By Title
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Published March 2010
'For Their Own Good'
Civilian Evacuations in Germany and France, 1939-1945
Torrie, J. S.
The early twentieth-century advent of aerial bombing made successful evacuations essential to any war effort, but ordinary people resented them deeply. Based on extensive archival research in Germany and France, this is the first broad, comparative study of civilian evacuations in Germany and France during World War II
Subject: History: World War II
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Forthcoming May 2025
Fabrics of Anthropological Knowledge
Changing Perspectives in Europe and Beyond
Birkalan-Gedik, H. & Dimpflmeier, F. (eds)
Challenging the long-standing anthropological centre-periphery dichotomy and examining the transnational circulations of people, concepts and practices, this volume critiques and brings together a nuanced understanding of how anthropological knowledge is produced and circulated across the globe.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Theory and Methodology
eBook available
Published September 2020
Facing the Crisis
Ethnographies of Work in Italian Industrial Capitalism
D'Aloisio, F. & Ghezzi, S. (eds)
Facing the Crisis brings together ethnographic material from anthropological research projects carried out in various Italian industrial locations during the last economic crisis. With its wide number of locations and industries, the volume looks at all corners of the diverse Italian manufacturing system.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Political and Economic Anthropology Sociology
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Published March 2013
Factions, Friends and Feasts
Anthropological Perspectives on the Mediterranean
Boissevain, J.
Subjects: Travel and Tourism Anthropology (General)
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Published November 2022
Fairies, Ghosts, and Santa Claus
Tinted Glasses, Fetishes, and the Politics of Seeing
Doerr, N. M.
Investigating the politics of seeing and its effects, this book draws on Slavoj Žižek’s notion of fetish and Walter Benjamin’s notion of the optical unconscious to offer new concepts: “tinted glasses”, through which we see the world; “unit-thinking”, which renders the world as consisting of discrete units; and “coherants”, which help fragmented experiences cohere into something intelligible.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General) Theory and Methodology
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Published October 2004
Fairness and Division of Labor in Market Societies
Comparison of U.S. and German Automotive Industries
Kwon, H.-K.
Subject: History (General)
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Published August 2024
Faith in War
Religion and the Military in Germany, c.1500-1650
Funke, N. M.
Confession played an important role in the wars that ravaged Europe until around 1650, but the religiosity of the men and women during this period is still underexplored. Faith in War shows that confessional coexistence became a fact of army life as people from all over Europe followed the Christian life in the chaos of war.
Subjects: History: Medieval/Early Modern Anthropology of Religion
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Published June 2015
Faithfully Urban
Pious Muslims in a German City
Kuppinger, P.
A pious Muslim population lives in the southern German city of Stuttgart, where, even in the face of resentment and discrimination, they create meaningful lives. The author introduces and examines the lives of these individuals and communities, set within a city that accommodates the needs and sensibilities of both Muslims and non-Muslims.
Subjects: Urban Studies Anthropology of Religion
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Published November 2019
Fame Amid the Ruins
Italian Film Stardom in the Age of Neorealism
Gundle, S.
Italian cinema gave rise to some of the best-known films of the postwar years, and its stars were beloved by both the public and producers. This book explores the many conflicts over stars and stardom that arose during Italian cinema’s postwar rebirth, shedding new light on the close relationship forged between cinema and society.
Subjects: Film and Television Studies History: 20th Century to Present
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Published December 2024
Family Beyond Family
The Varieties of Kinship Experience
Shipton, P. & Ito-Adler, J. P. (eds)
Arguably all humans invent or accept forms of family beyond those that are close biological kin. These fictive forms of kinship may vary across diverse cultures and serve different purposes. This book explores a wide variety of such kinship formations, while observing and examining the principles and purposes behind them.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology
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Published June 2013
Family Upheaval
Generation, Mobility and Relatedness among Pakistani Migrants in Denmark
Rytter, M.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published May 1996
Fascism and Theatre
Comparative Studies on the Aesthetics and Politics of Performance in Europe, 1925-1945
Berghaus, G. (ed)
Subjects: Performance Studies History: World War II Literary Studies
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Published May 2017
Fascism without Borders
Transnational Connections and Cooperation between Movements and Regimes in Europe from 1918 to 1945
Bauerkämper, A. & Rossolińki-Liebe, G. (eds)
Despite its reputation for ultra-nationalism, Fascism understood itself as a transnational political movement. Through a series of fascinating case studies, this expansive collection examines fascism’s transational dimension, from the movements inspired by the early example of Fascist Italy to the international antifascist organizations that emerged in subsequent years.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published February 2024
Fascist Europe
From Italian Supremacy to Subservience to the Reich (1932-1943)
Fioravanzo, M.
Examining the unexplored project for a new European order developed by Italian intellectuals, Fascist Europe reconstructs the theoretical debates that shaped relationships between Fascist Italy, the Nazi Reich, and other Axis nations. In doing so it sheds light on how much the order may have prospectively united or divided the Fascist regime and the Nazi Reich in the post-war order.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present History: World War II
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Published May 2016
Fascist Interactions
Proposals for a New Approach to Fascism and Its Era, 1919-1945
Roberts, D. D.
Increasingly, scholars of fascism have called for a new agenda with research beyond Italy and Germany, less preoccupation with classification, and sustained attention to the relationships among different fascist formations. Starting from a critical assessment of these imperatives, this volume charts a path that deemphasizes rigid distinctions while still deploying reasonably rigorous criteria of differentiation.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published March 2019
Fate Calculation Experts
Diviners Seeking Legitimation in Contemporary China
Li, G.
As the practice of divination, long stigmatized as an immoral superstition, enjoys a revival in contemporary China, Fate Calculation Experts explores the various ways in which diviners attempt to achieve legitimation in a society which identifies strongly with modernity, science, and rationality.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Anthropology of Religion
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Published July 2011
Fatness and the Maternal Body
Women's Experiences of Corporeality and the Shaping of Social Policy
Unnithan-Kumar, M. & Tremayne, S. (eds)
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Gender Studies and Sexuality
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Published May 2015
Fault Lines
Earthquakes and Urbanism in Modern Italy
Parrinello, G.
Although earthquakes can have disastrous effects on human lives and environments, they can also significantly influence urban development. This book follows the history of two Italian seismic disasters — the 1908 Messina earthquake and the 1968 earthquake in the Belice Valley, Sicily — exploring plans preceding the destruction and the urbanism that emerged from the ruins.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) History: 20th Century to Present
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Published October 2001
Fear in Bongoland
Burundi Refugees in Urban Tanzania
Sommers, M.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Peace and Conflict Studies Development Studies
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Published January 2002
Federalism Doomed?
European Federalism between Integration and Separation
Heinemann-Grüder, A. (ed)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published March 2023
Feeding Anxieties
The Politics of Children's Food in Poland
Boni, Z.
Focusing on the underlying politics behind children’s food, this book highlights the variety of social relationships, expectations and emotions ingrained in feeding children In Poland. With rich ethnographic accounts, including research with children, the book demonstrates how families, schools, the food industry and state agencies shape and experience feeding anxieties.
Subjects: Food & Nutrition Anthropology (General) Sociology
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Published January 2020
Feelings Materialized
Emotions, Bodies, and Things in Germany, 1500–1950
Hillard, D., Lempa, H., & Spinney, R. (eds)
Examining the material aspects of emotion, this volume encompasses technology, photography, aesthetics, and a variety of other historical themes in an innovative application of emotion studies. Feelings Materialized brings together an interdisciplinary group of Germanists to unveil the emotions embedded in the world of things and bodies.
Subjects: History: 18th/19th Century Media Studies History: Medieval/Early Modern Literary Studies
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Published May 2015
Fellow Tribesmen
The Image of Native Americans, National Identity, and Nazi Ideology in Germany
Usbeck, F.
Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, Germans exhibited a widespread cultural passion for tales and representations of Native Americans. Pervasive and adaptable, imagery of Native Americans was appropriated by Nazi propaganda and merged with exceptionalist notions of German tribalism, oxymoronically promoting the Nazis' racial ideology.
Subjects: History: 18th/19th Century History: 20th Century to Present Cultural Studies (General) Literary Studies
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Published September 2017
Fertility, Conjuncture, Difference
Anthropological Approaches to the Heterogeneity of Modern Fertility Declines
Kreager, P. & Bochow, A. (eds)
In the last forty years anthropologists have made major contributions to understanding the heterogeneity of reproductive trends and processes underlying them. Fertility transition, rather than the story of the triumphant spread of Western birth control rationality, family forms, and modern technology to the whole world, reveals a diversity of reproductive means and ends continuing before, during, and after transition.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Gender Studies and Sexuality
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Published December 2007
Fetishes and Monuments
Afro-Brazilian Art and Culture in the 20th Century
Sansi, R.
Subjects: Heritage Studies Museum Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published July 2022
Field Manual for the Archaeology of Ritual, Religion, and Magic
Augé , C. R.
By bringing together in one place specific objects, materials, and features indicating ritual, religious, or magical belief used by people around the world and through time, this tool will assist archaeologists in identifying evidence of belief-related behaviors and broadening their understanding of how those behaviors may also be seen through less obvious evidential lines.
Subjects: Archaeology History (General) Anthropology of Religion
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eBook available
Published August 2019
Fierce Medicines, Fragile Socialities
Grounding Global HIV Treatment in Tanzania
Mattes, D.
Looking at Tanga, a city on the Tanzanian Swahili coast, Dominik Mattes examines the implementation of antiretroviral HIV-treatment (ART) in the area, exploring the manifold infrastructural and social fragilities of treatment provision in public HIV clinics as well as patients’ multi-layered struggles of coming to terms with ART in their everyday lives.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Development Studies Sustainable Development Goals
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Published January 2020
Fifty Years of Peasant Wars in Latin America
Binford, L., Gill, L., & Striffler, S. (eds)
Informed by Eric Wolf’s Peasant Wars of the Twentieth Century, published in 1969, this book examines selected peasant struggles in seven Latin American countries during the last fifty years and suggests the continuing relevance of Wolf’s approach.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Anthropology (General)
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Published February 2024
Fig Trees and Humans
Ficus Ecology and Mutualisms across Cultures
Aumeeruddy-Thomas, Y.
Fig Trees and Humans examines the interactions between the biology and ecology of the genus Ficus and how humans use and think of Ficus species across the tropics and in the Mediterranean region.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Environmental Studies (General)
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Published July 2015
Figuration Work
Student Participation, Democracy and University Reform in a Global Knowledge Economy
Nielsen, G. B.
What should the role of students be in shaping their education, their university, and the wider society? This book seeks to answer these questions following recent international educational reforms. Using Denmark as the prism, the author reflects on and questions the kinds of future citizens who will emerge from current reforms.
Subjects: Educational Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published August 2015
Figurations of the Future
Forms and Temporalities of Left Radical Politics in Northern Europe
Krøijer, S.
Built around key events, this book explores politics among left radical activists in Northern Europe. The author recasts theoretical concerns about politics and aesthetics, drawing on anthropological literature from Scandinavia and the Amazon to establish analogies between perceptions of the body, autonomy, forests and capitalism.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Political and Economic Anthropology
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eBook available
Published August 2015
Final Sale in Berlin
The Destruction of Jewish Commercial Activity, 1930-1945
Kreutzmüller, C.
Reconstructing the fate of more than 8,000 companies, this book offers the first comprehensive analysis of Jewish economic activity and its destruction in Nazi Berlin
Subjects: Genocide History History: 20th Century to Present
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Published August 2020
Relational Approaches
Hann, C. & Kalb, D. (eds)
Beginning with an original historical vision of financialization in human history, this volume then continues with a rich set of contemporary ethnographic case studies from Europe, Asia and Africa. Authors explore how finance influences social and economic structures in different environments.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Political and Economic Anthropology History (General)
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Published April 2007
Finding Europe
Discourses on Margins, Communities, Images
Molho, A. & Ramada Curto, D. (eds)
Subject: History: Medieval/Early Modern
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Published February 2023
Finding Home in Europe
Chronicles of Global Migrants
Pérez Murcia, L. E. & Bonfanti, S. (eds)
Bringing together the voices of nine individuals from an archive of over 200 in-depth interviews with transnational migrants and refugees across five European countries, Finding Home in Europe critically engages with how home is experienced by those who move.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Theory and Methodology
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Published May 2020
Finding Ways Through Eurospace
West African Movers Re-viewing Europe from the Inside
Schapendonk, J.
Studying the im/mobility trajectories of West Africans in the EU, this book presents a new approach to West African migrants in Europe. Based on a trajectory ethnography, this book discusses how African migrants are confronted with rigid mobility regimes, but also how they manage to transgress and circumvent them.
Subjects: Mobility Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published May 2007
Fire in the Dark
Telling Gypsiness in North East England
Buckler, S.
Subjects: Applied Anthropology Sociology Anthropology (General)
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Published April 2022
Fire on the Island
Fear, Hope and a Christian Revival in Vanuatu
Bratrud, T.
In 2014, the island of Ahamb in Vanuatu became the scene of a startling Christian revival movement led by thirty children with ‘spiritual vision’. Based on twenty months of ethnographic fieldwork on Ahamb between 2010 and 2017, this book investigates how upheavals like the Ahamb revival can emerge to address and sometimes resolve social problems.
Subjects: Anthropology of Religion Anthropology (General)
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Published December 2008
Fishers and Scientists in Modern Turkey
The Management of Natural Resources, Knowledge and Identity on the Eastern Black Sea Coast
Knudsen, S.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Development Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published March 2023
Fixing Motorcycles in Post-Repair Societies
Technology, Aesthetics and Gender
Jderu, G.
Taking motorcycling in Romania as an ethnographic entry point, this book documents how bikers handle the inevitable moment of malfunction and breakdown. Using both mobile and sedentary research methods, the book describes the joys and troubles experienced by amateur mechanics, professional mechanics and untechnical male and females when fixing bikes.
Subjects: Mobility Studies Sociology Gender Studies and Sexuality
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Published March 2015
Flexible Capitalism
Exchange and Ambiguity at Work
Kjaerulff, J. (ed)
Introducing anthropological exchange theory to a wider readership, this volume explores sociality in work environments marked by the kind of structural changes that have come to define contemporary “flexible” capitalism. It makes a novel contribution to a trans-disciplinary scholarship on contemporary economic practice, and to the anthropological literature on work and on exchange.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Political and Economic Anthropology
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eBook available
Published September 2010
Flexible Firm
The Design of Culture at Bang & Olufsen
Krause-Jensen, J.
Subject: Applied Anthropology
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Published December 2003
Flight of Fantasy
New Perspectives on Inner Emigration in German Literature 1933-1945
Donahue N.H. & Kirchner D. (eds)
Subjects: Literary Studies History: World War II
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Published March 2021
Floating Economies
The Cultural Ecology of the Dal Lake in Kashmir, India
Casimir, M. J.
In the Himalayas of the Indian part of Kashmir three communities depend on the ecology of the Dal lake: market gardeners, houseboat owners and fishers. Floating Economies describes for the first time the complex intermeshing economy, social structure and ecology of the area against the background of history and the present volatile socio-political situation.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Environmental Studies (General) Sustainable Development Goals
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Published June 2010
Folk Healing and Health Care Practices in Britain and Ireland
Stethoscopes, Wands and Crystals
Moore, R. & McClean, S. (eds)
Subject: Medical Anthropology
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Published December 1999
Folsom Lithic Technology
Explorations in Structure and Variation
Amick, D. S. (ed)
This book offers a series of studies focused on the analysis of stone tool technology of the Folsom Culture. The analyses presented here use comparative methods to identify patterns of lithic assemblage structure and variation that provide insights into the organization of Folsom technology and lifeways, considering multiple aspects of Folsom technology.
Subject: Archaeology
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Published April 2024
Food and Families in the Making
Knowledge Reproduction and Political Economy of Cooking in Morocco
Graf, K.
Food and Families in the Making looks at knowledge reproduction about how we know cooking and its role in the making of everyday family life. It also examines a political economy of cooking that situates Marrakchi women’s lived experience in the broader context of persisting poverty and food insecurity in Morocco.
Subjects: Food & Nutrition Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General)
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Published June 2019
Food and Sustainability in the Twenty-First Century
Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives
Collinson, P., Young, I., Antal, L., & Macbeth, H. (eds)
Sustainability is one of the great problems facing food production today. Using cross-disciplinary perspectives from international scholars working in social, cultural and biological anthropology, ecology and environmental biology, this volume brings many new perspectives to the problems we face.
Subjects: Food & Nutrition Anthropology (General) Sustainable Development Goals
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Published May 1996
Food and the Status Quest
An Interdisciplinary Perspective
Wiessner, P. & Schiefenhövel, W. (eds)
Subjects: Food & Nutrition Anthropology (General)
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Published May 2022
Food Connections
Production, Exchange and Consumption in West African Migration
Abranches, M.
Food Connections follows the movement of food from its production sites in West Africa to its final spaces of consumption in Europe. It is an ethnographic study of economic and social life amongst a close-knit community of food producers, traders andconsumers and a wide range of small intermediaries that operate in Guinea-Bissau and Portugal.
Subjects: Food & Nutrition Anthropology (General) Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published February 2017
Food Culture
Anthropology, Linguistics and Food Studies
Chrzan, J. & Brett, J. (eds)
This volume offers a comprehensive guide to methods used in the sociocultural, linguistic and historical research of food use. This volume is unique in offering food-related research methods from multiple academic disciplines, and includes methods that bridge disciplines to provide a thorough review of best practices.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Food & Nutrition
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Published September 2000
Food for Health, Food for Wealth
Ethnic and Gender Identities in British Iranian Communities
Harbottle, L.
Subjects: Food & Nutrition Anthropology (General)
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Published February 2017
Food Health
Nutrition, Technology, and Public Health
Chrzan, J. & Brett, J. (eds)
This volume provides in-depth analysis and comprehensive review of methods necessary to design, plan, implement and analyze public health programming related to food and nutrition using anthropological best practices.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Food & Nutrition
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Published September 2014
Food in Zones of Conflict
Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives
Collinson, P. and Macbeth, H. (eds)
Controlling food and access to food can be used as a weapon. This is an especially significant issue in zones of conflict, because conflict impinges on the production and the distribution of food causing increased competition for food, land and resources. These themes unite the chapters of Food in Zones of Conflict, but since the topic is multidisciplinary, this volume appeals specialists in any field.
Subjects: Peace and Conflict Studies Food & Nutrition Anthropology (General)
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Published November 1997
Food Preferences and Taste
Continuity and Change
Macbeth, H.
Subjects: Food & Nutrition Anthropology (General)
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Published January 2017
Food Research
Nutritional Anthropology and Archaeological Methods
Chrzan, J. & Brett, J. (eds)
Biocultural and archaeological research on food, past and present, often relies on very specific, precise, methods for data collection and analysis. These are presented here in a broad-based review.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Food & Nutrition Archaeology
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Published January 2012
Foodscapes, Foodfields, and Identities in the YucatÁn
Ayora-Diaz, S. I.
Subjects: Food & Nutrition Anthropology (General)
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Published July 2013
Foodways and Empathy
Relatedness in a Ramu River Society, Papua New Guinea
Poser, A. von
Subjects: Food & Nutrition Anthropology (General)
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Published October 2022
Football Nation
The Playing Fields of German Culture, History, and Society
Dawson, R., Heinsohn, B., Knabe, O., & McDougall, A. (eds)
Germany’s football culture has a historically rich background full of transnational entanglements, German identity formation, and fan cultures. Football Nation constructs new insights surrounding the multifaceted landscapes of German historical and contemporary football debates as it investigates football’s role in discourses on culture, history, and politics.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Cultural Studies (General)
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Published June 2017
Footprints in Paradise
Ecotourism, Local Knowledge, and Nature Therapies in Okinawa
Murray, A. E.
In Okinawa, ecotourism promises to provide employment for a dwindling population of rural youth while preserving the natural environment and bolstering regional pride. Footprints in Paradise explores how sense of place in Okinawa is transformed as language, landscapes, and wildlife are reconstituted as treasured and vulnerable resources.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Travel and Tourism Environmental Studies (General) Sustainable Development Goals
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Published October 2023
Foreigners in Their Own Country
Identity and Rejection in France
Martin, L. M.
Paying close attention to how people speak about themselves and their acceptance and rejection by others, this book provides an intimate account of the challenges faced by the millions of people in France—and throughout Western Europe—who fully participate in the life of their country but are often not seen as belonging there.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Refugee and Migration Studies Sociology
eBook available
Published March 2022
Forging Architectural Tradition
National Narratives, Monument Preservation and Architectural Work in the Nineteenth Century
Damjanović, D. & Łupienko, Al. (eds)
During the nineteenth century, a change developed in the way architectural objects from the distant past were viewed by contemporaries. Architectural heritage often was (and still is) an important element of nation building. Authors address the process of building national myths around certain architectural objects. National narratives are questioned, as is the position architectural heritage played in the nineteenth and the early twentieth centuries.
Subjects: Heritage Studies History (General) Cultural Studies (General)
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Published April 2010
Forging Political Identity
Silk and Metal Workers in Lyon, France 1900-1939
Mann, K.
Subjects: History (General) History: 20th Century to Present Sociology Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published November 1996
Forging the Collective Memory
Government and International Historians through Two World Wars
Wilson, K. (ed)
Subjects: History: World War I History: World War II Memory Studies
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Published March 2023
Former Neighbors, Future Allies?
German Studies and Ethnography in Dialogue
Weber, A. D. (ed)
Former Neighbors, Future Allies is a key bridge into the research and perspectives needed to nurture ethnography’s growing role in German studies. This volume creates a space for dialogue between North American Germanists and ethnographers in and of the German-speaking world, enriching both fields in the process.
Subjects: History (General) Anthropology (General)
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Published June 2012
Fortune and the Cursed
The Sliding Scale of Time in Mongolian Divination
Swancutt, K.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Anthropology of Religion
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Published October 2017
Foucault's Orient
The Conundrum of Cultural Difference, From Tunisia to Japan
Lazreg, M.
Using interviews with scholars from Tunisia and Japan, this book examines the manner in which Foucault experienced and explained his encounters with non-Western cultures, unraveling the anthropological implications of his unwavering commitment to cultural difference. It also traces the philosophical-theoretical sources of his conception of difference, and uncovers the contradictions of his dismissal of empirical anthropology to know human beings.
Subjects: Sociology Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General)
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Published October 2004
Foundations of National Identity
From Catalonia to Europe
Llobera, J.
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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Published February 2021
Four-Color Communism
Comic Books and Contested Power in the German Democratic Republic
Eedy, S.
As with all other forms of popular culture, comics in East Germany were tightly controlled by the state. Comics were employed as extensions of the regime’s educational system, delivering state ideology to develop the socialist personality among youth. The East German children who avidly read these comics, however, found their own meanings and projected their own desires in them.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Media Studies
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Published December 2005
Fracturing Resemblances
Identity and Mimetic Conflict in Melanesia and the West
Harrison, S.
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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Published February 2024
Fragile Futures
Ambiguities of Care in Burkina Faso
Samuelsen, H.
Caring for small children and the family in Burkina Faso is hard work. Although the health infrastructure in Burkina Faso is weak and many citizens feel neglected by the state, Fragile Futures shows that the state continues to play an important role in people’s engagements and hopes for a better future.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Medical Anthropology Development Studies Sustainable Development Goals
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Published September 2013
Fragmented Fatherland
Immigration and Cold War Conflict in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1945-1980
Clarkson, A.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published June 2013
Framing Africa
Portrayals of a Continent in Contemporary Mainstream Cinema
Eltringham, N. (ed)
Subjects: Film and Television Studies Anthropology (General) History (General)
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Published July 2007
Framing the Fifties
Cinema in a Divided Germany
Davidson, J. & Hake, S. (eds)
Subjects: Film and Television Studies History: 20th Century to Present
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Published January 2015
France After 2012
Goodliffe, G. & Brizzi, R. (eds)
In May 2012, French voters rejected the liberalizing policies of Nicolas Sarkozy and elected his opponent, the Socialist François Hollande, president. This book analyzes the context and results of the French 2012 presidential and parliamentary elections and sets out the principal challenges facing the new administration and government in their wake.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published June 1995
France and America in the Revolutionary Era
The Life of Jacques-Donatien Leray de Chaumont, 1725-1803
Schaeper, T. J.
Subject: History: 18th/19th Century
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Published December 2007
France and the Construction of Europe, 1944-2007
The Geopolitical Imperative
Sutton, M.
Subjects: History (General) History: 20th Century to Present
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Published July 2019
France and the German Question, 1945–1990
Bozo, F. & Wenkel, C. (eds)
This book revisits France’s attitude towards the German question as it existed and evolved during the post-World War Two and the Cold War eras in order to shed light on previously neglected aspect of the history of the Cold War, of Germany, and of Europe in the second half of the twentieth century.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published November 2000
France At War in the Twentieth Century
Propaganda, Myth, and Metaphor
Holman, V. & Kelly, D. (eds)
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present History: World War I History: World War II Media Studies
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Published June 2011
France in the Age of Organization
Factory, Home and Nation from the 1920s to Vichy
Clarke, J.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Sociology
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Published May 2005
France in the Era of Fascism
Essays on the French Authoritarian Right
Jenkins, B. (ed)
Subject: History: World War II
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Published January 2022
France, Germany, and Nuclear Deterrence
Quarrels and Convergences during the Cold War and Beyond
Badalassi, N. & Gloriant, F. (eds)
France, Germany, and the Nuclear Deterrence employs a multi-archival approach to the legacy of World War II and the bipolar division of Europe. The volume longitudinally covers the post-war, Cold War and post-Cold War eras and leads into the present day to focus on the history of Franco-German strategic and nuclear relations within an evolving Euro-Atlantic security architecture.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published January 2022
Françoise Héritier
Gaillard, G.
A great intellectual figure, Françoise Héritier succeeded Claude Lévi-Strauss as the Chair of Anthropology at the Collège de France in 1982. She was both an Africanist, author of magnificent works on the Samo population, the scientific progenitor of kinship studies, the creator of a theoretical base to feminist thought and an activist for many causes.
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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Published September 2022
Francophone Migrations, French Islam and Wellbeing
The Soninké Foyer in Paris
Accoroni, D.
Addressing several issues of significance in the fields of Anthropology of Migration, Politics of Healthcare, Religious and Francophone Studies, this book pursues an unprecedented line of research by bringing to the fore the geopolitical dimension of francophonie, understood as a political construct, as much as a cultural, artistic and a linguistic space, with French as common language.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Refugee and Migration Studies Anthropology of Religion
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eBook available
Published December 2021
Franz Baermann Steiner
A Stranger in the World
Adler, J. & Fardon, R.
Franz Baermann Steiner (1909-52) provided the vital link between the intellectual culture of central Europe and the Oxford Institute of Anthropology in its post-Second World War years.
This book demonstrates his quiet influence within anthropology, which has extended from Mary Douglas to David Graeber, and how his remarkable poetry reflected profoundly on the slavery and murder of the Shoah.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology Literary Studies
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Published October 2005
Free Will, Consciousness and Self
Anthropological Perspectives on Psychology
Bertelsen, P.
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Cultural Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published March 2013
French Film in Britain
Sex, Art and Cinephilia
Mazdon, L. & Wheatley, C.
Subject: Film and Television Studies
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eBook available
Published August 2016
French Foreign Policy since 1945
An Introduction
Bozo, F.
This compact and engaging history recounts France’s efforts to reconcile its proud history and global ambitions with a realistic appraisal of its capabilities following World War II. It provides insightful analysis of decolonization, the Cold War, and European unification, always attentive to the challenges posed by an increasingly multipolar, interconnected world.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published June 2004
French Intellectuals Against the Left
The Antitotalitarian Moment of the 1970s
Christofferson, M. S.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published January 2003
French Women in Politics: Writing Power
Paternal Legitimization and Maternal Legacies
Ramsay, R. L.
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality Political and Economic Anthropology
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eBook available
Published May 2010
Friendly Enemies
Britain and the GDR, 1949-1990
Berger, S. & LaPorte, N.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published March 2020
Friendship without Borders
Women's Stories of Power, Politics, and Everyday Life across East and West Germany
Leask, P.
Drawing on a set of interviews and a thousand letters written over fifty years, Friendship, Power, and Everyday Life considers how a group of women, self-defined as non-political, experienced, accepted, rejected, or countered the exercise of power across twentieth-century regimes in Germany.
Subjects: History (General) Sociology Gender Studies and Sexuality
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Published May 2014
Friendship, Descent and Alliance in Africa
Anthropological Perspectives
Guichard, M., Grätz, T., & Diallo, Y. (eds)
Friendship, descent and alliance are basic forms of relatedness that have received unequal attention in social anthropology. Offering new insights into the ways in which friendship is conceptualized and realized in various sub-Saharan African settings, the contributions to this volume depart from the recent tendency to study friendship in isolation from kinship. In drawing attention to the complexity of the interactions between these two kinds of social relationships, the book suggests that analyses of friendship in Western societies would also benefit from research that explores more systematically friendship in conjunction with kinship.
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published May 2014
From Antiquities to Heritage
Transformations of Cultural Memory
Eriksen, A.
What does it mean when runic stones or medieval churches are transformed from antiquities to monuments to heritage sites? This book argues that the transformations concern more than words alone: They reflect fundamental changes in the way we experience the past, and the way historical objects are assigned meaning and value in the present.
Subjects: Museum Studies Memory Studies Heritage Studies
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Published May 2013
From Berlusconi to Monti
Bosco, A. & McDonnell, D. (eds)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published July 2019
From Bullies to Officers and Gentlemen
How Notions of Professionalism and Civility Transformed the Ghana Armed Forces
Agyekum, H. A.
Based on unprecedented access to the Ghanaian military barracks and inspired by the recent resurgence of coups in West Africa, the book assesses why and how the Ghana Armed Forces were transformed from an organisation that actively orchestrated coups into an institution that accepts the authority of the democratically elected civilian government.
Subjects: Peace and Conflict Studies Applied Anthropology
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Published December 1996
From Caligari to California
Eric Pommer's Life in the International Film Wars
Hardt, U.
Subjects: Film and Television Studies History: 20th Century to Present Cultural Studies (General)
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Published August 2001
From Chains to Bonds
The Slave Trade Revisited
Diène, D. (ed)
Subject: Colonial History
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Published November 2017
From Clans to Co-ops
Confiscated Mafia Land in Sicily
Rakopoulos, T.
From Clans to Co-ops explores the social, political, and economic relations that enable the constitution of cooperatives through antimafia transformation of landholdings. The volume is the first monograph on Sicily’s rural antimafia movement, contributing to the anthropology and sociology of cooperatives, as well as to broader debates about small-scale democratic institutions, food movements and agrarian activism.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Political and Economic Anthropology Food & Nutrition
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eBook available
Published September 2016
From Craftsmen to Capitalists
German Artisans from the Third Reich to the Federal Republic, 1939-1953
McKitrick, F. L.
As Hitler consolidated power, German artisans emerged as an important Nazi constituency, drawn by the party’s rejection of both capitalism and Bolshevism. Yet, after 1945, they became one of the pillars of postwar stability. This volume gives the first account of this astonishing transformation, exploring how tradesmen helped to realize German democratization and recovery.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Political and Economic Anthropology Sociology
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eBook available
Published October 2017
From Eastern Bloc to European Union
Comparative Processes of Transformation since 1990
Heydemann, G. & Vodička, K. (eds)
This volume assembles detailed, empirically grounded studies of eleven former Soviet states and current EU members. Each chapter analyzes the political, economic, and social transformation processes that have taken place in a given nation, identifying structural similarities and assessing outcomes compared to one another as well as the rest of Europe.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published April 2013
From Fidelity to History
Film Adaptations as Cultural Events in the Twentieth Century
Scholz, A.-M.
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) History: 20th Century to Present Film and Television Studies
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Forthcoming July 2025
From Hard Rock to Heavy Metal
Metal Tool Production and Use by Indigenous Hunter-Gatherers of North America
Bebber, M. R. & Wolff, C. B. (eds)
In North America metal use by hunter-gatherer populations began as early as 9,000 years ago and continued into modern times. The regional and cultural diversity of research in this volume contributes to how we conceptualize hunter-gatherer innovation, technological proficiency, and complex decision-making in the past.
Subjects: Archaeology Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General)
Forthcoming April 2025
From Legacies to Futures
The Lifeworlds of Older Adults in Europe
Seidel, K., Prendergast, D., & Saris, A. J.
Through ninety-four ethnographic case studies of community dwelling older adults in Europe before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, this book highlights the importance of agency, friction between self-perceptions on age and outside impositions and the need to deconstruct old age as a homogenizing category of belonging.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Medical Anthropology Sociology
eBook available
Published January 2023
From Missionaries to Main Street
The Story of One Sgaw Karen Family in the United States
Gilhooly, D.
The Htoo family, who are Sgaw Karen and originally from Burma, resettled in the United States refugee resettlement program in 2007. This book chronicles their life in their new country. The book provides historical and cultural information on the Sgaw Karen people against the backdrop of the Htoo family’s path from Burma to Thailand.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Anthropology (General) Sociology
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Published January 1997
From Peace to War
Germany, Soviet Russia, and the World, 1939-1941
Wegner, B.
Subjects: History: World War II
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Published September 1998
From Recovery to Catastrophe
Municipal Stabilization and Political Crisis
Lieberman, B.
Subjects: History (General) History: 20th Century to Present
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Published January 2015
From Self-fulfilment to Survival of the Fittest
Work in European Cinema from the 1960s to the Present
Mazierska, E.
Contrary to the assumption that Western and Eastern European economies and cinemas were very different from each other, they actually had much in common. After the Second World War both the East and the West adopted a mixed system, containing elements of both socialism and capitalism, and from the 1980s on the whole of Europe, albeit at an uneven speed, followed the neoliberal agenda. This book examines how the economic systems of the East and West impacted labor by focusing on the representation of work in European cinema.
Subject: Film and Television Studies
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Published December 2018
From Storeroom to Stage
Romanian Attire and the Politics of Folklore
Urdea, A.
Tracing in reverse the journey of a collection of Romanian folk objects from a museum in London back to the villages where they were made, From Storeroom to Stage explores the role that material culture plays in the production of value and meaning.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Museum Studies Heritage Studies
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Published August 2006
From Tax Populism to Ethnic Nationalism
Radical Right-wing Populism in Sweden
Rydgren, J.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Sociology
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eBook available
Published November 2010
From the Bonn to the Berlin Republic
Germany at the Twentieth Anniversary of Unification
Anderson, J. & Langenbacher, E. (eds)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Forthcoming March 2025
From Triads to Pentads
Modelling Myth and Kinship in the Work of N.J. Allen
Allen, N. J. (au) & Parkin, R. (ed)
N.J. (‘Nick’) Allen had an extensive academic career, which for the most part was spent in Oxford. He passed away in 2020. This edited volume brings together a selection of his anthropological papers. It follows key areas of his research in which his contributions were novel, innovative, stimulating and plausible.
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Anthropology (General)
Published June 2023
From Village Commons to Public Goods
Graduated Provision in Urbanizing China
Trémon, A.-C.
Illuminating the complex processes of China’s uneven urbanization through the lens of the transition from village commons to public goods, this book is set in three urbanized villages in Shenzhen, Chengdu, and Xi’an, which have experienced similar demographic explosions and dramatic changes to their landscapes, the livelihoods of its inhabitants, and the power structures governing their residents.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Urban Studies Sociology Sustainable Development Goals
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Published March 2015
From Virtue to Vice
Negotiating Anorexia
O' Connor, R. A. & Esterik, P. van
The recovered hold the key to overcoming anorexia. This volume weaves together sufferers’ stories to reveal two accidental afflictions: misdirected development and an activity disorder. Also, as the recovered know anorexia from the inside, they can offer solutions to help other sufferers recover.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Food & Nutrition
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Published November 2018
From Weimar to Hitler
Studies in the Dissolution of the Weimar Republic and the Establishment of the Third Reich, 1932-1934
Beck, H. & Jones, L. E. (eds)
From Weimar to Hitler examines the crisis of Weimar democracy, the establishment of the Nazi dictatorship, and the Nazi consolidation of power, drawing from multiple perspectives to discover whether the transition from Weimar to Hitler was historically predetermined or the product of human miscalculation and intent.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published April 1999
From World War to Waldheim
Culture and Politics in Austria and the United States
Good, D. & Wodak, R. (eds)
Subjects: History: World War I Cultural Studies (General)
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Published November 2024
Frontier Ethnographies
Deconstructing Research Experiences in Afghanistan and Pakistan
Choudhury, N. & Schmeding, A. (eds)
Frontier Ethnographies explores the ethnographic edges of contemporary anthropological inquiry in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Through examining moments of insecurity, vulnerability, doubt, fear, failure, and daydreaming, the volume reflects on the researchers’ experiences and challenges of doing field research in frontier settings.
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Political and Economic Anthropology
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eBook available
Published June 2018
Frontiers of Civil Society
Government and Hegemony in Serbia
Mikuš, M.
Frontiers of Civil Society is a historical anthropological analysis of the roles of ‘civil society’ in Serbia’s postsocialist and postauthoritarian transformation, focusing mainly on a set of interventions through which various civil society forces supported neoliberalization and transnational integration as part of a hegemonic project of social transformation after the rule of Slobodan Milošević.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Political and Economic Anthropology History: 20th Century to Present
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Published February 2009
Frustrated Aspirations for Change
Donovan, M. & Onofri, P. (eds)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published September 2011
Funerals in Africa
Explorations of a Social Phenomenon
Jindra, M. & Noret, J. (eds)
This volume brings together scholars who have conducted research on funerary events across sub-Saharan Africa. The contributions offer an in-depth understanding of the broad changes and underlying causes in African societies over the years, such as changes in religious beliefs, social structure, urbanization, and technological changes and health.
Subjects: Anthropology of Religion Anthropology (General)
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Published April 1996
Futurism and Politics
Between Anarchist Rebellion and Fascist Reaction, 1909-1944
Berghaus, G.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Cultural Studies (General)