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SELECT rowtag,isbn,e_isbn,oa_isbn,cover_img,author_index,title_index,title_detail,subtitle,subject_1,subject_2,subject_3,subject_4,description,description_short,is_epub,on_sale,price_dollars,price_pounds,epub_price_dollars,epub_price_pounds,pub_date,publishing_status,year,season,release_date,cover_type FROM `stock` WHERE title_detail!='0' AND title_detail!='' AND active='1' AND (subject_1='appl_anth' or subject_2='appl_anth' or subject_3='appl_anth' or subject_4='appl_anth' or subject_1='food' or subject_2='food' or subject_3='food' or subject_4='food' or subject_1='medi_anth' or subject_2='medi_anth' or subject_3='medi_anth' or subject_4='medi_anth' or subject_1='meth_anth' or subject_2='meth_anth' or subject_3='meth_anth' or subject_4='meth_anth' or subject_1='poli_econ' or subject_2='poli_econ' or subject_3='poli_econ' or subject_4='poli_econ' or subject_1='reli' or subject_2='reli' or subject_3='reli' or subject_4='reli' or subject_1='anth' or subject_2='anth' or subject_3='anth' or subject_4='anth') ORDER BY TRIM( LEADING '(' FROM TRIM( LEADING 'a ' FROM TRIM( LEADING 'an ' FROM TRIM( LEADING 'the ' FROM LOWER( replace(title_detail,'\'',''))))))