By Title
Published October 2008
I Dreamed the Animals
Kaniuekutat: The Life of an Innu Hunter
Henriksen, G.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Environmental Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published October 2018
Ice and Snow in the Cold War
Histories of Extreme Climatic Environments
Herzberg, J., Kehrt, C., & Torma, F. (eds)
This fascinating volume demonstrates that regions such as Alaska, the polar landscapes, and the cold areas of the Soviet periphery were of no small importance during the Cold War. Through histories of these extremely cold environments, this volume makes a novel intervention in Cold War historiography, one whose global and transnational approach undermines the simple opposition of “East” and “West.”
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Environmental Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published May 2023
Iconicity of the Uto-Aztecans
Snake Anthropomorphy in the Great Basin, the American Southwest and Mesoamerica
Mukhopadhyay, T. P. & Garfinkel, A. P.
The attempt to study a snake simulacrum thus constitutes the basic objective of this volume. A long, all-embracing iconicity of snakes and related snake motifs are evident in different cultural expressions ranging from rock art templates to other cultural artifacts like basketry, pottery, temple architecture and sculptural motifs.
Subject: Archaeology
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Published February 2007
Identifying with Freedom
Indonesia after Suharto
Day, T (ed)
Subject: Theory and Methodology
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Published December 2002
Time, Difference and Boundaries
Friese, H. (ed)
Subjects: History (General) Literary Studies Anthropology (General) Sociology
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eBook available
Published November 2019
Identities and Place
Changing Labels and Intersectional Communities of LGBTQ and Two-Spirit People in the United States
Crawford-Lackey, K. & Springate, M. E. (eds)
With a focus on historic sites, this volume explores the recent history of non- heteronormative Americans from the early twentieth century onward and the places associated with these communities. Authors explore how queer identities are connected with specific places: places where people gather, socialize, protest, mourn, and celebrate. Each chapter is accompanied by prompts and activities that invite readers to think critically and immerse themselves in the subject matter while working collaboratively with others.
Subjects: Archaeology Heritage Studies
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Published March 2007
Identity and Networks
Fashioning Gender and Ethnicity across Cultures
Bryceson, D., Okely, J., & Webber, J. (eds)
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality Theory and Methodology Sociology
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eBook available
Published May 2007
Identity Matters
Ethnic and Sectarian Conflict
Peacock, J. M., Thornton, P. M., and Inman, P. B. (eds)
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Peace and Conflict Studies
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Published January 2012
Identity Politics and the New Genetics
Re/Creating Categories of Difference and Belonging
Schramm, K., Skinner, D., & Rottenburg, R. (eds)
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Sociology
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Published August 1997
Identity, Gender and Poverty
New Perspectives on Caste and Tribe in Rajasthan
Unnithan-Kumar, M.
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality Development Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published July 2023
If Cars Could Walk
Postsocialist Streets in Transformation
Duijzings, G. & Tuvikene, T. (eds)
Addressing the transformation of street life in postsocialist cities against the backdrop of the explosive rise of car-mobility in the last 25 years, If Cars Could Walk consists of ethnographic case studies documenting changes in these cities as former socialist modes of mobility are replaced by a culture of privately owned cars.
Subjects: Transport Studies History: 20th Century to Present Cultural Studies (General)
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Published February 2020
If Everyone Returned, The Island Would Sink
Urbanisation and Migration in Vanuatu
Petrou, K.
Focusing on the small island of Paama, Vanuatu, and the capital, Port Vila, this book presents a rare and recent study of the ongoing significance of urbanization and internal migration in the Global South.
Subjects: Mobility Studies Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published August 2001
Ignaz Maybaum
A Reader
Lange, N. de (ed)
Subject: Jewish Studies
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eBook available
Published February 2025
Illness and Enlightenment
Exploring Tibetan Perspectives on Madness in Text and Everyday Life
Deane, S.
Based on ethnographic fieldwork in the Tibetan region of Amdo in northwest China, Illness and Enlightenment examines Tibetan medical and religious texts, to explore the multi-faceted concept of nyoné through key Tibetan concepts of wind, heart, and mind, as well as human-spirit relationships.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Anthropology of Religion
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Published November 2003
Illness and Irony
On the Ambiguity of Suffering in Culture
Lambek, M. & Antze, P. (ed)
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Cultural Studies (General) Sociology
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Published August 2017
Images from Paradise
The Visual Communication of the European Union's Federalist Utopia
Salgó, E.
Drawing upon the disciplines of politics, anthropology, psychoanalysis, aesthetics and cinema studies, Salgó presents a new way of looking at the “art of European unification” and to highlight the mythical sources of the federalist project.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Political and Economic Anthropology Media Studies
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Published December 2004
Images of Power
Iconography, Culture and the State in Latin America
Andermann, J. & Rowe, W. (eds)
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) History (General) Media Studies
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eBook available
Published April 2012
Images of Power and the Power of Images
Control, Ownership, and Public Space
Kapferer, J. (ed)
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) Sociology
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Published January 2021
Imagining Bosnian Muslims in Central Europe
Representations, Transfers and Exchanges
Šístek, F. (ed)
As a Slavic-speaking religious and ethnic “Other” living just a stone’s throw from the symbolic heart of the continent, the Muslim peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina have long occupied a liminal space in the European imagination. This volume assembles contributions from historians, anthropologists, political scientists, and literary scholars to examine the political, social, and discursive dimensions of Bosnian Muslims’ encounter with the West.
Subjects: History (General) Anthropology of Religion
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eBook available
Published July 2011
Imagining the Post-Apartheid State
An Ethnographic Account of Namibia
Friedman, J. T.
In northwest Namibia, people’s political imagination offers a powerful insight into the post-apartheid state. Based on extensive anthropological fieldwork, this book focuses on the former South African apartheid regime and the present democratic government; it compares the perceptions and practices of state and customary forms of judicial administration, reflects upon the historical trajectory of a chieftaincy dispute in relation to the rooting of state power and examines everyday forms of belonging in the independent Namibian State.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology Political and Economic Anthropology
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eBook available
Published August 2024
Immigrant Industry
Building Postwar Australia
Pieris, A., Lozanovska, M., Dellios, A., Saniga, A., & Beynon, D.
After the end of the Second World War, major federally funded industries in Australia depended on the employment of large numbers of refugees displaced by the war. This book aims to bring to the foreground post-war industry and immigration to comprehensively document a uniquely Australian shaping of the built environment.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published February 1999
Immigrants and Bureaucrats
Ethiopians in an Israeli Absorption Center
Hertzog, E.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published December 1997
Immigration Admissions
The Search for Workable Policies in Germany and the United States
Hailbronner, K., Martin, D. A., & Motomura, H. (eds)
Subject: Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published March 1998
Immigration Controls
The Search for Workable Policies in Germany and the United States
Hailbronner, K., Martin, D. A. & Motomura, H. (eds)
Subject: Refugee and Migration Studies
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eBook available
Published November 2009
Immigration Policy in the Federal Republic of Germany
Negotiating Membership and Remaking the Nation
Klusmeyer, D. & Papademetriou, D.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Refugee and Migration Studies
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eBook available
Published August 2020
Imperial Culture and Colonial Projects
The Portuguese-Speaking World from the Fifteenth to the Eighteenth Centuries
Curto, D. R.
In a series of illuminating case studies, Curto follows the history and perception of major Portuguese colonial initiatives while integrating the complex perspectives of participating agents to show how the empire’s life and culture were richly inflected by the operations of imperial expansion.
Subjects: History: Medieval/Early Modern Colonial History
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Published January 2005
Imperial Germany 1871-1918
Economy, Society, Culture and Politics
Berghahn, V. R.
Subject: History: 18th/19th Century
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Published September 2011
Imperial Germany Revisited
Continuing Debates and New Perspectives
Müller, S. O. & Torp, C. (eds)
Subject: History: 18th/19th Century
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Published May 2015
Imperial Projections
Screening the German Colonies
Fuhrmann, W.
Scandals and economic stagnation in the colonies demanded a new and positive image of their value for Germany. By promoting business and establishing a new genre within the fast growing film industry, films of the colonies triggered patriotic feelings but also addressed the audience as travelers, explorers, wildlife protectionists, and participants in unique cultural events.
Subjects: Film and Television Studies Colonial History
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Published December 2008
Impotent Warriors
Perspectives on Gulf War Syndrome, Vulnerability and Masculinity
Kilshaw, S.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Peace and Conflict Studies Gender Studies and Sexuality
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eBook available
Published April 2020
In Fading Light
The Films of the Amber Collective
Leggott, J.
The Amber Film collective has been part of the British and European documentary scene since the late 1960s. Situating the work within wider social, political and historical contexts, In Fading Light interrogates how their critically acclaimed body of work—which includes documentaries, feature films, television films, and other experimental and campaigning projects—relates to other filmmakers in Britain and Europe.
Subjects: Film and Television Studies Media Studies Cultural Studies (General)
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Published April 2001
In God's Name
Genocide and Religion in the Twentieth Century
Bartov, O. & Mack, P. (eds)
Subject: Genocide History
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eBook available
Published June 2021
In Memory of Times to Come
Ironies of History in Southeastern Papua New Guinea
Demian, M.
Drawing on twenty years of research, this book examines the historical perspective of a Pacific people who saw “globalization” come and go. It asks the question: What does it mean to claim that global connections are in the past rather than the present or the future?
Subjects: Anthropology (General) History (General) Cultural Studies (General)
Paperback available -
eBook available
Published June 2019
In Pursuit of Belonging
Forging an Ethical Life in European-Turkish Spaces
Rottmann, S, B.
The story of one remarkable woman, Leyla, a mother, who has struggled against pain and shame to live a life that makes her proud and which also inspires others. Using her story, In Pursuit of Belonging enhances our understanding of key issues in the anthropology of ethics and migration.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Refugee and Migration Studies Sociology
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eBook available
Published August 2019
In Search of European Liberalisms
Concepts, Languages, Ideologies
Freeden, M., Fernández-Sebastián, J. & Leonhard, J. (eds)
This comprehensive study takes a fresh look at the diverse understandings and interpretations of the concept of liberalism in Europe during the last several centuries, encompassing not just the familiar movements, doctrines, and political parties that fall under the heading of “liberal” but also the intertwined historical currents of thought behind them.
Subject: History (General)
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eBook available
Published January 2016
In Search of Legitimacy
How Outsiders Become Part of the Afro-Brazilian Capoeira Tradition
Griffith, L. M.
Every year, young adults from Western nations travel to Brazil to train in the dance/martial art of capoeira. This ethnography uses the concept of apprenticeship pilgrimage—studying with a local master at a historical point of origin—to explore how non-Brazilians learn their art and claim legitimacy within capoeira communities.
Subjects: Performance Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published August 2006
In Search of Salt
Changes in Beti (Cameroon) Society, 1880-1960
Quinn, F.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Colonial History
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eBook available
Published September 2015
In the Absence of the Gift
New Forms of Value and Personhood in a Papua New Guinea Community
Rasmussen, A. E.
Nearly half the people born on the remote Mbuke Islands become teachers, businessmen, or bureaucrats in urban centers, while those who stay at home ask migrant relatives “What about me?” This detailed ethnography sheds light on remittance motivations and documents how terms like “community” can be useful in places otherwise permeated by kinship.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Development Studies Sociology
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eBook available
Published May 2018
In the Best Interests of the Child
Loss and Suffering in Adoption Proceedings
Mass, M.
Based on her experience as an expert witness in court proceedings on adoption in Israel, and through four representative case studies, Mass examines the view that emphasizes the lifelong loss inflicted on the child by compulsory ‘closed’ adoption, contrasting it with the need to ‘free the child for adoption’ when parents are assessed as incapable.
Subject: Sociology
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Published May 2015
In the Event
Toward an Anthropology of Generic Moments
Meinert, L. & Kapferer, B. (eds)
Based on ethnographic studies from around the world, varying from rituals and meetings over protests and conflicts to natural disasters and management, this volume unfolds how to analyze generative moments through events that hold the key to understanding larger social situations.
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published March 2023
In the Meantime
Toward an Anthropology of the Possible
Masquelier, A. & Durham, D. (eds)
The “meantime” represents the gap between what is past and the unknown future. When considered as waiting, the meantime is defined as a period of suspension to be endured. By contrast, the contributors of this volume understand it as a space of “the possible” where calculation coexists with uncertainty, promises with disappointment, and imminence with deferral.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology Cultural Studies (General)
Paperback available -
Published January 2001
In the Mind's Eye
Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Evolution of Human Cognition
Nowell, A. (ed)
This volume brings together the disciplines of palaeontology, psychology, anatomy, and primatology. Together, they address a number of issues, including the evolution of sex differences in spatial cognition, the role of archaeology in the cognitive sciences, the relationships between brain size, cranial reorganization and hominid cognition, and the role of language and information processing in human evolution.
Subjects: Archaeology Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published September 2016
In the Name of the Great Work
Stalin's Plan for the Transformation of Nature and its Impact in Eastern Europe
Olšáková, D. (ed)
Following Stalin’s lead, the newly communist states of Eastern Europe pursued a total “transformation of nature” in the 1940s and 1950s intended to improve agricultural outputs. This richly detailed volume follows the history of such projects in Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia, exploring their varied, but largely disastrous, consequences.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Environmental Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published June 2022
In the Shadow of Auschwitz
German Massacres against Polish Civilians, 1939–1945
Brewing, D.
An in-depth analysis of German massacres in Poland over the whole period of German occupation during the Second World War, this innovative study recounts the widely forgotten ethnic Polish civilian victims. Using both German and Polish sources, In the Shadow of Auschwitz uncovers for the first time the depredations that were inflicted on Polish society under Nazi rule.
Subjects: Genocide History History: World War II
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eBook available
Published January 2021
In the Shadow of the Great War
Physical Violence in East-Central Europe, 1917–1923
Böhler, J., Konrád, O., Kučera, R. (eds)
Whether victorious or not, Central European states faced fundamental challenges after the First World War as they struggled to contain ongoing violence and forge peaceful societies. This collection explores the various forms of violence these nations confronted during this period, which effectively transformed the region into a laboratory for state-building.
Subjects: History: World War I History: 20th Century to Present Peace and Conflict Studies
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eBook available
Published April 2021
In-Betweenness in Greater Khartoum
Spaces, Temporalities, and Identities from Separation to Revolution
Franck, A., Casciarri, B., & Salim El-Hassan, I. (eds)
Drawing from original fieldwork in Khartoum and empirical data, In-Betweenness in Greater Khartoum uses in-between spaces as a lens to analyze how political events, in particular the 2011 independence of South Sudan, works along with other processes such as globalization and eco-nomic neo-liberalization to impact communities across the region.
Subjects: Urban Studies Peace and Conflict Studies
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eBook available
Published October 2016
Incarceration and Regime Change
European Prisons during and after the Second World War
De Vito, C. G., Futselaar, R., & Grevers, H. (eds)
During the “long” Second World War, military mobilization, social disorder, and political changes swelled the ranks of the imprisoned and broadened the carceral reach of the state. This volume brings together theoretically sophisticated, empirically rich studies of key transitional moments that transformed European prisons during and after the war.
Subjects: History: World War II History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published January 2024
Inclusion, Transformation, and Humility in North American Archaeology
Essays and Other “Great Stuff” Inspired by Kent G. Lightfoot
Mallios, S., Gonzalez, S. L., Grone, M., Hull, K. L., Nelson, P., & Siliman, S. W. (eds)
In a dynamic near half-century career of insight, engagement, and instruction, Kent G. Lightfoot transformed North American archaeology through his innovative ideas, robust collaborations, thoughtful field projects, and mentoring of numerous students. Authors emphasize the multifarious ways Lightfoot impacted—and continues to impact—approaches to archaeological inquiry, anthropological engagement, indigenous issues, and professionalism.
Subjects: Archaeology Anthropology (General)
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Published October 2007
Inclusionary Rhetoric/Exclusionary Practices
Left-wing Politics and Migrants in Italy
Però, D.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published October 2022
Inconceivable Iran
To Reproduce or Not to Reproduce?
Tremayne, S.
This book offers a much-needed analysis of shifting reproductive policies and practices in the Islamic Republic of Iran, a society that is usually represented as either “revolutionary” or “oppressive.” Instead, Tremayne reflects on more than four decades of research to argue that changing reproductive behaviors on the part of ordinary Iranians must always be viewed against the backdrop of core cultural values and traditions.
Subject: Medical Anthropology
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eBook available
Published October 2018
Waste, Value, and the Imagination
Alexander, C. & Sanchez, A. (eds)
What happens to people, places, and things that do not fit the progressive, ordering narratives of capitalism and modernity? This volume explores the indeterminacy left behind by conventional understandings of progress and shows how totalizing forward movement may be resisted by fragments, open-endedness, and the possibility of going nowhere at all.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology Political and Economic Anthropology
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eBook available
Published June 2017
Indigeneity and the Sacred
Indigenous Revival and the Conservation of Sacred Natural Sites in the Americas
Sarmiento, F. & Hitchner, S. (eds)
This important contribution presents current research in the political ecology of indigenous revival and its role in nature conservation of sacred natural sites in the Americas. The book explores how struggles for land, rights, and political power are embedded within physical landscapes, and how indigenous identity is reformed as globalizing forces simultaneously threaten and promote the notion of indigeneity.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Development Studies Anthropology (General) Heritage Studies
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eBook available
Published December 2017
Indigeneity on the Move
Varying Manifestations of a Contested Concept
Gerharz, E., Uddin, N., & Chakkarath, P. (eds)
“Indigeneity” has become a prominent yet contested concept in national and international politics, as well as within the social sciences. This edited volume draws from authors representing different disciplines and perspectives, aiming to convey a theoretical and empirical overview of indigeneity in order to investigate the concept’s scientific and political potential.
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published May 2017
Indigenist Mobilization
Confronting Electoral Communism and Precarious Livelihoods in Post-Reform Kerala
Steur, L.
Indigenist Mobilization explores the history of the dynamics between the Communist party in Kerala and indigenist activists, and the subtle ways in which global capitalist restructuring leads to a resonance of indigenist visions in the changed the everyday working lives and future aspirations of subaltern groups in Kerala.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology Political and Economic Anthropology
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eBook available
Published October 2015
Indigenous Medicine Among the Bedouin in the Middle East
Abu-Rabia, A.
Modern medicine has penetrated Bedouin tribes, but when serious illnesses strike, even educated people turn to traditional medicine for a remedy. Based on interviews with healers, clients, and other active participants in treatments, this book will contribute to renewed thinking about a synthesis between traditional and modern medicine — to their reciprocal enrichment.
Subject: Medical Anthropology
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Published August 2011
Indigenous Peoples and Demography
The Complex Relation between Identity and Statistics
Axelsson, P. & Sköld, P. (eds)
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology
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eBook available
Published October 2008
Indigenous Peoples, Civil Society, and the Neo-liberal State in Latin America
Fischer, E. F. (ed)
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published March 2022
Indigenous Resurgence
Decolonialization and Movements for Environmental Justice
Dhillon, J.
Indigenous peoples around the world are standing up and speaking out against global capitalism to protect the land, water, and air. By placing Indigenous politics, histories, and ontologies at the center of our social movements for environmental justice, Indigenous Resurgence positions environmental justice within historical, social, political, and economic contexts.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Applied Anthropology Colonial History Sustainable Development Goals
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Published September 1997
Indigenous Rights and Development
Self-Determination in an Amazonian Community
Gray, A.
Subjects: Development Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published May 2009
Indispensable Eyesores
An Anthropology of Undesired Buildings
Hoorn, M. v der
Subjects: Urban Studies Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General)
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Published November 2023
Individually Ourselves
Personhood, Ethics, and Everyday Life in School
Winkler-Reid, S.
Individually Ourselves addresses the process of identity and community building through an examination of individuality and group dynamics during a formative juncture of life (based on ethnographic fieldwork in a London high school).
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Educational Studies Sociology
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Published October 1998
Indoctrinability, Ideology and Warfare
Evolutionary Perspectives
Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I. & Salter, F.K. (eds)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published June 1999
Industrial Culture and Bourgeois Society in Modern Germany
Kocka, J.
Subjects: History (General) History: 18th/19th Century Sociology
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Published March 2018
Industrial Labor on the Margins of Capitalism
Precarity, Class, and the Neoliberal Subject
Hann, C. & Parry, J. (eds)
Bringing together ethnographic case studies of industrial labor from different parts of the world, Industrial Labor on the Margins of Capitalism explores the increasing casualization of workforces and the weakening power of organized labor. By exploring this relationship, these essays question the claim that neoliberal ideology has become the new ‘commonsense’ of our times.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Political and Economic Anthropology
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Forthcoming March 2025
Ingmar Bergman Out of Focus
Film Cultures and International Reception
Van Belle, J., Arenos, F. R., & Peirano, M. P. (eds)
An exacting re-examination of Ingmar Bergman’s cultural heritage, Ingmar Bergman Out Of Focus digs into the perceived “familiarity” of Bergman’s films by analyzing how the Swedish director’s film aesthetics simultaneously shaped modern culture and were themselves reshaped by contemporary cultural debates.
Subjects: Film and Television Studies Cultural Studies (General) History: 20th Century to Present
eBook available
Published July 2023
Innovation and Implementation
Critical Reflections on New Approaches to Historic Mortuary Data Collection, Analysis, and Dissemination
Mytum, H. & Veit, R. (eds)
Providing a comprehensive set of guidance to assist researchers wishing to carry out, curate and disseminate field research at a historic burial ground, chapters offer up to date methods for surface and subsurface survey and for the recording and archiving of burial monument data. Also included is the archaeological potential of pet cemeteries and other pet memorials.
Subjects: Archaeology History (General) Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published August 2023
Inside Party Headquarters
Organizational Culture and Practice of Rule in the Socialist Unity Party of Germany
Bergien, R.
As one of the first overviews of a central apparatus of a communist state party, Inside Party Headquarters focuses on the “inner life” of the party and its employees, and examines the changing relations of party and state over the course of four decades.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published July 1996
Insiders and Outsiders
Paradise and Reality in Mallorca
Waldren, J.
Subjects: Travel and Tourism Anthropology (General)
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Published January 2024
Insidious Capital
Frontlines of Value at the End of a Global Cycle
Kalb, D. (ed)
In a global perspective of fast transforming social spaces that moves from East to West, Insidious Capital explores the struggles around the exploitation and valuation of labor, environmental politics, expansion of the ground rent, new hierarchies, the contradictions of higher education, the off-shoring of ‘immaterial’ labor, the illiberal right, and the mobilizations against it.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Sociology Sustainable Development Goals
eBook available
Published January 2020
Institutionalised Dreams
The Art of Managing Foreign Aid
Drążkiewicz, E.
How do states become donors? Why do individuals decide to share their wealth with others through foreign aid? Using examples from Poland, Elżbieta Drążkiewicz demonstrates how the concept of foreign aid requires the establishment of a specific moral economy which links national ideologies and local cultures of charitable giving with broader ideas about the global political economy.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Anthropology (General) Sustainable Development Goals
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Published April 2023
Integrating Strangers
Sherbro Identity and The Politics of Reciprocity along the Sierra Leonean Coast
Ménard, A.
Drawing on an ethnography of Sherbro coastal communities in Sierra Leone, this book analyses the politics and practice of identity through the lens of the reciprocal relations that exist between socio-ethnic groups. Anaïs Ménard examines the implications of the social arrangement that binds landlords and strangers in a frontier region, the Freetown Peninsula, characterized by high degrees of individual mobility and social interactions.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Political and Economic Anthropology Development Studies
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eBook available
Published May 2014
Intellectuals and (Counter-) Politics
Essays in Historical Realism
Smith, G.
“A cutting edge discussion between anthropology and the disciplines of history and geography, all through the lens of the politics of intellectual work. A paradigm of sensitive ethnographic work fused with broadly social/political theory, this book will pull in a lot of people looking to find their way out of a certain rabbit hole of recent academia.” · Neil Smith, Graduate Center, City University of New York.
Gavin Smith suggests a research agenda designed to maximize the political leverage of ordinary people faced with ever more remote states and technologies that make capitalism increasingly rapacious. He tackles the political conundrums of our times and asks what roles intellectuals might play therein.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published February 2004
International Adventures
German Popular Cinema and European Co-Productions in the 1960s
Bergfelder, T.
Subjects: Film and Television Studies History: 20th Century to Present
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Published December 2016
International Organizations and Environmental Protection
Conservation and Globalization in the Twentieth Century
Kaiser, W. & Meyer, J.-H. (eds)
Environmental issues transcend national boundaries, and thus they have been a particular focus for international organizations for over a century. This volume is the first to comprehensively explore the environmental activities of regional bodies, professional communities, the United Nations, NGOs, and other international organizations during the twentieth century.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) History: 20th Century to Present Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published August 2021
International Organizations Revisited
Agency and Pathology in a Multipolar World
Dijkzeul, D. & Salomons, D. (eds)
Thoroughly revised and based on current management research, this follow-up to Rethinking International Organizations provides a wealth of both empirical and theoretical insights to the management of the United Nations and international NGOs, along with practical recommendations for how these organizations can function more effectively.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present Sustainable Development Goals
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Published May 2007
Intersected Identities
Strategies of Visualisation in 19th and 20th Century Mexican Culture
Segre, E.
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) Media Studies
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Published April 2024
Intimate Histories
African Americans and Germany since 1933
Klopprogge, N.
Intimate Histories investigates the role and conceptualizations of intimacy between African American and German relations between 1933 through 1990. Reviewing issues surrounding anti-miscegenation laws, casual sexual encounters, and unique friendships, this book traces how intimacy became an important site of transnational racial history.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Cultural Studies (General) Gender Studies and Sexuality
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Published May 2018
Intimate Mobilities
Sexual Economies, Marriage and Migration in a Disparate World
Groes, C. & Fernandez, N. T. (eds)
This book explores how various types of migration that are often seen as distinct phenomena – such as marriage migration, romance tourism and sex work migration – are in fact variations of cross-border mobilities that evolve around experiences and constructions of “intimacy”, and are facilitated by and deeply entwined with issues of power, gender and sexuality.
Subjects: Mobility Studies Anthropology (General) Gender Studies and Sexuality
Paperback available -
eBook available
Published November 2022
Invested Narratives
German Responses to Economic Crisis
Twark, J. (ed)
Narratives of how nations survive, restructure or even fail during economic crisis not only inform future responses to crisis but also strengthen national theoretical, empirical, and analytical financial discourse. Invested Narratives brings together an interdisciplinary set of scholars to address the history of German responses to crisis over the past 200 years.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present History: 18th/19th Century
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eBook available
Published June 2012
Investigating Srebrenica
Institutions, Facts, Responsibilities
Delpla, I., Bougarel, X., & Fournel, J.-F. (eds)
Subjects: Genocide History History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published November 2020
Invisible Faces and Hidden Stories
Narratives of Vulnerable Populations and Their Caregivers
Obeng, C. S. & Obeng, S. G. (eds)
Dealing with narratives of vulnerable populations, this book looks at how they deal with dimensions of their social life, especially in regards to health. It reflects the socio-political ecologies like public hostility and stereotyping, neglect of their unique health needs, their courage to overcome adversity, and the love of family and healthcare providers in mitigating their problems.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Applied Anthropology Sociology
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eBook available
Published June 2019
Invisible Founders
How Two Centuries of African American Families Transformed a Plantation into a College
Rainville, L.
Literal and metaphorical excavations at Sweet Briar College reveal how African American labor enabled the transformation of Sweet Briar Plantation into a private women’s college in 1906. Despite being built and maintained by African American families, the college did not integrate its student body for sixty years after it opened. Invisible Founders challenges our ideas of what a college “founder” is, restoring African American narratives to their deserved and central place in the story of a single institution.
Subjects: Archaeology History (General) Educational Studies Heritage Studies
Paperback available -
Published February 2024
Invisible Labours
The Reproductive Politics of Second Trimester Pregnancy Loss in England
Middlemiss, A. L.
Invisible Labours traces women’s experiences of miscarriage and termination for foetal anomaly in the second trimester before legal viability and shows how such events are positioned as less ‘real’ or significant when the foetal being does not, or will not, survive. It describes the reproductive politics of this specific category of pregnancy loss in England.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Medical Anthropology Gender Studies and Sexuality
eBook available
Published October 2019
Inward Looking
The Impact of Migration on Romanipe from the Romani Perspective
Marinov, A. G.
Inward Looking seeks to understand the relationship between Romani identity, performance and migration. Particularly, it studies the idea of ‘Romanipe’ under the prism of the personal accounts of Romani migrants. The findings are based on qualitative data gathered from Romani migrants from three towns in Bulgaria.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology Cultural Studies (General) Refugee and Migration Studies
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eBook available
Published April 2013
Irish/ness Is All Around Us
Language Revivalism and the Culture of Ethnic Identity in Northern Ireland
Zenker, O.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Peace and Conflict Studies Cultural Studies (General)
Paperback available -
Published June 2008
Iron in the Soul
Displacement, Livelihood and Health in Cyprus
Loizos, P.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published August 2021
Iron Landscapes
National Space and the Railways in Interwar Czechoslovakia
Jeschke, F.
Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, the newly formed country of Czechoslovakia built an ambitious national rail network out of what remained of the obsolete Habsburg system. Drawing on evidence ranging from government documents to newsreels to train timetables, Iron Landscapes gives a nuanced account of how planners and authorities knitted together the young nation-state and articulated a Czechoslovak cosmopolitanism.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Transport Studies
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Published March 1998
Iron-making Societies
Early Industrial Development in Sweden and Russia, 1600-1900
Agren, M. (ed)
Subject: History (General)
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Published July 2012
Islam and Assisted Reproductive Technologies
Sunni and Shia Perspectives
Inhorn, M. C. & Tremayne, S. (eds)
Subject: Medical Anthropology
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eBook available
Published June 2009
Islam and New Kinship
Reproductive Technology and the Shariah in Lebanon
Clarke, M.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Anthropology of Religion Gender Studies and Sexuality
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eBook available
Published January 2018
Island Historical Ecology
Socionatural Landscapes of the Eastern and Southern Caribbean
Siegel, P. (ed)
Island Historical Ecology addresses Caribbean island ecologies from the perspective of social and cultural intervention, focusing on selected islands between Venezuela and Puerto Rico. This volume goes on to compare these ecologies with well-documented patterns in the Mediterranean and Pacific islands, placing the Caribbean into a larger context of island historical ecology.
Subjects: Archaeology Environmental Studies (General) Anthropology (General)
Paperback available -
Published December 1993
Islands in the Interior
The Dynamics of Prehistoric Adaptations Within the Arid Zone of Australia
Veth, P. M.
In this book, Veth develops a model of settlement and subsistence in the Western Desert of Australia, drawing on his own archaeological investigations, as well as ethnographic and environmental data. Building on this model, he concludes with a plausible reconstruction of the colonization of the harsh, arid interior of this continent.
Subject: Archaeology
Paperback available -
Published October 2000
Israel and the Daughters of the Shoah
Reoccupying the Territories of Silence
Lentin, R.
Subjects: Genocide History Gender Studies and Sexuality Jewish Studies
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Published November 1997
Israel and the Diaspora in Jewish Law
Essays and Responsa
Jacob, W. & Zemer, M. (eds)
Subject: Jewish Studies
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Published September 2021
Lands and Peoples
Bartov, O. (ed)
The conflict between Israel and Palestine has raised a plethora of unanswered questions, generated seemingly unreconcilable narratives, and profoundly transformed the land’s physical and political geography. This volume seeks to provide a deeper understanding of the links between the region that is now known as Israel and Palestine and its peoples—both those that live there as well as those who relate to it as a mental, mythical, or religious landscape.
Subjects: Peace and Conflict Studies History: 18th/19th Century History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published March 2012
Israeli Identities
Jews and Arabs Facing the Self and the Other
Auron, Y.
Subjects: Jewish Studies Sociology
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Published June 2003
Issues in Medical Research Ethics
Boomgaarden, J. & Louhiala, P & Wiesing, U.
Subject: Medical Anthropology
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eBook available
Published July 2024
Istanbul at the Threshold of Nation State
Allied Occupation, National Resistance, and Political Conflict, 1918-1923
Ülker, E.
In 1920s and 30s Turkey, the rise of Christian exclusionary movements and policies were backed by nationalist labor and merchant federations. An Imperial Capital at the Threshold of Nation State traces these formations in political dissent and coalition to the faction split of Turkish national movement in the middle of 1922.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present History: World War I
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eBook available
Published November 2019
It Happens Among People
Resonances and Extensions of the Work of Fredrik Barth
Wu, K. & Weller, R. P. (eds)
Written by eleven leading anthropologists from around the world, this volume extends the insights of Fredrik Barth, one of the most important anthropologists of the twentieth century, to push even further at the frontiers of anthropology.
Subject: Anthropology (General)
Paperback available -
Published January 2008
Italian Neofascism
The Strategy of Tension and the Politics of Nonreconciliation
Bull, A. Cento
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
Paperback available -
Published February 2004
Italy Between Europeanization and Domestic Politics
Fabbrini, S. & Sala, V. Della (eds)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present