By Title
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Published September 2017
Laborers and Enslaved Workers
Experiences in Common in the Making of Rio de Janeiro's Working Class, 1850-1920
Badaró Mattos, M.
In the nineteenth century, Rio de Janeiro was not only home to the largest population of enslaved laborers in the Americas, but it was also the site of an incipient working-class consciousness across seemingly distinct social categories. This volume analyzes the diverse labor arrangements and associative life of Rio’s working class, from which emerged the strategies that workers free and unfree pursued against oppression.
Subjects: History: 18th/19th Century History: 20th Century to Present Sociology Political and Economic Anthropology
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eBook available
Published May 2017
Labour, Unions and Politics under the North Star
The Nordic Countries, 1700-2000
Hilson, M., Neunsinger, S., & Vyff, I. (eds)
Notwithstanding Nordic countries’ reputation for strong labour movements, the fortunes of organized labour have varied widely throughout the region and across different historical periods. Together, the essays collected here explore themes such as work, unions, politics and migration in the Nordic states from the early modern period to the twenty-first century.
Subjects: History (General) Political and Economic Anthropology
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eBook available
Published February 2022
Land and the Mortgage
History, Culture, Belonging
Rodima-Taylor, D. & Shipton, P. (eds)
The mortgaging of land is not just economic and legal but also social and cultural. Here, anthropologists, historians, and economists explore origins, variations, and meanings of the land mortgage, and the risks to homes and livelihoods.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Anthropology (General)
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Published January 2021
Lands of the Future
Anthropological Perspectives on Pastoralism, Land Deals and Tropes of Modernity in Eastern Africa
Gabbert, E. C., Gebresenbet, F., Galaty, J. G., & Schlee, G. (eds)
Rangeland, forests and riverine landscapes of pastoral communities in Eastern Africa are increasingly under threat. Abetted by states who think that outsiders can better use the lands than the people who have lived there for centuries, outside commercial interests have displaced indigenous dwellers from pastoral territories. This volume presents case studies from Eastern Africa.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Development Studies Mobility Studies Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published February 2010
Landscape Ethnoecology
Concepts of Biotic and Physical Space
Johnson, L. M. & Hunn, E. S. (eds)
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Development Studies Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published April 2009
Landscape, Process and Power
Re-evaluating Traditional Environmental Knowledge
Heckler, S. (ed)
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Development Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published September 2012
Landscapes Beyond Land
Routes, Aesthetics, Narratives
Árnason, A., Ellison, N., Vergunst, J. & Whitehouse, A. (eds)
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Anthropology (General)
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Published April 2011
Landscapes of Relations and Belonging
Body, Place and Politics in Wogeo, Papua New Guinea
Anderson, A.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Gender Studies and Sexuality
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Published November 2015
Language and Identity Politics
A Cross-Atlantic Perspective
Späti, C. (ed)
In a multicultural world, the relationship between language and identity remains a often fraught subject, as evidenced by new legislation and heated public debates in many societies. This volume traces the contours of these complex phenomena, examining the interaction of language, identity, and political activity across Europe and North America.
Subjects: Sociology Anthropology (General)
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Forthcoming July 2025
Language and Political Subjectivity
Stancemaking, Power and Politics in Chile and Venezuela
Makihara, M. & Rodríguez, J. L.
Language and Political Subjectivity offers an innovative approach to stancemaking as a rhetorical semiotic process that produces truth, beliefs, and certainties about social realities and relations. It considers how Indigenous and diasporic communities, with their political subjectivities, expand over significant sociohistorical changes, debates, and struggles in the transformation of Chilean democracy and Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution.
Subject: Political and Economic Anthropology
Published May 2006
Languages of Civil Society
Wagner, P. (ed)
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published December 2016
Languid Bodies, Grounded Stances
The Curving Pathway of Neoclassical Odissi Dance
Sikand, N.
Odissi dance has transformed over the centuries from an Indian temple ritual to a transnational genre performed—and consumed—throughout the world. Building on ethnographic research in multiple locations, this book reveals the complexity of odissi as it is practiced today, at the intersection of identity, nationalism, tradition, and neoliberal economics.
Subjects: Performance Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published August 2021
Latin America and Refugee Protection
Regimes, Logics, and Challenges
Jubilut, L. L., Vera Espinoza, M., & Mezzanotti, G. (eds)
Looking at refugee protection in Latin America, this landmark edited collection assesses what the region has achieved in recent years. The book analyses Latin America’s main documents in refugee protection, evaluates the particular aspects of different regimes, and reviews their emergence, development and effect, to develop understanding of refugee protection in the region.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Political and Economic Anthropology Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published October 2010
Latin America Facing China
South-South Relations beyond the Washington Consensus
Fernández Jilberto, A. E. & Hogenboom, B. (eds)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published January 2007
Launching the Grand Coalition
The 2005 Bundestag Election and the Future of German Politics
Langenbacher, E. (ed.)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published December 2018
Law, History, and Justice
Debating German State Crimes in the Long Twentieth Century
Weinke, A.
Law, History, and Justice investigates the changing nature of international humanitarian law and explores the entanglements between historical experience, historiography, and law and (moral) politics by focusing on the effects of international law violations during the First World War, the National Socialist mass crimes, the Holocaust, as well as the systematic wrongdoings of the GDR.
Subjects: Peace and Conflict Studies History: 20th Century to Present
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Published August 2006
Le Malaise Creole
Ethnic Identity in Mauritius
Boswell, R.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published July 2009
Learning Democracy
Education Reform in West Germany, 1945-1965
Puaca, B. M.
Subjects: Educational Studies History: 20th Century to Present
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Published June 2012
Learning From the Children
Childhood, Culture and Identity in a Changing World
Waldren, J. & Kaminski, I.-M. (eds)
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology Mobility Studies
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Published December 2007
Learning on the Shop Floor
Historical Perspectives on Apprenticeship
Munck, B. de, Kaplan, S. L. & Soly, H. (eds)
Subjects: History (General) Refugee and Migration Studies Gender Studies and Sexuality Sociology
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Published October 2007
Learning Religion
Anthropological Approaches
Berliner, D. & Sarró, R. (eds)
Subjects: Anthropology of Religion Theory and Methodology Sociology
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Published February 2014
Learning Senegalese Sabar
Dancers and Embodiment in New York and Dakar
Bizas, E.
Subjects: Performance Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published March 2015
Learning Under Neoliberalism
Ethnographies of Governance in Higher Education
Hyatt, S. B., Shear, B. W., & Wright, S. (eds)
As part of the neoliberal trends toward public-private partnerships, universities all over the world have forged more intimate relationships with corporate interests and more closely resemble for-profit corporations in both structure and practice. The contributors to this volume use ethnographic methods to investigate the multi-faceted impacts of neoliberal restructuring, while reporting on their own pedagogical responses, at universities in the United States, Europe, and New Zealand.
Subjects: Educational Studies Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published October 2016
Leaving Footprints in the Taiga
Luck, Spirits and Ambivalence among the Siberian Orochen Reindeer Herders and Hunters
Brandišauskas, D.
Donatas Brandišauskas probes the strategies that Orochen reindeer herders of southeastern Siberia have developed to navigate dramatic environmental and social changes that have unfolded in post-Soviet Siberia.
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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Published December 2016
Legacies of Violence
Rendering the Unspeakable Past in Modern Australia
Mason, R. (ed)
Whether in the form of warfare, forced migration, or social prejudice, Australia’s sense of nationhood was born from experiences of violence. Legacies of Violence probes this brutal legacy through case studies that range from the colonial frontier to modern domestic spaces, exploring empathy, isolation, and Australians’ imagined place in the world.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present History: 18th/19th Century Colonial History
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Published July 2015
Legal Dissonance
The Interaction of Criminal Law and Customary Law in Papua New Guinea
Larcom, S.
Papua New Guinea’s two most powerful legal orders — customary law and state criminal law — undermine each other in criminal matters. This phenomenon, called legal dissonance, can lead to an activity being advanced by one legal order and punished by the other, leading to injustice and each legal order’s diminished ability to deter wrongdoing.
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published May 2021
Legal Entanglements
Law, Rights and the Battle for Legitimacy in Divided Germany, 1945-1989
Gehrig, S.
Drawing on wide-ranging archival research and recently declassified documents, Legal Entanglements follows the politicians, intellectuals, and other historical actors on both sides of the Berlin Wall who helped their nation to navigate volatile and uncertain legal circumstances.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published December 2011
Legends of People, Myths of State
Violence, Intolerance, and Political Culture in Sri Lanka and Australia
Kapferer, B.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Peace and Conflict Studies Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published December 2006
Lela in Bali
History through Ceremony in Cameroon
Fardon, R.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Performance Studies Colonial History
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Forthcoming August 2025
Lessons from Kalahari Ju/’hoan Culture
Democracy, Childrearing, Education, and Community
Heckler, M.
Juǀ’hoan collective decision-making processes epitomize direct, participatory democracy: one person/one vote, enhanced by in-depth negotiations that lead to consensus. These practices are the basis of Juǀ’hoan education and culture, resulting in anr egalitarian culture that forms the foundation of an enduring democracy.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General)
Published June 2018
Lessons in Perception
The Avant-Garde Filmmaker as Practical Psychologist
Taberham, P.
Narrative comprehension, memory, hallucination, and dreaming have long been objects of fascination for cognitive psychologists, as well as inspiration for experimental filmmakers. Lessons in Perception brings together film theory and psychological research by exploring how experimental filmmakers expand the viewer’s range of aesthetic sensitivities, and the creative possibilities uncharted by commercial cinema.
Subjects: Film and Television Studies Media Studies Sociology
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Forthcoming July 2025
Lessons of History
Learning from Catastrophe and Crisis in Twentieth-Century Europe
Karlsson, K.-G. & Karlsson, M. (eds)
Focusing on how cataclysmic events within primarily Central and Eastern Europe have been transmitted across borders and generations, this volume interrogates how the theory of historical lessons has evolved, ultimately providing a useful framework for comprehending contemporary conflicts and issues.
Subjects: History (General) History: 20th Century to Present Peace and Conflict Studies
eBook available
Published May 2017
Let Them Not Return
Sayfo – The Genocide Against the Assyrian, Syriac, and Chaldean Christians in the Ottoman Empire
Gaunt, D., Atto, N., & Barthoma, S. O. (eds)
While the Armenian genocide is today widely recognized, the broader context of Ottoman violence against minority groups—including the indigenous, largely Christian Assyrians—are less well known. This volume is the first scholarly edited collection focused on the Assyrian genocide, or “sayfo.”
Subjects: Genocide History History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published July 2019
Lewis Henry Morgan's Comparisons
Reassessing Terminology, Anarchy and Worldview in Indigenous Societies of America, Australia and Highland Middle India
Pfeffer, G.
Georg Pfeffer re-examines the work of Lewis Henry Morgan on relationship terminologies, societal forms, and ideas of property and the relationship between these three domains. He concludes that reciprocal affinal relations determine most ‘classificatory’ terminologies and regulate many non-state societies, their property notions, and their rituals.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General)
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Published September 2008
Liberal Imperialism in Germany
Expansionism and Nationalism, 1848-1884
Fitzpatrick, M. P.
Subject: History: 18th/19th Century
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eBook available
Published September 2016
Life as a Hunt
Thresholds of Identities and Illusions on an African Landscape
Marks, S. A.
The landscape of Zambia’s central Luangwa Valley has been crafted over centuries by the Valley Bisa who live there. Stuart Marks explores an emergent dissonance with the inconvenient conventions and myths of conservationists, administrators and philanthropists who seek to intervene in Africa’s environmental and wildlife crises on new terms and with technical means.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Environmental Studies (General)
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Forthcoming April 2025
Life as a Migrant Muslim Woman in Sectarian Northern Ireland
An Exploration of Gender, Visibility, Movement and Placemaking
Lubit, A. J.
The lives of migrant Muslim women in divided, post-conflict Northern Ireland, both before and after the pandemic, are full of diverse stories and experiences of belonging. This book explores how women strive to belong and create a home despite pervasive hatred, sexism and racism.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Gender Studies and Sexuality Refugee and Migration Studies
eBook available
Published January 2023
Life with Durham Cathedral
A Laboratory of Community, Experience and Building
Calvert, A. J.
An ethnographic account of daily life in Durham Cathedral, this book examines the processes of negotiation and change between a community and their cathedral.
Subjects: Heritage Studies Anthropology (General) Anthropology of Religion
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Published April 2021
Liminal Moves
Traveling along Places, Meanings, and Times
Cangià, F.
Liminal Moves explores the (im)mobilities of three groups of people - street monkey performers in Japan, adolescents writing about migrants in Italy, and men accompanying their partners in Switzerland for work. The book explores how, for these ‘travelers’, the interplay of mobility and immobility creates a ‘liminal hotspot’, a condition of suspension and ambivalence between places, meanings and times.
Subjects: Mobility Studies Anthropology (General) Sociology
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eBook available
Published June 2024
Limits of Life
Reflections on Life, Death, and the Body in the Age of Technoscience
Mogseth, M. E. & Nilsen, F. H. (eds)
Through a multidisciplinary approach, Limits of Life explores how the limitations and perceived finality of life and death are reconstituted through engagements with modern technology.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology
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eBook available
Published May 2011
Liquid Bread
Beer and Brewing in Cross-Cultural Perspective
Schiefenhövel, W. and Macbeth, H. (eds)
Subjects: Food & Nutrition Anthropology (General)
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Published March 2001
Literature, the 'Volk' & the Revolution in Mid-19th Century Germany
Perraudin, M.
Subjects: Literary Studies History: 18th/19th Century
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Published July 2024
Lives in Limbo
Syrian Youth in Turkey
Bryant, R., Abdulla, A., Nimer, M., & Üstübici, A.
Lives in Limbo gives voice to the dreams of Syrian youth who have little hope of returning to their devastated homeland and explains why this generation’s future will shape how the region will develop. It explores how refugee youth create futures from the liminality of exile.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Political and Economic Anthropology
eBook available
Published August 2017
Living Before Dying
Imagining and Remembering Home
Davies, J.
This in-depth description of life in a nursing/care home, told in a year of daily conversations with patients and staff, highlights the daily care of frail or ill residents of extreme old age, emphasising interaction with care assistants and the different behaviours of men and women.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Medical Anthropology Gender Studies and Sexuality
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Published April 2015
Living Kinship in the Pacific
Toren, C. & Pauwels, S. (eds)
Focusing on transformation and continuity over time in Fiji, Tonga, and Samoa, among others, contributors assert that kinship is a lived and living dimension of contemporary human lives. The ethnographic case studies add to the understanding of kinship as — according to Unaisi Nabobo-Baba — “knowledge that counts.”
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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Published August 2021
Living Like a Girl
Agency, Social Vulnerability and Welfare Measures in Europe and Beyond
Vogel, M. & Arnell, L. (eds)
With a particular focus on girls who have experienced interventions by social services, the contributions in Living Like a Girl expand our understanding of contemporary European girlhood by demonstrating how social problems are managed in different cultural contexts, political and social systems.
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality Sociology Cultural Studies (General) Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published October 2022
Living on a Time Bomb
Local Negotiations of Oil Extraction in a Mexican Community
Schöneich, S.
Providing a holistic understanding of extensive oil extraction in rural Mexico, this book focuses on a campesino community, where oil extraction is deeply inscribed into the daily lives of the community members. The book shows how oil shapes the space where it is extracted in every aspect and produces multiple uncertainties.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Environmental Studies (General) Sustainable Development Goals
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Published July 2016
Living on Thin Ice
The Gwich'in Natives of Alaska
Dinero, S. C.
Using quantitative and qualitative data gathered since the turn of the millennium, this volume offers an interdisciplinary evaluation of social and economic changes amongst the Gwich’in Natives of Alaska.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Development Studies Urban Studies
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Published June 2014
Living Translation
Language and the Search for Resonance in U.S. Chinese Medicine
Pritzker, S. E.
Integrating theoretical perspectives with carefully grounded ethnographic analyses of everyday interaction and experience, Living Translation examines the worlds of international translators as well as U.S. teachers and students of Chinese medicine, focusing on the transformations that occur as participants engage in a “search for resonance” with foreign terms and concepts. Based on a close examination of heated international debates as well as specific texts, classroom discussions, and interviews with publishers, authors, teachers, and students, Sonya Pritzker demonstrates the “living translation” of Chinese medicine as a process unfolding through interaction, inscription, embodied experience, and clinical practice. By documenting the stream of conversations that together constitute this process, the book thus traces the translation of Chinese medicine from text to practice with an eye towards the social, political, historical, moral, and even personal dimensions involved in the transnational production of knowledge about health, illness, and the body.
Subject: Medical Anthropology
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Published July 2018
Living Under Austerity
Greek Society in Crisis
Doxiadis, E. & Placas, A. (eds)
Since its sovereign debt crisis in 2009, Greece has been living under austerity. This volume explores the effects of austerity policies on politics, health care, education, media, and other areas, and examines the crisis as the context for changing attitudes in Greek society regarding immigration, crime, minorities, consumption and more.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology Political and Economic Anthropology
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eBook available
Published January 2016
Lobbying Hitler
Industrial Associations between Democracy and Dictatorship
Bera, M.
From 1933-45, Nazi Germany undertook massive industrial integration, submitting an entire economic sector to direct state oversight. This innovative study explores how German professionals navigated this complex landscape through the divergent careers of business managers in two of the era’s most important trade organizations.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published December 2006
Local Science Vs Global Science
Approaches to Indigenous Knowledge in International Development
Sillitoe, P. (ed)
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Development Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published August 2011
Localizing the Internet
An Anthropological Account
Postill, J.
Subjects: Media Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published December 2006
Locating Memory
Photographic Acts
Kuhn, A. & McAllister, K. (eds)
Subjects: Media Studies Cultural Studies (General) Film and Television Studies Memory Studies
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Published December 2007
London Eyes
Reflections in Text and Image
Cunningham, G. & Barber, S. (eds)
Subjects: Literary Studies Film and Television Studies Media Studies
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eBook available
Published October 2016
Losing Heaven
Religion in Germany since 1945
Großbölting, T.
The religious landscape of modern Germany is one that would scarcely be recognizable to earlier generations. This groundbreaking survey of German postwar religious life depicts a profoundly changed society that has almost entirely shed its Christian character despite a booming market for syncretistic, individualistic forms of “popular religion.”
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Anthropology of Religion
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Published January 1999
Losing Place
Refugee Populations and Rural Transformations in East Africa
Bascom, J. B.
Subject: Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published July 2012
Lost Objects Of Desire
The Performances of Jeremy Irons
Nicholls, M.
Subject: Film and Television Studies
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Published December 2010
Lost to the State
Family Discontinuity, Social Orphanhood and Residential Care in the Russian Far East
Khlinovskaya Rockhill, E.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology
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Published March 2003
Louis Dumont and Hierarchical Opposition
Parkin, R.
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Sociology
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Published September 2023
Love, Loyalty and Deceit
Rosemary Firth, a Life in the Shadow of Two Eminent Men
Firth, H. & Brown, L.
How much do we really know about our parents’ lives? What secrets lie in plain sight? This is the true story of hidden love within a small circle of some of the most acclaimed anthropologists of the 20th century.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published August 2018
Lullabies and Battle Cries
Music, Identity and Emotion among Republican Parading Bands in Northern Ireland
Rollins, J.
Lullabies and Battle Cries examines the relationship between music, emotion, memory, and identity in Northern Irish republican parading bands, exploring how rebel parade music provides a foundational idiom of national and republican expression, acting as a critical medium for shaping new political identities.
Subjects: Performance Studies Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published April 2019
Luso-Tropicalism and Its Discontents
The Making and Unmaking of Racial Exceptionalism
Anderson, W., Roque, R., & Ventura Santos, R. (eds)
The Portuguese-speaking Global South, especially Brazil, often envisions itself as exceptional in its racial conceptions and politics. Luso-Tropicalism and Its Discontents reassesses Gilberto Freyre’s influential claims that Portuguese colonialism produced what came to be called “racial democracy,” and explores racialization beyond the common trope of “race-mixing.”
Subjects: Colonial History History: 20th Century to Present Sociology
Paperback available