Visit Berghahn at The Society for French Historical Studies 2016 Meeting!

We are delighted to inform you that we will be attending SFHS 62nd Annual Conference in Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN, March 3-6, 2016. Please stop by Berghahn table to browse our latest selection of books at a special discount price & pick up free journals’ samples.


If you are unable to attend, we would like to provide you with a special discount offer. For the next 30 days, receive a 25% discount on all French History titles found on our website. At checkout, simply enter the discount code SFHS16. Visit our website­ to browse our newly published interactive online History 2016 catalog or use the new enhanced subject searching features­ for a complete listing of all published and forthcoming titles.



Below is a preview of some of our newest releases on display.


Edited by Gabriel Goodliffe and Riccardo Brizzi


In May 2012, French voters rejected the liberalizing policies of Nicolas Sarkozy and elected his opponent, the Socialist François Hollande, president. In June 2012, the incumbent president’s center-right UMP party was swept out of government in the ensuing parliamentary elections, giving way to a new center-left majority in the National Assembly. This book analyzes the contexts and results of the 2012 presidential and parliamentary elections in France. It assesses the legacies of the Sarkozy presidency that informed the 2012 electoral campaigns, scrutinizing his domestic social and economic policies on the one hand and European and foreign policies on the other. In turn, the elections’ outcomes are also analyzed from the standpoint of various political parties and other institutional interests in France, and the results are situated within the broader run of French political history. Finally, the book examines the principal challenges facing the Hollande administration and new government of Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, and assesses how effectively these have been met during their first year in office.

Read Introduction



Paperback original

Imaginaries of Freedom and Control
Edited by Alessandro Zagato
Afterword by Bruce Kapferer

Volume 15, Critical Interventions: A Forum for Social Analysis


The January 2015 shooting at the headquarters of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris and the subsequent attacks that took place in the Île-de-France region were staggeringly violent events. They sparked an enormous discussion among citizens and intellectuals from around Europe and beyond. By analyzing the effects the attacks have had in various spheres of social life, including the political, ideology, collective imaginaries, the media, and education, this collection of essays aims to serve as a contribution as well as a critical response to that discussion. The volume observes that the events being attributed to Charlie Hebdo go beyond sensationalist reports of the mainstream media, transcend the spatial confines of nation states, and lend themselves to an ever-expanding number of mutating discursive formations.

Read Introduction: The Event of Charlie Hebdo – Imaginaries of Freedom and Control




Berghahn Monographs in French Studies Series


France has played a central role in the emergence of the modern world. The Great French Revolution of 1789 contributed decisively to political modernity, and the Paris of Baudelaire did the same for culture. Because of its rich intellectual and cultural traditions, republican democracy, imperial past and post-colonial present, twentieth-century experience of decline and renewal, and unique role in world affairs, France and its history remain important today. This series publishes monographs that offer significant methodological and empirical contributions to our understanding of the French experience and its broader role in the making of the modern world.


Volume 14

Modern Mass Housing and the Right to Comfort
Nicole C. Rudolph


After World War II, France embarked on a project of modernization, which included the development of the modern mass home. At Home in Postwar France examines key groups of actors — state officials, architects, sociologists and tastemakers — arguing that modernizers looked to the home as a site for social engineering and nation-building; designers and advocates of the modern home contributed to the democratization of French society; and the French home of the Trente Glorieuses, as it was built and inhabited, was a hybrid product of architects’, planners’, and residents’ understandings of modernity. This volume identifies the “right to comfort” as an invention of the postwar period and suggests that the modern mass home played a vital role in shaping new expectations for well-being and happiness.

Read Introduction



Volume 13 New in Paperback

Challenging American Hegemony, 1963-68
Garret Joseph Martin


“…a well-written, vibrant presentation of how world events interacted with and impacted de Gaulle’s grand design, creating a comprehensive understanding of the general in the Cold War. Highly recommended.” · Choice

The greatest threat to the Western alliance in the 1960s did not come from an enemy, but from an ally. France, led by its mercurial leader General Charles de Gaulle, launched a global and comprehensive challenge to the United State’s leadership of the Free World, tackling not only the political but also the military, economic, and monetary spheres. Successive American administrations fretted about de Gaulle, whom they viewed as an irresponsible nationalist at best and a threat to their presence in Europe at worst. Based on extensive international research, this book is an original analysis of France’s ambitious grand strategy during the 1960s and why it eventually failed. De Gaulle’s failed attempt to overcome the Cold War order reveals important insights about why the bipolar international system was able to survive for so long, and why the General’s legacy remains significant to current French foreign policy.



Volume 12 in Paperback

France, the United States, and the Oil Shock, 1973-74
Aurélie Élisa Gfeller


“…this is a valuable addition to the existing literature on the impact of the October 1973 energy crisis on French national policy, the evolution of the European Community, and the nature of the transatlantic relationship.” · American Historical Review

The Arab-Israeli war of 1973, the first oil price shock, and France’s transition from Gaullist to centrist rule in 1974 coincided with the United States’ attempt to redefine transatlantic relations. As the author argues, this was an important moment in which the French political elite responded with an unprecedented effort to construct an internationally influential and internally cohesive European entity. Based on extensive multi-archival research, this study combines analysis of French policy making with an inquiry into the evolution of political language, highlighting the significance of the new concept of a political European identity.



Volume 11 in Paperback

Factory, Home and Nation from the 1920s to Vichy
Jackie Clarke


“…a rich story of social science and interdisciplinarity in the service of addressing the pressing concerns of interwar France.” · H-France

In interwar France, there was a growing sense that ‘organization’ was the solution to the nation’s perceived social, economic and political ills. This book examines the roots of this idea in the industrial rationalization movement and its manifestations in areas as diverse as domestic organization and economic planning. In doing so, it shows how experts in fields ranging from engineering to the biological sciences shaped visions of a rational socio-economic order from the 1920s to Vichy and beyond.

Read Introduction



For a full selection of titles in the series please visit our webpage 




New In Paperback


Political and Intellectual Movements from Conservatism to Fascism
Edited by Samuel Kalman and Sean Kennedy


“Organized thematically into three sections and concluding with William Irvine’s astute historiographical commentary, this edited volume unhinges analyses of the French political and intellectual Right from long-standing debates over whether France was “immune” tof ascism, and how to categorize its Rightist leagues… Highly recommended.” · Choice

This collection of essays shifts the focus away from long-standing controversies in order to examine various elements of the French right, from writers to politicians, social workers to street fighters, in their broader social, cultural, and political contexts. It offers a wide-ranging reassessment of the structures, mentalities, and significance of various conservative and extremist organizations, deepening our understanding of French and European history in a troubled yet fascinating era.



Political Mythologies and Film Events, 1945-1995
Hugo Frey


“This text of Frey, extremely detailed and rich in information and diverse sources, is wonderfully suited for teaching and for the reader curious to learn about the role of cinema in a political-historical context.” · French Review

Hugo Frey suggests that the concepts of the ‘political myth’ and ‘the film event’ are the essential theoretical reference points for unlocking film history. The book offers new arguments regarding those connections in the French case, examining national elitism, neo-colonialism, and other exclusionary discourses, as well as discussing for the first time the subculture of cinema around the extreme right Front National.



The Holocaust and Colonialism in French and Francophone Fiction and Film
Max Silverman


“Silverman’s writing is as dynamic as the memory process he describes … I would recommend Palimpsestic Memory to quite a large audience: to those interested in Holocaust and postcolonial studies, obviously, but also to those interested in literature or history in general.” · Contemporary French Cinema

The interconnections between histories and memories of the Holocaust, colonialism and extreme violence in post-war French and Francophone fiction and film provide the central focus of this book. It proposes a new model of ‘palimpsestic memory’, which the author defines as the condensation of different spatio-temporal traces, to describe these interconnections and defines the poetics and the politics of this composite form. In doing so it is argued that a poetics dependent on tropes and techniques, such as metaphor, allegory and montage, establishes connections across space and time which oblige us to perceive cultural memory not in terms of its singular attachment to a particular event or bound to specific ethno-cultural or national communities but as a dynamic process of transfer between different moments of racialized violence and between different cultural communities.


Aesthetics as Political Resistance in Alain Resnais’s Night and Fog
Edited By Griselda Pollock and Max Silverman

Winner of the 2012 Kraszna-Krausz Foundation Book Award for Best Moving Image Book


“One should not consider [this volume] simply as yet another book on Night and Fog; we are rather dealing with a series of studies on the theme of memory in film, on the historiography and the multiple links between film and reality…The reader who is looking for reflections and inspirations on memory and film will find substantial elements in the Introduction, which perhaps is the most accomplished part with regard to the theoretical framework. But the volume as a whole suggests a multitude of perspectives that the reader, already familiar with this film, would certainly recognize, hold on to, explore or linger over.” · H-France Review

Read Introduction: Concentrationary Cinema



Austerlitz, Lévitan, Bassano, July 1943-August 1944
Jean-Marc Dreyfus and Sarah Gensburger
Translated by Jonathan Hensher


“… [an] important, …well-documented and instructive monograph.” · H-France

“In this well-written and expertly organized book, Jean-Marc Dreyfus and Sarah Gensburger skillfully chart the trajectories of three forced labor camps for Jewish prisoners in Occupied Paris… Because of the interest that it will have for scholars working on the difficulty of defining a Jew during the period of National Socialism and on memory studies, this book deserves to be read by a larger audience. Fortunately, the book’s excellent translation from the original French and its lucid and concise style makes it very readable. It will provide food for thought for the professional historian and a stimulating read for the non-specialist.” · French Politics, Culture & Society




Berghahn Journals: 


French Politics, Culture & Society


FPC&S is the journal of the Conference Group on French Politics & Society. It is jointly sponsored by the Institute of French Studies at New York University and the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies at Harvard University.


French Politics, Culture & Society explores modern and contemporary France from the perspectives of the social sciences, history, and cultural analysis. It also examines France’s relationship to the larger world, especially Europe, the United States, and the former French Empire. The editors also welcome pieces on recent debates and events, as well as articles that explore the connections between French society and cultural expression of all sorts (such as art, film, literature, and popular culture). Issues devoted to a single theme appear from time to time. With refereed research articles, timely essays, and reviews of books in many disciplines, French Politics, Culture & Society provides a forum for learned opinion and the latest scholarship on France.


French Politics, Culture & Society is now available on JSTOR!




Historical Reflections/Reflexions Historiques


HRRH has established a well-deserved reputation for publishing high quality articles of wide-ranging interest for over forty years. The journal, which publishes articles in both English and French, is committed to exploring history in an interdisciplinary framework and with a comparative focus. Historical approaches to art, literature, and the social sciences; the history of mentalities and intellectual movements; the terrain where religion and history meet: these are the subjects to which Historical Reflections/Réflexions Historiques is devoted.