Berghahn will be at the German Studies Association 2018 Conference!

We are delighted to inform you that we will be attending the annual German Studies Association conference in Pittsburgh PA, on September 27th-30th, 2018. Please stop by our stand to browse our latest selection of books at discounted prices & pick up some free journal samples.


Berghahn Books is very pleased to invite you to a wine reception at the GSA co-hosted with the DEFA Film Library, University of Massachusetts Amherst. Please join us on Friday, September 28th from 5-6pm in the book exhibit area to celebrate the publication of SCREENED ENCOUNTERS: The Leipzig Documentary Film Festival, 1955-1990 by Caroline Moine, the first volume in our new Film and the Global Cold War series.


If you are unable to attend the conference, we would like to provide you with a special discount offer. In celebration of the New Academic Year, receive a 50% discount, until 30th September 2018  on all German Studies titles found on our website. At checkout, simply enter the discount code GSA18.

We are also offering FREE access to the journal, German Politics and Society until the end of the year! Please use code GSA18 and redeem here.


Browse our new 2018-19 German Studies Catalog online or visit our website for a complete listing of all published and forthcoming titles. Continue reading “Berghahn will be at the German Studies Association 2018 Conference!”

Visit Berghahn at the UK African Studies Association Conference

African Cat


We are delighted to inform you that Berghahn titles will be present at the 2018 UK African Studies Association Conference at the University of Birmingham from September 11-13 2018. Please stop by our table to browse the latest selection of books at discounted prices & pick up some free journal samples.


If you are unable to attend, and in celebration of the New Academic Year, we would like to provide you with a special 50% discount offer on all African Studies titles. Use discount code AFR18, valid through September 30th, 2018. Continue reading “Visit Berghahn at the UK African Studies Association Conference”