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Tag Archives: vienna


BROWSE THIS MONTH’S NEW BOOKS & JOURNALS We’re delighted to offer a selection of latest releases from our core subjects of Anthropology, Archaeology, Cultural Studies, and History along with our new in paperback titles and new Berghahn journal issues published in September.

Vienna, Dream City within a ‘Paradoxical Republic’

For the next three weeks, New York City will resonate with the energy of Austria. Vienna: City of Dreams will feature a slate of events presented by Carnegie Hall. Capping the festival will be symphony performances of the Vienna Philharmonic, an orchestra which has been celebrated since its first concert in 1842. This arrangement of […]

Viennese Modernism from an Interdisciplinary Perspective

The Viennese Café and Fin-de-Siècle Culture was published in January 2013 by Berghahn Books. In the statement below, the editors explain the rationale for the collection. 

Will “the real Vienna” please stand up?

Anne Marie Scholz’s From Fidelity to History: Film Adaptations as Cultural Events was published by Berghahn Books in April 2013. In what follows, Scholz discusses the experience of touring Vienna and seeing parts of the city made famous by The Third Man.  _____________________________ The still on the cover of my book—from the 1949 British/U.S. co-production The Third […]

Interview with the Author – Britta McEwen, author of Sexual Knowledge: Feeling, Fact, and Social Reform in Vienna, 1900-1934

Britta McEwen is author of Sexual Knowledge: Feeling, Fact, and Social Reform in Vienna, 1900-1934, published earlier this year by Berghahn. Her work uncovers the transformation of sexual knowledge from the realm of specialized medical science to that of social reform for the wider populace. Here she discusses her work, some of the challenges she […]