By Title
eBook available
Published January 2020
Jaguars of the Dawn
Spirit Mediumship in the Brazilian Vale do Amanhecer
Pierini, E.
Drawing upon over a decade of extensive fieldwork in temples of the Vale do Amanhecer in Brazil and Europe, this ethnography explores how mediums understand their experiences and how they learn to establish relationships with their spirit guides.
Subjects: Anthropology of Religion Medical Anthropology Sociology
Paperback available -
Published November 1995
Japan and Germany in the Modern World
Martin, B.
Subjects: History: 18th/19th Century History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published November 2013
Japanese Tourism
Spaces, Places and Structures
Funck, C. & Cooper, M.
Subjects: Travel and Tourism Sociology
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Published November 2010
Je T’Aime... Moi Non Plus
Franco-British Cinematic Relations
Mazdon, L. & Wheatley, C. (eds)
Subject: Film and Television Studies
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eBook available
Published March 2010
Jerzy Skolimowski
The Cinema of a Nonconformist
Mazierska, E
Subject: Film and Television Studies
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eBook available
Published January 2015
Jesus Reclaimed
Jewish Perspectives on the Nazarene
Homolka, W.
After centuries of persecution, oppression, forced migrations, and exclusion in the name of Christ, the development of a Jewish “Quest for the Historical Jesus” might seem unexpected. This book gives an overview and analysis of the various Jewish perspectives on the Nazarene throughout the centuries.
Subject: Jewish Studies
Paperback available -
Published November 1995
Jewish Explorations of Sexuality
Magonet, J. (ed)
Subjects: Jewish Studies Gender Studies and Sexuality
Paperback available -
Published September 2014
Jewish Histories of the Holocaust
New Transnational Approaches
Goda, N. J. W. (ed)
For many years, histories of the Holocaust focused on its perpetrators, and only recently have more scholars begun to consider in detail the experiences of victims and survivors, as well as the documents they left behind. This volume contains new research from internationally established scholars. It provides an introduction to and overview of Jewish narratives of the Holocaust.
Subjects: Genocide History Jewish Studies
Paperback available -
Published October 1995
Jewish Identity in Modern Times
Leo Baeck and German Protestantism
Homolka, W.
Subject: Jewish Studies
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Forthcoming August 2025
Jewish Inclusion in Ethnic Studies Education
Issues, Obstacles, and Excuses
Rubin, D. I.
A clarifying re-examination of the issues affecting ethnic studies education in K-12 schools, this book explores how the program’s disregard for the lives of American Jews correlates with the increase in antisemitism with the U.S. Consequently, it advances a renewed framework for thinking about the Jewish experience in contemporary American education.
Subjects: Jewish Studies Educational Studies Sociology
eBook available
Published July 2010
Jewish Life in Nazi Germany
Dilemmas and Responses
Nicosia, F. & Scrase, D. (eds)
Subjects: Jewish Studies History: World War II Genocide History
Paperback available -
Published September 2014
Jewish Medical Resistance in the Holocaust
Grodin, M. A. (ed)
Based on archival materials and featuring memoirs of Holocaust survivors, this volume offers a rich array of both tragic and inspiring studies of the sanctification of life as practiced by Jewish medical professionals. More than simply a medical story, these histories represent the finest exemplification of a humanist moral imperative during a dark hour of recent history.
Subjects: Genocide History History: World War II
Paperback available -
Published May 1998
Jewish Religious Law
A Progressive Perspective
Rayner, J. D.
Subject: Jewish Studies
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eBook available
Published March 2021
Jewish Self-Hate
Lessing, T.
This new edition makes Theodor Lessing’s seminal work Der Jüdische Selbsthaß accessible to English readers for the first time, supplemented with explanatory footnotes by translator Peter Appelbaum and illustrative essays by historian Sander L. Gilman and German scholar Paul Reitter.
Subject: Jewish Studies
Paperback available -
eBook available
Published November 2023
John F. Kennedy’s Hidden Diary, Europe 1937
The Travel Journals of JFK and Kirk LeMoyne Billings
Kennedy, J. F., LeMoyne Billings, K., & Lubrich, O.
Presenting the 1937 diaries of John F. Kennedy's tour of Europe alongside the "Scrapbook" of his travel companion, Lem Billings, John F. Kennedy’s Hidden Diary, Europe 1937 offers insights into Kennedy's early experiences on a continent under the shadow of Nazism.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
Paperback available -
eBook available
Published May 2019
José Antonio Primo de Rivera
The Reality and Myth of a Spanish Fascist Leader
Thomàs, J. M.
A leading figure in the Spanish Civil War, José Antonio Primo de Rivera was elevated to martyr status following his death and the victory of the Falangists. In this long-awaited translation, Joan Maria Thomàs cuts through the mythos surrounding Primo de Rivera’s life to give a measured, exhaustively researched study of his personality, beliefs, and political activity.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published August 2012
Journey Through America
Koeppen, W.
Subjects: Literary Studies History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published June 2012
Journeys Into Madness
Mapping Mental Illness in the Austro-Hungarian Empire
Blackshaw, G. & Wieber, S. (eds)
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Cultural Studies (General) Sociology
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Published November 2007
Journeys Through Fascism
Italian Travel-Writing between the Wars
Burdett, C.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
Paperback available -
Published July 2013
Judging 'Privileged' Jews
Holocaust Ethics, Representation, and the 'Grey Zone'
Brown, A.
Subjects: Genocide History History (General) Jewish Studies
Paperback available -
Published December 2011
Judgment At Istanbul
The Armenian Genocide Trials
Dadrian, V. N. & Akçam, T.
Subject: Genocide History