Visit Berghahn Books at EASA 2018!

EASA LogoWe are delighted to inform you that we will be present at the 15th EASA Biennial Conference at Stockholm University, Sweden, August 14-17, 2018. Please stop by our table to browse the latest selection of books at discounted prices & pick up some free journal samples.

Come along to our stand at 16.30 on Thursday 16th for our traditional Berghahn Books reception with wine and nibbles! We will be celebrating a number of newly published titles!

If you are unable to attend the conference, we would like to provide you with a special discount offer. For the next 30 days, receive a 25% discount on all titles listed below. At checkout, simply enter the discount code EASA18.

We are also offering free access to the entire Berghahn Journals Anthropology Collection for the month of August. Scroll down to Journals section for details.

We hope to see you in Stockholm!

Latest from EASA Series:



Volume 35

Placemaking in a World of Movement
Annika Lems


Through their experiences of displacement and placemaking, Being-Here examines the figure of the refugee as a metaphor for societal alienation and estrangement, and moves anthropological theory towards a new understanding of the crucial existential links between Sein (Being) and Da (Here).

Read Introduction: Greeting Xamar

Experimental CollaborationsVolume 34

Ethnography through Fieldwork Devices
Edited by Adolfo Estalella and Tomás Sánchez Criado


Grounded in a series of diverse ethnographic projects in Africa, America and Europe, Experimental Collaborations attempts to expand our ethnographic repertoire of fieldwork devices. The titular concept signals a descriptive account of certain forms of ethnographic engagement, and a research and pedagogic program to intervene in current forms of ethnographic practice and learning.

Read Introduction: Experimental Collaborations

Back to the Postindustrial FutureVolume 33

An Ethnography of Germany’s Fastest-Shrinking City
Felix Ringel


“[Ringel’s] book masterfully captures the tension in Hoyerswerda residents’ lives as they navigate the interplay between their socialist pasts, their evolving postsocialist presents, and their potential postindustrial futures.”EuropeNow

Read Introduction: Anthropology and the Future: Notes from a Shrinking Fieldsite

Messy EuropeVolume 32

Crisis, Race, and Nation-State in a Postcolonial World
Edited by Kristín Loftsdóttir, Andrea L. Smith, and Brigitte Hipfl


Using the economic crisis as a starting point, Messy Europe offers a critical new look at the issues of race, gender, and national understandings of self and other in contemporary Europe. It highlights and challenges historical associations of Europe with whiteness and modern civilization, and asks how these associations are re-envisioned, re-inscribed, or contested in an era characterized by crises of different kinds.

Read Introduction

World Heritage on the Ground: Ethnographic PerspectivesVolume 28 – NEW IN PAPERBACK

Ethnographic Perspectives
Edited by Christoph Brumann and David Berliner


“The anthology presents case studies not only useful for furthering the field of heritage studies, but also for opening up the field of heritage to the anthropology of international institutions.”Heritage & Society

Read Introduction: UNESCO World Heritage – Grounded?

Contemporary Pagan and Native Faith Movements in Europe: Colonialist and Nationalist ImpulsesVolume 26 – NEW IN PAPERBACK

Colonialist and Nationalist Impulses
Edited by Kathryn Rountree


“All in all, this book is of undoubted value to scholars of contemporary Pagan studies, helping to reveal a wide array of previously unknown case studies. Other scholars of religious studies with a particular interest in nationality and national identity may also find much to intrigue them here.”Nova Religio

Read Introduction: Context is Everything: Plurality and Paradox in Contemporary European Paganisms

For full list of titles in the series please visit EASA Series webpage.

Newly Published


Travelling with the Argonauts: Informal Networks Seen without a Vertical LensTRAVELLING WITH THE ARGONAUTS
Informal Networks Seen without a Vertical Lens
Małgorzata Irek


Drawing on rich ethnographic materials from longitudinal fieldwork on informal trading routes across Europe, Travelling with the Argonauts offers a new perspective in the research of the social space, reflecting on how best to investigate amorphous social phenomena, such as informal networks.

Read Introduction


Hierarchy and Value: Comparative Perspectives on Moral OrderHIERARCHY AND VALUE
Comparative Perspectives on Moral Order
Edited by Jason Hickel and Naomi Haynes

Volume 7, Studies in Social Analysis


Globalization promised to bring about a golden age of liberal individualism, breaking down hierarchies of kinship, caste, and gender around the world and freeing people to express their true, authentic agency. But in some places globalization has spurred the emergence of new forms of hierarchy—or the reemergence of old forms—as people try to reconstitute an imagined past of stable moral order. Why does this happen and how do we make sense of this phenomenon? Why do some communities see hierarchy as desirable? In this book, leading anthropologists draw on insightful ethnographic case studies from around the world to address these trends.

Read Introduction: Hierarchy and Value


Animism beyond the Soul: Ontology, Reflexivity, and the Making of Anthropological KnowledgeANIMISM BEYOND THE SOUL
Ontology, Reflexivity, and the Making of Anthropological Knowledge
Edited by Katherine Swancutt and Mireille Mazard

Volume 6, Studies in Social Analysis


How might we envision animism through the lens of the ‘anthropology of anthropology’? The contributors to this volume offer compelling case studies that demonstrate how indigenous animistic practices, concepts, traditions, and ontologies are co-authored in highly reflexive ways by anthropologists and their interlocutors.

Read Introduction: Anthropological Knowledge Making, the Reflexive Feedback Loop, and Conceptualizations of the Soul


Momentous Mobilities: Anthropological Musings on the Meanings of TravelMOMENTOUS MOBILITIES
Anthropological Musings on the Meanings of Travel
Noel B. Salazar

Volume 4, Worlds in Motion


Grounded in scholarly analysis and personal reflection, and drawing on a multi-sited and multi-method research design, Momentous Mobilities disentangles the meanings attached to temporary travels and stays abroad and offers empirical evidence as well as novel theoretical arguments to develop an anthropology of mobility.

Read Introduction: Mapping Mobility


Intimate Mobilities: Sexual Economies, Marriage and Migration in a Disparate WorldINTIMATE MOBILITIES
Sexual Economies, Marriage and Migration in a Disparate World
Edited by Christian Groes and Nadine T. Fernandez

Volume 3, Worlds in Motion


As globalization and transnational encounters intensify, people’s mobility is increasingly conditioned by intimacy, ranging from love, desire, and sexual liaisons to broader family, kinship, and conjugal matters. This book explores the entanglement of mobility and intimacy in various configurations throughout the world.

Read Introduction: Intimate Mobilities and Mobile Intimacies


Worldwide Mobilizations: Class Struggles and Urban CommoningWORLDWIDE MOBILIZATIONS
Class Struggles and Urban Commoning
Edited by Don Kalb and Massimiliano Mollona

Volume 24, Dislocations


The book examines cases of mobilization across the globe, and employs a Marxian class framework, open to the diverse and multi-scalar dynamics of urban politics, especially struggles for spatial justice.

Read Introduction: Introductory Thoughts on Anthropology and Urban Insurrection


Pilgrimage and Political Economy: Translating the SacredPILGRIMAGE AND POLITICAL ECONOMY
Translating the Sacred
Edited by Simon Coleman and John Eade


This volume explores how wider factors behind transnational and global mobility have impacted on pilgrimage activity across the world, and examines the ways in which pilgrimage relates to migration, diaspora, and political cooperation or conflict across nation-states.

Read Introduction: Pilgrimage and Political Economy: Introduction to a Research Agenda


The Global Life of Austerity: Comparing Beyond EuropeTHE GLOBAL LIFE OF AUSTERITY
Comparing Beyond Europe
Edited by Theodoros Rakopoulos

Volume 17, Critical Interventions


Using historical analysis and ethnographically-grounded research, this volume shows the similarities of the European conundrum with realities outside Europe, seeing austerity in a non-Eurocentric fashion.

Read Introduction


Money at the Margins: Global Perspectives on Technology, Financial Inclusion, and DesignMONEY AT THE MARGINS
Global Perspectives on Technology, Financial Inclusion, and Design
Edited by Bill Maurer, Smoki Musaraj, and Ivan Small

Volume 6, The Human Economy


“This very important collection adds unique ethnographic case studies from a wide variety of geographic contexts to the growing literature on financial inclusion.” · Anke Schwittay, University of Sussex

Read Introduction: Money and Finance at the Margins


The Experience of Neoliberal EducationTHE EXPERIENCE OF NEOLIBERAL EDUCATION
Edited by Bonnie Urciuoli

Volume 4, Higher Education in Critical Perspective


The college experience is increasingly positioned to demonstrate its value as a worthwhile return on investment. Specific, definable activities, such as research experience, first-year experience, and experiential learning, are marketed as delivering precise skill sets in the form of an individual educational package.

Read Introduction: Neoliberalizing Undergraduate Experience



Migration by Boat: Discourses of Trauma, Exclusion and SurvivalMIGRATION BY BOAT
Discourses of Trauma, Exclusion and Survival
Edited by Lynda Mannik

Volume 35, Forced Migration


“This impressive collection of essays, centred on migration, borders, identities, and humanitarian ideals is both theoretically astute and ethnographically rich. Each contribution is solid and together they challenge readers to rethink the politics of migration.” · Refuge

Read Introduction


The Agendas of Tibetan Refugees: Survival Strategies of a Government-in-Exile in a World of International OrganizationsTHE AGENDAS OF TIBETAN REFUGEES
Survival Strategies of a Government-in-Exile in a World of International Organizations
Thomas Kauffmann

Volume 33, Forced Migration


This book shows and discusses how Tibetan refugees continue to attract resources, due, notably, to the dissemination of their political and religious agendas, as well as how a movement of Western supporters, born in very different conditions, guaranteed a unique relationship with these refugees.

Read Introduction


Bush Bound: Young Men and Rural Permanence in Migrant West AfricaBUSH BOUND
Young Men and Rural Permanence in Migrant West Africa
Paolo Gaibazzi


“[Gaibazzi’s] research achieves a level of analytic clarity that should excite scholars of the contemporary realities of West Africa. With displaced peoples globally reaching numbers not seen since World War II, this contribution is both timely and critical.” · American Ethnologist

Read Introduction


Creating a New Public University and Reviving Democracy: Action Research in Higher EducationCREATING A NEW PUBLIC UNIVERSITY AND REVIVING DEMOCRACY
Action Research in Higher Education
Morten Levin and Davydd J. Greenwood

Volume 2, Higher Education in Critical Perspective


“This is a fascinating take on public higher education policy that will likely intrigue readers with varied backgrounds and opinions about the interaction of public education, economics and socio-political ideas.” · Comparative Education Review

Read Introduction: Democracy and Public Universities



journalsTo recognize the importance of the discipline, we are delighted to offer FREE ACCESS to our complete Anthropology collection* for the month of August! To access all the journals in the collection, login through our website and use the code EASA2018 (valid through August 31, 2018).


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Journal of Legal AnthropologyNEW in 2018!

Journal of Legal Anthropology

Editor: Narmala Halstead, University of Sussex


The Journal of Legal Anthropology (JLA) is a peer-reviewed journal committed to anthropological understandings of socio-legal and cultural encounters. The journal develops ethnographic and theoretical approaches to a wide range of issues that reveal the significance and presence of legal phenomena in everyday life.


Migration and SocietyNEW in 2018

Migration and Society

Advances in Research

Editors: Mette Louise Berg, University College London

Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, University College London
Migration and Society addresses both dynamics and drivers of migration; processes of settlement and integration; and transnational practices and diaspora formation. The journal publishes theoretically informed and empirically based articles of the highest quality, especially encouraging work that interrogates and transcends the boundaries between the social sciences and the arts and humanities.


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