By Author
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Published September 2017
Making Nordic Historiography
Connections, Tensions and Methodology, 1850-1970
Haapala, P., Jalava, M., & Larsson, S. (eds)
Is there a “Nordic history”? If so, what are its origins, its scope, and its defining features? In this definitive volume, scholars from all five Nordic nations tackle a notoriously problematic historical concept. Each contribution takes a deliberately transnational approach while grounding itself in careful research, yielding rich, nuanced perspectives on shifting and contested historical terrain.
Subjects: History: 18th/19th Century History: 20th Century to Present
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Published January 2005
German Scholars and Ethnic Cleansing, 1919-1945
Haar, I. & Fahlbusch, M. (eds)
Subjects: Genocide History History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published October 2018
The Politics of Authenticity
Countercultures and Radical Movements across the Iron Curtain, 1968-1989
Häberlen, J. C., Keck-Szajbel, M., & Mahoney, K. (eds)
The Politics of Authentic Subjectivity explores how the politics of authenticity manifested itself among Italian leftists, East German lesbian activists, and punks on both sides of the Iron Curtain. This volume shows not only how authenticity came to define a variety of social contexts, but also how it helped to lay the groundwork for the neoliberalism of a subsequent era.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Sociology History: 20th Century to Present
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Published March 2019
Negotiating the Secular and the Religious in the German Empire
Transnational Approaches
Habermas, R. (ed)
Negotiating the Secular and the Religious in the German Empire sheds light on the multitude of worldviews, belief systems, and rituals that defined the borders between the secular and the religious in the German imperial era.
Subjects: History: 18th/19th Century History: 20th Century to Present Cultural Studies (General)
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Published January 2001
Subsistence-Settlement Systems and Intersite Variability in the Moroiso Phase of the Early Jomon Period of Japan
Habu, J.
This book examines the settlement patterns and intersite variability in lithic assemblages of Early Jomon (ca. 5000 BP) hunter-gatherers in Japan. The results of this study suggest that the Early Jomon people were not sedentary, as previously assumed, but instead moved their residential basis seasonally. The implications of this result are discussed in the context of the development of hunter-gatherer cultural complexity in general and the course of Japanese prehistory in particular.
Subject: Archaeology
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Published September 2021
How is a Man Supposed to be a Man?
Male Childlessness – a Life Course Disrupted
Hadley, R. A.
The global trend of declining fertility rates and an increasingly ageing population has serious implications for individuals and institutions alike. Childless men are mostly excluded from ageing, social science and reproduction scholarship and almost completely absent from most national statistics. This book examines the lived experiences of a hidden and disenfranchised population: men who wanted to be fathers.
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality Anthropology (General)
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Published April 2018
Waiting for Elijah
Time and Encounter in a Bosnian Landscape
HadžiMuhamedović, S.
Waiting for Elijah is an intimate portrait of time-reckoning, syncretism and proximity in one of the world’s most polarized places, the Bosnian Field of Gacko. Based on long-term, multi-sited fieldwork, it examines the complexity of time situated between folk cosmology, political constructions of history and bodily experiences of a landscape in transition.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Anthropology of Religion Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published November 2024
German Migrant Historians in North America
Transatlantic Careers and Scholarship after 1945
Hagemann, K. & Jaraush, K. H. (eds)
The experiences of German born historians who started emigrating to North America in the 1950s has had a unique impact on the practice and project of Central European History. German Migrant Historians in North America intimately reviews these historians’ experiences, career paths, scholarship, motivations and their contribution to Modern German Central European History.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published August 2007
Gendering Modern German History
Rewriting Historiography
Hagemann, K. & Quataert, J. H. (eds)
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published April 2019
Gendering Post-1945 German History
Hagemann, K., & Harsch, D., & Brühöfner, F. (eds)
Gendering Post-1945 German History: Entanglements offers new and critical insight into the state of the research on post-war German history from a gender perspective. Using the concept of “entanglement,” this volume investigates the ways in which East and West German gender relations were socially and politically intertwined.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Gender Studies and Sexuality Sociology
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Published March 2011
Children, Families, and States
Time Policies of Childcare, Preschool, and Primary Education in Europe
Hagemann, K., Jarausch, K. H. & Allemann-Ghionda, C. (eds)
Subjects: History (General) Educational Studies Gender Studies and Sexuality
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eBook available
Published October 2008
Civil Society and Gender Justice
Historical and Comparative Perspectives
Hagemann, K., Michel, S. & Budde, G. (eds)
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality History (General)
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Published September 2014
The Emergence of Film Culture
Knowledge Production, Institution Building, and the Fate of the Avant-Garde in Europe, 1919–1945
Hagener, M. (ed)
Between the two world wars, a distinct and vibrant film culture emerged in Europe. Film festivals and schools were established; film theory and history was written that took cinema seriously as an art form; and critical writing that created the film canon flourished. This new European film culture established film as a valid form of social expression, as an art form, and as a political force to be reckoned with.
Subject: Film and Television Studies
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Published March 2015
Nimby Is Beautiful
Cases of Local Activism and Environmental Innovation around the World
Hager, C. & Haddad, M. A. (eds)
NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) protests are often criticized as parochial and short-lived, generating no lasting influence on broader processes related to environmental politics. This volume offers a different perspective. Drawing on cases from around the globe, it demonstrates that NIMBY protests, although always arising from a local concern in a particular community, often result in broader political, social, and technological change.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Sociology
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Published March 1998
Immigration Controls
The Search for Workable Policies in Germany and the United States
Hailbronner, K., Martin, D. A. & Motomura, H. (eds)
Subject: Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published December 1997
Immigration Admissions
The Search for Workable Policies in Germany and the United States
Hailbronner, K., Martin, D. A., & Motomura, H. (eds)
Subject: Refugee and Migration Studies
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eBook available
Published October 2012
Wind Over Water
Migration in an East Asian Context
Haines, D. W., Yamanaka, K. & Yamashita, S. (eds)
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published June 2008
Not Born a Refugee Woman
Contesting Identities, Rethinking Practices
Hajdukowksi-Ahmed, M., Khanlou, N. & Moussa, H. (eds)
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Gender Studies and Sexuality
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eBook available
Published October 2012
Turkish German Cinema in the New Millennium
Sites, Sounds, and Screens
Hake, S. & Mennel, B. (eds)
Subject: Film and Television Studies
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eBook available
Published July 2019
Comical Modernity
Popular Humour and the Transformation of Urban Space in Late Nineteenth Century Vienna
Hakkarainen, H.
Comical Modernity looks at the years between 1857–1890, a period of dramatic urban renewal within Vienna during which the city’s rapidly changing face was a popular topic in publications. This book shows how humor provided access to understanding modernity in an era of radical change, thus broadening our understanding of the cultural history of nineteenth-century Vienna.
Subjects: History: 18th/19th Century Media Studies Cultural Studies (General)
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Published December 2011
A State of Peace in Europe
West Germany and the CSCE, 1966-1975
Hakkarainen, P.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published June 2023
Creation and Creativity in Indigenous Lowland South America
Anthropological Perspectives
Halbmayer, E. & Goletz, A. (eds)
Investigating local Indigenous processes of creation and creativity, this book uses ethnographic and comparative anthropological perspectives to enquire about creative transformative practices in lowland South America.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General)
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Published April 2024
Cinematically Transmitted Disease
Eugenics and Film in Weimar and Nazi Germany
Hales, B.
The roots of German National Socialist policies have strong connections to Weimar era circulation of medical hygiene propaganda films that conveyed strong connections between scientific legitimacy between racial superiority, genetically spread “incurable” diseases, and the degradation of the German national population.
Subjects: Film and Television Studies History: World War II Media Studies
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Published November 2020
Rethinking Jewishness in Weimar Cinema
Hales, B. & Weinstein, V. (eds)
The film industry in the Weimar Republic was a major site for German-Jewish experience that provided a sphere for Jewish "outsiders" to shape mainstream culture. The essays in Rethinking Jewishness in Weimar Cinema offer new historical, theoretical, and methodological approaches to the significant involvement of Jewish people in Weimar cinema.
Subjects: Film and Television Studies Jewish Studies History: 20th Century to Present
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Published February 2001
War on the Homefront
An Examination of Wife Abuse
Haley, S. & Braun-Haley, E.
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality Applied Anthropology
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Published December 2004
Day of the Dead
When Two Worlds Meet in Oaxaca
Haley, S. & Fukuda, C.
Subjects: Anthropology of Religion Anthropology (General)
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Published February 2013
Places of Pain
Forced Displacement, Popular Memory and Trans-local Identities in Bosnian War-torn Communities
Halilovich, H.
This compelling and intimate description of places of pain and (be)longing that were lost during the 1992–95 war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as of survivors’ places of resettlement in Australia, Europe and North America, serves as a powerful illustration of the complex interplay between place, memory and identity.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Anthropology (General) Peace and Conflict Studies Memory Studies
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Published December 2012
Human Rights Without Democracy?
Reconciling Freedom with Equality
Haller, G.
Subject: History (General)
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Published February 2016
Desires for Reality
Radicalism and Revolution in Western European Film
Halligan, B.
This is a fresh and groundbreaking account of the innovations and provocations of the “cinema of 1968,” and its social and aesthetic contexts. Benjamin Halligan offers a genuinely fresh analysis of films reflecting the cultural upheaval of youth in revolt—cinema that did not merely entertain, but was made the barricades.
Subjects: Film and Television Studies History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published May 2022
Hotbeds of Licentiousness
The British Glamour Film and the Permissive Society
Halligan, B.
By focusing on a series of colorful filmmakers whose work, while omnipresent during the 1970s, now remains critically ignored, Hotbeds of Licentiousness explores pornography as a lens through which to view radical changes in British society.
Subjects: Film and Television Studies History: 20th Century to Present Cultural Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published October 2018
Competing Power
Landscapes of Migration, Violence and the State
Halstead, N.
Drawing from ethnographic material based on long-term research in Guyana, Competing Power shows how the local is occupied and re-occupied by various powerful and powerless people and entities (“big ones” and “small ones”), and how it becomes the site of intense power negotiations in relation to external ideas of empowerment.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published May 2008
Knowing How to Know
Fieldwork and the Ethnographic Present
Halstead, N., Hirsch, E., & Okely, J. (eds)
Subject: Theory and Methodology
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Published January 2012
Polish Film and the Holocaust
Politics and Memory
Haltof, M.
Subjects: Film and Television Studies Genocide History
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eBook available
Published October 2018
Polish Cinema
A History
Haltof, M.
This thoroughly revised and updated edition of Marek Haltof’s seminal survey takes stock of dramatic shifts in Polish society and to provide an essential account of the nation’s cinema from the nineteenth century to today. It covers such renowned figures as Kieślowski and Wajda along with vastly expanded coverage of documentaries, animation, and television.
Subjects: Film and Television Studies Cultural Studies (General) History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published January 2025
Agency and Author
German Literature Beyond the Bestseller List
Halverson, R. J. & Schaper, B. D. (eds)
An exacting meditation on the financial realities of authorship, Agency and Author explores how lesser-known German-language writers navigate the German literary landscape. Ranging from literary awards to social media hate campaigns, this volume considers authorial attempts to assert creative agency and the implications for wider, structural change it offers.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Literary Studies Cultural Studies (General)
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Published February 2023
The Origins of German Self-Cultivation
Bildung and the Future of the Humanities
Ham, J., Kinzel, U., & Pan, D. T.-c. (eds)
Informing current debate about the future of the humanities, this volume focuses discussions on the Bildung’s original German context using a multi-disciplinary perspective root out the interesting ways that Bildung continues to shape our understanding of self-formation.
Subjects: History (General) Educational Studies
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Published October 2001
Remembering a Vanished World
A Jewish Childhood in Interwar Poland
Hamerow, T.
Subjects: Jewish Studies History: 20th Century to Present Memory Studies
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Published July 2022
Heritage, Gentrification and Resistance in the Neoliberal City
Hammami, F., Jewesbury, D., & Valli, C. (eds)
What happens when versions of the past become silenced, suppressed or privileged due to urban restructuring? In this volume, the authors explore a variety of attempts to interrupt and interrogate urban restructuring, and to imagine alternative forms of urban organization, produced by diverse coalitions of resisting groups and individuals. Armed with historical narratives, oral histories, objects, physical built environment, memorials and intangible aspects of heritage that include traditions, local knowledge, experiences and memories, authors challenge the ‘devaluation’ of their neighbourhoods in official heritage and development narratives.
Subjects: Heritage Studies Cultural Studies (General) History (General)
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Published September 2015
Assisted Reproductive Technologies in the Third Phase
Global Encounters and Emerging Moral Worlds
Hampshire, K. & Simpson, B. (eds)
The “First Phase” of Assisted Reproductive Technologies followed the first “test-tube baby” birth, when treatments were available only to the wealthy. In the “Second Phase,” these treatments became available to a wider, but still elite, population. This volume explores the “Third Phase,” as ARTs are becoming a standard part of reproductive healthcare.
Subject: Medical Anthropology
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Published July 2013
Pregnancy in Practice
Expectation and Experience in the Contemporary US
Han, S.
Subject: Medical Anthropology
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Published October 2017
The Anthropology of the Fetus
Biology, Culture, and Society
Han, S., Betsinger, T. K., & Scott, A. B. (eds)
As a biological, cultural, and social entity, the human fetus is a multifaceted subject which calls for equally diverse perspectives to fully understand. Anthropology of the Fetus seeks to achieve this by bringing together specialists in biological anthropology, archaeology, and cultural anthropology, all with the ultimate goal of developing a holistic anthropology of the fetus.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Gender Studies and Sexuality Cultural Studies (General)
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Published October 1998
Models and Mirrors
Towards an Anthropology of Public Events
Handelman, D.
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Cultural Studies (General)
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Published January 2005
Ritual in Its Own Right
Exploring the Dynamics of Transformation
Handelman, D. & Lindquist, G. (eds)
Subjects: Anthropology of Religion Theory and Methodology
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Published October 2020
Moebius Anthropology
Essays on the Forming of Form
Handelman, D., Shapiro, M. (ed), & Feldman, J. (ed)
Don Handelman’s groundbreaking work in anthropology is showcased in this collection of his most powerful essays. The book looks at the intellectual and spiritual roots of Handelman’s initiation into anthropology; his work on ritual and on “bureaucratic logic”; analyses of cosmology; and innovative essays on Anthropology and Deleuzian thinking.
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Anthropology of Religion
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Published March 2008
Advancing Refugee Protection in South Africa
Handmaker, J., Hunt, L. A. de la, & Klaaren, J. (eds)
Subject: Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published February 2002
Party, Society, Government
Republican Democracy in France
Hanley, D.
Subject: History (General)
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Published September 2021
Work, Society, and the Ethical Self
Chimeras of Freedom in the Neoliberal Era
Hann, C. (ed)
Primarily on the basis of ethnographic case-studies from around the world, this volume links investigations of work to questions of personal and professional identity and social relations. The authors uncover complex entanglements between the drudgery and exploitation experienced by most people in the course of making a living and ideals of emancipated personhood.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Sociology
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Published June 2024
One Hundred Years of Argonauts
Malinowski, Ethnography and Economic Anthropology
Hann, C. & James, D. (eds)
Malinowski’s pioneering work remains critical for anthropology in a postcolonial age. This volume uses ethnographic studies from around the world to contextualize the work politically and intellectually, examining its gestation and influence from multiple perspectives.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Theory and Methodology Anthropology (General)
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Published August 2020
Relational Approaches
Hann, C. & Kalb, D. (eds)
Beginning with an original historical vision of financialization in human history, this volume then continues with a rich set of contemporary ethnographic case studies from Europe, Asia and Africa. Authors explore how finance influences social and economic structures in different environments.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Political and Economic Anthropology History (General)
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eBook available
Published March 2018
Industrial Labor on the Margins of Capitalism
Precarity, Class, and the Neoliberal Subject
Hann, C. & Parry, J. (eds)
Bringing together ethnographic case studies of industrial labor from different parts of the world, Industrial Labor on the Margins of Capitalism explores the increasing casualization of workforces and the weakening power of organized labor. By exploring this relationship, these essays question the claim that neoliberal ideology has become the new ‘commonsense’ of our times.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Political and Economic Anthropology
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Forthcoming June 2025
Wrestling with Hope
Sporting Aspirations and Neoliberal Subjectivity in Urban Senegal
Hann, M.
Wrestling with Hope follows the journey of football players and wrestlers in Dakar as they confront the realities of their sporting aspirations. It grapples with themes of masculinity, belief systems and economic survival whilst navigating the complexities of a neoliberal landscape.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology Development Studies Urban Studies
Published December 1994
The Power of the Story
Fiction and Political Change
Hanne, M.
Subjects: Literary Studies History (General) Sociology Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published February 2022
Afropolitan Horizons
Essays toward a Literary Anthropology of Nigeria
Hannerz, U.
Nigeria is a country shaped by internal diversity and transnational connections, past and present. Leading Nigerian writers from Chinua Achebe, Amos Tutuola and Wole Soyinka to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Teju Cole have portrayed these Nigerian Issues, and have also written about some of the momentous events in Nigerian history. Afropolitan Horizons discusses their work alongside other novelists and commentators.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Literary Studies Anthropology of Religion
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Published November 2015
The Year of the Bulldozer
Hanretty, C. & Profeti, S. (eds)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published August 2024
The Attempt to Stay
Dam Building, Displacement, and Resistance in the Nile Valley, Sudan
Hänsch, V.
The construction of the Merowe Dam along the Nile in northern Sudan flooded local villages and forced thousands of inhabitants to flee to higher ground. This book follows the Manasir people’s attempts to resist state-run resettlement schemes, preserve their homeland, and try out meaningful ways of life along the emerging reservoir.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Development Studies Environmental Studies (General) Sustainable Development Goals
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Published July 2010
The Politics of European Citizenship
Deepening Contradictions in Social Rights and Migration Policy
Hansen, P. & Hager, S. B.
Subject: Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published May 2002
Dual Nationality, Social Rights and Federal Citizenship in the U.S. and Europe
The Reinvention of Citizenship
Hansen, R. & Weil, P. (eds)
Subject: History (General)
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Published September 2000
Food for Health, Food for Wealth
Ethnic and Gender Identities in British Iranian Communities
Harbottle, L.
Subjects: Food & Nutrition Anthropology (General)
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Published December 1996
From Caligari to California
Eric Pommer's Life in the International Film Wars
Hardt, U.
Subjects: Film and Television Studies History: 20th Century to Present Cultural Studies (General)
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Published October 2015
Culture, Catastrophe, and Rhetoric
The Texture of Political Action
Hariman, R. & Cintron, R. (eds)
By emphasizing the texture of political action, this volume explores political culture, especially the catastrophic dimension of the global social order emerging in the twenty-first century. An array of case studies provide an account of how change is experienced, negotiated, and resisted in specific settings that define a society’s capacity for political action.
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Cultural Studies (General)
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Published October 2007
Ways of Knowing
New Approaches in the Anthropology of Knowledge and Learning
Harris, M. (ed)
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Educational Studies
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Published April 2007
Cosmic Visions in Science, Religion, and Folklore
Harrison, A. A.
Subjects: Anthropology of Religion Anthropology (General)
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Published July 2009
Mediating Europe
New Media, Mass Communications, and the European Public Sphere
Harrison, J. & Wessels, B. (eds)
Subjects: Media Studies Sociology
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Published December 2005
Fracturing Resemblances
Identity and Mimetic Conflict in Melanesia and the West
Harrison, S.
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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Published June 2012
Dark Trophies
Hunting and the Enemy Body in Modern War
Harrison, S.
Subjects: Peace and Conflict Studies Anthropology (General) History (General)
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eBook available
Published September 2008
Years of Conflict
Adolescence, Political Violence and Displacement
Hart, J. (ed)
Subject: Refugee and Migration Studies
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eBook available
Published March 2022
Self in the World
Connecting Life's Extremes
Hart, K.
The eminent anthropologist Keith Hart reflects on a life of learning, sharing and remembering to offer readers the means of connecting life’s extremes – individual and society, local and global, personal and impersonal dimensions of existence and explores what it is that makes us fully human.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General)
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Published October 2015
Economy for and Against Democracy
Hart, K. (ed)
Contemporary economies, dominated by global finance and political rent-seekers, often inhibit the realization of democracy. This volume features comparative essays and case studies to examine the antagonisms between the economy and democracy and the struggles and visions to make things more equitable.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Anthropology (General)
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Published June 2017
Money in a Human Economy
Hart, K. (eds)
Contributors to this volume attempt to think about money as a category of thought, offer theories on luxury and sex in capitalist development, and follow the evolution of money today from the role of the global South in shaping its future, to cross-border investment in China, to Bitcoin as politics. Money in a Human Economy offers multiple perspectives on capital’s central role in the formation of world society, as well as in the shaping of its current discontents.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Political and Economic Anthropology
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eBook available
Published October 2014
People, Money and Power in the Economic Crisis
Perspectives from the Global South
Hart, K. & Sharp, J. (eds)
The Cold War was fought between “state socialism” and “the free market.” That fluctuating relationship between public power and private money continues today, unfolding in new and unforeseen ways during the economic crisis. Nine case studies -- from Southern Africa, South Asia, Brazil, and Atlantic Africa – examine economic life from the perspective of ordinary people in places that are normally marginal to global discourse, covering a range of class positions from the bottom to the top of society.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Development Studies Political and Economic Anthropology
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eBook available
Published September 2020
On Mediation
Historical, Legal, Anthropological and International Perspectives
Härter, K., Hillemanns, C. & Schlee, G. (eds)
Exploring mediation and related practices of conflict regulation, this book takes an interdisciplinary approach that includes historical, legal, anthropological and international perspectives. The book observes historical and current relations between mediation and the criminal justice system and provides anthropological perspectives and case studies to explore mediation and arbitration in international arenas.
Subjects: Peace and Conflict Studies Applied Anthropology
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Published June 2023
Planting Seeds of Knowledge
Agriculture and Education in Rural Societies in the Twentieth Century
Hartmann, H. & Tischler, J. (eds)
In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, agricultural practices and rural livelihoods were challenged by changes such as commercialization, intensified global trade, and rapid urbanization. Planting Seeds of Knowledge studies the relationship between these agricultural changes and knowledge-making through a transnational lens.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Environmental Studies (General) Sustainable Development Goals
Published September 2014
A World of Populations
Transnational Perspectives on Demography in the Twentieth Century
Hartmann, H. & Unger, C. R. (eds)
Demographics were transformed into public policies that shaped family planning, population growth, medical practice, and environmental conservation. While covering a variety of regions and time periods, the essays in this book share an interest in the transnational dynamics of emerging demographic discourses and practices. Together, they present a global picture of the history of demographic knowledge.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Sociology
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Published November 2003
The Social Construction of Diversity
Recasting the Master Narrative of Industrial Nations
Harzig, C. & Juteau, D. (eds)
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Anthropology (General) Sociology
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Published March 2016
Enduring Uncertainty
Deportation, Punishment and Everyday Life
Hasselberg, I.
Focusing on the lived experience of immigration policy and processes, this volume presents a fascinating ethnography of deportation as it is felt and understood by those subjected to it. This book is important for broader understandings of epistemology, border control policy, and human rights.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published August 2011
Weathering the World
Recovery in the Wake of the Tsunami in a Tamil Fishing Village
Hastrup, F.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Development Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published November 2015
Anthropology in Fluid Environments
Hastrup, K. & Hastrup. F. (eds)
In one form or another, water participates in the making and unmaking of people’s lives, practices, and stories. Contributors analyse the union of water and social lives, thereby challenging anthropologists to foreground the mutable character of their subjects and responsibly engage with the generative role of cultural analysis.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Environmental Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published March 2010
Comparative and Transnational History
Central European Approaches and New Perspectives
Haupt, H. & Kocka, J. (eds)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published March 2011
Power and Magic in Italy
Hauschild, T.
Subjects: Anthropology of Religion Anthropology (General)
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Published January 2018
Archaeologies of Rules and Regulation
Between Text and Practice
Hausmair, B., Jervis, B., Nugent, R., & Williams, E. (eds)
How can we study the impact of rules on the lives of past people using archaeological evidence? To answer this question, Archaeologies of Rules and Regulation presents case studies drawn from across Europe and the United States, exploring the use of archaeological evidence in understanding the relationship between rules, lived experience, and social identity.
Subjects: Archaeology History: Medieval/Early Modern Sociology History (General)
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eBook available
Published November 2013
Durkheim in Dialogue
A Centenary Celebration of The Elementary Forms of Religious Life
Hausner, S. L. (ed)
Subjects: Sociology Anthropology (General) Anthropology of Religion
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eBook available
Published April 2021
The Herero Genocide
War, Emotion, and Extreme Violence in Colonial Namibia
Häussler, M.
Drawing on previously inaccessible and overlooked archival sources, The Herero Genocide undertakes a groundbreaking investigation into the war between colonizer and colonized in what was formerly German South West Africa and is today the nation of Namibia. The result is an indispensable account of a genocide that has been neglected for too long.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Genocide History
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eBook available
Published November 2021
Nothing New in Europe?
Israelis Look at Antisemitism Today
Haviv-Horiner, A.
Anti-Semitism’s recent rise in Europe and Germany has manifested in verbal hostility and attacks. Through fifteen interviews with Jewish Israelis and contextual essays, Nothing New in Europe? provides an opportunity to reflect on current anti-Semitic discourse under a more educated and objective light.
Subject: Sociology
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Published February 2003
The Journalism of Milena Jesenská
A Critical Voice in Interwar Central Europe
Hayes, K. (ed)
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality Literary Studies Jewish Studies History: 20th Century to Present
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Published November 2003
Recasting West German Elites
Higher Civil Servants, Business Leaders, and Physicians in Hesse between Nazism and Democracy, 1945-1955
Hayse, M.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published December 2001
Simulated Dreams
Zionist Dreams for Israeli Youth
Hazan, H.
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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Forthcoming August 2025
Oh Place Where We Have Played, Stay Well
Lessons In Democracy, Childrearing, Education, and Community from the Kalahari Ju/’Hoansi
Heckler, M.
Juǀ’hoan collective decision-making processes epitomize direct, participatory democracy: one person/one vote, enhanced by in-depth negotiations that lead to consensus. These practices are the basis of Juǀ’hoan education and culture, resulting in anr egalitarian culture that forms the foundation of an enduring democracy.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General)
eBook available
Published April 2009
Landscape, Process and Power
Re-evaluating Traditional Environmental Knowledge
Heckler, S. (ed)
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Development Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published October 2000
War of Extermination
The German Military in World War II
Heer, H. & Naumann. K. (eds)
Subjects: History: World War II Genocide History
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Published December 2001
Celebrating Ethnicity and Nation
American Festive Culture from the Revolution to the Early 20th Century
Heideking, J., Fabre, G. & Dreisbach, K. (eds)
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Sociology
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Forthcoming June 2025
Challenging Norms
Family Planning as a Reflection of Social Change in Twentieth-Century Eastern Europe
Hein-Kircher, H., Hiemer, E.-M., & Nešťáková, D. (eds)
An enlightening and geographically wide-ranging re-examination of family planning in twentieth-century Eastern Europe, Challenging Norms interrogates the correlation between social attitudes to family planning and social, economic, and political modernization. In doing so, this volume highlights how these changes provide invaluable insights into ever-evolving societal norms and values.
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality Sociology History: 20th Century to Present
Published January 2002
Federalism Doomed?
European Federalism between Integration and Separation
Heinemann-Grüder, A. (ed)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published July 2011
Youth Gangs and Street Children
Culture, Nurture and Masculinity in Ethiopia
Heinonen, P.
The rapidly expanding population of youth gangs and street children is one of the most disturbing issues in many cities around the world. By focusing on gender as the defining element of these children’s lives — as they describe it in their own words — this book offers a clear analysis of how the unequal and antagonistic gender relations that are tolerated and normalized by everyday school and family structures shape their lives at home and on the street.
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published March 2024
Healing and Harm
Essays in Honor of Mary Lindemann
Heinsen-Roach, E., Lazer, S., Marschke, B., Poley, J., & Riches, D. (eds)
Professor Mary Lindemann’s career inspired several generations of researchers in early modern German history and culture. In Healing and Harm, scholars at the height of the field speak to key continuations of subjects stemming from the marked breakpoints across Lindemann’s wide body of work.
Subject: History: Medieval/Early Modern
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eBook available
Published August 2009
The Anthropology of Moralities
Heintz, M. (Ed.)
Subject: Theory and Methodology
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eBook available
Published January 2021
After Auschwitz
The Difficult Legacies of the GDR
Heitzer, E., Jander, M., Kahane, A., & Poutrus, P. G. (eds)
This provocative collection reflects on the heretofore ignored or repressed aspects of German mainstream society—including right-wing extremism, anti-Semitism and racism—to call for an ambitious renewal of historical research and political education to place East Germany in its proper historical context.
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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eBook available
Published June 2018
The Ethos of History
Time and Responsibility
Helgesson, S. & Svenungsson, J. (eds)
This illuminating collective meditation on historical practice show how “ethos”— evoking a society’s “fundamental character” as well as knowledge and commitment—can serve as a conceptual lodestar for understanding as a narrative, a form of consciousness, and an ethical-political orientation.
Subject: History (General)
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eBook available
Published March 2020
Media Practices and Changing African Socialities
Non-media-centric Perspectives
Helle-Valle, J. & Strom-Mathiesen, A. (eds)
Deriving from innovative new work by six researchers, this book questions what the new media's role is in contemporary Africa. The focus is on media-related practices, which require engagement with different perspectives and concerns while situating these in a wider analytical context.
Subjects: Media Studies Anthropology (General) Development Studies
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Published May 2006
The Bourgeois Revolution in France 1789-1815
Heller, H.
Subjects: History (General) History: 18th/19th Century
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Published September 2013
Things Fall Apart?
The Political Ecology of Forest Governance in Southern Nigeria
Hellermann, P. von
Through an in-depth historical and ethnographic study of forestry in Edo State, this book challenges the routine linking of political and ecological crisis narratives. It shows that the roots of many of today’s problems lie in scientific forest management itself, rather than its recent abandonment, and moreover that many “illegal” local practices improve rather than reduce biodiversity and forest cover. The book therefore challenges preconceptions about contemporary Nigeria and highlights the need to re-evaluate current understandings of what constitutes “good governance” in tropical forestry.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published January 2016
Trust Us
Reproducing the Nation and the Scandinavian Nationalist Populist Parties
Hellström, A.
In order to affect domestic politics, Scandinavian populist parties must cross the threshold to the national parliament while earning the nation’s trust. While the Progress Party in Norway and the Danish People’s Party have, the Sweden Democrats has not. The fissures in public opinion lead to a polarized public debate that raises the question of national identity, of what we are.
Subjects: Sociology History: 20th Century to Present
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Published October 1996
A Poet Or Nothing At All
The Tübingen and Basel Years of Herman Hesse
Helt, R. C.
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) Literary Studies
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Published September 2022
Managing Sacralities
Competing and Converging Claims of Religious Heritage
Hemel, E. van den, Salemink, O., & Stengs, I. (eds)
What happens when religious sites, objects and practices become cultural heritage? Case studies from Denmark, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and the United Kingdom present an analysis of the paradoxes and challenges that arise when religious sites are transformed into heritage.
Subjects: Heritage Studies History (General) Anthropology of Religion
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eBook available
Published September 2018
Edges, Fringes, Frontiers
Integral Ecology, Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainability in Guyana
Henfrey, T. B.
Based on an ethnographic account of subsistence forest use by Wapishana people in Guyana and developing an original analytical framework, Edges, Frontiers, Fringes examines the social, cultural and behavioral bases for sustainability and resilience in indigenous resource use.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Environmental Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published July 2022
Where is the Good in the World?
Ethical Life between Social Theory and Philosophy
Henig, D., Strhan, A., & Robbins, J. (eds)
Bringing together contributions from anthropology, sociology, religious studies, and philosophy, along with ethnographic case studies from diverse settings, this volume explores how different disciplinary perspectives on the good might engage with and enrich each other. This is the first interdisciplinary engagement with what it means to study the good as a fundamental aspect of social life.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology Anthropology of Religion
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eBook available
Published July 2019
Shakespeare and the Arab World
Hennessey, K. & Litvin, M. (eds)
Offering a variety of perspectives on the history and role of Arab Shakespeare translation, production, adaptation and criticism, this volume explores both international and locally focused Arab/ic appropriations of Shakespeare’s plays and sonnets.
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) Literary Studies
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eBook available
Published January 2020
Management and Morality
An Ethnographic Exploration of Management Consultancy Seminars
Henningsen, E.
Drawing on extended ethnographic studies of management consultancies in the Oslo region of Norway, this book seeks to find a richer understanding of their role in contemporary work life and the attraction their practices exert on people. The author shows that management consultancy is an arena of meaning that should be analysed as a ‘cultural space’.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General) Applied Anthropology
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Published October 2008
I Dreamed the Animals
Kaniuekutat: The Life of an Innu Hunter
Henriksen, G.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Environmental Studies (General)
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Published December 2010
Hunters in the Barrens
The Naskapi on the Edge of the White Man's World
Henriksen, G.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Environmental Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published September 2012
Performing Place, Practising Memories
Aboriginal Australians, Hippies and the State
Henry, R.
Subjects: Performance Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published January 2000
National Socialist Extermination Policies
Contemporary German Perspectives and Controversies
Herbert, U. (ed)
Subjects: History: World War II Genocide History Jewish Studies
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Published October 2016
Biomedical Entanglements
Conceptions of Personhood in a Papua New Guinea Society
Herbst, F. A.
Biomedical Entanglements is an ethnographic study of the Giri people of Papua New Guinea, focusing on the indigenous population’s interaction with modern medicine. The study bridges medical anthropology and global health, exploring how the ‘biomedical’ is imbued with social meaning and how biomedicine affects Giri ways of life.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Medical Anthropology
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Published March 1995
Women, Family and Society in Medieval Europe
Historical Essays, 1978-1991
Herlihy, D.
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality History: Medieval/Early Modern
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Published December 2012
Culture in Dark Times
Nazi Fascism, Inner Emigration, and Exile
Hermand, J.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Cultural Studies (General)
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Published September 2014
Belonging in Oceania
Movement, Place-Making and Multiple Identifications
Hermann, E., Kempf, W. & Meijl, T. van (eds)
Belonging can be understood by considering the intersections of movement, place-making and cultural identifications. The contributions present ethnographic case studies of such intersections in Oceania. Investigated are ongoing formations of place, self and community in connection with travelling, as well as with internal and international migration.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Mobility Studies Cultural Studies (General)
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Published February 1998
Gender and Germanness
Cultural Productions of Nation
Herminghouse, P. & Mueller, M. (eds)
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality Cultural Studies (General) History (General) Gender Studies and Sexuality
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eBook available
Published December 2009
Rethinking the Informal City
Critical Perspectives from Latin America
Hernández, F., Kellett, P. and Allen, L.K. (Eds.)
Subject: Urban Studies
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eBook available
Published July 2015
Social Quality Theory
A New Perspective on Social Development
Herrmann, P. & Lin, K. (eds)
Tracing the expansion of social quality theory and presenting its different aspects, this volume assesses societal progress and makes proposals that are relevant for policy making. Its rich diversity of approaches and cross-national comparisons reveal the increasingly important role of social quality theory for informing political debates on development and sustainability.
Subjects: Sociology Development Studies
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Published March 2015
Ritual Retellings
Luangan Healing Performances through Practice
Herrmans, I.
The book is an ethnography of belian, a lively tradition of shamanistic curing rituals performed by the Luangans of Indonesian Borneo. This volume demonstrates the importance of understanding rituals as emergent within their specific historical and social settings, and highlights the irreducibility of lived reality to epistemological certainty.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Anthropology of Religion
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eBook available
Published April 2022
Collecting Educational Media
Making, Storing and Accessing Knowledge
Hertling, A. & Carrier, P. (eds)
Over the last two centuries, collectors from around the world have historicized, politicized, and digitized media in the pursuit of knowledge and education. This collected volume explores how collections of educational media influence the ways in which people learn in both the present and future.
Subjects: Educational Studies Media Studies Cultural Studies (General)
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Published February 1999
Immigrants and Bureaucrats
Ethiopians in an Israeli Absorption Center
Hertzog, E.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published May 2011
Patrons of Women
Literacy Projects and Gender Development in Rural Nepal
Hertzog, E.
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality Development Studies Anthropology (General)
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Forthcoming April 2025
Women in Israel
Anthropological, Feminist, and Personal Perspectives
Hertzog, E.
This book is a comprehensive feminist examination of women's diverse experience in Israeli society over four decades and analyzes society during this time. As an ethnography, the book emphasizes a commitment to social justice and equality, and challenges prevailing social and gender research approaches.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Gender Studies and Sexuality
eBook available
Published July 2011
The Annoying Difference
The Emergence of Danish Neonationalism, Neoracism, and Populism in the Post-1989 World
Hervik, P.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Refugee and Migration Studies Peace and Conflict Studies
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eBook available
Published March 2021
A Taste for Oppression
A Political Ethnography of Everyday Life in Belarus
Hervouet, R.
Belarus has emerged from communism in a unique manner. The author, who has lived in Belarus for several years, highlights several mechanisms of tyranny, beyond the regime’s ability to control and repress, which should not be underestimated. The book sheds light on the reasons why part of the population supports Alexander Lukashenko and takes a fresh look at the functioning of what has been called 'the last dictatorship in Europe'.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology
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Published January 2006
The Women's Camp in Moringen
A Memoir of Imprisonment in Germany 1936-1937
Herz, G.
Subjects: Jewish Studies Gender Studies and Sexuality
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eBook available
Published October 2018
Ice and Snow in the Cold War
Histories of Extreme Climatic Environments
Herzberg, J., Kehrt, C., & Torma, F. (eds)
This fascinating volume demonstrates that regions such as Alaska, the polar landscapes, and the cold areas of the Soviet periphery were of no small importance during the Cold War. Through histories of these extremely cold environments, this volume makes a novel intervention in Cold War historiography, one whose global and transnational approach undermines the simple opposition of “East” and “West.”
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Environmental Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published August 2021
The Russian Cold
Histories of Ice, Frost, and Snow
Herzberg, J., Renner, A., & Schierle, I. (eds)
Cold has long been a fixture of Russian identity both within and beyond the nation, even as the ongoing effects of climate change complicate its meaning and cultural salience. The Russian Cold assembles fascinating new contributions from a variety of scholarly traditions, offering new perspectives on how to understand this mainstay of Russian culture and history.
Subjects: History: 18th/19th Century History: 20th Century to Present Environmental Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published June 2020
Ours Once More
Folklore, Ideology, and the Making of Modern Greece
Herzfeld, M.
When this work – one that contributes to both the history and anthropology fields – first appeared in 1982, it was hailed as a landmark study of the role of folklore in nation-building. In this expanded edition, a new introduction by the author and a foreword by Sharon Macdonald document its importance for current debates about Greece’s often contested place in the complex politics of the European Union.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) History (General)
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Published November 2004
Sexuality and German Fascism
Herzog, D. (ed)
Subjects: History: World War II Gender Studies and Sexuality Cultural Studies (General) Gender Studies and Sexuality
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eBook available
Published October 2011
Vienna Is Different
Jewish Writers in Austria from the Fin-de-Siècle to the Present
Herzog, H. H.
Subjects: Jewish Studies History: 20th Century to Present Literary Studies
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Published August 2008
Rebirth of a Culture
Jewish Identity and Jewish Writing in Germany and Austria today
Herzog, H. H., Herzog, T. & Lapp, B. (eds)
Subjects: Jewish Studies Cultural Studies (General) Literary Studies
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Published April 2009
Crime Stories
Criminalistic Fantasy and the Culture of Crisis in Weimar Germany
Herzog, T.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Literary Studies Film and Television Studies Sociology
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eBook available
Published May 2017
The Absent Jews
Kurt Forstreuter and the Historiography of Medieval Prussia
Hess, C.
For nearly a century, it has been a commonplace of Central European history that there were no Jews in medieval Prussia. This groundbreaking historical investigation demonstrates the very weak foundations upon which that assumption rests, tracing it to the ideologically compromised work of a single Nazi-era historian who badly mishandled evidence.
Subjects: Jewish Studies History: Medieval/Early Modern
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Published August 2009
Person and Place
Ideas, Ideals and Practice of Sociality on Vanua Lava, Vanuatu
Hess, S. C.
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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Published November 2002
Persecution and Resistance of Jehovah's Witnesses During the Nazi-Regime
Hesse, H. (ed)
Subjects: Genocide History Anthropology of Religion
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eBook available
Published October 2012
Europe in Crisis
Intellectuals and the European Idea, 1917-1957
Hewitson, M. & D'Auria, M. (eds)
Subject: History (General)
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eBook available
Published October 2017
From Eastern Bloc to European Union
Comparative Processes of Transformation since 1990
Heydemann, G. & Vodička, K. (eds)
This volume assembles detailed, empirically grounded studies of eleven former Soviet states and current EU members. Each chapter analyzes the political, economic, and social transformation processes that have taken place in a given nation, identifying structural similarities and assessing outcomes compared to one another as well as the rest of Europe.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published October 1997
Educational Studies in Europe
Amsterdam and Berlin Compared
Heyting, F., Koppen, J., Lenzen, D. and Thiel, F. (eds)
Subject: Educational Studies
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eBook available
Published February 2018
After Difference
Queer Activism in Italy and Anthropological Theory
Heywood, P.
This book is a contribution to the anthropology of Italy and of Europe as an ethnography of queer activism in Bologna; and, at the same time, it is an intervention in a set of ongoing theoretical debates in anthropology surrounding the perennial problem of the relationship between ethnographic data and anthropological analysis. It combines discussions of identity and difference, ethics, the fieldwork setting, and anthropology’s turn to ontology.
Subjects: Theory and Methodology Anthropology (General) Gender Studies and Sexuality
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Published July 2024
New Anthropologies of Italy
Politics, History and Culture
Heywood, P. (ed)
This book heralds an exciting new frontier by bringing together some of the leading ethnographers of Italy and placing together their contributions into the broader realm of anthropological history, culture and new perspectives in Europe.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Anthropology (General)
eBook available
Published August 2018
Hierarchy and Value
Comparative Perspectives on Moral Order
Hickel, J. & Haynes, N. (eds)
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology
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eBook available
Published November 2019
The Anatomy of the Holocaust
Selected Works from a Life of Scholarship
Hilberg, R.
Pehle, W. H. & Schlott, R. (eds)Historian Raul Hilberg produced a variety of archival research, personal essays, and other works over a career that spanned half a century. The Anatomy of the Holocaust collects some of Hilberg’s most essential and groundbreaking writings—many of them published in obscure journals or otherwise inaccessible to nonspecialists—in a single volume.
Subjects: Genocide History Jewish Studies
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eBook available
Published January 2016
The Anatomy of Murder
Ethical Transgressions and Anatomical Science during the Third Reich
Hildebrandt, S.
Of the many medical specializations to have been transformed by the rise of National Socialism, anatomy has received little attention. As historian and physician Sabine Hildebrandt reveals, anatomists progressed through gradual stages of ethical transgression; in some cases, the traditional model of working with deceased bodies gave way to experimentation with the “future dead.”
Subjects: History: World War II Genocide History
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eBook available
Published December 2020
Recognizing the Past in the Present
New Studies on Medicine before, during, and after the Holocaust
Hildebrandt, S., Offer, M., & Grodin, M. A. (eds)
This interdisciplinary collection assembles a chain of documentation on the critical role of medicine in realizing the policies of Hitler’s regime. It traces the historical legacies of National Socialist medicine from their roots in the racial theories of the 1920s, through their manifestation in the Nazi period, and on to legacies and continuities from the postwar years to the present.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Genocide History Jewish Studies
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Published June 2007
Historical Concepts Between Eastern and Western Europe
Hildermeier, M. (ed)
Subject: History (General)
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Published May 2017
Understanding Conflicts about Wildlife
A Biosocial Approach
Hill, C. M., Webber, A. D. & Priston, N. E. C. (eds)
Conflicts about wildlife are usually portrayed as resulting from the negative impacts of wildlife on human livelihoods or property. However, deeper analysis reveals that these conflicts are often better understood as people-people conflicts. Understanding Conflicts About Wildlife unites academics and practitioners to consider the political and social dimensions of ‘human-wildlife conflicts’.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Environmental Studies (General)
Paperback available -
Published April 2012
The Benefit of the Gift
Social Organization and Expanding Networks of Interaction in the Western Great Lakes Archaic
Hill, M. A.
Archaeological data from the Late Archaic (4000-2000 years ago) in the Western Great Lakes are analyzed to understand the production and movement of copper and lithic exchange materials. Also considered in this volume are access to and benefits from exchange networks, as well as social changes accompanying the development of extensive, continental scale, exchange systems of interaction in this period.
Subjects: Archaeology Anthropology (General)
Paperback available -
eBook available
Published January 2020
Feelings Materialized
Emotions, Bodies, and Things in Germany, 1500–1950
Hillard, D., Lempa, H., & Spinney, R. (eds)
Examining the material aspects of emotion, this volume encompasses technology, photography, aesthetics, and a variety of other historical themes in an innovative application of emotion studies. Feelings Materialized brings together an interdisciplinary group of Germanists to unveil the emotions embedded in the world of things and bodies.
Subjects: History: 18th/19th Century Media Studies History: Medieval/Early Modern Literary Studies
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eBook available
Published May 2017
Labour, Unions and Politics under the North Star
The Nordic Countries, 1700-2000
Hilson, M., Neunsinger, S., & Vyff, I. (eds)
Notwithstanding Nordic countries’ reputation for strong labour movements, the fortunes of organized labour have varied widely throughout the region and across different historical periods. Together, the essays collected here explore themes such as work, unions, politics and migration in the Nordic states from the early modern period to the twenty-first century.
Subjects: History (General) Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published May 2007
Demonstrating Reconciliation
State and Society in West German Foreign Policy toward Israel, 1952-1965
Hindenburg, H. von
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published 1999
The Return of Politics
Hine, D. & Vassallo, S. (eds)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published November 2004
Transactions and Creations
Property Debates and The Stimulus of Melanesia
Hirsch, E. & Strathern, M. (eds)
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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eBook available
Published May 2023
Heirs of the Greek Catastrophe
The Social Life of Asia Minor Refugees in Piraeus
Hirschon, R.
Since its first publication in 1989, this classic study has remained in demand. The third edition of Heirs of the Greek Catastrophe includes updated material with a new Preface, Epilogue, and map of the study area.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Refugee and Migration Studies History: 20th Century to Present
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Published May 2003
Crossing the Aegean
An Appraisal of the 1923 Compulsory Population Exchange between Greece and Turkey
Hirschon, R. (ed)
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies History: 20th Century to Present
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Published June 2005
Aesthetics in Performance
Formations of Symbolic Construction and Experience
Hobart, A. & Kapferer, B. (eds)
Subjects: Performance Studies Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published March 2021
At the Edge of the Wall
Public and Private Spheres in Divided Berlin
Hochmuth, H.
The neighboring boroughs of Friedrichschain and Kreuzberg shared a history and identity until their fortunes diverged dramatically following the construction of the Berlin Wall, which placed them within opposing political systems. This revealing account of the two towns during and after the Cold War takes a microhistorical approach to illuminate the broader historical trajectories of East and West Berlin.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Urban Studies
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eBook available
Published December 2010
Divided, But Not Disconnected
German Experiences of the Cold War
Hochscherf, T., Laucht, C. & Plowman, A. (eds)
Subject: History: 20th Century to Present
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Published February 2015
The Great Reimagining
Public Art, Urban Space, and the Symbolic Landscapes of a 'New' Northern Ireland
Hocking, B. T.
Offering a detailed ethnographic account of Northern Ireland’s post-conflict visual transformation, this book examines the official effort to produce new civic images against a backdrop of ongoing political and social struggle.
Subjects: Urban Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published July 2015
Television's Moment
Sitcom Audiences and the Sixties Cultural Revolution
Hodenberg, C. von
Television was one of the forces shaping the cultural revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, when a blockbuster TV series could reach up to a third of a country’s population. This book explores television’s impact on social change by comparing three sitcoms and their audiences.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Media Studies Film and Television Studies
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eBook available
Published May 2011
Screening the East
Heimat, Memory and Nostalgia in German Film since 1989
Hodgin, N.
Subjects: Film and Television Studies History: 20th Century to Present
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Published September 2019
Entangled Entertainers
Jews and Popular Culture in Fin-de-Siècle Vienna
Hödl, K.
Viennese popular culture at the turn of the twentieth century was shaped jointly by Jews and non-Jews alike, though their relationship was not immune to bouts of anti-Semitism. The case studies in this book provide new findings in understanding what it meant to be Jewish among artists, performers and impresarios at the turn of the twentieth century.
Subjects: Jewish Studies History: 20th Century to Present Cultural Studies (General)
Paperback available -
eBook available
Published October 2022
Dynamics of Identification and Conflict
Anthropological Encounters
Hoehne, M. V., Gabbert, E. C., & Eidson, J. R. (eds)
Dealing with the dynamics of identification and conflict, this book uses theoretical orientations ranging from political ecology to rational choice theory, interpretive approaches, Marxism and multiscalar analysis. Case studies set in Africa, Europe and Central Asia are grouped in three sections devoted to pastoralism, identity and migration.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Political and Economic Anthropology Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published October 2004
Theater and Political Process
Staging Identities in Tokelau and New Zealand
Hoëm, I.
Subjects: Performance Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published February 2003
Oceanic Socialities and Cultural Forms
Ethnographies of Experience
Hoëm, I. & Roalkvam, S. (eds)
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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Published January 2007
Conversations on the Beach
Fishermen's Knowledge, Metaphor and Environmental Change in South India
Hoeppe, G.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Anthropology (General)
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Published September 2003
The Historical Practice of Diversity
Transcultural Interactions from the Early Modern Mediterranean to the Postcolonial World
Hoerder, D., Harzig, C. & Shubert, A. (eds)
Subjects: History: Medieval/Early Modern Cultural Studies (General) Colonial History
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eBook available
Published October 2019
Disaster Upon Disaster
Exploring the Gap Between Knowledge, Policy and Practice
Hoffman, S. M. & Barrios, R. E. (eds)
A consistent problem that confronts disaster reduction is the disjunction between academic and expert knowledge and policies and practices of agencies mandated to deal with the concern. Disaster Upon Disaster illuminates the numerous disjunctions between the suppositions, realities, agendas, and executions in the field and advances solutions and the matter of outcomes.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Anthropology (General) Applied Anthropology
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Published February 2022
Cooling Down
Local Responses to Global Climate Change
Hoffman, S. M., Eriksen, T. H., & Mendes, P. (eds)
Climate change is a slowly advancing crisis sweeping over the planet and affecting different habitats in strikingly diverse ways. While nations have signed treaties and implemented policies, most actual climate change assessments, adaptations, and countermeasures take place at the local level. This book portrays the diversity of explanations and remedies as expressed at the community level.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) Political and Economic Anthropology Urban Studies Sustainable Development Goals
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Published December 1995
The Triumph of Propaganda
Film and National Socialism 1933-1945
Hoffmann, H.
Subjects: History: World War II Film and Television Studies Media Studies
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Published January 2018
The Partial Revolution
Labour, Social Movements and the Invisible Hand of Mao in Western Nepal
Hoffmann, M.
Located in the far-western Tarai region of Nepal, Kailali has been the site of dynamic social and political change in recent history. The Partial Revolution examines Kailali in the aftermath of Nepal’s Maoist insurgency, focusing primarily on the end of Kailali’s feudal system of bonded labor.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Development Studies Peace and Conflict Studies
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Published January 2023
Glimpses of Hope
The Rise of Industrial Labor at the Urban Margins of Nepal
Hoffmann, M.
Over the last decade, Nepal has witnessed significant urban growth and an expanding urban middle class. Glimpses of Hope tells the story of the people who enable some of the middle class consumer practices in urban Nepal. The book focuses on workers in modern food-processing, water-bottling, house building, and sand-mining industries and explores how workers see such forms of work, where union organization can help, and how work opportunities emerge along lines of gender and ethnicity.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Anthropology (General) Sociology
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Published April 2019
Magical House Protection
The Archaeology of Counter-Witchcraft
Hoggard, B.
Belief in magic and particularly the power of witchcraft was a deep and enduring presence in popular culture; people created and concealed many objects to protect themselves from harmful magic. Detailed are the principal forms of magical house protection in Britain and beyond from the fourteenth century to the present day.
Subjects: Archaeology History (General) Anthropology of Religion
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Published June 2001
Critical Theory
Current State and Future Prospects
Hohendahl, P.-U. & Fisher, J. (eds)
Subject: Cultural Studies (General)
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Published May 2020
Shakespeare and Money
Holderness, G. (ed)
Though better known for his literary merits, Shakespeare made money, wrote about money and enabled money-making by countless others in his name. With chapters by leading scholars on the economic, financial and commercial ramifications of his work, this multifaceted volume connects the Bard to both early modern and contemporary economic conditions, revealing Shakespeare to have been a serious economist in his own right.
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) Literary Studies
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eBook available
Published October 2024
Shakespeare and the Modern Novel
Holderness, G. (ed)
As the Shakespearean novel and long prose narrative form undergo a renaissance today, distinguished Shakespeare critics demonstrate that the diversity and flexibility of interactions between Shakespeare and the modern novel are very much alive.
Subject: Literary Studies
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Published March 1993
Spatial Boundaries and Social Dynamics
Case Studies from Food-Producing Societies
Holl, A. & Levey, T. E. (eds)
The papers in this volume examine the sociocultural, socioeconomic and environmental factors that condition spatial patterning of human behavior in food-producing (both agricultural and pastoral) societies. The spatially patterned material manifestations of that behavior are considered in the light of archaeological and ethnographical examples. Archaeological and ethnographic data sources are drawn primarily from Africa, as well as the ancient Near East.
Subjects: Archaeology Anthropology (General)
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Published August 2011
The Anthropology of Empathy
Experiencing the Lives of Others in Pacific Societies
Hollan, D. W. & Throop, C. J. (eds)
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology
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Published November 2000
France At War in the Twentieth Century
Propaganda, Myth, and Metaphor
Holman, V. & Kelly, D. (eds)
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present History: World War I History: World War II Media Studies
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Published January 2006
A Belle Epoque?
Women and Feminism in French Society and Culture 1890-1914
Holmes, D. & Tarr, C. (eds)
Subjects: Gender Studies and Sexuality Cultural Studies (General) History: 18th/19th Century
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eBook available
Published August 2019
Hazardous Chemicals
Agents of Risk and Change, 1800-2000
Homburg, E. & Vaupel, E. (eds)
Covering a host of both notorious and little-known substances, the chapters in this collection investigate the emergence of specific toxic, pathogenic, carcinogenic, and ecologically harmful chemicals as well as the scientific, cultural and legislative responses they have prompted over the past two hundred years.
Subjects: Environmental Studies (General) History: 18th/19th Century History: 20th Century to Present Sustainable Development Goals
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eBook available
Published January 2023
The Art of Fate Calculation
Practicing Divination in Taipei, Beijing, and Kaifeng
Homola, S.
The Art of Fate Calculationexplores how conceptions of fate circulate in Chinese and Taiwanese societies while resisting uniformization and institutionalization. This is not only due to the stigma of “superstition” but also to the internal dynamic of fate calculation practice and learning.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Anthropology of Religion Sociology
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Published October 1995
Jewish Identity in Modern Times
Leo Baeck and German Protestantism
Homolka, W.
Subject: Jewish Studies
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Published January 2015
Jesus Reclaimed
Jewish Perspectives on the Nazarene
Homolka, W.
After centuries of persecution, oppression, forced migrations, and exclusion in the name of Christ, the development of a Jewish “Quest for the Historical Jesus” might seem unexpected. This book gives an overview and analysis of the various Jewish perspectives on the Nazarene throughout the centuries.
Subject: Jewish Studies
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Published October 1994
The Gate to Perfection
The Idea of Peace in Jewish Thought
Homolka, W. & Friedlander, A.
Subjects: Jewish Studies Cultural Studies (General)
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Published October 2019
Experiencing Archaeology
A Laboratory Manual of Classroom Activities, Demonstrations, and Minilabs for Introductory Archaeology
Homsey-Messer, L., Michaud, T., Lockard Reed, A., & Bobo, V.
This laboratory-style manual compiles a wide variety of uniquely designed, hands-on classroom activities to acquaint advanced high school and introductory college students to the field of archaeology. Ranging in length from five to thirty minutes, activities created by archaeologists are designed to break up traditional classroom lecture, engage students of all learning styles, and easily integrate into large classes and/or short class periods that do not easily accommodate traditional laboratory work.
Subject: Archaeology
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eBook available
October 2019
Experiencing Archaeology
A Laboratory Manual of Classroom Activities, Demonstrations, and Minilabs for Introductory Archaeology, Instructor's Edition
Homsey-Messer, L., Michaud, T., Lockard Reed, A., & Bobo, V.
This laboratory-style manual compiles a wide variety of uniquely designed, hands-on classroom activities to acquaint advanced high school and introductory college students to the field of archaeology. This Instructor's Edition provides detailed explanations for activities ranging in length from five to thirty minutes that are designed to break up traditional classroom lecture, and easily integrate into large classes and/or short class periods that do not easily accommodate traditional laboratory work.
Subject: Archaeology
eBook available
Published July 2013
Germany and the Black Diaspora
Points of Contact, 1250-1914
Honeck, M., Klimke, M., & Kuhlmann, A. (eds)
Subjects: History: Medieval/Early Modern History: 18th/19th Century Colonial History
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Published March 2014
Culture, Suicide, and the Human Condition
Honkasalo, M.-L. & Tuominen, M. (eds)
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Sociology
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Published May 2009
Indispensable Eyesores
An Anthropology of Undesired Buildings
Hoorn, M. v der
Subjects: Urban Studies Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General)
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Published January 2019
Monetising the Dividual Self
The Emergence of the Lifestyle Blog and Influencers in Malaysia
Hopkins, J.
Combining theoretical discussions with shorter case studies, this book offers an anthropological exploration of the emergence in Malaysia of lifestyle bloggers. It tracks the transformation of personal blogs, which attracted readers with spontaneous, authentic accounts of everyday life, into lifestyle blogs that generate income through advertising and foreground consumerist lifestyles.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Media Studies
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Published May 2024
Enchanted by Cinema
Wilhelm Thiele between Vienna, Berlin, and Hollywood
Horak, J.-C. & Seyfert, A.-B. (eds)
Enchanted by Cinema explores the films of the European music film pioneer William Thiele, as well as his career as an exile in Hollywood. Examining a wide range of the director’s filmography, the contributors address a variety of political, aesthetic and cross-cultural issues.
Subjects: Film and Television Studies History: 20th Century to Present Jewish Studies
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Published August 2013
The Body in Balance
Humoral Medicines in Practice
Horden, P. & Hsu, E. (eds)
Subject: Medical Anthropology
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eBook available
Published June 2012
Cultures of Colour
Visual, Material, Textual
Horrocks, C. (ed)
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) History (General) Sociology
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Published May 1996
Turkish Culture in German Society
Horrocks, D. & Kolinsky, E. (eds)
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) Sociology
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Published May 2006
Transnational Nomads
How Somalis Cope with Refugee Life in the Dadaab Camps of Kenya
Horst, C.
Subjects: Refugee and Migration Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published May 2006
Centering the Margin
Agency and Narrative in Southeast Asian Borderlands
Horstmann, A. & Wadley, R. L. (eds)
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published June 2020
Don't Need No Thought Control
Western Culture in East Germany and the Fall of the Berlin Wall
Horten, G.
Don't Need No Thought Control explores the dynamic interplay between popular demands, intensifying economic crises, and cultural policy decisions during the Erich Honecker era in a comprehensive and comparative analysis.
Subjects: History: 20th Century to Present Media Studies Cultural Studies (General) Film and Television Studies
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eBook available
Published May 2015
Breaking Boundaries
Varieties of Liminality
Horvath, A., Thomassen, B., & Wydra, H. (eds)
Liminality has the potential to be a leading paradigm for understanding transformation in a globalizing world. This book explores the methodological range and applicability of the concept to a variety of concrete social and political problems.
Subject: Anthropology (General)
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Published December 2012
Karl Marx
An Intellectual Biography
Hosfeld, R.
Subjects: History (General) Political and Economic Anthropology Sociology
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eBook available
Published January 2021
Unlocking the Love-Lock
The History and Heritage of a Contemporary Custom
Houlbrook, C.
A padlock is a mundane object, designed to fulfil a specific – and secular – purpose. A contemporary custom has given padlocks new significance155. This custom is ‘love-locking’, where padlocks are engraved with names and attached to bridges in declaration of romantic commitment. This book explores the worldwide popularity of the love-lock as a ritual token of love and commitment by considering its history, symbolism, and heritage.
Subjects: Heritage Studies Archaeology Museum Studies Cultural Studies (General)
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Published October 2024
Mobile Pastoralist Households
Archaeological and Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives
Houle, J.-L. (ed)
Mobile pastoralist activities occur at different scales across the landscape, including local, regional, and supra-regional scales. This research brings together the work of archaeologists currently engaged in mobile pastoralist household research in different regions of the world to highlight the importance of household studies and the utility of both archaeological and ethnoarchaeological approaches in understanding mobile pastoralist household formation, continuity, and adaptation to environmental, social, economic, and political change.
Subjects: Archaeology Cultural Studies (General) Anthropology (General)
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Published December 2005
Sartre Today
A Centenary Celebration
Hoven, A. van den & Leak, A.
Subjects: Cultural Studies (General) Sociology
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Published August 2006
The Kinning of Foreigners
Transnational Adoption in a Global Perspective
Howell, S.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Educational Studies Sociology
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Published July 2019
The Anti-Social Contract
Injurious Talk and Dangerous Exchanges in Northern Mongolia
Højer, L.
Set in a remote district of villagers and nomadic pastoralists in the northernmost part of Mongolia, this ethnography reveals an everyday universe where uncertain relations are as much internally cultivated in indigenous Mongolian perceptions of social relatedness, as it is externally confronted in postsocialist surroundings of unemployment and diminished social security.
Subjects: Sociology Anthropology (General)
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Published May 2018
Care across Distance
Ethnographic Explorations of Aging and Migration
Hromadžić, A. & Palmberger, M. (eds)
With a broad geographical scope, Care across Distance explores the multiple ways in which care across regional and national borders materializes from and contributes to changes in political economy; family and intergenerational relations; religion and spirituality; ethics and responsibility; and personhood and subjectivity.
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published July 2022
Chinese Medicine in East Africa
An Intimacy with Strangers
Hsu, E.
Based on fieldwork conducted between 2001-2008 in urban East Africa, this book explores who the patients, practitioners and paraprofessionals doing Chinese medicine were in this early period of renewed China-Africa relations.
Subject: Medical Anthropology
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Published September 2010
Plants, Health and Healing
On the Interface of Ethnobotany and Medical Anthropology
Hsu, E. & Harris, S. (eds)
Subjects: Medical Anthropology Environmental Studies (General)
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Published October 2024
Calibrated Engagement
Chronicles of Local Politics in the Heartland of Myanmar
Huard, S.
For decades, the heartland of Myanmar has been configured as a pacified space under military surveillance. A closer look reveals how politics is enacted at distance with the state. Calibrated Engagement weaves together ethnography and history to chronicle the transformation of rural politics in Anya, the dry lands of central Myanmar.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Development Studies
Published November 1999
Essay on Time
A Brief Study of the Representation of Time in Religion and Magic
Hubert, H.
Subjects: Sociology Theory and Methodology
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Published January 2024
Poland under German Occupation, 1939-1945
New Perspectives
Huener, J. & Löw, A. (eds)
Poland under German Occupation, 1939-1945 explores questions of Polish-Jewish life that are rarely discussed and new methodological directions to advance debates on the complicity of Polish citizens during the mass murder of Jews under the nation’s Nazi occupation.
Subjects: History: World War II Genocide History Jewish Studies
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Published November 2006
The Arts in Nazi Germany
Continuity, Conformity, Change
Huener, J. & Nicosia, F. (eds)
Subjects: History: World War II Cultural Studies (General)
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eBook available
Published September 2023
These Were People Once
The Online Trade in Human Remains and Why It Matters
Huffer, D. & Graham, S.
People buy and sell human remains online. Most of this trade these days is over social media. In a study of this ‘bone trade’, how it works, and why it matters, the authors review and use a variety of methods drawn from the digital humanities to analyze the sheer volume of social media posts in search of answers to questions regarding this online bone trade.
Subjects: Archaeology Heritage Studies Political and Economic Anthropology
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Published November 2008
Embodied Communities
Dance Traditions and Change in Java
Hughes-Freeland, F.
Subjects: Performance Studies Anthropology (General)
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Published September 2020
Nourishing Life
Foodways and Humanity in an African Town
Huhn, A.
In this accessible ethnography of a small town in northern Mozambique, everyday cultural knowledge and behaviors about food, cooking, and eating reveal the deeply human pursuit of a nourishing life. This emerges less through the consumption of specific nutrients than it does in the affective experience of alimentation in contexts that support vitality, compassion, and generative relations.
Subjects: Food & Nutrition Anthropology (General) Cultural Studies (General)
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Published August 2012
Post-cosmopolitan Cities
Explorations of Urban Coexistence
Humphrey, C. & Skvirskaja, V. (eds)
Subjects: Urban Studies Anthropology (General) Refugee and Migration Studies
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Published February 2006
The Society of the Cincinnati
Conspiracy and Distrust in Early America
Hünemörder, M.
Subject: History: 18th/19th Century
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Published December 2019
Men Under Fire
Motivation, Morale, and Masculinity among Czech Soldiers in the Great War, 1914–1918
Hutečka, J.
In historical writing on World War I, Czech-speaking soldiers serving in the Austro-Hungarian military are primarily studied as Czechs, rarely as soldiers, and never as men. Men under Fire provides a groundbreaking analysis of this oft-overlooked cohort, drawing on a wealth of soldiers’ private writings to explore experiences of exhaustion, sex, loyalty, authority, and combat itself.
Subjects: History: World War I Gender Studies and Sexuality
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eBook available
Published September 2023
An Anthropology of Disappearance
Politics, Intimacies and Alternative Ways of Knowing
Huttunen, L. & Perl, G. (eds)
All over the world, people deliberately disappear from their families, communities and the state’s bureaucratic gaze, as victims of oppressive regimes or while migrating along clandestine routes. This edited volume brings together scholars who engage ethnographically with such disappearances in various cultural, social and political contexts.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Refugee and Migration Studies Memory Studies
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Published August 2006
Modernity and Secession
The Social Sciences and the Political Discourse of the lega nord in Italy
Huysseune, M.
Subjects: Political and Economic Anthropology Sociology Peace and Conflict Studies
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Published June 2014
The Ethnographic Experiment
A.M. Hocart and W.H.R. Rivers in Island Melanesia, 1908
Hviding, E. & Berg, C. (eds)
In 1908 Arthur Maurice Hocart and William Halse Rivers Rivers brought about a turning point in modern anthropology. The two pioneers’ fieldwork in Island Melanesia brought about the development of participant observation as a methodological hallmark of social anthropology. Contributors to this volume—who have all carried out fieldwork in Melanesian locations—situate the scholars’ efforts in the contexts of colonial history, imperialism, the history of ideas and scholarly practice within and beyond anthropology.
Subjects: Anthropology (General) Colonial History
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Published March 2015
Learning Under Neoliberalism
Ethnographies of Governance in Higher Education
Hyatt, S. B., Shear, B. W., & Wright, S. (eds)
As part of the neoliberal trends toward public-private partnerships, universities all over the world have forged more intimate relationships with corporate interests and more closely resemble for-profit corporations in both structure and practice. The contributors to this volume use ethnographic methods to investigate the multi-faceted impacts of neoliberal restructuring, while reporting on their own pedagogical responses, at universities in the United States, Europe, and New Zealand.
Subjects: Educational Studies Anthropology (General)
Paperback available