Happy Birthday, Keith Hart!

22 June 2023 is Keith Hart’s 80th birthday and all at Berghahn wish him many happy returns of the day!

Keith Hart has edited, authored, or contributed to more than a dozen Berghahn titles, which is quite a record. He is also the founding editor of The Human Economy series, which has just published John D. Conroy’s Exchange and Markets in Early Economic Development.

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Freed from Fear and Sadness: The New Germany

Michael Meng and Adam R. Seipp

The writing of German history since 1945 has often, if not excessively, been shaped by critical and negative attitudes; or, as Baruch Spinoza would put it, by excessive fear and sadness in the face of human suffering. Ruination, mourning, absence, destruction, and failure are the leitmotifs of postwar German historiography. Amid this chorus of negativity, however, a few exceptions stand out. One of whom is our mentor, Konrad Jarausch, who over the past decade or so has written several books on Germany’s transformation into a rational democratic society––the very society that Spinoza suggests can achieve peace insofar as it frees people from the negative and divisive emotions of sadness and fear.

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The United Nations’ (UN) World Refugee Day is observed on June 20 each year. This event draws public’s attention to the millions of refugees and internally displaced persons worldwide who have been forced to flee their homes due to war, conflict and persecution. For more information please visit www.un.org.

This year Berghahn Books turns 25! To mark this important milestone, we are offering 25% off all books. For print titles, please add the coupon code BB25. For eBooks, the discount is automatic.

In addition, Berghahn Journals is offering FULL ACCESS to related articles until June 28. Scroll down for details.



Refugees Welcome?: Difference and Diversity in a Changing GermanyREFUGEES WELCOME?
Difference and Diversity in a Changing Germany
Edited by Jan-Jonathan Bock and Sharon Macdonald

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Visit Berghahn Books at LASA Conference


We are delighted to inform you that we will be present at the Latin American Studies Association Conference in Barcelona, Spain, May 23-26, 2018. Please stop by our table to browse the latest selection of books at discounted prices & pick up some free journal samples.


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Visit our website­ to browse our newly published interactive online Latin American Studies Catalog or use the new enhanced subject searching features­ for a complete listing of all published and forthcoming titles.


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Changes in the Uses and Meanings of Money

By Smoki Musaraj and Ivan Small


How we think about and what we think of as money is constantly changing. And in many cases, those changes are driven in locales that are not necessarily centers of global capital. Consider for the instance of the relatively recent introduction of “mobile money”. In 2007, the Kenyan mobile network operator, Safaricom, launched a mobile payment service named M-Pesa. The service enabled people with no bank accounts (and no access to bank branches) to send and receive money via their mobile phone. By 2011, the service had enlisted 17 million subscribers; by 2014, it was estimated to have double the number of people using formal financial services in Kenya (from 30 percent in 2006 to 65 percent in 2014); in 2018, Google Play started accepting payments via M-Pesa for apps bought online in Kenya. M-Pesa is routinely cast as a technological innovation from the postcolonial South that is ushering in a new wave of financial exclusion for the so-called “unbanked.” Over the last decade, leading international organizations such as The World Bank, government agencies such as USAID, industry trade bodies such as GSMA, and private philanthropic foundations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Mastercard Foundation have embraced (and are heavily investing in) mobile money and other electronic and digital financial instruments for the purpose of financial inclusion. The proliferation of mobile money in the global South and its embrace as a quick-fix to financial inclusion raises a number of questions of interest to scholars and policymakers of money and development: How, if at all, do new forms of money impact people’s everyday financial lives? How do these technologies intersect with other financial repertoires as well as other socio-cultural institutions? How do these technologies of financial inclusion shape the global politics and geographies of difference and inequality?


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We’re delighted to offer a selection of latest releases from our core subjects of Anthropology, Media StudiesHistory, and Refugee and Migration Studies, along with our New in Paperback titles.

The Men of the Wannsee Conference
Edited by Hans-Christian Jasch and Christoph Kreutzmüller
Translated from the German by Charlotte Kreutzmüller-Hughes and Jane Paulick

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