Visit Berghahn Books at the RAI Conference 2018!

We are delighted to inform you that we will be present at the RAI – Art, Materiality, Representation conference at the British Museum, London, June 1-3, 2018. Please stop by our table to browse the latest selection of books at discounted prices & pick up some free journal samples.


If you are unable to attend, we would like to provide you with a special discount offer. For the next 30 days, receive a 25% discount on all titles listed below. At checkout, simply enter the discount code RAI18.

Visit our website­ to browse our newly published interactive online Anthropology and Sociology Catalog or use the new enhanced subject searching features­ for a complete listing of all published and forthcoming titles.

Here is a preview of some of our newest releases on display:


Waiting for Elijah: Time and Encounter in a Bosnian LandscapeWAITING FOR ELIJAH

Time and Encounter in a Bosnian Landscape

Safet HadžiMuhamedović

NEW SERIES: Volume 1, Articulating Journeys: Festivals, Memorials, and Homecomings


Waiting for Elijah is an intimate portrait of time-reckoning, syncretism, and proximity in one of the world’s most polarized landscapes, the Bosnian Field of Gacko.

Read Introduction

Heading for the Scene of the Crash: The Cultural Analysis of AmericaHEADING FOR THE SCENE OF THE CRASH

The Cultural Analysis of America

Lee Drummond

Volume 3, Loose Can(n)ons


This collection of essays aims to refashion cultural analysis into a hard-edged tool for the study of American society and culture, addressing topics including the 9/11 terrorist attacks, abortion, sports doping, and the Jonestown massacre-suicides.

Read Introduction

Animism beyond the Soul: Ontology, Reflexivity, and the Making of Anthropological KnowledgeIn Paperback!


Ontology, Reflexivity, and the Making of Anthropological Knowledge

Edited by Katherine Swancutt and Mireille Mazard

Volume 6, Studies in Social Analysis


The contributors to this volume offer compelling case studies that demonstrate how indigenous animistic practices, concepts, traditions, and ontologies are co-authored in highly reflexive ways by anthropologists and their interlocutors.

Read Introduction: Anthropological Knowledge Making, the Reflexive Feedback Loop, and Conceptualizations of the Soul

Contemporary Pagan and Native Faith Movements in Europe: Colonialist and Nationalist ImpulsesNew in Paperback!


Colonialist and Nationalist Impulses

Edited by Kathryn Rountree

Volume 26, EASA Series


“The reviewed book presents an outstanding effort in researching contemporary Paganism and Native Faith movements in Europe nowadays.”Pantheon Journal

Read Introduction: Context is Everything: Plurality and Paradox in Contemporary European Paganisms



Extraordinary Encounters: Authenticity and the InterviewNew in Paperback!


Authenticity and the Interview

Edited by Katherine Smith, James Staples and Nigel Rapport

Volume 28, Methodology & History in Anthropology


“…a diverse group of scholars who have a broad range of experience as ethnographers and whose work with interviews, life stories and biography highlight the extraordinariness of social encounters.” · Tamara Kohn, University of Melbourne

Read Introduction: The Interview as Analytical Category

Tourism and Informal Encounters in CubaNew in Paperback!


Valerio Simoni

Foreword by Nelson Graburn

Volume 38, New Directions in Anthropology


“Simoni’s work represents a valuable contribution to a better understanding of the role of tourism in contemporary Cuban society. Particularly noteworthy is the quality of his ethnographic work.”Mondes du Tourisme

Read Introduction: Relating through Tourism

The Witness as Object: Video Testimony in Memorial MuseumsTHE WITNESS AS OBJECT

Video Testimony in Memorial Museums

Steffi de Jong

Volume 10, Museums and Collections

1200px-Open_Access_logo_PLoS_white.svg Full Text (Open Access)


With a focus on Holocaust museums, this study scrutinizes for the first time the new global phenomenon of the “musealization” of the witness to history, exploring the processes, prerequisites, and consequences of the transformation of video testimonies into exhibits.

This edition is supported by Knowledge Unlatched. Full Text.

Visitors to the House of Memory: Identity and Political Education at the Jewish Museum BerlinVISITORS TO THE HOUSE OF MEMORY

Identity and Political Education at the Jewish Museum Berlin

Victoria Bishop Kendzia

Volume 9, Museums and Collections


Visitors to the House of Memory is an intimate exploration of how young Berliners experience the Museum. How do modern students relate to the museum’s evocative architecture, its cultural-political context, and its narrative of Jewish history?

Read Introduction

Yearnings in the Meantime: 'Normal Lives' and the State in a Sarajevo Apartment ComplexNow in Paperback!


‘Normal Lives’ and the State in a Sarajevo Apartment Complex

Stef Jansen

Volume 15, Disclocations


“This is an impressive, exceptionally intelligent book that offers many productive starting points for the anthropological discussion of the conditions of ‘hope’, of statehood, of the transformation of contemporary Europe as well as of the fundamental question about the relationship between everyday life and the political.” · H-Soz-Kult

Read Introduction: [or, Towards an Anthropology of Shared Concerns]

Our Common Denominator: Human Universals RevisitedNow in Paperback!


Human Universals Revisited

Christoph Antweiler

Translated from the German by Diane Kerns


“Antweiler’s is a quite meticulous and lucid study of human universals in the discipline of anthropology after more than a century of neglect in favor of the particularistic, relativist study of human cultures through the method of ethnography. His review is comprehensive and searching.”Choice

Read Introduction

Returning Life: Language, Life Force and History in KilimanjaroRETURNING LIFE

Language, Life Force and History in Kilimanjaro

Knut Christian Myhre

Volume 32, Methodology & History in Anthropology


As this vivid ethnography explores how life projects through beings of different kinds, it brings to life concepts and practices that extend through time and space, transcending established analytics.

Read Introduction

Singing Ideas: Performance, Politics and Oral PoetrySINGING IDEAS

Performance, Politics and Oral Poetry

Tríona Ní Shíocháin

Volume 12, Dance and Performance Studies


This provocative and richly theorized study explores the re-creative, liminal aspect of song, treating it as a performative social process that cuts to the very root of identity and thought formation, thus re-imagining the history of ideas in society.

Berghahn Journals


Museum WorldsMuseum Worlds

Advances in Research


Museum Worlds is a multidisciplinary, refereed, annual journal that publishes work that significantly advances knowledge of global trends, case studies, and theory relevant to museum practice and scholarship around the world.

Featured Article: Decolonizing Research, Cosmo-optimistic Collaboration?: Making Object Biographies

Visit the Museum Worlds Companion site!

Of Related Interest


Anthropology of the Middle East

Featured Article: Hope and Sorrow of Displacement: Diasporic Art and Finding Home in Exile



The International Journal of Travel and Travel Writing

Special Issue: A Journey to Australia


Religion and Society

Advances in Research

Current Volume:

Volume 8 (Religions, Histories, and Comparisons)



Interdisciplinary Journal of Siberian Studies

Featured Article: Eskimo Art Prototypes in the Chinese Neolithic: A Comparison of Okvik/Old Bering Sea and Liangzhu Ritual Art


Social Analysis

The International Journal of Anthropology

Free Access: What Is Analysis?: Between Theory, Ethnography, and Method



Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies

Featured Article: Mobilizing a “Spiritual Geography” The Art and Child Artists of the Carrolup Native School and Settlement, Western Australia


View our full collection in the 2018 Anthropology Catalog!


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