Visit Berghahn at the UK African Studies Association Conference

African Cat


We are delighted to inform you that Berghahn titles will be present at the 2018 UK African Studies Association Conference at the University of Birmingham from September 11-13 2018. Please stop by our table to browse the latest selection of books at discounted prices & pick up some free journal samples.


If you are unable to attend, and in celebration of the New Academic Year, we would like to provide you with a special 50% discount offer on all African Studies titles. Use discount code AFR18, valid through September 30th, 2018.



Urban Dreams: Transformations of Family Life in Burkina FasoURBAN DREAMS
Transformations of Family Life in Burkina Faso
Claudia Roth†
Edited by Willemijn de Jong, Manfred Perlik, Noemi Steuer, and Heinzpeter Znoj


Claudia Roth’s work on Bobo-Dioulasso, a city of half a million residents in Burkina Faso, provides uniquely detailed insight into the evolving life-world of a West African urban population in one of the poorest countries in the world. Closely documenting the livelihood strategies of members of various neighbourhoods, Roth’s work calls into question established notions of “the African family” as a solidary network, documents changing marriage and kinship relations under the impact of a persistent economic crisis, and explores the increasingly precarious social status of young women and men.

Read Introduction: Claudia Roth’s Work on Bobo-Dioulasso in Burkina Faso


The Wheel of Autonomy: Rhetoric and Ethnicity in the Omo ValleyTHE WHEEL OF AUTONOMY
Rhetoric and Ethnicity in the Omo Valley
Felix Girke

Volume 18, Integration and Conflict Studies


Through the theoretical lens of rhetoric, this book offers an interactionalist analysis of how the Kara – a small population in southern Ethiopia – negotiate ethnic and non-ethnic differences among themselves, the relations with their various neighbors, and eventually their integration in the Ethiopian state.

Read Introduction: How Do They Do It?


A Creole Nation: National Integration in Guinea-BissauA CREOLE NATION
National Integration in Guinea-Bissau
Christoph Kohl


By examining both contemporary and historical perspectives, A Creole Nation explores how creole identity, culture, and political leaders have influenced postcolonial nation-building processes in Guinea-Bissau, and the ways in which the phenomenon of cultural creolization results in the emergence of new identities.

Read Introduction


Children of the Camp: The Lives of Somali Youth Raised in Kakuma Refugee Camp, KenyaCHILDREN OF THE CAMP
The Lives of Somali Youth Raised in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya
Catherine-Lune Grayson


Based on in-depth fieldwork, this book explores the experience of Somalis who grew up in Kakuma refugee camp, in Kenya, and are now young adults. This original study carefully considers how young people perceive their living environment and how growing up in exile structures their view of the past and their country of origin, and the future and its possibilities.

Read Introduction


New in Paperback:


Making <i>Ubumwe</i>: Power, State and Camps in Rwanda's Unity-Building ProjectFINALIST FOR THE AFRICAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION 2016 BETHWELL A. OGOT BOOK PRIZE

Power, State and Camps in Rwanda’s Unity-Building Project
Andrea Purdeková

Volume 34, Forced Migration


“This is a book that deserves to be widely read. [It] will appeal to both Rwanda and African Studies scholars and is a must-read for graduate students preparing to do fieldwork in Rwanda. Scholars working in development studies, peace and conflict studies, comparative politics and cultural anthropology will be rewarded for a careful read.”Journal of Modern African Studies



Doing Conceptual History in AfricaREVISED EDITION

Edited by Axel Fleisch and Rhiannon Stephens

Volume 25, Making Sense of History


“The volume offers conceptual historians of other world regions a rich trove of new sources and methods (rituals, historical linguistics, proverbs, songs, and patterns in the combination of lexical items, to name a few) for doing conceptual history in areas and for time periods for which we have few written records.”The International Journal of African Historical Studies

Read Introduction: Theories and Methods of African Conceptual History


Bush Bound: Young Men and Rural Permanence in Migrant West AfricaBUSH BOUND
Young Men and Rural Permanence in Migrant West Africa
Paolo Gaibazzi


“At a macro-micro level, this timely book exposes global transformations found in current globalist market economy and sheds light on the influences on these transformations as actualized at local level.” · Anthropology Book Forum

Read Introduction



Healing Roots: Anthropology in Life and MedicineHEALING ROOTS
Anthropology in Life and Medicine
Julie Laplante

Volume 15, Epistemologies of Healing


Healing Roots should be compulsory reading for students of pharmacology in Africa. That statement summarizes the wealth of information and in-depth analysis contained in a book that set out to, and succeeded in articulating the dissonance that exists in attempts to validate indigenous medicine using completely alien and super-imposed standards.” African Studies Quarterly

Read Introduction: Tracing the Preclinical Trial of an Indigenous Plant


Who Knows Tomorrow?: Uncertainty in North-Eastern SudanForthcoming in Paperback

Uncertainty in North-Eastern Sudan
Sandra Calkins


“… [The text] is distinctly original in the way the research was carried out, and in its focus on the experience of uncertainty: not an easy thing to do and quite a challenge to social anthropology.”Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute

Read Introduction: Taming Unknowns in Sudan

Berghahn Journals



A Journal of Social and Political Theory


Theoria’s purpose is to address, through academic debate, the many challenges posed by the major social, political and economic forces that shape the contemporary world, especially but not only with regard to Africa, the global South, and their relations with the global North.

Special Issue: Issue 153: ‘Pan Africanism and African Nationalism’


Conflict and SocietyConflict and Society

Advances in Research


Conflict and Society expands the field of conflict studies by using ethnographic inquiry to establish new fields of research and interdisciplinary collaboration.

Featured Article: “Eyes, Ears, and Wheels”: Policing Partnerships in Nairobi, Kenya



The Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Protest


Contention is dedicated to research on social protest, collective action and contentious politics. As a multidisciplinary journal, Contention’s mission is to bridge scholarly divides and promote knowledge exchange across a diverse audience of scholars in the social sciences and humanities.

Featured Article: The Amāra on the Square: Connective Agency and the Aesthetics of the Egyptian Revolution


Democratic TheoryDemocratic Theory

An Interdisciplinary Journal


For too long, the discourse of democracy has been colonized and predetermined by the West. Now more than ever there is a need to globalize-and by extension democratize-how we think about democracy: Democratic Theory provides the means for these essential debates to germinate and develop.

Featured Article: Democratic Theory: The South African Crucible


Regions and CohesionRegions and Cohesion

Regiones y Cohesión / Régions et Cohésion

The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles on the human and environmental impacts of regional integration processes. It disseminates conceptual and empirical research (articles) and normative analysis (Leadership Forum) of topics related to human and environmental security, social cohesion, and governance.

Featured Article: Human rights-based service delivery: Assessing the role of national human rights institutions in democracy and development in Ghana and Uganda


Religion and SocietyReligion and Society

Advances in Research


Religion and Society responds to the need for a rigorous, in-depth review of current work in the expanding sub-discipline of the anthropology of religion.

Featured Article: The Precarious Center: Religious Leadership among African Christians


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