sociology
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eBook available
Published October 2017
Moral Engines
Exploring the Ethical Drives in Human Life
Mattingly, C., Dyring, R., Louw, M., & Schwarz Wentzer, T. (eds)
What fundamentally drives human beings to strive for moral perfection? Is it care of the self? Is it care for others? Is it inextricably wedded to politics? Moral Engines includes some of the foremost voices in the anthropology of morality, representing a unique interdisciplinary conversation between anthropologists and philosophers about the moral engines of ethical life.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published July 2010
Moral Power
The Magic of Witchcraft
Stroeken, K.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Anthropology of Religion
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Published June 2014
Morality and Economic Growth in Rural West Africa
Indigenous Accumulation in Hausaland
Clough, P.
Based on fieldwork conducted in two national economic cycles in Nigeria - the petroleum-boom prosperity (in 1977-1979), and the macro-economic decline (in 1985, 1996 and 1998) - this book unveils a new paradigm of economic change in the West African savannah, demonstrating how rural accumulation in a polygynous society actually limits the extent of inequality while at the same time promoting technical change. A uniquely African non-capitalist trajectory of accumulation subordinates the acquisition of capital to the expansion of polygynous families, clientage networks, and circles of trading friends. The whole trajectory is driven by an indigenous ethics of personal responsibility. This model disputes the validity of both Marxian theories of capitalist transformation in Africa and the New Institutional Economics.
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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Published September 2022
Morality, Crisis and Capitalism
Anthropology for Troubled Times
Baldacchino, J.-P. & Mitchell, J. P. (eds)
With the growing numbers of displaced populations and the rise in the politics of fear and hate, we are facing challenges to our very ‘species-being’. Papers in the volume include ethnographic studies on the ‘refugee crisis’, the ‘financial crisis’ and the ‘rule of law’ crisis in the Mediterranean as well as the crisis of violence and hunger in South America.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Peace and Conflict Studies
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Published May 2010
Morality, Hope and Grief
Anthropologies of AIDS in Africa
Dilger, H. & Luig, L. (eds)
Subject: Medical Anthropology
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Published January 2001
Morals of Legitimacy
Between Agency and the System
Pardo, I. (ed)
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published February 2004
More Than a Music Box
Radio Cultures and Communities in a Multi-Media World
Crisell, A. (ed)
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) Media Studies
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eBook available
Published February 2021
More than Mere Spectacle
Coronations and Inaugurations in the Habsburg Monarchy during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
Van Gelder, K.
More than Mere Spectacle brings together new research on the numerous coronations and inaugurations in the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Habsburg Monarchy, examining why so many of them still took place, what political, legal, social, and cultural significance they bore, and how they adapted to actual circumstances. It takes the flexibility of their format as the key to understanding their lasting relevance.
Subject: History: 18th/19th Century
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eBook available
Published June 2016
Mortuary Dialogues
Death Ritual and the Reproduction of Moral Community in Pacific Modernities
Lipset, D. & Silverman, E. K. (eds)
Mortuary Dialogues presents fresh perspectives on death and mourning across the Pacific Islands. Through its set of rich ethnographies, the book examines how funerals and death rituals give rise to discourse and debate about sustaining moral persons and community amid modernity, and its enormous transformations.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Anthropology of Religion
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eBook available
Published February 2022
Moving Frames
Photographs in German Cinema
Collenberg-González, C. & Sheehan, M. P. (eds)
Through an intermedial approach combining studies on cinema and photography, Moving Frames addresses precise historical moments uniquely in a German context. Across films both in and outside the canon, this volume tackles those specific historical moments experienced in media forms to gauge the cultural, political, and transnational trends in humanity’s desire for agency and how that agency is represented.
Subjects: Film and Television Studies Cultural Studies (General) History: 20th Century to Present
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Published September 2016
Moving Places
Relations, Return and Belonging
Gregorič Bon, N. & Repič, J. (eds)
Centering on “moving places” – places with locations that are not fixed, but relative – this book draws together contributions from Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Africa, exploring practices and experiences of movement, non-movement, and place-making.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Refugee and Migration Studies Mobility Studies Environmental Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published May 2012
Moving Subjects, Moving Objects
Transnationalism, Cultural Production and Emotions
Svašek, M. (ed)
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General) Mobility Studies Sociology
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Published December 2006
The First Biography
Niemetschek, F.
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) History: 18th/19th Century
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a December 2011
Much Ado About Nothing?
Gualmini, E. & Pasotti, E. (eds)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
eBook available
Published May 2010
Multicultural Dialogue
Dilemmas, Paradoxes, Conflicts
Gressgård, R.
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Sociology
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Published December 1998
Multiculturalism in Transit
A German-American Exchange
Milich, K. & Peck, J. (eds)
Subject: Cultural Studies (General)
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Published March 2008
Multiculturalism in the New Japan
Crossing the Boundaries Within
Graburn, N., Ertl, J. & Tierney, R. K. (ed)
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General)
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Published April 2015
Multidimensional Change in Sudan (1989–2011)
Reshaping Livelihoods, Conflicts and Identities
Casciarri, B., Assal, M.A.M. & Ireton, F. (eds)
Based on original fieldwork collected in Sudan from 2006 to 2011, contributors’ look at “access to resources” from various disciplinary approaches — socio-anthropology, geography, politics, history, linguistic. The book analyzes major transformations, from the 1980s to South Sudan’s independence in 2011, which affected the country in the framework of “globalization.”
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Development Studies
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Published December 2005
Multiple Medical Realities
Patients and Healers in Biomedical, Alternative and Traditional Medicine
Johannessen, H. & Lázár, I. (eds)
Subject: Medical Anthropology
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eBook available
Published September 2011
Multiple Moralities and Religions in Post-Soviet Russia
Zigon, J. (ed)
Subjects: Anthropology of Religion Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published August 2019
Multiple Nature-Cultures, Diverse Anthropologies
Bruun Jensen, C. & Morita, A. (eds)
Over time, the role of nature in anthropology has evolved from being a mere backdrop for social and cultural diversity to being viewed as an integral part of the ontological entanglement of human and nonhuman agents. This transformation of the role of nature offers important insight into the relationships between diverse anthropological traditions.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Theory and Methodology Cultural Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published June 2022
Museum Times
Changing Histories in South Africa
Witz, L.
Museums flourished in post-apartheid South Africa. In older museums, there were renovations on the go, and at least fifty new museums opened. Most sought to depict violence and suffering under apartheid and the growth of resistance. These unlikely journeys are tracked as museums became a primary setting for contesting histories. The author demonstrates how an institution concerned with the conservation of the past is simultaneously a site for changing history.
Subjects: Museum Studies Cultural Studies (General)
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Published October 2015
Museum Websites and Social Media
Issues of Participation, Sustainability, Trust and Diversity
Sánchez Laws, A. L.
Online activities present a unique challenge for museums as they harness the potential of digital technology for sustainable development, trust building, and representations of diversity. This volume provides insight into the issues behind designing and implementing web pages and social media to serve the broadest range of museum stakeholders.
Subjects: Museum Studies Media Studies
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eBook available
Published September 2022
Museum, Place, Architecture and Narrative
Nordic Maritime Museums’ Portrayals of Shipping, Seafarers and Maritime Communities
Bünz, A.
A characteristic trait of the maritime museums is that they are often located in a contemporary and/or historical environment from which the collections and narratives originate. This volume unravels the kinds of worlds and realities the Nordic maritime museums stage, which identities and national myths they depict, and how they make use of both the surrounding maritime environments and the architectural properties of the museum buildings.
Subjects: Museum Studies Archaeology Cultural Studies (General)
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Published March 2008
Museums, the Media and Refugees
Stories of Crisis, Control and Compassion
Goodnow, K, Lohman, J. & Marfleet, P. (eds)
Subjects: Museum Studies Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published April 2015
Music and International History in the Twentieth Century
Gienow-Hecht, J. C. E. (ed)
Bringing together scholars from the fields of musicology and international history, this book investigates the significance of music to foreign relations, and how it affected the interaction of nations since the late 19th century.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Media Studies Performance Studies
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Published December 2005
Music and Manipulation
On the Social Uses and Social Control of Music
Brown, S. & Volgsten, U. (eds)
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) Media Studies Sociology Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published June 2023
Music and Postwar Transitions in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Fléchet, A., Guerpin, M., Gumplowicz, P. & Kelly, B. L. (eds)
Music and Postwar Transitions takes a groundbreaking and much anticipated dive into the concept of postwar transitions and how these affect and are affected by the world of music. Leading scholars in the field explore new approaches to create a novel understanding of music and postwar periods.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present History: 18th/19th Century Media Studies
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Published December 2013
Mussolini's Dream Factory
Film Stardom in Fascist Italy
Gundle, S.
Subjects: Film and Television Studies Performance Studies
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eBook available
Published August 2019
Muted Memories
Heritage-Making, Bagamoyo, and the East African Caravan Trade
Lindström, J.
This book examines the centrality of the East African Caravan Trade to Bagamoyo, a Tanzanian port town on the Indian Ocean, and explores the way that this history was silenced when Bagamoyo was instead branded as a slave route town in 2006 in an attempt to qualify it for the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Heritage Studies Development Studies
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Published April 2012
Myth and Modernity
Barlach's Drawings on the Nibelungen
Paret, P. & Thieme, H.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Cultural Studies (General) Literary Studies
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eBook available
Published December 2022
Mythology and Symbolism of Eurasia and Indigenous Americas
Manifestations in Artifacts and Rituals
Oleszkiewicz-Peralba, M.
There is a continuity of a cohesive system of symbols and patterns from the Paleolithic and the Neolithic that survives in present-day imagery. The understanding of commonalities underlying these seemingly distant cultures demonstrates that, despite appearances, there is more that unites us than that divides us.
Subjects: Archaeology Anthropology (General)
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Published September 1996
Mythology, Spirituality, and History
Gray, A.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Anthropology of Religion Development Studies Literary Studies
Paperback available